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《古今谭概》是晚明著名文学家冯梦龙编纂的一部笑话集。他在博览历代正史、稗官野史的基础上,选取众多可笑有趣的逸闻趣事,以戏谑的口吻略加评点,遂成此集。《古今谭概》内容多为真人真事,上自历代君主,下至市井百姓,各色人等,种种笑话,应有尽有。本文运用文艺理论家巴赫金的狂欢诗学理论,从时空狂欢、语言狂欢、体裁狂欢、狂欢的内核几个层面对其进行解读,论述了作品产生的时代背景和狂欢化艺术特色,旨在发掘文本内涵,拓宽文本研究视野,发现其更深层次的文学价值。  相似文献   

巴赫金的狂欢化理论颠覆了传统的思维方式,从方法论上为张恨水小说创作的研究指明了方向。狂欢思维具有强烈的变更意识,它强调“未完成性”和“不确定性”。狂欢思维具有“快乐的相对性”,并以此捣毁绝对理念,瓦解绝对权威。文本是开放性的,凭借这些性质它可以不断生成新的意义,将人们引向更宽广的天地,因而对文本的理解活动是无止境的。  相似文献   

狂欢书写与修辞隐喻——以张炜《九月寓言》为个案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张炜的《九月寓言》带有众多“狂欢化”的因素。用俄国学者巴赫金的“狂欢化”理论,从形式分析入手,返回文本的历史语境、文化语境及作家的个体体验,实现对文本中狂欢化素材、修辞、结构的归并与清理,探索张炜的叙述动机与内在矛盾。  相似文献   

《公众的怒火》被认为是后现代主义文学的代表作之一。借用巴赫金的狂欢化诗学理论去重新解读这部后现代主义文学的经典之作,可以看出,通过对官方话语的颠覆,文本实现了对“罗森堡间谍案”的重新建构。  相似文献   

《大话西游》是一个典型的大众文化文本,分析它受欢迎的原因可以解释大众文化的一些表征。《大话西游》的狂欢化的书写策略诸如,戏仿、脱冕、狂欢化的广场语言等产生了文本的狂欢化审美效果,因此我们说它是一个“狂欢化”文本。  相似文献   

<大话西游>是一个典型的大众文化文本,分析它受欢迎的原因可以解释大众文化的一些表征.<大话西游>的狂欢化的书写策略诸如,戏仿、脱冕、狂欢化的广场语言等产生了文本的狂欢化审美效果,因此我们说它是一个"狂欢化"文本.  相似文献   

新历史主义是不同于传统历史主义和形式主义批评的"新"的文学批评方法,一种对历史文本加以释义的、政治解读的"文化诗学"。国内新时期的新历史主义文艺思潮与国外新历史主义批判理论之间彼此互动,是新时期中国文坛引人瞩目的文艺现象。本文以《温故一九四二》为例,从新历史主义文论批评视角如文本的历史性、历史的文本性、大写历史小写化、客观历史的主体化以及戏剧张力等方面进行分析阐释。  相似文献   

夏目漱石是日本近代文学史上最杰出的代表作家之一。《哥儿》是其早期创作中的名篇。文章运用巴赫金的"狂欢化"理论,通过对文本的细致解读,分析文本所呈现的狂欢化特征:狂欢化的人物、狂欢化的叙事语言、狂欢化的仪式、狂欢化的广场。  相似文献   

80年代末期,现代主义、后现代主义的文化思潮与文学思潮,加快了对传统现实存在及精神意义的消解。九十年代的女性开始重新审视男性和反省自身,一些女作家在小说文本中,对既定的男女世界进行颠覆、审丑、呓语、戏仿,实施了多样的解构策略。  相似文献   

《金台全传》一直较少受到研究者关注,其中多次描绘的打擂母题,是明清小说的作者和读者兴趣的焦点之一,有着丰富的文化含义。狂欢化色彩是打擂母题的重要特质,解释了作者读者心理交汇的原因;既受到口头文学和书场文化的影响,也受到晚清社会思想变化的推动。虽然,学界对于与打擂相关的“相扑”活动有些研究,但罕有注意到,比武打擂这一文学叙事模式真正的文本建构,归功于中古时期外域传来的佛经故事,其有打擂比武教训力士、比武招亲、比武为国、欲赠女求对方退让,毁约被摔死的故事,等等。  相似文献   

Preschool Teacher Well-Being: A Review of the Literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much is changing in preschool education. Current reform primarily emphasizes standardized practice, academic outcomes, and accountability. Little attention has been given to how these changes are impacting the well-being of teachers. The purpose of this review is to summarize the current literature on preschool teacher well-being and identify directions for future research. Accordingly, a thorough search of the literature was conducted and 30 articles attending to issues of preschool teacher well-being were identified and analyzed. The literature was found to be deeply fragmented, rather narrow and limited. One conclusion is that more research is needed that attends more broadly to preschool teachers’ well-being, including self-efficacy, life satisfaction, financial stability, emotional and physical health, and autonomy.  相似文献   

This paper explores the under‐researched area of extracurricular activity undertaken by students through the lens of the possible selves literature, which has largely been developed in the North American context. In the UK the employability agenda assumes an orientation towards the future and employers are increasingly expecting students to display capacities beyond those of simply achieving a degree. Extracurricular activity is one site where students might be able to develop these additional capacities towards their future imagined selves. Our case study, based on in‐depth interviews with 61 students, found different orientations towards the future, with only some displaying future selves attuned to employability. Other students were more firmly orientated to the present and developing student identities or unable to elaborate or act on imaged futures because of the contingencies of the present. We conclude that paying attention to differing temporalities and to the insights derived from the possible selves literature are likely to be fruitful for further research on extracurricular activity.  相似文献   

银行资本监管是当今世界上最愿意被接受的监管工具。原因是有限责任和存款保险使银行产生了过度风险行为的动机。银行拥有更多的资本使它们用自己的资金承担风险行为,从而资本需求能够缓冲这个问题。理论献对于银行怎么决定它们的资本结构和资产组合风险以及资本监管怎么影响这个决定进行了大量的探讨。本企图通过对这些献进行简要回顾,明白这些原理建议了什么,并指出未来我们还要对银行资本监管做哪些研究。  相似文献   

新媒体新技术支持下的高校各学科教与学的变革越发受到重视,作为教学载体的学习空间从传统型向智慧型的演化成为人们的关注焦点,是未来学习环境改革的重要方向。以对现有相关文献和应用实例的深入分析为基础,总结并提出了高校智慧学习空间的特征与结构模型;采用关键词共现分析等方法,对近年来高校智慧学习空间的建设与发展开展了探究;剖析了高校智慧学习空间在实际建设中存在的一些问题,并预测了其发展趋势。  相似文献   

The Finnish education system has received worldwide attention due to the top academic performance of Finnish school students. Physical education, as an integral part of the Finnish education curriculum, potentially contributes to the overall success. The purpose of this article is to summarize Finnish physical education reform during the past decades and to review and critique recent literature that has examined the effectiveness of Finnish physical education programs. This review concludes that physical education has a solid foundation in Finnish schools and that it enjoys strong support in Finnish society. Although physical education contact time has diminished across four decades, the current basic education reform has begun to allocate more time and funding for elementary and middle school physical education. The literature review, however, revealed limited evidence on the effectiveness of physical education programs. In the future, robust studies are needed to provide evidence of the effectiveness of physical education. It is likely that with rigorous research evidence, the current efforts to allocate more time for physical education should be more easily justified and supported.  相似文献   

Provision for pupils with special educational needs in Ireland has undergone considerable change and review in the first decade of the twenty‐first century. In response to international demands for a more equitable education system that recognises diversity and considers how schools might address the needs of pupils who have been previously marginalised, Irish legislation has focused upon the development of inclusive schooling. Researchers during this period have endeavoured to understand how responses to the demand for greater inclusion have impacted upon the perceived need for change. This paper reviews the research literature for this period and identifies four key themes under which research has been conducted. The literature pertaining to these themes is explored and a possible agenda for future researchers identified.  相似文献   

进入电子媒介时代,一些较为年轻的学者受米勒、德里达等人的影响对文学的发展抱有较为消极的心态,认为"文学将死"。然而文学正在发展的事实证明,文学并没有走进死胡同。从文艺学家艾布拉姆斯在《镜与灯——浪漫主义文论及批评传统》一书中提出的文学四要素——社会、作家、作品、读者的角度来看,文学在电子时代呈现出依存环境的开放性、权威的消解、载体的多样化、读者整体水平提升等新的特点。在新的时代表现出来的这些新的特点,正是其得以发展的生命之源。面对未来,文学将会遇到更大的挑战,但是文学自身的特点及属性决定了其存在的价值以及终将实现其应有地位的回归。  相似文献   


In preparing the future stewards of the physical education profession, the occupational socialization and professional development of physical education doctoral students is important to consider. To date, there has been scant scholarly inquiry into doctoral education in physical education. However, there is an abundance of research related to doctoral training in the higher education literature more generally. Drawing upon this larger body of work, this article expands occupational socialization theory to address the socialization of physical education doctoral students and faculty members. The case is made that effective doctoral training in physical education is essential to securing the future of the profession. Provided is an overview of the existing literature, presentation of an adaptation to occupational socialization theory that explains doctoral physical education socialization, and a discussion of key professional development issues that academic leaders and student support personnel should consider. Implications and recommendations for doctoral physical education leadership and academic programs are provided.  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of why counting has figured so prominently in feminist social science studies of children's literature. It documents the quantitative approach to children's books used by both liberal and radical feminists, gives an account of why this approach has been so popular among feminist social scientists, and outlines some of the achievements and limitations of this approach. The article also indicates some reasons why recent, multicultural feminist, social science studies have used a more qualitative approach to children's literature, as well as some reasons to expect that one might count on a greater balance of qualitative and quantitative studies in the future.  相似文献   

宋玉被誉为"赋家之祖",他所开创的赋体文学对后世影响颇深,尤其是夸饰铺陈的描写手法,刘勰在《文心雕龙.夸饰》中言"自宋玉景差,夸饰始盛"[1:333],可见宋玉对中国赋体文学采用夸饰的写法有首创之功。究其原因,夸饰铺陈的描写手法与宋玉作为宫廷侍从的身份有密切的关系,更与以娱君为目的、讲究铺排夸饰的优语有着极深的渊源。  相似文献   

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