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张慧敏 《考试周刊》2013,(94):194-194
农村幼儿教育质量的好坏,密切影响我国农村基础教育的发展及我国农村经济建设步伐的快慢。农村幼儿教育质量的提升不仅能够对农村幼儿成长环境有所提升,从长远的角度来说,还能够提升农村家庭的生活质量乃至我国社会的稳定和发展。但随着社会的进步,社会经济体制在不断变化,我国农村的幼儿教育中依旧存在一些问题,文章将从我国农村幼儿教育的角度出发,对我国农村幼儿教育发展中的问题及对策进行探讨和分析。  相似文献   

近年来,我国幼儿教育师资队伍建设有了明显的加强。但是我国幼儿教育的新形势、新任务、新环境对幼儿教师队伍建设提出了更新更高的要求。为了使幼教师资队伍与幼教事业相适应,有必要认清幼儿教育师资队伍建设中存在的主要问题,分析制约我国幼儿教育师资队伍建设发展的因素,并据此提出推动我国幼儿教育师资队伍建设的对策。  相似文献   

重视创设教育环境是当代世界幼儿教育发展的一个重要趋势。我国新颁布的《幼儿园工作规程》(试行)十分重视创设教育环境,把“创设与教育相适应的良好环境”列为幼儿园教育工作的原则之一。这是我国开放改革以来,在幼儿教育原理与教育思想上又一个重大突破,将对我国幼儿教育的改革带来深远的影响,因此,对这个教育工作原则很有必要深入学习与研究。  相似文献   

正在幼儿教育领域,幼儿园城乡资源不均衡,教育资源的不均衡对学生成长不利,我国出台多项教育政策法规保障幼儿教育权益,保证幼儿教育水平。城乡教师结对帮扶计划就是其中之一,城乡教师的工作环境、教学环境有所区别,加强双方的沟通交流,保障城乡儿童的受教育权利和学习质量,维护幼儿成长环境尤为重要。  相似文献   

随着时代的不断发展,幼儿教育的外部环境和内在环境也在不断变化,幼儿教育作为基础教育的一部分是尤为重要的,是幼儿接受良好教育和美好品德的第一步,不但能够有效提高我国的国民素质,还能为经济发展带来强有力的基础支撑。本文就我国幼儿教育发展过程中遇到的问题和对策做了以下研究。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和科学技术的突飞猛进,新的教育理念越来越重视幼儿教育中的环境创设,幼儿教育中的环境创设已普遍引起社会、教育工作者和家长的关注。环境创设的改进对幼儿教育效果的提高是显而易见的,幼教工作者应进一步研究、探究这方面的经验,让更多的幼教工作者掌握环境创设的规律,更加重视环境创设对幼儿教育的促进作用,充分发挥其在提高教育质量中的作用。  相似文献   

幼儿教育是我国教育体系中重要的组成部分,也是关系到我国教育体制改革成败的关键因素。幼儿教育的质量和水平,不仅对学生未来的学习和发展有着重要的影响,而且也关系到国家和民族的发展,因此幼儿教育在现代社会中受到了越来越多的关注。我国幼儿教育具有明显的公益性,政府在促进幼儿教育发展的过程中发挥着重要的作用,是幼儿教育健康开展的基础和保障。为了促进我国幼儿教育的持续发展,需要明确政府在幼儿教育发展中的作用,并且强化政府的职责,为幼儿教育的发展保驾护航。  相似文献   

幼儿教育环境是幼儿教育的前提条件,制约和影响着幼儿教育的发展。这里的幼儿教育环境不仅指幼儿园的物质环境与精神环境,还包含了幼儿的家庭教育环境和宏观的社会人文环境。所以,在幼儿教育中,不仅要为幼儿创设多样化的幼儿园教育环境,还要营造温馨健康的家庭环境,更要创设融洽和谐的宏观社会人文环境,使幼儿在多元开放的环境中自由发展,快乐成长。  相似文献   

<正>随着我国经济发展水平和城市化发展水平的不断提高,幼儿教育基础设施建设越来越好,但却与自然距离越来越远。幼儿教育主要在课堂中展开,幼儿无法与自然亲近和接触,其身心无法得到充分发展。本文首先阐述当前我国幼儿教育存在的问题,探讨亲近自然对幼儿身心发展的重要作用,并提出了亲近自然教育的具体策略,以期为幼儿教育的全面化和科学化提供有效参考。人与自然之间有着紧密的联系,幼儿则是在和环境的相互作用下成长起来  相似文献   

幼儿教育应为幼儿提供一个健康而丰富的生活环境和活动区域,来满足其多方面发展的全面需要.但是,目前我国的幼儿教育中普遍存在的一个严重问题就是幼儿教育小学化的倾向.这就严重地违背了幼儿的成长规律,对幼儿的健康成长是极为不利的.  相似文献   

In 2007, Environmental Education Research dedicated a special issue to childhood and environmental education. This paper makes a case for ‘early childhood’ to also be in the discussions. Here, I am referring to early childhood as the before‐school years, focusing on educational settings such as childcare centres and kindergartens. This sector is one of the research ‘holes’ that Reid and Scott ask the environmental education community to have the ‘courage to discuss’. This paper draws on a survey of Australian and international research journals in environmental education and early childhood education seeking studies at their intersection. Few were found. Some studies explored young children’s relationships with nature (education in the environment). A smaller number discussed young children’s understandings of environmental topics (education about the environment). Hardly any centred on young children as agents of change (education for the environment). At a time when there is a growing literature showing that early investments in human capital offer substantial returns to individuals and communities and have a far‐reaching effect – and when early childhood educators are beginning to engage with sustainability – it is vital that our field responds. This paper calls for urgent action – especially for research – to address the gap.  相似文献   

《提供高质量学前教育与保育:来自TALIS 2018"强势开端"调查》报告于2019年12月发布。经济合作与发展组织对影响儿童学习、发展和福祉的各项因素进行量化,发现各国学前教育发展领域面临的共同挑战:教师学历偏低,相关培训待普及;对儿童基础认知技能的培养重视不够;最迫切的教师专业发展需求领域是"支持特殊需求儿童";教师工作满意度普遍较高,但受社会尊重的程度不够,希望提高工作待遇。通过国际间的比较和借鉴,为加强我国学前教育的师资队伍建设,教育行政部门可适当加大政策调控力度和财政投入,提升学前教育师资队伍的专业性,研制健全的学前教育质量标准,同时构建家庭—幼儿园—社区的学前教育共同体,营造积极的育人环境。  相似文献   

It is essential that a solid research base be established to provide a foundation that will enable the field of early childhood teacher education to examine whether, for whom, and in what ways teacher education matters. The purpose of this article is to review several important domains in early childhood teacher education to illustrate the characteristics, key features, and significant gaps in current research, and to identify the kinds of research that are most needed to enhance the impact of early childhood teacher education. We conclude by identifying five crosscutting research priorities and describing what is needed to create a supportive environment that produces—and implements—early childhood teacher education research.  相似文献   

The physical, social and temporal dimensions of the classroom environment have an important role in children’s learning. This study examines the level of support for child-centred learning, and its associated beliefs, that is provided by Hong Kong’s pre-service early childhood teachers. Two hundred and seventy-five students from a pre-service early childhood teacher training programme completed a questionnaire; in general, these students believed that teachers should create physical, social and temporal environments which are child-centred in early childhood education settings. Linear regression analyses showed that the students’ perceived importance of fostering children’s social and communication competence in early childhood programmes, and their belief in children’s competence in self-learning, were significant positive correlates of their level of support for all dimensions of child-centred learning environment. Their self-perceived competence in managing children’s behaviours was, however, a significant negative correlate of their level of support for child-centred social and temporal environment. This study then discusses the implications of these findings for pre-service early childhood teacher education.  相似文献   

生态教育是提高生态意识、塑造生态文明的基本途径。从幼儿阶段开始实施生态教育有着重要的意义,能促进幼儿对生态环境的保护、对自然资源的珍惜。幼儿园环境创设结合生态教育背景,能提高幼儿环保意识,提升幼儿环保能力。文章对生态教育背景下幼儿园环境创设进行探究。  相似文献   

儿童文化的本质是一种审美文化,艺术与审美渗透到了儿童生活的方方面面。在儿童文化视角下审视儿童艺术,二者之间呈现出整体与部分、本质与表征、限制与被限制的关系。幼儿艺术教育本应更多地受到儿童文化的观照,然而当前成人文化处于霸权地位,导致幼儿艺术教育中儿童文化的缺场与儿童文化的自觉困境,幼儿艺术教育发展呈现出从艺术教育目标、内容、方法、评价到环境的异化样态。为此,要针对幼儿艺术教育各个要素的异化样态进行纠正与积极建设,让其目标设定从成人视角转向儿童视角,内容从分裂转向整合,方法从机械转向创造,评价从注重结果转向关注过程,环境从封闭转向开放,让儿童文化重新回归幼儿艺术教育。  相似文献   

美国联邦学前教育投入的特点及其对我国的启示   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:9  
充足的投入是一国学前教育事业发展的基本保障,而通过立法加以明确和规定则是保障学前教育投入的行之有效的做法。通过对美国几部重要的学前教育法中有关投入的法律规定进行分析,我们可以看到美国联邦学前教育投入具有以下五个方面的特点:现实主义的价值取向、法治原则、非全面系统性、促进学前教育公平、拨款额度不断增加。这对我国学前教育事业发展和立法保障财政投入有着重要的启示作用与借鉴价值。  相似文献   

无论在理论或实证研究方面,国内针对托幼机构教育质量的研究尚处于摇篮期.而在这些刚刚起步的研究中通常没有包含特殊幼儿的教育质量问题.合理地界定和评估学前融合教育是确保特殊幼儿接受有质量的早期教育的基础.作者在总结了什么是有质量的早期普通教育和特殊教育的理论和相关研究的基础上,提出了建构适合中国国情的有质量的早期融合教育的理论依据.  相似文献   

In Aotearoa New Zealand, many early childhood teachers gain their teaching qualification via distance study while working in an early childhood centre. Early childhood teachers work in a team environment, and it is important to understand more about how distance students negotiate changes in their workplace practice as their professional knowledge develops. This article draws on a study that explores students’ experiences of distance teacher education as a process of changing participation in the workplace. Distance study supported increasingly confident participation as students saw more meaning in their daily work. The students’ identities and their workplace cultures and practices influenced what students paid attention to and the decisions they made when negotiating changes within their teams. Their experiences suggest that strengthening students’ relational agency at work is a useful focus for distance early childhood teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the increasing cultural diversity of Australia’s education settings and explicates the global education movement and the new Australian Early Years Learning Framework. It discusses the implication of these factors for early childhood education practice and early childhood teacher education. The key research question considered in this paper is what prior learnings do early childhood educators utilise to consider global education? Data are presented on a research project that explores the prior learning of pre‐service early childhood educators at a major Australian university. The paper shows that, unlike primary and secondary pre‐service teachers, most early childhood education pre‐service teachers have significant professional experiences in educational settings. These prior experiences have a significant impact on pre‐service early childhood educators’ knowledge, beliefs and attitudes in the area of global education and align strongly with the global education curriculum movement and new national curriculum.  相似文献   

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