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Academic libraries acquiring e-books through approval plans and other acquisition methods might question whether their collections are properly balanced between e-books and print books since patron needs vary across subject areas. This study examines seven years of monograph purchases at Texas A&M University Libraries (TAMU) through the approval plan vendor. Acquisition and use data are analyzed across subject areas. Study results inform how to balance print and e-collections to effectively support academic programs. TAMU purchased 78% of the monographs in print despite adopting an e-preferred approval plan, though most subject areas had higher e-book use compared to print.  相似文献   

A case study was conducted within two Faculties in the University of Ulster during academic year 2010–11. Its aims were: to assess levels of undergraduate ebook use; how, why, and for what purpose undergraduate students chose to use or not use e-books; assess barriers to use; and consider promotional strategies.

Data were collected by means of a desk-based usage comparison and self-completion online questionnaire. Findings were considered using Diffusion of Innovation theory and Roesnita and Zainab's Ebook Use Model.

Ebooks are used thirty times more than print counterparts. Users expressed a definite preference for print books; format choice is dependent upon study need. Usage has not yet reached self-sustaining take-off. Ebooks cannot be considered interchangeable with books; promotion should take account of how ebooks are considered “different” from print.  相似文献   

E-books have increasingly penetrated the academic world. However, despite efforts from Vietnamese universities and colleges to establish and broaden their e-books collection, students seem reluctant to use these digital books. This study aims to examine the barriers to using e-books in libraries among Vietnamese students. Data were obtained from 355 undergraduate students who were interested in e-books. The findings demonstrate that some key barriers impeding students from using e-books include the lack of computers and e-books in libraries, limited information and knowledge about e-books and their preference of using print books. Interestingly, female students tend to perceive the barriers to be stronger than their male counterparts. This study’s findings have important implications for universities, libraries and publishers who seek to promote e-books to students.  相似文献   


The number of electronic books (e-books) that are available is increasing rapidly. Libraries are acquiring them individually, in large groups, and as part of collections. Off-campus librarians perceive them to be the best solution to the problems and expenses related to loaning and shipping print books to off-campus students. This study looks at the usage of e-books by off-campus students at Central Michigan University (CMU) to see if usage patterns can assist librarians with e-book collection development to support off-campus programs.  相似文献   

E-books have yet to assume a significant place in academic library collections. This article focuses on extracting common themes from the literature that might help the reader better understand why e-books have not yet become the cornerstone of the academic library. Patrons do not use e-books because they find the experience of using e-books incongruous with their experience of using other electronic resources, and many of the unexpected limitations they encounter when using e-books are not inherent to the format. Most often, they are purposefully imposed limitations tied to digital rights management techniques. Librarians do not purchase e-books because the titles they want to acquire are often not available electronically, because they are priced or packaged in a way that makes them less appealing than their print counterparts, or because acquiring e-books does not easily integrate into their normal acquisitions workflow.  相似文献   

This study examines usage patterns of psychology e-books and equivalent print titles held in Texas A&M University (TAMU) Libraries collections. The authors sought to determine how well PsycBOOKS, a specialized subject-based collection, serves users' needs. Results support evidence-based collection acquisition and management decisions of books in print and electronic formats. Major findings indicate that PsycBOOKS is a critical and cost-effective resource supporting the TAMU user community and that hybrid print and electronic collections should coexist to support a variety of user information needs.  相似文献   


The ease and effectiveness of patron-driven (demand-driven) acquisitions has helped to optimize many academic libraries’ acquisitions budgets. Libraries are increasingly turning to e-books as an alternative to purchasing multiple copies. Academic libraries have for years been forced to purchase large packages of e-books that are of questionable financial value because so much of the content is not used. The number of content units downloaded from large e-book packages by university patrons is not growing. At the same time, the number of checkouts of print books is declining. Advantages of e-books over print are discussed. Also mentioned are a few drawbacks, particularly the fact that European Union countries impose a higher level of value-added tax (VAT) on them than on print books. The author presents a case study analyzing the first two years of experience with the Ebook Library (EBL) platform at the Tallinn University of Technology Library, giving an overview of the advantages and successful measures of demand-driven acquisition in the form of short-term loans.  相似文献   

Subject specialists seek to understand humanists' perceptions of e-books. The investigator conducted an online survey of humanities faculty at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) to find out. The survey uncovered information about the e-book collections humanist scholars benefit from most. Respondents used and valued e-books but felt printed books were more important in their disciplines. The major disadvantages of e-books outnumbered the major advantages in scholars' estimation, but the desire for ready access to book content largely eclipsed their affinity for print and any perceived disadvantages of the e-book format. The investigator considers implications for local humanities collection development.  相似文献   

Academic libraries are choosing to purchase electronic books (e-books) rather than print more frequently for multiple reasons. Unfortunately, e-books are not being used as much as they should be. With increasing academic e-book collections, many studies have examined student and faculty use of and attitudes towards this innovation. This paper will analyze the results in this area of research and align them with the Diffusion of Innovations Theory that includes the Rogers Diffusion of Innovations Curve, innovation categories, and the factors affecting the diffusion process of an innovation. This analysis will give libraries a better understanding of who is using academic e-books, why academic e-books are being used, and how to influence the behaviour of the academic libraries' patrons to increase their use of academic e-books. An analysis of these three areas will help libraries to develop effective marketing and education strategies aimed at increasing e-book usage.  相似文献   

During the fall of 2008, the librarians at Rodgers Library and the Associate Dean for Collections examined circulation statistics for print materials published in the past five years. At the same time, they were examining use of electronic resources in science and engineering. The difference in use was staggering. While the use of electronic resources continues to rise, the circulation of print materials falls. Statistics showed that only one third of the print materials ordered over the past five years have circulated, many only one time. Based on this information, the authors began discussing alternatives. While e-books will constitute a possible substitute for print books, they know that the two formats are complementary and will continue to maintain a balance in their collection. E-book acquisitions continue to evolve as new options become available.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how electronic books (e-books) are used for scholarly activity. It focuses on the end-users of e-books in a case study which aimed to establish how scholars use and learn from e-books and the limitations of academic e-books.  相似文献   

通过调查了解目前我国高校引进外文电子图书的种类,统计不同高校图书馆引进外文电子图书的数量,发现目前我国高校图书馆外文电子图书的订购有订阅模式和买断模式,主要服务模式有链接服务模式和整合服务模式。指出相应的问题并提供解决举措,如针对高校图书馆外文电子图书引进模式单一的问题,应加强图书馆联盟的作用,鼓励国内供应商进行服务升级;针对永久访问权保障困难的问题,应加强电子资源长期保存的意识,争取外文电子图书的所有权和长期保存授权;针对服务水平普遍较低的问题,应争取足够的使用权限,加强外文电子图书的整合,并加强宣传和培训。  相似文献   


At the beginning of this decade, research on e-books clearly indicated that e-books were neither well received nor desired by students in higher education. However, in the past few years, academic institutions have begun reporting very good use rates for e-books. In this article, the change taking place in e-book use is explored. Faculty and student preference for reading print books, and not e-books, is the background for exploring the effects of forced adoption and user adaptation on e-book use in a small academic institution. In addition, the effect that relative advantage, current adoption rates, cultural norms, publishers' business models, and print book/e-book competition are having on current and future e-book use are discussed.  相似文献   

The print publishing industry today is very different from what it was 5 years ago, or even 1 year ago. Developments in book manufacturing technology, the pressures to reduce print runs due to the impact in the growth of e-books and comprehensive distribution models, have given way to a new efficient book supply chain that has made more content available to consumers than ever before, and, has dramatically streamlined how books get into the hands of readers worldwide.  相似文献   

Updated from a presentation given at Biblionext.it in Rome in April 2011, this article will highlight The New York Public Library’s success with e-books and other forms of popular e-content and our efforts to stay one step ahead of the consumer shift from print reading to e-reading. Consumer e-reading is dominated by Amazon.com in the US, followed by one of the largest chain bookstores, BarnesandNoble.com. The availability of digital versions of very popular titles, coupled with the explosion of e-readers, tablets, and smartphones that are priced competitively and fairly easy to use, are helping move a lot of Americans into the e-book world. Last month, Amazon.com announced they sold more e-books than physical books for the first time ever. Print books are not going away, but our experience is that it is clear e-books are no longer just an extra format to offer, they are integral to our future.  相似文献   

Considerable changes are taking place in the publishing industry, and to survive publishers cannot sit back and wait for the changes to take effect. With e-books supposedly pulling ahead in the publisher’s race, the publishing industry must revise its business models to adjust to new demands. While e-books are attractive, print is still the major revenue engine within the world of publishing, and digital print is the future. Considering the entirety of the supply chain, it can be seen that digital book printing books saves money, supports more titles and increases efficiency. There is a different way to get a better bottom line, and publishers must consider the whole value chain, not just the unit price.  相似文献   

Business students and faculty expect the electronic delivery of content within their multiple disciplinary subject areas. The speed of acceptance and the rate of migration from print to electronic sources within the various business disciplines outpaces the acceptance rates in the humanities and other social sciences. Business students and faculty exhibit information-seeking behaviors that are unique to the practice-oriented nature of a business education. Electronic resources re-enforce this information-seeking behavior. The technology utilized in the creation of e-books enables business students and faculty to successfully locate specific data, both textual and numeric within the resource, further reinforcing their behaviors and accelerating the demand for additional e-books. Business students and faculty use e-books as reference books.  相似文献   

The authors discuss declining usage of print collections in business disciplines and describe a survey of business faculty conducted in fall 2009. Results indicate a preference for print books but a willingness to substitute e-books. Using these results, this article outlines reasons for faculty preferences and implications for future collection development.  相似文献   

台湾地区大学图书馆电子书使用现况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于数字出版的发展,电子书已在台湾的大学及技专校院图书馆占重要地位。为了解大学师生对这些电子书的使用状况,台湾学术电子书联盟于2010年进行了大规模的使用调查。调查问题包括:大学师生是否使用过图书馆的电子书,使用频率为何,透过何种管道查询电子书,使用电子书的意愿为何,使用电子书的动机为何,使用电子书遇到的问题及需要协助的困难为何,哪些是用户重视的电子书质量及功能,对于台湾学术电子书联盟引进的电子书满意度如何。调查采用在线问卷,共有91个学校,26,120位教职员生填答。调查发现,大学教师、研究员及研究生使用过电子书的比例高达六成以上;在同时有纸本书及电子书的情况下,半数以上的教师、研究员及研究生会优先选用电子书,但大学生仍喜爱纸本图书;对于电子书的质量,用户重视的是全文影像是否清晰、搜寻功能是否良好、使用接口是否易于操作、浏览方式是否便利、全文阅读方式是否符合需求等。另外,找不到所需的电子书,是读者最常遇到的困扰,显示图书馆的电子书种类仍不足以应付使用者的需求。  相似文献   

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