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This article reports research on cross-national co-operation through Information and Communications Technology (ICT) within the statutory curricula of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, the views and experiences of teachers in partner schools in the north and south of Ireland were sought on the capacity and potential of asynchronous computer conferencing and videoconferencing to generate collaborative work in a cross-border setting, to promote cultural awareness among primary and post-primary pupils, and to improve teacher and pupil competence in ICT. The results showed a significant improvement in ICT competence, and also revealed that technical training, enthusiasm and commitment were the key factors for success, and that not only did the pupils develop an awareness of the cultural identity of distant peers, but their sense of responsibility, self-esteem and motivation grew. This particularly helped less able and quieter pupils. There was unexpected rôle reversal when children helped their teachers within an ICT context, a situation not found elsewhere in the curriculum. Additionally, there were beneficial effects on literacy, group work and independent learning, and the skills acquired were transferable. The commitment of the teachers to continue this cross-national work with limited support is a measure of its potential sustainability.  相似文献   
美国人文学界有“东夏西刘”之美称,“东夏”是指美国东海岸哥伦比亚大学的华裔学者夏志清,“西刘”是指美国西海岸斯坦福大学的华裔学者刘若愚。刘若愚先生是一位难得的把中国传统文论与西方20世纪欧美文论整合起来的语际批评家,是一位在欧美学界和汉语学界有着极为重要影响的优秀学者。刘若愚不止是用英语讲述中国诗学的“语际批评家”(interlingual critic),他更想成为把中国传统诗学与20世纪欧美文学理论综合起来而自成一家之言的“语际理论家”(interlingual theorist)。  相似文献   
中国的高考改革正处于攻坚阶段,面临许多困惑和困境。招生考试制度的统一性与多样性、高校招生的自主权、招生考试制度与学校教育的关系、招生评价体系、录取方式、高校的收费政策、学生财政资助政策等问题,都应深入研究和探讨。目前,世界上许多国家也在进行大学入学制度的改革,其中不乏可资借鉴的经验。中国的高考改革应有国际视野。  相似文献   
地区研究是一种使用多学科视角考察异域文化与社会的研究.它的兴起与演进同二战以来的国际政治形势密切相关,从而与比较政治学结下不解之缘.地区研究为推动比较政治学的理论革新和知识储备等方面提供了有力的支撑.冷战结束和全球化的到来,既带来了地区研究的重大危机,也预示了地区研究的新前景.  相似文献   
远程教育的全球化趋势——论远程教育系统(四)   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
开放与远程教育的全球化趋势和现状,在趋同与一体化的同时,多元化与多样化是全球化中同时并存、相辅相成的两大趋势,中国加入世贸组织后,人才共享、教育共享将加速中国的现代化进程,同时使我们对人类明的进步作出更大的贡献。  相似文献   
中国由半封建半殖民地社会转变为社会主义社会、由闭关自守局面转为对外开放局面,这是中国近现代以来最重大的两次转变。如果从全球化的视域中进行考察,可以看出全球化浪潮对这两次转变的影响非常大.全球化潮流是使中国发生这两次转变的深远背景。  相似文献   
Within the context of the growing development of intercultural counsellor education, the question of how different cultures reconceptualize and transform Western counselling theories for their own context is an important one. In this intercultural exchange in education, concepts such as ‘globalization’, ‘indigenization’ and ‘universalization’ have an impact on the education process. This paper briefly explores these terms and movements and then highlights findings from a research project that took place with a group of counselling graduates in Hong Kong examining how they undertook the processes of reconceptualization and transformation. The dialogical process involved in that enabled participants and researcher to co-explore the process of knowledge development within the counselling education field. Implications for counsellor education are highlighted.
Ann Moir-BussyEmail:
全球化背景下中国基础教育改革的基本走向问题,可以用费孝通先生所提出的"各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同"的文化自觉历程来加以概括。即在当今不同民族的文化教育不断接触、碰撞与交流、融合的态势下,我们需要对本民族的文化教育形成清晰的认识与理解,珍视民族优秀文化传统,承认文化差异的存在,了解和尊重其他民族的教育和文化,在坚持多元化的基础上寻求普遍共识。  相似文献   
《墨经》是天下奇书,更是最难读的书。在当今全球化的新时代,用人类先进的逻辑和科学知识工具,分析《经下》和《经说下》关于逻辑论证式、科学成就和科学精神,前人解读《墨经》的难题,可迎刃而解。  相似文献   
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