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This paper considers the urgent problems of information-analytical support of Russian scientific technological and innovation policy, as well as modern tasks of information-analytical support of the innovation activities of scientific and educational organizations, and proposes methodical approaches that have potential for improving the Russian system of patent searches and analytics. It is shown to be expedient to build complex information-retrieval systems with maximum access to relevant arrays of branch information and multi-service analytical components, which make it possible to implement the differentiated approach to consumers and a diversity of scenarios of scientific information activities, which are particular to different groups of consumers.  相似文献   

We consider some issues of the development of the national information infrastructure in the field of innovation, including a national system of accounting for the results of scientific and technical activities (RSTA) and a national new-generation research computer network (NNGRCN). The current state of the national system of scientific and technical information and its resources for information support of innovation processes are analyzed. In the context of further development of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), we propose a Conception of scientific and technical support for programs and projects of NIS member-states in the field of innovation, making it possible to incorporate the existing innovation-oriented information resources into a joint distributed integrated information system as well as to create new information resources and technologies.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the activities of the Interstate Coordination Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICCSTI), which is aimed at coordination of the actions of states-participants of the CIS in the exchange of scientific and technical information, for the informational support of interstate scientific and technical cooperation. It examines the strategy and structure of information support of innovation processes as part of the innovative integration of the CIS, which is implemented together with the formation of an integrated information environment, as well as shaping the information infrastructure of the innovative integration of states-participants of the CIS based on the concept of scientific information to ensure programs and projects of states-participants of CIS in the sphere of innovations. We describe a distributed multilevel system of information support of innovation, which is designed for the integrated management of information resource sharing.  相似文献   

The discrepancy between national information infrastructure capabilities and the present-day requirements of the new economic institutional environment is one of main causes of the gap between the significant volume of fundamental and applied innovation research results that have commercialization potential, and the actual abilities of our domestic industry to assimilate these results, which exists in Russia. The purpose of this article is to form at least a rough conceptual look at an effective information infrastructure for innovation and scientific and technical activities, which corresponds to the present-day requirements of the new economic institutional environment in Russia. To solve the problem of overcoming inertial trends in national information system development, new ideas and new conceptual approaches are required. The presented conceptual approaches are oriented toward solving the problems of modernization and the development of a qualitatively new structural and substantial organization of the national information system. Most of the critical phases of information support of the stages of technology transfer and the basic principles of information infrastructure development are shown. A brief enumeration of the set of key actions on the development of the information infrastructure of the scientific, technical, and industrial spheres is provided.  相似文献   

通过对我国公益类科技情报研究机构服务方向及内容的梳理,结合新一轮创新创业的特点和对科技情报服 务的需求,分析公益类科技情报研究机构对创新创业支持的方向,并结合辽宁省科学技术情报研究所面向创新创业主 体的业务活动开展,探讨我国公益类科技情报研究机构在创新体制机制转型发展、科技智库建设、线上线下联动盘活 科技情报信息资源、专业人才队伍建设、知识化应用服务创建品牌产品提供等方向的未来发展路径。  相似文献   

通过对我国公益类科技情报研究机构服务方向及内容的梳理,结合新一轮创新创业的特点和对科技情报服务的需求,分析公益类科技情报研究机构对创新创业支持的方向,并结合辽宁省科学技术情报研究所面向创新创业主体的业务活动开展,探讨我国公益类科技情报研究机构在创新体制机制转型发展、科技智库建设、线上线下联动盘活科技情报信息资源、专业人才队伍建设、知识化应用服务创建品牌产品提供等方向的未来发展路径.  相似文献   

The activities of VINITI as a Key Organization of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) which is responsible for the interstate exchange of scientific and technical information are analyzed; major areas of the activities of the Key Organization are presented. One of the main priority areas is the participation, jointly with the National Centers for Scientific and Technological Information and the Interstate Coordination Council for Scientific and Technological Information, in the scientific information and analytical support of research activities and international programs and projects that are implemented by the CIS member states in the area of innovation.  相似文献   

The directions of the development and implementation of the new scientific and information policy of the All-Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences are considered. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the potential of the Institute as a multifunctional information center that widely uses modern information and communications technologies and electronic information resources. Promising approaches are considered to deeper processing of information, multivariate analysis of collected data, and the possibility of establishing the actual types of information products and services that are focused on decision support in scientific, technical, and industrial applications, and, indirectly, in the economy as a whole.  相似文献   

认为在读硕士研究生科研创新能力的培养是研究生教育的重点,也是创新型人才能力的重要体现。基于在读硕士研究生科研创新能力评价,分析在读硕士研究生的阅读行为、信息检索工具的使用、获取信息的途径以及信息利用等信息行为与其科研创新能力的关系。研究发现:阅读时间和阅读信息的学科跨度、参加学术会议和与他人交流、实验室和科研室的研究活动、信息利用的效率和层次都对在读硕士研究生的科研创新能力有显著影响。  相似文献   

Questions concerning the development of a logical model of innovation project data, as well as those concerning the design of information systems for decision-making support in the management of innovation projects, are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents one definition of the Russian Federation’s national security, identifies the role of scientific and technological progress as the basis for this security and shows the development of its innovation. The study treats the concept of expertology as a line of scientific and analytical activities; examines the techniques for the state expert assessment of scientific and technological goal-oriented programs, as well as their integrated support.  相似文献   

文章以构建中日韩三国为首的亚洲科技门户为目标,分别介绍日、韩、中三国信息服务机构目前的科技创新信息支持系统,它们是日本科学振兴机构JsT的J—GLOBAL、韩国科学技术信息研究院KIST的OntoFrame,以及中国科学技术信息研究所研发中的科技信息资源内容监测与分析服务系统;其次,对三家系统进行了对比分析;最后,给出基于三家信息系统的亚洲科技门户合作项目的概念设计和展望。  相似文献   

信息查寻活动中的合作行为与合作式信息查寻   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
指出了传统信息查寻和情报检索研究只针对个体用户的行为,忽视查寻的社会情景以及用户之间的相互关系的问题。对信息查寻和情报检索中的合作行为进行了研究,介绍了合作系统的发展状况,并对今后的发展趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   

科技创新后备人才价值定位和培养需求的转变殷切呼唤新型科学教育实践载体和教学方式的支撑,在此背景下探索依托科技馆平台开展科技创新后备人才培养的实践路径势在必行。国际科学场馆教育在科技创新后备人才培养方面提供了诸多经验,其主要实践特征表现为:注重树立特色化的教育品牌、着力建设系统化的教学组织生态、全面推进科学普及和科技创新教育的协同发展、专注打造分层次模块化的创新课程体系。借鉴国际场馆创新教育的先进经验,我们可从科技馆教育的政策理念、学习资源、教师发展、课程教学、社会互联和技术支持维度入手映射科技创新后备人才培养的选才、育才和评价环节,构建依托科技馆平台开展科技创新后备人才培养的行动路径。  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of new information technologies on the development of social communication and social systems. The properties and features of the modern information environment are analyzed. The factors and technologies of information warfare and confrontation are investigated. The role of information communication technologies in the operation of social-network movements is demonstrated. The means and methods of the mass media, social networks, and destructive network technologies that are applied to manipulate group behavior and to transform public opinion are exposed. The potential of sociodynamics as a new instrument of targeted impact on social systems is explored. Possible risks and threats that face the development of telecommunication systems and networks are assessed. Conclusions and relevant activities are formulated to prevent the rise of information confrontations and to mitigate hidden impacts and threats to the country’s social-economic, scientific, and technological development.  相似文献   

科技创新团队作为科学研究中非常积极活跃的主体之一,在进行科技创新突破中发挥着关键作用,团队的发展离不开环境的支持,团队与城市创新环境之间存在着双向互动的关系。本文锚定中国科大量子团队,进行跟踪研究并展开相关调查和分析,阐述了科技创新团队与城市创新环境之间的相互作用;并从政策、产业、基础设施、人才教育四个方面对城市创新环境进行研究,在此基础上探究科技创新团队对城市创新环境互动关系。  相似文献   

Results are presented, which were acquired by the author during research and development activities on the design, adaptation, introduction and elaboration of automated information systems of different types and purposes used in a variety of technologies for planning and making managerial decisions, namely: national corporate STI information centers, departmental systems of management (DSM), scientific production associations, firm analysis systems (FAS), and information analytical services at the federal and regional levels.  相似文献   

科技创新团队作为科学研究中非常积极活跃的主体之一,在进行科技创新突破中发挥着关键作用,团队的发展离不开环境的支持,团队与城市创新环境之间存在着双向互动的关系。本文锚定中国科大量子团队,进行跟踪研究并展开相关调查和分析,阐述了科技创新团队与城市创新环境之间的相互作用;并从政策、产业、基础设施、人才教育四个方面对城市创新环境进行研究,在此基础上探究科技创新团队对城市创新环境互动关系。  相似文献   

基于协同创新的大科研模式正在成为科技创新的新趋势,研究者与研究机构的科技创新模式与信息需求发生着重要转变,以嵌入科研并为科技创新提供有力支撑为目标的学科化服务也面临着机遇与挑战。电子科技大学图书馆通过深入分析目前研究型大学的科研模式及发展需求,提炼出面向科研决策及学科分析、面向院系、面向科研团队的嵌入式学科服务路径,通过嵌入科研体系的服务链,形成对科研的全方位立体化支撑体系,并开展一系列特色实践。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]重点科研团队是高校科技创新的重要主体,高校图书馆为重点团队开展知识产权信息服务既能深化本馆用户服务,也能辅助团队科研创新、成果转化,促进高校产学研协同发展.[方法/过程]以H大学某重点团队知识产权信息服务为案例,介绍图书馆服务基础、图书馆服务的情报分析过程,依据重点团队服务需求与特点,提出基于巴斯德象限理...  相似文献   

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