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在建设公民科学素养和深化科学教育改革的背景下,本研究对杭州市小学科学教师和小学生科学素养的现状进行了调查和分析,对两者之间的相关性进行了研究。小学科学教师科学素养总体水平偏低,小学生科学素养水平处于中等,小学科学教师科学素养与学生科学素养之间存在着中度正相关,提高小学科学教师的科学素养是提高小学生科学素养的关键。  相似文献   

大别山区域是经济发展欠发达地区。由于历史原因和客观条件的制约,大别山地区中小学科学教师相对匮乏,专业化水平不高,教育观念和教学方法相对落后,导致区域内民众科学素养偏低,这已经成为制约大别山经济社会发展的重要隐形因素。本研究以大别山区域科学教育基础较好的黄梅县中小学科学教师为调查对象,获得了该县中小学科学教师队伍基本情况的第一手资料,分析区域内科学教师队伍的基本特征,并将城区与乡镇中小学科学(包括物理、化学、生物)教师队伍的基本情况进行对比分析,找出了该县科学教师队伍存在的问题,给出了优化科学教师队伍的策略。  相似文献   

中小学教师承担着青少年科学教育的重任,提升教师科学素养是加强中小学科学教育的关键。教师科学素养的提升,包括加深对科学教育性质、功能的认识;了解、掌握科学基本方法,提高科学思维能力;整体理解、把握所教学科的学习内容;提高“学习科学”素养,加强科学教育的实践性、综合性。教师培养和在职进修培训要重视学科教师教育体系的构建,创造条件鼓励、支持教师终身学习,促进教师关注科学技术发展趋势、更新科学教育观念、提升科学素养。  相似文献   

高师科学教育专业是培养小学科学教师的主要阵地,随着小学科学课程改革的不断深入,对这些"准小学科学教师"的科学素养提出了更高的要求。因为他们的科学素养水平决定着将来小学科学教育的质量。本文旨在分析高师普通物理课程教学对培养学生科学素养薄弱的不良现状,并根据物理学科的特点提出相应的改进对策,提升学生的科学素养水平。  相似文献   

科学文化素质是国民综合素质的重要组成部分。本文从中国公众的科学素养与美国等国的公众科学素养对比出发 ,在对我国中小学科学教育现状和问题的分析中 ,结合总结并借鉴国内外中小学科学教育改革的经验 ,提出了改革和加强中小学科学教育的对策和举措  相似文献   

公众科学素养水平低下已成为严重制约中国经济发展和社会进步的瓶颈之一。国务院发布了《全民科学素质行动计划纲要》,旨在提高公众素养,而未成年人是实施《纲要》的重中之重。要提高未成年人的科学素养,建设一支专业化素养高的中小学科学教师队伍尤为关键。中小学科学教师队伍存在种种问题,分析论证科学教师应具备科学素养、教育素养和人文素...  相似文献   

关于改革和加强中小学科学教育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学化素质是国民综合素质的重要组成部分。本从中国公众的科学素养与美国等国的公众科学素养对比出发,在对我国中小学科学教育现状和问题的分析中,结合总结并借鉴国内外中小学科学教育改革的经验,提出了改革和加强中小学科学教育的对策和举措。  相似文献   

调查表明:中小学生在科学行为、科学知识与方法、科学兴趣与认同以及科技信息来源渠道等方面表现良好,但其科学素养表现不够均衡、科学探究水平不甚理想、参与科学实践活动的经历有待加强。为此,我们应该建立科学有效的中小学科学教育保障机制,充分发挥各类课程的科学教育整体功能,加强和改进中小学科学实验教学,完善和增强大众媒介科普力度,引导社会、学校、教师和家长树立正确的科学素养评价观。  相似文献   

通过对粤西某市37所城乡小学的科学教师问卷调查研究,结果表明:小学科学教师科学素养水平普遍较低,在科学方法和科学理解能力两方面都存在着严重不足;市区、县城与农村小学的科学教师的科学素养水平在整体上存在着明显的差异性;任教科学课的理科教师少,但科学素养水平比文科教师的明显偏高;专职教师少且科学素养水平比兼职教师的低,但差异不明显。  相似文献   

小学科学教师的科学素养结构要素及其具体要求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全民科学素养的高低,是制约社会发展水平的重要因素,而教育是提高全民科学素养的主要途径,小学科学是以培养科学素养为宗旨的科学启蒙课程。小学科学教师自身科学素养的高低,直接影响到人才培养的质量。基于对科学素养基本要素的共识、科学素养概念的弹性以及对小学科学教师的特殊要求,提出“小学科学教师的科学素养结构要素”这一概念,并对结构要素进行界定,对各要素的品质提出具体要求。  相似文献   

This pilot study set out to ascertain whether the level of dependence on resource material is related to teaching experience, existing understanding in mechanics, and perceived self confidence in science and technology. Details of teaching experience and qualifications were obtained from 11 experienced teachers and 10 initial teacher trainees, and understanding of mechanics was assessed by a written test. Each teacher worked through one commercially produced inservice pack about levers, pulleys or gears, and then prepared a 30 minute session for 4 ten year old children. Videos of the sessions were analysed with respect to the extent to which the pack was the sole focus; the amount of integration with other teaching aids and approaches; and the extent individual children's needs were satisfied. Although science qualifications influenced teacher confidence, they were not accurate predictors of relevant knowledge and teaching competence. As the majority of teachers followed pack instructions closely, the children's needs were not always well matched. Specializations: primary science and technology, teacher education. Specialisations: science education.  相似文献   

通过对计算机教育专业课程体系存在的主要问题的分析 ,根据“新世纪高等教育教学改革工程”和“基础教育课程改革纲要” ,从 2l世纪对中小学信息技术教师的要求和计算机科学与技术学科的发展出发 ,提出了新世纪计算机教育专业 (专科 )的课程体系以及在执行新课程体系时对教学内容、方法和手段改革的思路和做法。  相似文献   

英格兰KS4学段科学课程改革及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年9月,KS4学段的科学课程新方案开始在英格兰正式实施.与以往相比,新课程减少了要求所有学生共同必修的核心内容,增加了用于评价新课程学习的资格证书种类,从而为学生创造了更大的选择空间,提供了更多的自我实现机会.本文分析英格兰这次科学课程改革的背景及特点,阐释这次科学课程改革对我国新课程改革的有益启示.  相似文献   

试论高校机关文字综合人员的才干素养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代秘书学和实践的不断发展,“文字综合”概念在秘书工作领域应用渐广,冠名“综合”的文字业务机构在各级党政机关应运而生。在高校机关“文字综合”地位显要,居秘书工作“十项参谋职能”之首。加强文字综合工作对于高校势在必行且要做的事很多,当务之急是加强文字综合队伍建设,尤其要强调提高文字综合人员五个最基本的才干素养。  相似文献   

市场经济下复合型应用型翻译人才培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国政治、经济、文化、科技、对外交流与贸易等领域的飞速发展,社会对复合型应用型翻译人才的需求越来越大。以地方市场经济为导向,以实施学分制教学管理模式为契机,制定复合型应用型翻译人才的培养方案,进行课程体系的优化整合,并对教学内容及教学方法进行一系列的改革,这对培养具有较强竞争力的复合型应用型翻译人才有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

英国高校招生考试制度改革动态及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王立科 《考试研究》2008,(4):102-111
历经改革完善,英国建立了特色鲜明的现行高校招生考试制度,并对世界很多国家或地区的高校招生考试制度产生影响。进入新世纪,英国高校招生考试制度改革出现新的动向,逐步建立起国家资格证书体系架构,高校入学证书考试由单一走向多样化,不断扩大考生考试科目选择空间,更多采取综合评定方式和"高校招生分数转换系统"招收录取新生,重视招收弱势群体家庭学生。这些改革动向对我国正在进行的高考制度改革具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

Years of experience, education level, and subject matter expertise are three measures of teacher qualification that are employed widely in contemporary educational policies including tenure, salary, and hiring, despite significant questions about their effectiveness at predicting student performance. These questions reveal a critical gap in the literature, concerning, in particular, the enduring impact of teachers' qualifications on students' educational experiences, and they ways in which related research has traditionally been framed and conducted. Specifically, studies examining these predictors have focused almost exclusively on investigating the role that an individual teacher's qualifications have on students' performance. In schools, however, students are exposed to different teachers every year, and those teachers often have differing qualifications. This study explores the impact of teacher qualification from a cumulative perspective by examining the relationship between cumulative science teachers' qualifications (measured by years of experience, education level, and subject matter expertise) and students' educational success (academic achievement, college enrollment, and decision to major in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics field). The study found that students taught by science teachers who—as a group—were cumulatively more highly qualified, tended to have higher achievement, as well as better educational pathways and outcomes in STEM. Given that students are taught by teachers from across a broad spectrum of qualification throughout their schooling, findings from this study could have important implications, not only for research and practice, but also for education policy.  相似文献   

Following sustained discussion regarding the relationship between advanced mathematics and science learning in England, the government has pursued a reform agenda in which mathematics is embedded in national, high stakes A-level science qualifications and their assessments for 18-year-olds. For example, A-level Chemistry must incorporate the assessment of relevant mathematics for at least 20% of the qualification. Other sciences have different mandated percentages. This embedding policy is running in parallel with an adding policy that is encouraging all young people to include the study of mathematics to 18. In this paper, we present a detailed scrutiny of the published sample assessment materials in the new A-level Physics, Chemistry and Biology qualifications in order to consider what the impact of this policy move might be for the teaching and learning of mathematics, its applications in upper secondary school advanced science studies and the implications in the transition to mathematically-demanding undergraduate studies.  相似文献   

Since its inception 30 years ago, the then Department of Engineering Science, Institut Teknologi MARA (ITM) was given the responsibility of preparing all the students in the first year engineering programmes by giving enough knowledge in basic science and mathematics. The nation's vision to become a fully‐industrialised economy by the year 2020 required all institutes of higher learning (IHLs) in Malaysia to increase their intake of students in the science and technology courses, especially in engineering. However, at the upper secondary education level, students have the freedom to choose between the science‐based or non‐science combination of subjects. This has led to a dearth of science‐based students enrolling in IHLs. Because ITM believes that it is possible to educate individuals from various backgrounds, the engineering courses are open to students with a variety of academic qualifications. Special bridging courses were designed and created for such students since late 1996. The success or failure of the new courses can be assessed after the students have gone through the proper first year engineering courses which consist of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. This paper reports on a pilot study on the pioneer groups of students with variable entry qualifications to assess the effectiveness of the courses. The study involved the analysis of the students’ examination results as a performance indicator, and it was found that the bridging programme for non‐science students needed to be redesigned. It is also proposed that to improve the quality of the programme, and hence students’ performance, a regular review be conducted, student support activities be continued and to expand the use of self‐study materials.  相似文献   

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