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朝鲜战争爆发后,作为美国在亚洲的"反共堡垒"和盟友,美国对韩国加大了经济、军事援助,竭力影响韩国的政治和经济,对韩国战后的经济、军事和政治发展进程产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
冷战是指第二次世界大战之后以苏联为首的社会主义阵营和以美国为首的资本主义阵营全面对抗的一种现象和一个特定的历史阶段,这种对抗除了直接的军事对峙之外,涉及政治、军事、经济和意识形态等等一切领域,是一种埋藏着战争危机的和平状态,也是一种以和平形态表现的战争.冷战结束,国际关系进入一个新时代,对美苏两国、两大阵营和整个世界带来了深刻的影响,同时也影响着中国在国际舞台上的地位和作用.  相似文献   
报告文学集《战斗在潴龙河畔》是20世纪三四十年代包括高阳在内的冀中人民战胜日本侵略者的真实记录.全书形象而生动地再现高阳人民在党的领导下,积极组织起来,开展人民战争,彻底打败日本侵略者这群凶恶残暴的"野猪"的可歌可泣的光辉历史.《战斗在潴龙河畔》不仅是对抗战胜利的最好纪念,也是今天保持共产党员先进性、弘扬先进文化、振奋民族精神的生动教材.  相似文献   
Due to the decision of the Soviet Union and nearly all of its East European satellites to withdraw from the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Games, the communist media provided audiences in the Soviet bloc with few reports on the sporting events in the Olympic city. When Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, broadcasters funded by the US government, attempted to fill this ‘information gap’ by beaming coverage of the Los Angeles Games behind the Iron Curtain, the Soviet Union protested to the International Olympic Committee. They claimed, with a mixture of fact and fiction, that the Radios were tools of the American intelligence establishment and accused them of broadcasting ‘subversive’ propaganda to Eastern Europe and the USSR. Stirred into action by this Soviet manoeuvre, leading spokesmen for the Radios were joined by government officials, private citizens, US Olympic Committee members and the American media in a concerted attempt not only to defend the work of the broadcasters, but also to secure their press accreditation for Los Angeles.  相似文献   
民本思想是《孙子兵法》重要的思想内核。孙子认为,人心是根本的战争力量,人心向背的关键取决于政权性质和战争性质,"令民与上同意"才能赢得战争胜利。这些思想在当今打赢战争、维护国家安全和发展利益方面具有重大的理论和现实价值。争夺民心成为当代战争较量的焦点,这就启示我们,要善于针对民众的特点,争取民心;要强化对人民的教育,加强与敌对势力对民心的争夺;人民军队要以人民为靠山,打胜仗。  相似文献   
《孙子兵法》强调后勤保障是决定战争胜败的物质基础。从《孙子兵法》后勤思想看,甲午中日战争北洋海军失败的原因与其后勤保障弊端有直接的关系,主要表现在缺乏海军后勤保障的战略眼光、舰船普遍严重失修、弹药质量差与配拨制度弊端等方面。北洋海军的后勤保障不力,既揭示了李鸿章等人不可推卸的统帅责任,又折射出清王朝的体制弊端与制度腐败。  相似文献   
借鉴和运用孙子战略思想,加强南海维权舆论斗争,以"上兵伐谋"思想为指导,加强舆论斗争的战略谋划;以"致人而不致于人"思想为指导,掌握舆论斗争的主动权;以"因利制权"思想为指导,灵活运用舆论斗争策略。  相似文献   
The Spanish Service was established in June 1939, two months after the end of the civil war in Spain and shortly before the start of the Second World War. Its implementation was strongly affected by these conflicts in the context of new international relations. Therefore, this study of the Spanish Service during 1939–1945 allows not only a better understanding of the communicational strategies developed by the BBC, but also of the complex Anglo-Spanish relations and the important role played by the Spanish-language broadcasts therein. The study is mainly based on archival documents from the National Archives in London and memoirs.  相似文献   
湘南起义是中国共产党在土地革命战争时期领导的规模最大、时间最长、人数最多的一次农村武装起义,在党史和军史上都占有非常重要的地位.在对湘南起义研究进行综述的基础上,开展与其他起义的比较研究,认为:湘南起义的地位应在广州起义之上.  相似文献   
唐代是孙子兵学发展的重要时期,孙子位居兵学"亚圣"地位,《孙子兵法》实际上被视为兵书之首,传承广泛,影响深远。唐人注解《孙子兵法》达到高峰,注本丰富,有注释,有阐发,多有创见。唐代孙子兵学私学色彩明显,出现家兵学现象,还融合儒家、道家等思想,萌生道兵家流派。  相似文献   
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