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李霞 《鸡西大学学报》2011,11(10):53-54
法官身份保障制度的目的在于解除法官的后顾之忧,使其免受外部干扰而依法行使职权。我国法官身份保障制度还存在明显的不足,表现为法官的职务极不稳定、辞退、免职的理由过宽、没有严格的法官弹劾程序以及缺乏必要的豁免权。为了保障法官独立行使职权,实现司法公正,我国必须建立完善法官身份保障制度。  相似文献   
王伊阳 《海外英语》2016,(15):228-231
In this paper,the author applies Jef Verschueren's Pragmatics as a Theory of Linguistic Adaptation as the theoretical basement.And the generation of code- switching is discussed under the guidance of Yu Guodong's Adaptation Model as well.Conclusions can be drawn as: teacher's English/Chinese codeswitching is an adaptation to linguistic reality,social conventions and teacher's psychological intentions,the first two being considered as passive switching and the last being active switching.Teacher's codeswitching as understanding-facilitating strategy forms the most important factor that triggers teacher's English/Chinese codeswitching.  相似文献   
如果说正义是人类道德交往的基本法则或者维度,那么这也似乎适用于一些教育问题。简而言之,我们需要教育孩子和年轻人正义和公平。然而,这并不是可以仅通过教授正义的理论就能够实现的。因为,正如这篇文章所揭示的那样,这些理论通常涉及到维护正义的准则,即在有些情况下,公民个体不能总是做到如其所期待的那样正义与公平。所以,正义教育更多的是培养正义的美德。从这点出发,本文致力于探究如何借助富有想象力的文学作品来培养正义的美德。  相似文献   
审视近年来不断披露的冤假错案,不难发现任何一起冤假错案的形成都不是偶然的,而是各种因素合力作用的结果,尤其是应当对冤假错案的发生起着重要防范作用的审判环节,却因未能将程序公正的价值根植于法官内心,导致疑罪从无、非法证据排除、审判依法独立等原则在具体的审判实践中无法实现,是一批冤假错案发生的主要根源。需要坚持疑罪从无、非法证据排除、依法独立行使审判权三大原则,以求将冤假错案的发生率控制在最低的限度内。  相似文献   
十八大指出全面推进依法治国建设,注重司法人权保障成为刑事诉讼法的重要内容之一,非法证据排除规则正是在这一理念指引下产生,本文针对我国目前非法证据排除规则中的一些疑难问题进行解析,指出我国目前存在的不足之处以及未来完善之构想。  相似文献   
律师年检制度是一项合法的制度,正确认识其优点,从完善律协的自治权,年检权力交于律协,取消律师会员会费、区别收取律所会费,建立律师执业登记制度四个方面完善我国律师年检制度,更好地发挥律师年检制度应有的作用。  相似文献   
我国社会主义经济的快速发展给国家带来了强盛和人民生活水平的大幅度提高,与此同时贫富两极分化也日趋严重。借鉴国外发达国家经验,在社会保障方面,从我国的实际出发,基于立法、税收、保险、社会救助和社会公益等方面提出可行性的建议。尤其在缩小贫富差距方面,提出政府要加大对经济落后地区的投入和扶持,同时要打破行业垄断,建立健全劳动力市场的就业平台,对低收入家庭加大帮扶的力度。从而缩小贫富差距,促进社会的公平与和谐,实现伟大的中国梦。  相似文献   
Many young people in the youth justice system in England and Wales are educationally marginalised and systemic barriers to their engagement with education persist. This article presents an analytical framework for understanding how education and youth justice practices shape young people's educational pathways during their time in the youth justice system with the aim of understanding the systemic dynamics that encourage or impede young people's engagement with education. It draws on data from a case study of 32 young people who were serving either a community or a custodial sentence under the supervision of one youth offending team in England and Wales. Using as analytical starting points Bourdieu's and Wacquant's conceptualisations of competing dynamics within the ‘bureaucratic field’ of state governance and Hodkinson's careership theory, this article discusses the interplay between exclusionary and inclusionary interests operating within and between the agencies of education and youth justice and the extent to which they play a role in sustaining young people's involvement in education or compounding their educational and social marginalisation.  相似文献   
Sherlock Holmes is the fictional creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In The Adventure of the Speckled Band, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has succeeded in creating the image of Sherlock Holmes. He is not only...  相似文献   
《职业技能提升行动方案(2019-2021)》的颁布及实践,进一步明确了职业技能培训是职业院校实践职业教育的应有之义。对职业院校实践职业技能培训过程中的要素协同之困和参与主体的实践路径选择的路径离散之困的认知与克服,是职业院校提升职业技能培训能力的关键所在。  相似文献   
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