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In 1219 an encounter took place between a Christian from Italy, Francis of Assisi, and the Muslim Sultan of Egypt, al-Malik al-Kāmil. This meeting took place at Damietta in northern Egypt during the progress of the Fifth Crusade. Over a period of perhaps three weeks, religious dialogue took place between Francis and al-Kāmil, after which time the Sultan had Francis escorted safely back to the Christian camp. It is possible to discern from the writings of Francis after his return from Egypt that the meeting had had a deep religious impact upon him, realised in the latter years of his life. It can be said that both Francis and al-Kāmil experienced through their encounter what the Christian theologian Bernard Lonergan has spoken of as a conversion into a new horizon. The historical encounter between Francis and the Sultan witnesses to the fact that through religious conversion, it is possible for members of different religious faiths to arrive at a common vision of universal peace and reconciliation.  相似文献   
圣人观念在中国传统文化中一直占有重要的地位,道家、儒家、佛家都极为重视圣人问题.因此,十分有必要对传统文化中的圣人观作进一步的梳理,重新发掘圣人传统在今天的现实价值.本文简单追溯了"圣人"观念及其历史演变,分析了朱熹、王阳明的成圣观点,并总结了圣人观在中国传统文化中的积极作用和消极影响,有助于人们更全面地了解中国传统文化中的圣人观.  相似文献   
“《诗》教”是儒家教育的重要内容,贯穿于中国传统教育的始终。先秦儒家“《诗》教”作为其源头,对儒家“《诗》教”的发展具有奠基的作用。其中,孟子的“《诗》教”受到“圣贤救世’’的历史观和“诗言志”的《诗》学观念的影响,呈现出“代圣人立心”的特点。具体地说,就是以“温柔敦厚而不愚”为目标,选择有关圣贤王道的诗章作为教育内容,并提出了“以意逆志”的方法论。  相似文献   
"内圣外王"是中国传统伦理思想中的一种理想人格,产生和形成于先秦时期,有着现实的社会政治背景。孔子是内圣外王思想的奠基者,孟子与荀子继承和发展了这一思想,孟子强调在仁且智的内在道德修养方面铸造"圣人"理想人格,而荀子则强调"圣人"理想人格的外在的社会事功。继先秦之后,内圣外王思想在以后的历史中得到了继承和发展,这大致可以分为四个时期,即汉唐、宋元明清、近代和现代。  相似文献   
儒家学派是春秋战国时期重要的一个学派, 其理论建构十分完善, 在诸子百家中影响很大, 但在政治实践中却很难推行。主要原因是儒家为政体系内部有三对很难解决的矛盾, 即仁政对天子、国君的内圣要求与天子、国君的修养所能达到的程度之间的矛盾; 推行仁政与宗族借助仁义发展私人势力的矛盾; 选官方式上存在的矛盾。这三对矛盾影响着整个封建社会的发展。  相似文献   
由于郭象是魏晋时期最后一位最有代表性的玄学家,他必须同其他玄学家进行理论对话。因此,他有比较强的问题意识。针对如何回应有无之辨、本体如何为人所用、如何处理名教与自然的关系等问题,他建构了一个有特色的玄学思想体系。  相似文献   
《献给约翰·邓恩的大哀诗》是布罗茨基的代表诗作。全诗语言优美,内涵深邃。布罗茨基在该诗中对苏联的政治高压进行了愤怒的控诉,认为整个苏联都笼罩在黑暗之中,诗中“雪”的意象,是诗人自己的象征,全诗表达了诗人对理想的坚持,给世人指引了一条带着曙光的道路。  相似文献   
圣人(王)、君子人格是孔子的道德人格理想目标,它是建立在“性相近,习相远”的人性论基础上,为了培养和塑造圣人(王)、君子人格,孔子全面系统地提出了一套以“仁”为核心的道德人格准则以及“克己”的道德修养方法,由此构成了一个完整的道德人格理论体系。  相似文献   
Focusing on a type of religious celebrity that attracted European crowds at the turn of the twentieth century, the stigmatized female mystic, in this article I examine the role of the audience in the generation of a celebrity culture from below, i.e., as opposed to the current type of pre-manufactured mass-media celebrity. To examine the audience’s role, I consider the thousands who visited two stigmatized laywomen: the Frenchwoman Marie-Julie Jahenny and the Spaniard Margalida Amengual. The article shows the importance of the personal experiences of the members of the audience, highlighting the role of word-of-mouth communication in the rise to fame of these two stigmatics. I argue that popular enthusiasm is key to achieving both celebrity and ‘living saint’ status. Drawing on the parallels between fans and religious devotees, I also provide evidence of the interplay between the cult of saints and celebrity worship.  相似文献   
《哈姆莱特》的阐释多为近现代自然主义戏剧观所囿,因而在阐释与批评过程中遇到了许多困难。而如果在1601年的英国基督教化与中世纪英国宗教戏剧的语境中解读《哈姆莱特》,则可以看到:剧本表现的是一个类基督教圣徒成长的心路历程,并且在《哈姆莱特》与《圣经》的《新约》之间存在一种对话关系。  相似文献   
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