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场馆学习是一种重要的非正式学习形式,而家庭是场馆来访群体的重要组成部分.大量研究表明,在参观场馆的过程中,家庭成员可以有效学习科学知识、培养科学态度、提升科学素养.国内外学术界对于儿童如何在场馆参观过程中实现对科学的理解仍在探索中.通过对相关国际学术文献进行分析,探讨影响儿童跟随家长在参观场馆过程中学习科学的因素,发现影响儿童在参观过程中理解科学的因素主要包括家庭背景、角色定位、话语形式、辅助支架、展示形式.  相似文献   

场馆科学教育是一种基于真实情景的教育活动,学习过程强调探究、互动,并会产生多元的学习结果。科学场馆的知识传播不是教育者向受教育者的单向传播,而是双向交流、互动影响,倡导积极互动、启发引导式的教育理念,激发公众参与的兴趣,从而深度挖掘展品背后的科学知识和科学精神。深入了解科学场馆的教育理论、影响学习效果的因素以及相关实证研究,是促进科学场馆实践效果的重要保障。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,人们越来越认识到科学教育不应该囿于学校这一封闭领域,而是应该整合多方资源。科学课程是开展科学教育的重要载体,场馆教育是提升科普质量的关键手段,二者相互配合,相得益彰。基于地域分布、综合国力、科学质量测评、场馆特色等因素,本研究选定了10个国家作为研究对象,对各国的教育发展概况、科学教育课程目标(或理念)、场馆科学教育目标(或理念)进行了质性研究,以期了解各国科学教育目标的具体落实,从而进一步推进我国馆校合作的进程和发展。  相似文献   

场馆学习是发生在自然情境中的非正式学习行为,受多重因素的影响,其学习效果与个体特征、社会互动以及场馆物理环境等多重情境因素相关。场馆情境学习模型于1992年由美国学者Falk等提出,近20年来通过众多研究者在理论模型的建构和实践研究的探索方面做出的努力,该模型得到了一定的发展。文章介绍了该理论模型的起源、形成、探索、发展以及后续研究者在其研究范式上的创新,梳理并分析了情境学习模型的发展脉络,有助于为后续研究者开展场馆学习研究提供理论框架的借鉴和研究方法的指导。  相似文献   

场馆学习作为非正式学习的重要形式,是与人、场馆、展品和文化相关的具体的学习机制、学习方案与学习过程。对场馆学习进行科学评价是有效促进学习效果提升以及场馆可持续发展的重要条件。目前国外对场馆学习的评价已有一些有价值的研究,但在国内这一研究还处于起步阶段。文章从资源与学习两个视角探寻场馆学习的评价,通过梳理国内外对场馆学习中数字化资源和学习效果的评价研究,尝试建立对场馆中数字化资源及学习结果评价的原则、框架及评价体系,期望为我国的相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

文章站在历史、现实与未来的交叉点上,对场馆学习的研究焦点与发展动态进行了评述。文章认为,场馆学习研究焦点与方法的历史变迁经历了从基于人口学视角的场馆学习之描述性研究这一早期形态向基于人类学视角的场馆学习之解释性研究的文化转向,社会文化视角已经成为场馆学习研究的基本理论框架,在这一总体框架下,场馆学习研究的基本范畴包括学习机制、学习环境、人工制品、支撑技术、支持服务及学习评价。文章在对国内场馆学习研究的最新动态进行剖析评述的基础上,对未来研究议题进行了展望,认为当前我国的场馆学习研究已成为一个为教育技术学、心理学、教育学(尤其是科学教育)以及传统的博物馆学等多学科共同关注的跨学科领域,未来需要通过多学科协同全面推进在学习机制、学习环境、人工制品、支撑技术、支持服务及学习评价等方面的研究。  相似文献   

文章从基于模型的科学学习环境相关概念出发,在文献研究基础上,提炼了此类学习环境比较研究的分析框架,讨论了分析框架的要素。在分析框架的基础上,将国外当前基于模型的科学学习环境分为三类:主界面只含一种模型的学习环境、主界面含多种模型的学习环境、主界面含共享建模区的学习环境,并进行了比较,讨论了不同类型的学习环境在设计要素方面的特点,得出了异同点。从而提出了在面向不同的学习者和不同主题的教学内容时,基于模型的科学学习环境的设计和应用策略,为我国相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

明确科技场馆教师的素质标准,建立胜任特征模型,并促进其专业化发展,是推动科技场馆发挥教育职能的有效途径。本研究以此问题为核心,通过对国内13家综合性科技馆72名场馆教师的半结构化访谈,初步构建出我国科技场馆教师的胜任特征模型。该模型包含专业知识与技能、工作能力、发展意识、职业精神、履职动机5个维度,内含科学与展品知识、沟通表达能力、自主学习意识、责任心、职业认同等18项胜任特征,并对各项胜任特征在场馆教育工作情境中的要求特征和行为表现进行了描述。该研究结果可为我国科技场馆教师的招聘选拔、评价考核及专业培养等提供参考依据和实践标准。  相似文献   

科技场馆学习是国际科学教育领域近20年来的研究热点,其中关于场馆学习中社会互动的研究更是学者们关注的焦点.文章从家庭和学校两种团体参观形式出发,具体分析了家庭成员之间、学生同伴之间和师生之间的社会互动特点以及影响互动效果的因素,并提出未来应着力研究中国发展背景下的社会互动类型与特点,深入探讨影响观众学习效果的关键因素及影响机制.  相似文献   

场馆等非正式学习环境中的技术应用有着重要的教育意义,虽然很多研究已经探究了技术对场馆学习效果的影响,但是鲜有研究去系统地评估其影响大小.为了评估技术对场馆学习效果的影响以及深入探究对该影响起调节作用的各调节变量,研究分析并评价了近十年34项技术应用于场馆学习领域的实验或准实验研究.结果显示,技术应用对提升场馆学习效果具有中等以上的影响,且技术类别、学习者年龄、场馆类型和场馆参观模式等因素会显著影响技术对场馆学习效果的效用.因此,场馆应当加强各类技术的应用,通过构建虚实融合的场馆环境为学习者提供个性化学习体验.  相似文献   

具身认知强调认知是身体参与的认知,通过身体、环境、感知、心智的互动融合完成知识的表征。科技场馆借助实体场馆与先进信息技术的融合,构建了具身学习的场域。文章首先基于具身认知理论,在科技场馆的具身学习中融合三种环境(即物理环境、社会环境和心理环境)和三类具身(即实感具身、实境具身和离线具身),设计了科技场馆学习支架。随后,文章在“电流的磁效应”主题学习中开展了两轮迭代设计研究,验证科技场馆学习支架的应用效果。最后,文章形成了修正后的科技场馆学习支架,以提升学习者身体在场的行动参与感,帮助学习者身体体验的内化与经验建构,为学习者在科技场馆中的具身学习提供有效的学习支持。  相似文献   

Learners encounter science in a wide variety of contexts beyond the science classroom which collectively could be quite influential on student attitudes and abilities. But relatively little is known about the relative influence of different forms of informal science experiences, especially for the kinds of experiences that students typically access. We conduct factor and regression analyses on data collected from a large number of diverse public-school attending 6th and 8th graders drawn from two regions in the USA. Students completed a science reasoning measure and surveys of attitudes, previously completed informal science learning experiences, and demographic factors. Factor analyses identify four dimensions of informal science learning participation (in home, semiformal, nature, and museums). Regression analyses find a relative specificity of effects, with particular outcomes associated with a subset of the forms of informal science participation, highlighting the importance of controlling for correlated factors. There were also a few differences by grade level, with different experiences influencing the development of competency beliefs in science in early vs. late middle schoolers.  相似文献   

Today, science is a major part of Western culture. One advantage of informal learning environments is that they are (potentially) open to a wide range of populations with varying levels of interest and knowledge. Because of their informal nature, documenting learning has proven challenging. Studies that assess learning in museums, therefore, must employ theories of learning that encompass a more complex view of what learning is. This qualitative study was conducted with a population of high-level pedagogical staff from museums in Israel, Europe and the USA. Its purpose was to characterise staff perception of the goals of science museums and how these goals are manifested in the exhibits. Interviews with 17 staff revealed a wide range of goals that come into play in the different science museums. Findings suggest that the pedagogical staff perceive the science museum’s goals as being to change public views regarding science, promote science education, and reduce disparities between populations. According to museum staff, science museums have an important role in changing visitors’ approach towards science, as well as providing an additional source of science education.  相似文献   

胡毓轩 《科教导刊》2020,(1):117-118
随着游戏化学习这种新型学习方式的出现与广泛应用,科技馆为了紧随时代的发展脚步开始积极引入各种科普游戏。本文从当前开发的具备学习和教育功能游戏展示角度出发,探究这类游戏对场馆和硬件设施的要求,落实科技馆展示艺术设计工作,从而为关注这一话题的人们提供参考。  相似文献   

Despite the increasing use of portable tablets in learning, their impact has received little attention in research. In five different projects, this media-ethnographic and design-based analysis of the use of portable tablets as a learning resource in science museums investigates how young people’s learning with portable tablets matches the intentions of the museums. By applying media and information literacy (MIL) components as analytical dimensions, a pattern of discrepancies between young people’s expectations, their actual learning and the museums’ approaches to framing such learning is identified. It is argued that, paradoxically, museums’ decisions to innovate by introducing new technologies, such as portable tablets, and new pedagogies to support them conflict with many young people’s traditional ideas of museums and learning. The assessment of the implications of museums’ integration of portable tablets indicates that in making pedagogical transformations to accommodate new technologies, museums risk opposing didactic intention if pedagogies do not sufficiently attend to young learners’ systemic expectations to learning and to their expectations to the digital experience influenced by their leisure use.  相似文献   

Visits to museums and science centres are a part of most school science programs- but are they really learning experiences? By accompanying classes on visits and talking with the teachers and students during and after these visits, information has been gathered on the ways in which school groups currently use visits to two informal science learning settings in Sydney- a science education centre and a large museum. Comparison of the teacher and student behaviours on these visits with current views on good teaching/learning practice, reveals considerable anomalies. At the same time, reported studies of museum visitors suggest that family groups use museums for learning in ways which are quite different from the way most school groups do. Can these apparent mismatches be translated into a pathway for developing new approaches to learning in informal settings?  相似文献   

科学馆在民国时期学校理科教学特别是中学理科实验教学中扮演了重要角色。民国时期公共科学馆从建议设立到零星出现再到行政推广的过程,凸显了它在中学理科实验教学中的作用及其与学校科学教育发展的关系。  相似文献   


Providing learning environments that are motivating for female students and male students alike is a challenge for science educators. This overview of the research conducted in science museums provides initial insights into informal educational settings that allow female visitors to have experiences which foster development of science interest and learning. The discussion of the influence of gender on learning experiences in informal science environments raises questions and calls for further research and more comprehensive reporting of research results. Findings related to gender‐equitable learning in settings such as science museums would be beneficial and extend the present knowledge base in science education.  相似文献   

Although a growing number of research articles in recent years have treated the role of informal settings in science learning, the subject of the history of science in museums and its relationship to informal and non-formal education remains less well explored. The aim of this review is to assemble the studies of history of science in science museums and explore the opportunities for the further use of the history of science in science museum education practice.  相似文献   

This review examines how natural history museums (NHMs) can enhance learning and engagement in science, particularly for school-age students. First, we describe the learning potential of informal science learning institutions in general, then we focus on NHMs. We review the possible benefits of interactions between schools and NHMs, and the potential for NHMs to teach about challenging issues such as evolution and climate change and to use digital technologies to augment more traditional artefacts. We conclude that NHMs can provide students with new knowledge and perspectives, with impacts that can last for years. Through visits and their on-line presence, NHMs can help students see science in ways that the school classroom rarely can, with opportunities to meet scientists, explore whole topic exhibitions, engage with interactive displays and employ digital technologies both in situ and to support learning in the school science classroom. Although these interactions have the potential to foster positive cognitive, affective and social outcomes for students, there is a lack of reliable measures of the impact of NHM experiences for students. Opportunities to foster relationships between NHM staff and teachers through professional development can help articulate shared goals to support students’ learning and engagement.  相似文献   

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