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吴学军  余毅  王亚秋 《编辑学报》2012,24(4):321-322
科技期刊编辑的话语权是期刊话语权的重要组成部分。科技期刊编辑在工作中存在话语权过度和不足的现象。例如审稿环节,从3方面剖析编辑话语权失度对期刊的不利影响。认为编辑必须拥有适度的话语权,在网络平台背景下,应改变编辑传统单一的话语权模式,融入多元素,多视角地构建编辑科学的话语权平台。  相似文献   

类目注释是《中国图书馆分类法》类目体系的重要组成部分。类目注释是否合理、恰当、科学、实用,都直接影响其功能作用的发挥。本文分别对3D打印知识、项目管理知识、同类书排列方法3个类目注释方面的问题进行分析,并提出修改建议,希望促进《中国图书馆分类法》进一步修订,强化类目注释功能,更好发挥其工具作用。  相似文献   

Recent biological research into homosexuality has been heavily publicized in the media and has been central to intense political and cultural debates over sexuality. This paper presents an analysis of how biological ideas about sexuality have been represented in the media, and of the role that the media have played in circulating ideas about biology and sexuality throughout society. The content of media coverage of scientific research on homosexuality is influenced by the conventions of scientific journalism, which require discussion of the scientific context of particular studies and qualified statements about the conclusions that can be drawn from the research. The coverage is deeply contradictory, however. Biology is popularly understood as biological determinism and in terms of a dichotomy between being born gay and choosing to be gay. The idea that being gay is a choice is prominent in the political agenda of the religious right, but the role of the right as political actor in debates over sexuality is not included in most media coverage of specific scientific studies. Instead, only the claims of gay people are presented as self-interested and political, and science is presented as an arbiter that will grant or deny legitimacy to these claims.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]公共借阅权用以补偿作者因公共图书馆提供其作品予公众借阅而承受的潜在损失,或者作为政府对艺术的支持而产生,其权利观念源于德国,是著作权人意识和社会经济文化发展的产物。管理系统、评估系统等构成了公共借阅权制度的外部构造;客体、主体、内容、救济等构成了该制度的内部构造。公共借阅权制度的正当性基础在于鼓励创作,加速知识产能的利用和转化。[方法/过程]基于该制度具有鼓励文化创新、丰富文化市场的生产性功能,并对社会利用作品所生之利益进行再分配。比较法上的实证数据表明,除极个别例外,公共借阅权制度不会对公共图书馆借阅活动造成影响。数字经济时代下,该制度出现了更为重要的应用前景。[结果/结论]从我国目前社会、文化和其他方面发展情况看,在第三次著作权法修改中有引进该制度的必要。  相似文献   

科学数据仓储为科学数据提供存储、管理和共享等服务,有利于促进我国科学数据战略的实施。通过调研我国在re3data中注册的科学数据仓储,运用SWOT分析法并融合PEST模型,分析re3data中我国科学数据仓储的发展现状并从政府、科研机构和高校图书馆以及学术出版商等建设主体的角度提出适合我国国情的科学数据仓储发展策略,以推进我国科学数据仓储高质量发展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过分析欧盟《一般数据保护条例》(GDPR)相关规定来为我国科学数据开放共享过程中保护个人数据提供参考。[方法/过程] 使用文本分析法,在述评GDPR与个人数据保护研究后,分析GDPR对科学数据开放共享个人数据保护的适用性与作用及其对我国科学数据开放共享个人数据保护的启示。[结果/结论] GDPR对科学数据开放共享个人数据保护有许多规范作用,包括可以明确个人数据保护的基本概念与保护对象范围、主要原则、数据主体的主要权利、数据控制者与处理者的主要责任和义务,可以奠定个人数据处理的合法性基础。GDPR给我国的启示是:我们应该建立健全我国个人数据保护法律体系,加强科学数据开放共享中个人数据的风险管理,搭建动态关联、可跟踪的科学数据开放共享系统,由此实现我国科学数据开放共享中的个人数据保护。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过分析欧盟《一般数据保护条例》(GDPR)相关规定来为我国科学数据开放共享过程中保护个人数据提供参考。[方法/过程] 使用文本分析法,在述评GDPR与个人数据保护研究后,分析GDPR对科学数据开放共享个人数据保护的适用性与作用及其对我国科学数据开放共享个人数据保护的启示。[结果/结论] GDPR对科学数据开放共享个人数据保护有许多规范作用,包括可以明确个人数据保护的基本概念与保护对象范围、主要原则、数据主体的主要权利、数据控制者与处理者的主要责任和义务,可以奠定个人数据处理的合法性基础。GDPR给我国的启示是:我们应该建立健全我国个人数据保护法律体系,加强科学数据开放共享中个人数据的风险管理,搭建动态关联、可跟踪的科学数据开放共享系统,由此实现我国科学数据开放共享中的个人数据保护。  相似文献   

Growing adoption of the right to information in Africa should, in theory, improve access to government data, reduce corruption and expand the frontiers of democracy. Yet studies demonstrate that the right to information has contributed little if not nothing to improve the fledgling democracy in Africa. This paper investigates whether the implementation of the Right To Information law in Africa is a paradox? The paper contends that that corruption, human rights abuses, restrictive media, absence of media pluralism, denial of access to information, lack of transparency and accountability continue to undermine the very ideals of Right To Information Law. To resolve this paradox, the paper argues that the passage of the right to information is just one of the democratic tests to a country and will require far more than a passage to ensure its success. It argues that making information available will not prevent corruption if the conditions for publicity and accountability are weak. The paper contends that the RTI is dependent on a number of factors which may take long period to have an impact. Political leadership, civil society involvement and a balancing act that would address both access to government records and the protection of individual privacy are possibly the cure to this growing paradox.  相似文献   

彭洁  涂勇 《图书情报工作》2009,53(20):47-50
针对科学数据的研究和应用是否作为科技信息机构长远发展战略的组成部分的问题,在对国内外科技信息机构进行深入调研的基础上,总结国内外科技信息机构从事科学数据研究的四大趋势,指出了目前在该研究领域的存在难点问题,并从科技信息机构拥有的优势入手,对该机构从事科学数据研究的可行性进行了分析,最后提出从事科学数据研究活动的建议。  相似文献   

Literature on activist archiving theorises the power of recordkeeping to give voice to marginalised communities. However, missing from this archival literature are analyses about the political practice of preserving data as an act of grassroots resistance. Simultaneously, existing scholarly literature on grassroots data activism analyses the creation of new statistical representations to challenge official ones. This literature has largely ignored what will happen to this data over the long term, nor has it treated data archiving as an activist project in its own right. This theoretical article seeks to close the gap between literature on archival activism and literature on data activism, in hopes that both sets of research can draw productively from each other. There are clear affinities between activist archives and data activism: both address the failure by mainstream institutions to account for marginal voices, both have the power to make issues visible and legitimate within the public sphere, and both experiment with traditional forms of memory and statistical evidence. The authors believe that these two powerful forms of activity have much to learn from each other, particularly as the need to steward data over the long term will only grow.  相似文献   

刘娜  吴志杰 《档案学研究》2022,36(4):101-107
国家重大科技基础设施是突破科学前沿、解决国家经济社会可持续发展和国家安全瓶颈问题的利器。国家重大科技基础设施运行阶段档案作为一种重要的战略资源,对保障国家重大科技基础设施的有效运行和相关科研项目的顺利开展具有至关重要的意义。本文基于四项国家重大科技基础设施的档案管理实践,阐述了国家重大科技基础设施运行阶段档案管理的主要特征,分析了运行档案管理存在制度不健全、验收要求不明确、考核管理不到位和管理力度不足等方面的问题。基于问题成因分析,从构建管理制度、明确归档范围、强化责任落实、推进数据管理等四个方面提出了解决问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

科技期刊编辑如何把好论文的学术质量关   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
徐红 《编辑学报》2006,18(4):260-261
科技期刊的编辑在处理稿件的过程中,首先要选择好审稿人,对于返回的审稿意见要准确把握;要起好作者与审稿人之间的桥梁作用,使作者与审稿人之间有适当的意见交流;要在编校过程中积累经验,注意对文章中试验材料和方法、图表、数据以及参考文献的审读与加工.  相似文献   

Copyright, a legal discipline concerned with the protection of the moral and economic rights of the creators of literary, scientific and artistic works, is recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 27.2), as are the rights to information and culture. This intellectual right amounts to a monopoly on exploitation for authors, which is the subject of national legislation and international conventions designed to ensure its worldwide harmonization. Since the invention of printing, which brought it into being, copyright has been adapted to the various technologies for disseminating and communicating works of the mind that have subsequently developed. Because respect for copyright is a fundamental requirement for the full development of the creative work for which it provides remuneration, copyright today is faced with the difficulty of maintaining the delicate balance among the legitimate interests of authors, successors-in-title and the general public in the digital environment. This paper illustrates a highly topical international debate, analyses international agreements adopted under the aegis of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) last December and describes UNESCO's doctrine on the subject.  相似文献   


This study documents the use of humor in an instructional setting outside traditional classrooms. Specifically, it studied the use of instructional humor in training elite and aspiring gymnasts. Analysis of practice recordings, firsthand observations, and interviews with coaches, staff members, athletes and their guardians, revealed that coaches employed instructional humor in patterned ways and at patterned times to encourage the learning process. This study is the first to document that coaches used humor to address athletes’ potential identity harm due to failure during practice (labeled here, ‘identity distracting function’) and to reaffirm athletes’ relational standing with coaches and peers in spite of those failures (labeled here, ‘relational reaffirmation function’). The study also identified situations in which humor is inappropriate during training. Thus, this study identified new functions of instructional humor used during the learning process for aspiring elite athletes. The transferability of findings to other settings is also described.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 以欧盟研究与创新框架计划"地平线2020"为例,介绍和分析欧盟科研数据管理与开放获取政策及其特点,为我国科研数据管理与开放获取提供参考与借鉴。[方法/过程] 采用文献调研法,对"欧盟地平线2020"计划及其科研数据管理与开放获取政策进行梳理,概括其内容,分析其特点。[结果/结论] 实现对我国科研数据的科学和有效管理需要从战略层面制定国家科研数据管理与共享政策,提供稳定与持续的经费支持,制定具有共识性和指导意义的原则与标准,加强对科研数据管理与共享的相关研究及培训,发挥图书馆在科研数据共享方面的作用。  相似文献   

高校是科学研究的重要主力军,探讨高校科研生产效率,并分析其中的不足之处,提出合理的建议是非常 重要的。本文根据我国30个省份高校2009—2013年科技统计数据,采用DEA-Malmquist指数分析法,以技术效率、技 术进步效率、纯技术效率、规模效率和全要素生产效率为指标对全国30个省份高校科技投入产出效率进行评价。研究 结果表明,我国部分省、市高校的科技投入产出效率不足,在很大程度上是因为资源使用效率不足和受限于经济原因 导致投入不足。最后针对存在的问题从改善高校的科研管理制度、扩大高校的科研规模、提升高校的科学技术水平等 方面提出相关的对策和建议。  相似文献   

DOI 的应用已经从期刊、电子书、技术报告、标准等文献的标识向与文献相关的科学数据、版权甚至作者的 标识等多元化方向发展,并成为知识链接发展的一个重要阶段。本文系统分析科学数据DOI 在我国的应用现状,结合 科学数据资源的特征,分析科学数据DOI 安全与权益、多重解析、粒度与更新、数据引用和出版等问题,并以全球变 化科学数据出版系统为例,针对上述问题,给出具体的对策。  相似文献   

This article is based on a symposium held at the University of California, Berkeley, and sponsored by the Library, University of California, Berkeley; the Librarians Association of the University of California (Berkeley Division); and the School of Library and Information Studies, University of California, Berkeley. The author examines government information controls in the context of the constitutional and statutory tradition of open access to government information in the United States. He discusses the restrictive climate in which the Reagan administration views public access and warns that restrictive national security policies may actually curtail economic growth, retard defense programs, and undermine the Constitution.  相似文献   

为加快世界一流期刊建设,2018年中华中医药学会开展了中医药科技期刊分级目录制定工作,并于2019年发布了中医药科技期刊分级目录T1、T2级期刊名单。分级目录在促进期刊不断提升质量的同时,也加剧了非T1级期刊的稿件分流和外流。本文以此次分级目录中列入T2级的《针刺研究》办刊实践为例,探索小众类科技期刊高质量发展策略。提出了在引领针灸学科发展、争创国际一流期刊的目标下,不忘初心,坚守引领创新之路;不纠结,集中力量办好自己的事;另辟蹊径,闯文化自信的中文期刊国际化之路等策略。以期为小众类科技期刊可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]注册式研究报告是开放科学环境下对科研的完整流程进行揭示的一种新兴的科研交流媒介,能有效促进科研全过程的交流共享。然而,当前学术界对此新兴出版物是否受著作权保护的问题尚未做出清晰解释,明确这一问题有助于注册式研究报告得到进一步的推广和使用,对于开放科学的发展和科研交流模式创新具有重要意义。[方法/过程]综合应用网络调研法和内容分析法,分析注册式研究报告的内容构成和研究类型的特殊性,并以受著作权保护的作品的概念界定和构成要件为理论依据,探索注册式研究报告能否成为著作权保护的对象及其是否具有被保护的基本属性。[结果/结论]注册式研究报告是凝聚了科研人员科研活动的智力成果,属于科学领域的科研产物;作为一种科研交流媒介,注册式研究报告促使科研的交流与共享环节提前,使研究人员能有效地交流与共享科研设想,科研设想通过文字等形式在第一阶段的注册式研究报告中表现出来,同时允许科研人员规范引用其内容,具有有形性和可复制性;注册式研究报告内容表达的复杂性、内容构成的多样性、研究类型的特殊性均不影响其作为科研成果的独创性判断,注册式研究报告凝聚科研人员思想精髓和艰辛付出,具有独创性,理应当受到著作权保护。  相似文献   

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