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The Cult of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the product of appropriations authored by both the Aztecs and the Roman Catholic Church, has served as a tool of empowerment, dominion, and accommodation. Central to this contested cult is an indigenous reinvention of the Virgin Mary that is simultaneously index, icon, and symbol. This study demonstrates the difficulties in attempting to selectively appropriate the desirable features of such a sign while excluding those deemed undesirable. In attempting to appropriate certain features of the Virgin it deemed desirable, the authors argue, the Church also annexed aspects of the Aztec religious tradition at odds with the teachings of Catholicism. While Catholicism's attempt to co‐opt this Virgin extended the influence of the institutional Catholic Church, the authors suggest, it also undermined the integrity of the faith the Church promotes by fostering a form of popular Catholicism contrary to the teachings and practices of orthodox Catholicism. This study is grounded in data obtained through interviews conducted with pilgrims in the vicinity of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe immediately prior to, during, and after the Virgin's annual feastday (December 12). The authors also draw upon anthropological, historical, and religious studies scholarship to make sense of the pilgrims’ beliefs and place them within the broader historical and religious contexts in which they operate.  相似文献   
上海图书馆的馆藏善本《天后圣像》是一部新发现的妈祖典籍。该书图文并茂,排版精致,故事标题典雅,图案画工精美,富有文化意蕴。书中记载了妈祖身世及其生前灵异事迹,没有历朝敕封的记录以及与国家政治相关的灵验事迹,和同类的妈祖文献相比,更富民间性,具有独特的研究价值和历史价值。  相似文献   
在说明Calculation设计图标可以使用的场合和其中可以使用的对象的基础上,结合“函数与反函数概念教学”课件设计工作,阐述如何活用Calculation设计图标进行程序设计来制作课件。  相似文献   
采用网络调查法,以我国35个公共图书馆为研究对象,对参考咨询标识在图书馆网页中的位置、标识的文字表述、标识样式等进行统计分析,指出我国公共图书馆参考咨询标识设计中存在的问题,并提出改进建议,为各类图书馆的参考咨询标识设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   
In 1909, at the height of the woman suffrage controversy and during the golden age of postcards, the Dunston-Weiler Lithograph Company of New York produced a twelve-card set of full-color lithographic cartoon postcards opposing woman suffrage. The postcard images reflect, and depart from, verbal arguments concerning woman suffrage prevalent during this period. They reflect arguments against suffrage that highlighted the coarsening effect the vote would have on women. The postcards also present an argument that was absent in the verbal discourse surrounding suffrage: that men (and the nation) would become feminized by woman suffrage. Accordingly, these postcards offer a productive location in which to explore how the icons of the Madonna and Uncle Sam, as well as non-iconic images of women, were deployed to reiterate the disciplinary norms of the ideographs of <woman> and <man>.  相似文献   
我国目前音乐图像学的研究还处在步履蹒跚的阶段,许多研究还需进一步的细化和具体化。然而,尝试运用系统的图像学理论和方法对图像进行分析和研究在我国已初现,我国图像学研究也出现了系统研究音乐图像学的雏形。但是这些分析和研究主要都是基于E.潘诺夫斯基的图像分析的"三层次理论"和方法,分析的技巧和系统性都还不足。因此,我国的音乐图像学研究还需要加强图像学与音乐图像学理论的研究,避免各种观点和手段的泛化;淡化学科之争,注重实效性研究;参照图像学的发展趋势,拓展音乐图像学的研究领域和范畴。  相似文献   
Authorware中声音的控制主要借助图标属性的设置和自定义变量以及系统函数的引用。本文结合具体的实例介绍了声音控制的原理、方法和实现的步骤。  相似文献   
考试是控制教育资源和教育机会分配的重要方式。它不仅操纵着整个教育的理念与价值,而且也控制着培养目标与培养方式。一方面,现代考试在选拔人才、稳定教育等方面发挥着不可估量的作用;另一方面,正是由于考试所强调的标准化和客观性,造成了教育所培养的人的精神单面化,这一现状符合了教育哲学中的太极图思想,因此我们应用太极图思想正确看待和处理现代考试中出现的问题和现象。  相似文献   
卢明添 《南平师专学报》2006,25(3):96-99,67
本文主要提出了一种新型的英语阅读材料:象标语言材料。它是一种存在于目的语环境中的以视觉方式展现的实物图片和文字材料有机结合体。文中探讨了象标语言材料的定义,分析了在外语教学中使用这种材料的理由,同时讨论了材料收集方法并就象标语言材料的具体使用加以举例说明。  相似文献   
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