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引力透镜效应已经成为当前探测宇宙中物质分布最有效的工具之一,因其光线偏折不依赖于物质的组分和状态,所以它很适合于探测包括暗物质在内的所有物质在宇宙中的分布.在引力透镜效应的提出及发现基础上,根据引力透镜的分类,分述了强引力透镜、弱引力透镜和微引力透镜,并讨论了引力透镜效应在宇宙学中的应用.  相似文献   
清作为中国传统思想的一个重要概念,其内涵在历史发展的不同阶段而获得不断的扩充,由简单的对天、水等物质的形容词,发展成为具有哲学宗教内涵的重要概念。六朝作为中国道教发展的一个重要阶段,其特征是这个时期大量道经被造作;道教吸收中国传统的道家哲学,引进儒、佛两家思想,充实自身理论。而道教对自身理论的提炼和总结,则反映在新出道经中。"清"的概念不断在新出道经中出现,并作为一个重要的核心观念,成为六朝士族道教标榜自身宗教特质、区别汉代以来的民间道教的重要特征。"清"的观念还直接影响到以后道教教义和道教宗教实践,在教义中主要的体现就是戒律,而在宗教实践上就是道教徒在斋醮与修炼的实践过程中追求"清"的价值取向。  相似文献   
黑色旅游作为近年学界研究的新兴领域,其实践已先于理论,正在灾区火热开展。文章通过对黑色旅游研究文章的梳理,发现国外关于黑色旅游研究主要集中在其概念及分类、旅游者的行为动机、旅游开发方式与开发黑色旅游的影响等四方面;而国内关于黑色旅游的研究则主要集中在黑色旅游开发、旅游者动机与利益相关者、黑色旅游资源分类、黑色旅游影响及其伦理道德问题等四方面,文章分别对国内外研究进行了主题总结。  相似文献   
在小说《永恒的土地》当中,作者达克用文学的手法对殖民罪恶的源泉“欧洲中心主义”进行了无情的批判,形象地怒斥了“欧洲中心主义”是欧洲殖民主义者进行殖民扩张的精神根源,给疆民地土著居民带来了巨大的灾难。  相似文献   
In recent years, China has become an increasingly important and the largest chestnut producer in the world. This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional value and microbiological quality of the roasted freeze-dried Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) (RFDC) coated with dark chocolate (DCC) and milk chocolate (MCC) for industrial use and commercial consumption.Chocolate coating significantly improved the nutritional value of chestnut. RFDC had high levels of starch (66.23%) and fibers (3.85%) while DCC and MCC contained significantly high amounts of sucrose, protein, fat and minerals. Furthermore, the protein content doubled in MCC rather than in DCC. This could be attributed to the different formulations in the two products. Milk powder and whey protein constituted the source of protein in MCC while cocoa powder added to MCC formulation constituted an additional source of minerals. The amino acid profile showed differences in amino acid composition related to the sample's protein content, indicating their good nutritional quality. The moisture contents in all RFDC, DCC and MCC were suitable for industrial processing. These results provide information about the additional nutrients of chocolate-coated chestnut and confirm that the product is an interesting nutritional food. The combination of freeze-drying and chocolate-coating generally results in greater reductions on microbiological loads, extending shelf life of harvested chestnut for commercial application. This is an alternative strategy to add value to chestnut, minimizing the significant losses in harvested fruits and providing a wider range of choices of new products to the consumer disposal.  相似文献   
从《黑暗中的笑声》所使用的电影背景、电影画面和电影手法等特点出发,深入发掘小说的电影叙事策略,突出小说通过电影叙事所达到的"游戏性"、"娱乐性"效果,论证纳博科夫杰出的叙事技巧和独特的艺术理念。  相似文献   
嵇康作为魏晋时期竹林派玄学家中的首要人物,他的"越名任心"、指斥礼教、托好老庄和崇尚自然的玄学思想旨趣一直成为学者们注意的焦点.然而嵇康实际是儒玄兼综,且具有深厚的儒家素养,其深厚的儒家素养主要体现在"修己"、"正身"的个人修为、"入则孝,出则悌"的伦理道德观、"以道事君"、"从道不从君"的忠君观和修齐治平的教子观等几个方面.  相似文献   
针对低照度图像暗、对比度低,同时存在大量黑暗连通区的特点,提出了一种基于小波系数融合的低照度图像增强算法,该算法对图像的低频和高频信息分别用空域法和频域法进行处理。实验表明,该方法在处理低照度图像的过程中,在调节图像动态范围和增强图像细节的同时,也达到了对高频信息降噪的目的。通过该算法处理,能有效减少拍摄图像所需的曝光时间。  相似文献   
The Invisible Web—defined as Web information that cannot be found by using general-purpose search engines—has been studied primarily as an access issue. In this article, the authors consider, for the first time, the economic and political implications of the Invisible Web. The article is divided into two parts; the first looks at the “open” Web, accessible through URLs, while the second delves into the Dark Web, hidden behind veils of anonymity. The two main questions asked are: How is the Invisible Web shaped by economic and political factors and how, in turn, does the Invisible Web shape those circumstances? With the answers to these questions, the authors hope to bring more awareness of the Invisible Web to the information literacy classroom.  相似文献   
科技期刊作为承载科技成果传播的主要平台和业内权威学科知识发布平台之一,除了论文本身的创新性和科学价值之外,其语言的严谨性、专业术语的准确性、变量及单位符号的正确性、图表公式的规范化、编排格式的科学性等直接影响期刊的质量和在业内的信誉。本研究以《航空制造技术》为例,阐述了笔者团队通过“编辑知识库+黑马校对”的编辑加工模式来提高工作效率和编校质量的具体做法、取得的成效和心得体会,以及建立编辑知识库的方法、维护、存在的问题与建议等,以期供业界同人借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
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