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当代传媒作为世界最重要的产业之一,也是世界全球化的基本条件和最重要的推动力之一,首先要经历诸多重大制度变迁和历史转型.而制度转型的最直接表现则体现在传媒政策上,可以说任何国家每个时期的传媒政策都要适应制度转型的需要.梳理世界传媒政策的发展轨迹,通过比较世界传媒政策的内容,指出世界传媒的传播政策范式为各国传媒提供了一种动态的、变化的架构逻辑.对传媒政策发展中存在的问题的剖析,有助于我们借鉴国外的经验和教训,找到适合中国文化语境发展的最佳传媒政策.  相似文献   

陈媛 《青年记者》2008,(15):42-43
政府、大众、传媒,三者之间的博弈,是传媒永恒的主题.一方面,政府要确保意识形态的正确和安全,要求传媒宣传主流价值观,确保政令畅通,弘扬传统文化,抵御外来腐朽文化,另一方面,大众呼唤知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权.  相似文献   

随着两岸交流的深化发展,构建“两岸传媒共同市场”的时机已经成熟。海峡西岸经济区有着对台交流合作的天然优势,是两岸传媒合作先行先试的良好选择。福建省作为海峡西岸经济区的主体,其传媒业能否利用好先行先试政策将会对“两岸传媒共同市场”的构建产生巨大影响。本文重点通过研究先行先试权的现实情况,结合福建传媒业现状,从政策制定、平台利用与文化合作等角度对海西传媒先行先试的现有政策和未来可能的政策进行前瞻探索。  相似文献   

当前,随着我国经济和文化的不断发展,文化产业的规模和结构持续变化,广电传媒产业正在稳步发展。本文从广电传媒企业融资需求的角度出发,结合广电传媒行业政策、财政税收政策、金融政策和有关产业政策、法律法规,对广电传媒企业的融资路径与成本效益进行分析,并在此基础上提出广电传媒企业的内部融资、债权融资、股权融资策略。  相似文献   

李洁  王文姬 《出版广角》2015,(15):60-61
作为在我国文化体制改革中率先崛起的代表和出版传媒板块的新龙头,中南传媒坚守“传媒控制资本,资本壮大传媒”的发展理念,抓住中央对文化产业不断出台扶持政策的机遇,充分利用资本平台,完成了向现代传媒集团的转型.本文对中南出版传媒集团资本运营的几种主要方式和效果进行分析,以期能对其他传媒企业实施资本运营有所启示.  相似文献   

如果一个社会里的“媒介再现”完全不能反映这个社会的文化 ,会引起很大的文化认同危机。这篇文章以加拿大安大略省为个案 ,用历史社会学的角度 ,研究外来“媒体再现”如何激发加拿大对文化认同的关注 ,并掀起一场传媒教育运动 ,在学校设立传媒教育课 ,教导学生解读“媒体再现” ,提高他们的本土文化意识。本文发现传播科技愈发达 ,“媒体再现”与文化认同的矛盾就愈激烈 ,而推广传媒教育是缓解文化认同危机的一个有建设性的方案。  相似文献   

中国传媒产业化的法律前提——重塑传媒市场主体   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林爱珺  童兵 《新闻界》2005,(3):20-22
随着市场经济的实行、知识经济的发展和文化产业化进程的加快,要求进行文化体制改革,特别是传媒体制改革的呼声不断。“事业单位,企业管理”的传媒体制,虽然在一定时期客观上弥补了国家对传媒财政拨款的不足,改善了传媒的自身条件,但如今已经成为制约传媒产业化发展的障碍,传媒的集团化只是“物理整合”,而没有“化学反应”,跨行业、跨地区经营陷入重重困境,更没有力量参与国际竞争。传媒市场中的不规范经营行为,也影响了传媒对党和国家的路线、方针、政策的宣传。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国传媒政策经历了新闻工作重心、事业性结构和媒介市场结构调整等不同阶段。其间,政治价值逐步弱化,经济价值日益彰显,文化价值不断拓展。随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,总的政策取向是:放松资本准入,逐步建立以市场配置为主导的传媒发展机制;加快完善传媒产业市场准入与退出机制;政府对传媒规制的系统性将进一步强化;传媒产业将在市场导向与政府规制、公共利益的多重互动中前行。  相似文献   

陈媛 《青年记者》2008,(10):42-43
政府、大众、传媒,三者之间的博率,是传媒永恒的主题。一方面,政府要确保意识形态的正确和安全,要求传媒宣传主流价值观,确保政令畅通,弘扬传统文化,抵御外来腐朽文化;另一方面,大众呼唤知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权。因此传媒在市场运作下的操作方式常常是,以最小的政治风险,赢取最大的商业利益。面对政府和受众之间的冲突,一个真正负责的新闻媒体,它要想做出合理的结论,就必须考虑对谁承担责任,做出合理的取合。  相似文献   

2014年,在文化出版传媒领域,国家出台了一系列财税金融扶持政策,引起业界的强烈关注.本文分析了这些政策的亮点,出版界面临的问题和瓶颈,并对出版与金融的进一步融合提出了建议,认为出版企业应高度重视出版与金融的融合,用足、用好政策,以促进出版传媒企业投融资的健康发展.  相似文献   

媒介融合对传统传媒机制政策提出了挑战,为因应媒介融合的新态势,受美英传媒法制变革启示,我国未来传媒机制应采取既能促进产业发展又能维护公共利益的政策,确保市场秩序、促进产业发展、保障消费者权益。  相似文献   

国际上主要国家开放存取政策及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种创新、高效的学术交流模式,“开放存取”提倡学术信息共享和免费获取。文章全面展示了西方发达国家美国、英国以及发展中国家印度开放存取政策的历史背景、制定过程、实施方式以及阶段性成效,并由此提出建议,即我国政府及相关机构需要制定出适合我国国情的开放存取政策,建立完善的保障制度,确定有效的政策形式,开展多样的资金支持,以实现我国学术信息在更大范围更长时间内的交流、传播和获取。该文为《数字图书馆论坛》2009年第11期本期话题“Open Access”的文章之一。  相似文献   

As youth in contemporary societies grow increasingly dependent on digital media, media education has become a policy consideration, particularly in wired parts of the non-Western world. Due to rapid adoption rates, media penetration, and positive attitudes toward new and innovative technologies, Korea presents an ideal test case for understanding the everyday impact of digital media. The purpose of this paper is to examine the national policies and public discourse concerning digital media education in a rapidly growing market. Specifically, this study considers the development of a standardized educational program for youth in Korea. To frame this analysis, we present an overview of the types of digital media education and trends at the national policy level among English-speaking countries. This is supported by a review of literature focusing on the use of digital media among youth, supplemented by current digital media usage statistics among Korean youth and an overview of Korean government policy programs. A case study of Web site analysis is presented to illustrate implications and stimulate discussion regarding educational policy.  相似文献   

‘Framing’ refers to the journalistic act of reporting the news through core and secondary themes. Computer‐aided content analysis was used to study three newspapers’ framing of the Southeast Asian smoke‐cloud ‘haze’ of 1997–98. The newspapers tended to emphasize generally non‐confrontational frames and to downplay those that potentially were politically sensitive. They also favoured frames that were largely specific to their home countries. This finding tends to support the argument that journalism in Asia is unique, likely because of the influence of regional and national ideologies. But the findings also suggest that some aspects of the newspapers’ ‘haze’ coverage were consistent with US‐Western journalistic routines.  相似文献   

美国国会图书馆亚洲部收藏了大量的中文和蒙藏文献、日文文献、韩文文献、东南亚文献及南亚文献。回顾美国国会图书馆馆藏亚洲文献的源起与发展,其中不乏独具特色且稀有珍贵的手稿和善本,历史久远,内容丰富。美国国会图书馆对于外文馆藏的开发与利用极为重视,其"学术为天下之公器"的馆藏精神尤为值得借鉴和学习。  相似文献   

Focused on the liberalization of Asian cigarette markets (Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and Thailand), this paper aims to provide an historical analysis of this process driven by the US government and US cigarette companies, and discusses changes in cigarette advertising and promotional environments as a result of market liberalization.

Specifically, this paper addresses three major areas: first, it discusses the process and development of cigarette market opening of three Asian countries Japan, Taiwan, and Korea) and the role of the US government in this process. Second, it examines the outcome of this liberalization, including major marketing strategies employed by US cigarette companies in those markets. Third, by comparing Thailand's market opening process separately with three other markets, this paper discusses what other countries can do with the global public health community to protect public health in terms of the regulation of cigarette advertising and marketing activities.  相似文献   

上世纪八十年代以来,全球范围内,媒体政策普遍转向新自由主义,即私有化和解除管制取代了公有制和国家监管。本文以电信政策为个案,通过对新自由主义电信政策出现的背景和进程的分析,考察发展中国家的得失。  相似文献   

The ASEAN countries (Association of South East Asian Nations) represent a microcosm of countries in various stages of development. As such, they provide the opportunity to examine and compare telecommunications infrastructure development, investment, and regulatory policy trends similar to other countries. The recent moves towards privatization and increasing private participation in the telecommunications sector in the ASEAN region cover a diverse set of issues that similarly affect many other developing countries and newly industrializing economies. The telecommunications sector is different in each of the ASEAN countries and each must necessarily respond to its own social, political and economic needs. However, as a region, ASEAN provides an example, of the trends towards different forms of deregulation, liberalization of markets and privatization of the telecommunications authorities.  相似文献   

The article investigates why a specific European issue is debatedin one country but disregarded in another, and why issues aredebated differently in different European countries. To understandthis national filtering, expectations are formulated as to howspecific policy traditions and issue-specific conflict constellationswithin a country are reflected in media debates. A systematiccontent analysis of the debates on EU enlargement and a commonconstitution for the years 2000–2002 in the German andFrench quality press reveals considerable variation in issuesalience, actors’ prominence and actors’ responsibilityattributions between and within the countries. This variationcan be seen to be connected with different policy traditionsand conflict constellations. The study seeks to go beyond merelydescribing variations in media coverage across Europe and systematicallyuses cross-national and cross-issue comparative research tounderstand this variation. Received for publication October 19, 2006. Accepted for publication April 5, 2007.  相似文献   

This paper identifies and evaluates Malaysia's television policy in a period of change. A period, that is, which sees the transnational media becoming more dominant and influential in this region. A period, on the other hand, which also sees Malaysia's policy makers arguing in the international arena for ‘Asian’ values and, domestically, for ‘Islamic’ values.

By locating the development of Malaysian television and its contents within these wider proclamations of intent by the powers that be, this paper argues that while these declarations give the policy makers much political mileage and may help them ‘look good’ in the local and international arenas, in reality, all is not what it seems with Malaysian television.

What this paper argues is that while the rhetoric of ‘Western media/ cultural imperialism’ is constantly evoked by the policy makers in Malaysia to imply that they are ‘Malaysianizing’ the medium of television, current practices and trends indicate that it is very much ‘business as usual’, with Malaysian television being led further and further into the international marketplace and the attendant pressures this entails.  相似文献   

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