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第28届雅典奥运会中国男篮与世界强队的差距与反思   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过观看实况与录像、数理统计、比较研究等方法,对第28届奥运会中国男子篮球队5场小组赛的得分、投篮命中率、进攻篮板、助攻、失误等进攻能力,抢断、防守篮板、犯规等防守能力等技术指标与对手进行比较研究。认为,虽然中国队小组出线进入前8名,但中国队的投篮命中率、失误、身体对抗、整体配合等方面与世界强队存在明显差距,是阻碍中国男篮实现历史性突破的重要因素;同时认为外籍教练哈里斯的球星战术"一人球队"与世界篮坛的发展趋势是不相一致的。建议中国篮球的长远发展,应坚持走我国已形成的"快、准、灵"的战术风格,在追求队员身材高大化的同时,更应加强篮球基本技术、身体对抗能力、专项速度的提高,强调篮球基本技术和意识的提高应从娃娃抓起。  相似文献   
The essay deals with regional disparities in the average educational expenditure of every ordinary senior secondary student, including budget funds for education, the proportion appropriated to the ordinary senior high school by the government, tuition fee per student and the proportion of tuition fees of the total educational expenditure. By analyzing the relevant educational and economic indicators, we find that the average educational expenditure and tuition of every student in the western area are lower than those in the eastern and the middle area while the proportion of funds allocated by the government is the highest. However, in the middle area, both of the government appropriation of education funds for every student and its proportion of the total educational expenditure are the lowest in China, but on the other hand the proportion of tuition fee of the total educational expenditure and the income of the rural residents are the highest. Therefore, the aim of this essay is to look at the reasons why there are such differences.  相似文献   
Variable size motion estimation (ME) and disparity estimation (DE) are employed to select the best coding mode for each macroblock (MB) in the current joint multiview video model (JMVM).This technique achieves the highest possible coding efficiency,but it results in extremely large computation complexity which obstructs the multiview video coding (MVC) from practical application.This paper proposes an adaptive early termination of fast mode decision algorithm for MVC.It makes use of the coding information o...  相似文献   
文艺以审美幻象整体地反映与把握社会生活,艺术形象的整体性使得艺术意义与功用充满了不确定性;对文艺意义与功用的阐释,不是以求索作家与文本原旨为目的,而是以读者为中心,由于读者的差异性,导致在文艺功用与意义的阐释中也充满了不确定性。不确定性原则在文艺意义与功用的阐释中应得以遵循,并用以反对文艺阐释中的贵族化倾向与极权化思想。  相似文献   
社会固定资产投资地区差距的结构分解   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陆迁  刘志峰  朱捷 《软科学》2006,20(1):24-26
投资是促进经济增长的重要源泉之一,地区之间的经济发展差距必然与地区投资差距相互关联。采用基尼系数及其分解方法研究了中国社会固定资产投资地区差距的结构分解问题。基本结论是:我国存在着较大的地区投资差距,但这种差距有进一步缩小的趋势。地区之间的投资差距主要表现为利用外资和民间资本的差距,民间资本投资差距是导致地区投资差距的主要原因。  相似文献   
广东外向型经济发展的地域差异与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谢守红 《软科学》2003,17(3):41-44,51
广东是我国改革开放的先行省份,外向型经济发展迅速,但地区发展很不平衡。本文分析了广东省外向型经济发展的地域差异特征及形成原因,并对全省21个市外向型经济总量规模和发展水平进行比较和分类。在此基础上,提出了不同类型地区外向型经济发展的对策。  相似文献   
宁本涛 《中学教育》2011,8(2):51-54,60
义务教育绩效工资改革旨在激发教师积极投身教书育人事业,充分挖掘教师潜力,吸引和鼓励优秀人才长期从教,终身从教。然而,一些财政不充足县域农村教师绩效工资的实行不仅没有调动一线教师的积极性,反而导致了相当一部分教师消极怠工。教师绩效工资政策有效落实的关键是确保"教育公平与民主"的价值定位。教育行政部门要合理核算农村中小学教师编制,加强义务教育基本经费保障、福利保障与法律保障制度建设,提高政府部门人员的法律意识力,政策的贯彻力和执行力,依法明确各级政府的责任。奖励性绩效工资发放要向农村教师倾斜,学校要积极探索教师绩效工资考核评价指标体系和分配等次的特殊性。  相似文献   
界定词语的文化语义,并从认知语言学角度阐述中英文化语义存在着非对应性,它随着人类社会文化的变迁而相互渗透,因此英语学习者在学习英语语言的同时应该注重文化知识的积累。  相似文献   
从经济实力、产业结构、固定资产投资三方面分析河北省区域经济差异现状,依据其地理区位优势和港口资源优势,从地区共同发展、发挥中心城市的辐射效应、增强港口发展对腹地经济的带动效应、优化产业结构等方面提出促进河北省区域经济协调发展的建议。  相似文献   
The reputation disparity between teaching and research has stirred up an unending debate. The age-long notion that teaching and research overlap has become a controversial issue in academia. Consequences of the institutionalization of Publish OR Perish (POP) abound in the literature. This paper investigates the reputations disparity between teaching and research productivity and the rewards for these academic activities. It explores which, out of teaching activities and research publications receive higher or less attention and rewards. Relevant existing literature was reviewed to establish the institutionalization of POP and its consequences of the reputations disparity between teaching and research and its adverse effects on these activities. Evidence from the literature reviewed reveals the existence of POP reputation disparity as part of its consequences. A key finding is that teaching activities are insignificant and unrewarded as research publications. Neither the effectiveness nor the number of teaching loads counts like the numbers of publications.  相似文献   
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