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This article critically assesses the policy orientation, social impacts, and linkages of telecommunications in the United States within a government deregulated policy environment and an increasingly globalized economy. Deregulation has been driven by both ideological and technological demands, stemming from several political and economic transformations in the world economy, the collapse of state socialism in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, and greater oligopolistic competition among transnational corporations. An expanded infrastructure of new digital information and communications technology (ICT) is the foundation of a worldwide political economic regime of accumulation. ICT increases command and control capabilities of large corporations, together with the mobility and liquidity of capital, making it essential to the restructuring of the world economy, the new international division of labor, and the creation of global "information city" networks. At the same time, government deregulation and rapid technological change are associated with a number of spatial, economic, and social dualisms.  相似文献   
海南各市县旅游竞争力发展水平不均衡。准确分析各市县旅游竞争力水平,找准影响旅游竞争力的关键因素,对提高海南整体旅游竞争力,推动国际旅游岛建设大有裨益。采用主成分分析法与聚类分析法,对海南各市县旅游竞争力进行综合评价,并针对评价结果提出建议:各市县找准定位;与产业发展战略全面对接;提高旅游接待能力;加强薄弱环节能力建设;全面提升海南旅游竞争力。  相似文献   
《成都市区(市)县推进教育国际化工作评价指标体系》是在适应成都市城市国际化发展需要的背景下,通过顶层设计,落实《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》要求,经过长时间理论和实践论证而制定的,通过政策手段推动教育国际化发展的有益尝试。对其研制的背景、指导思想和主要特点的深入分析,有助于全面理解和准确把握推进区域教育国际化的思路和路径。  相似文献   
11世纪随着西欧社会生产力的发展和经济的复苏,城市开始复兴建立。但西欧中世纪城市兴建于教俗封建主的领地上,封建主为了自身政治、经济、军事的需要支持参与了城市的兴建活动。对城市的产生发展起了积极的促进作用。  相似文献   
城镇是区域的核心,区域是城镇发展的地理基础。由于城镇发展水平低,规模小,职能分工不明确,空间布局散乱,致使以畜牧、旅游、水电、藏医药等为主的甘南州特色经济难以发挥其优势。要将资源优势转化为经济优势,提高资源的开发利用价值和产品的市场竞争能力,则必须通过合理的地域分工来推动城乡互动机制的建立,发挥城镇的核心作用,充分利用城镇的服务功能,为特色经济的发展提供有效的服务。通过城镇的对外联系功能,形成与周边地区相呼应的关系,诱导工业生产要素向本区流动。  相似文献   
With increasing immigration in European cities, questions surrounding social inclusion and exclusion rise. Although research has often analyzed how the size of the immigrant population in a country or a neighborhood relates to perceptions of safety (even though there is no demonstrated link between immigration and crime), research has not analyzed the presence of immigrants in the wider city, despite the fact that cities are highly diverse places that comprise the daily rounds of most residents. In our study, we analyze how the size of the non-EU immigrant population in a city is linked with how Europeans perceive safety in their neighborhood and their city. Using a survey of approximately 28,000 Europeans from 63 cities in 25 countries, our multilevel binary logistic regression analyses show three primary findings. First, urban Europeans on average feel more unsafe in their cities than their neighborhoods. Second, city-level percentage non-EU born is important only in conjunction with a moderator: city population size. We find that respondents feel more unsafe in cities with more non-EU immigrants in less populous cities, but in more populous cities respondents feel safer in cities with more non-EU immigrants. Third, in an analysis of subset of cities for which crime data were available, the second finding holds when controlling for homicide rates. Our conclusions connect how cities can be an important scale to understand links between immigration and fear of crime.  相似文献   
清代"伊犁九城"主要包括惠远老城(后废弃,迁新址,名惠远新城)、惠宁城、塔勒奇城、绥定城、广仁城、瞻德城、拱宸城、宁远城、熙春城等城址。本文通过区域性的系统调查和考古勘探,结合CORONA卫星影像,基本复原了伊犁九城的建制,补充文献所述及前人研究之不足。伊犁九城总体保存情况较差,但部分遗迹尚存,其中北墙保存情况相对较好。伊犁九城具有较为鲜明的统一性、层级性、联合性等特点。统一性主要体现在方形形制以及城内十字干道的结构布局,还体现在其军事驻防属性上;层级性是在城址规模、建筑上呈现出来;联合性表现为九城之间有隶属关系,在战略上互为掎角之势,形成防御体系。伊犁九城防御体系形成了"双核"的布局模式。  相似文献   
2013年10月“首届国际学习型城市大会”在北京隆重召开。102个国家的500多名代表一致通过了《建设学习型城市北京宣言》。其中有十二项承诺,而第一承诺便是“EmpoweringIndividu~sandPromotingSoci~Cohesion”(促进个体赋权增能和增强社会凝聚)。何谓“赋权增能”和“社会凝聚”不能从简单的汉译来理解,需从词源来准确辨析,更需要从政治学、社会学、法学、心理学等角度领略其深刻的内涵。“赋权增能”与“社会凝聚”有密切的内在联系,其指向目标、目的、效能等核心价值构成完整体系。学习型城市建设与“赋权增能”和“社会凝聚”有着高度的重要关联。在改革开放的今天,践履“第一承诺”已经成为我国唯一选择。怎样践履这一庄严承诺,《北京宣言》指出了基本路向,在表达教育机会、基本能力、社会参与、性别平等、贫富差距、社区建设等兑现承诺的特定语境中。充分揭示了《北京宣言》将“赋权增能”、“社会凝聚”作为第一承诺的理由和重要意义。这应是对《北京宣言》第一承诺的完整理解。  相似文献   
职业院校的建设发展离不开良好的办学环境,良好的办学环境需要职业院校在新的形势下创新体制机制。地处非中心城市的高职院校面对区位劣势和环境限制,如何寻求办学新途径,实现创新和突破,是非中心城市高职院校普通关注的共同课题。本文通过四川职业技术学院的体制机制创新实践,为同级同类高职院校的创新发展提供范例和指导。  相似文献   
选取关中地区历史时期典型的缺水型中小城市永寿县为个案,探讨其城市供水的困境与解决途径.通过史籍复原了永寿县城市供水的多种途径,包括迁移县治、凿井、饮用窖水、远距离汲水和引泉入城等五种方式.认为历史上中小城市供水的多种途径对今后干旱、半干旱地区中小城市供水危机解决的可能性与多重选择仍有着重要的借鉴意义,这就是充分尊重和利用城市周边的天然禀赋,寻求最佳的供水模式,而不能仅仅偏重于某一种方式.  相似文献   
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