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新闻摄影以其直观的图像传播表达方式在新闻媒体的传播中占据重要地位.随着互联网、手机、移动传播设备等的兴起,新闻摄影逐渐步入新媒体发展时代.在新媒体发展背景下,新闻摄影从硬件设备到其内部的发展构造都在发生着极大的变化,其传播方式和途径也发生着极大变化,新闻摄影的发展可谓是机遇与挑战并存.一方面,可以利用数字化对新闻传播带来的便利;另一方面,也受到新兴媒体传播的竞争压力.因此,如何在新媒体环境下发展新闻摄影成了新闻摄影行业面临的一大难题.本文就新媒体快速发展背景下新闻摄影发展的现状进行简要分析,指出了新闻摄影发展所面临的困境,对新闻摄影如何通过整合资源、将劣势转变为优势进而得到长足发展进行了探讨.  相似文献   

常秀芹 《青年记者》2017,(32):47-48
作为传媒艺术的一个重要类型,新闻摄影在媒体融合的大潮中面临着多重洗礼.一方面,科技变革不断催生新闻摄影职业边界发生变化,图片与视频、直播等交互的工作方式在摄影记者的采访报道中已经成为常态;另一方面,受媒体体制机制改革、传播体系创新的影响,传统新闻生产方式被颠覆.新闻摄影虽然具有一图胜千言的优势,但在融合报道的传播浪潮中,日益经受着职业边界模糊、主体边界模糊的挑战.  相似文献   

虞鑫  尹俊雲 《青年记者》2023,(23):13-15+22
随着数字技术的发展,社交媒体平台和聚合性新闻平台崛起,传统新闻业面临垄断失效问题,虚假新闻和失实报道泛滥,事实核查新闻应运而生,成为全球新闻业界与学界关注的焦点。本文回顾了事实核查新闻的发展历程,指出事实核查新闻面临的困境和悖论,“后真相”语境下,其阻止虚假信息传播的效果受到挑战。通过拆解“前真相”时代的迷思,发现事实核查新闻的困境实际上是社会整合问题。通过对比中外事实核查,着重在中国语境下考察了事实核查作为一种“工具箱”的角色,呼吁事实核查新闻讨论中关注媒介体制、社会阶层等关键因素,以及认识真实的生产与传播受到政治经济力量的支配。  相似文献   

新媒体时代,随着媒体形式、拍摄设备以及图片传播方式的改变,传统的新闻摄影在迎来全新机遇的同时,面临造假现象频发、图片版权受损、摄影记者的特权被弱化等严峻挑战。在机遇与挑战并存的情况下,从完善新闻摄影工作机制、打破传统新闻摄影思维、打造多元化新闻摄影队伍、提高新闻摄影记者的素养和能力以及加强媒体融合等方面入手,可以让新闻摄影在保持自身优势的同时得到更进一步的发展。  相似文献   

随着科技进步,新闻摄影在面对传统媒体和新媒体上,更显得得心应手,以前传统媒体单一的传播渠道,在新媒体面前,更能体现新闻摄影的价值。目前传媒领域正处于新媒体与传统媒体相互交融的阶段中,各种传媒的方式方法和传播介质都在发生着天翻地覆的变化,从事新闻摄影的工作人员也受到了新媒体所带来的巨大挑战。在新闻摄影过程中,怎么将旧的媒体方式与新媒体方式结合,走出一条皆大欢喜的双赢局面,这是摆在所有新闻摄影人面前的一道难题。本文通过对新闻摄影面临的困难来分析和透视传统媒体与网络媒体优势互补合作与整合的大趋势。  相似文献   

随着互联网的高速发展,传统媒体受到严峻的挑战.全媒体时代的“飓风”席卷着传统纸质媒体,挑战着传统的新闻摄影工作者,冲击着纸媒的“眼睛”.在传统与新技术、新模式博弈求生的历程中,摄影记者只有积极适应环境需要,居安思危,努力提高自身业务素养,培养多媒体传播能力,才能使得自己立于不败之地. 提高口语交流水平,避免“两眼一抹黑” 随着报社经济条件的不断改善和对国内外重大事件的关注,如今走出去和外国人交流的机会越来越多.  相似文献   

媒体的激烈竞争,受众的多元化需求,使军事新闻摄影面临着众多挑战,我军新闻摄影工作者不仅在“荷赛”上尚未实现零的突破,而且在“华赛”和中国新闻奖的评选中,也鲜有军事新闻摄影作品问鼎。从实践中看,军事新闻摄影在摄影理念、表现手法和宣传渠道等方面,还有很大潜力可以挖掘。  相似文献   

潘元金 《东南传播》2010,(10):69-71
在影像数码化、纸质媒介的市场萎缩以及传播媒介网络化的大传播环境下,传统新闻摄影的发展面临困境。"JETS"模式是新闻摄影适应媒介融合发展客观规律的必然选择。该模式在为新闻摄影发展带来新的生机的同时,也将在新闻摄影传播的传播者、受众、传播媒介以及传播效果等方面引起一系列的嬗变。  相似文献   

新媒体时代的到来,催生了摄影的平民化。因此,有的传统纸媒在新媒体的冲击下发行下滑时撤销了摄影部,使得一些专业摄影记者面临职业的挑战。但是,新闻图片在传统纸媒上的传播优势仍将存在,“平民化摄影时代”比拼的是摄影记者的实力,倒逼摄影记者更加专业化。因此,有的纸媒撤销摄影部≠摄影记者失业。  相似文献   

当今的传媒业.已经进入“全媒体时代”。曾经被动接受媒介信息的受众,对信息变得越来越挑剔;每个受众既是信息的接收者.又是信息的发布者。于是,传统的纸质媒体面临生存和发展的挑战。而过去依靠平面媒体生存的摄影记者,也面临职业的新挑战.军事新闻摄影记者同样如此。在全媒体时代,军事摄影记者必须直面机遇与挑战.更新观念、提高素质.牢牢坚守军事新闻摄影主阵地。  相似文献   

There are many community libraries in Ghana. Most of these libraries are established by non-governmental agencies, district assemblies, affluent or well-to-do individuals, and individuals with higher educational credentials hailing from these rural areas as memorial. There are many benefits that can be derived from the establishment of these libraries. Notwithstanding the numerous potential benefits of community libraries, many of these community libraries in Ghana have collapsed. The ones which are operating are fighting a battle of survival, struggling with numerous challenges. This article shines more light on the problems and challenges facing community libraries in Ghana and makes recommendations based on review of literature on the various challenges facing rural or community libraries elsewhere, and their proposed solutions.  相似文献   

Facilitated by electronic government, public agencies are looking for transformational change by making a radical improvement. At first glance, this development is similar to the business process re-engineering (BPR) movement in the private sector. While policy makers and practitioners in the public sector have branded their recent improvements as BPR, the academic and research community have thus far eluded from making any comparisons. This has left a vacuum in terms of understanding the complexity of the challenges facing e-Government re-engineering and resultant change in public agencies. The aim of this paper is to translate the BPR movement findings to the field of e-Government induced change in the public sector. BPR characteristics and challenges are derived using normative literature and compared with two cases of public sector transformation in the UK and Netherlands. The results of these cases show that e-Government-induced change requires a plan for a radical improvement which, in contrast to BPR, is obtained by incremental steps and has a high level of participation. The findings offer policy makers valuable insights into the complexities and possible strategies that may need to be followed in order to succeed in e-Government implementation.  相似文献   

By the end of 2012, Chinese microblogging accounts had reached 309 million. Among them, over 176,000 accounts were opened and managed by Chinese government agencies, as new channels to disclose government information provide public services and interact with citizens. This study investigates the external drivers and challenges that Chinese government agencies are faced with and the internal capabilities of Chinese government agencies in using social media. The study further discusses the relationship and dynamics between the external environment and internal capabilities of Chinese government agencies in using social media. Based on the findings, the paper provides some recommendations to government agencies in China and other countries faced with similar challenges.  相似文献   

Government agencies are increasingly using social media to connect with those they serve. These connections have the potential to extend government services, solicit new ideas, and improve decision-making and problem-solving. However, interacting via social media introduces new challenges related to privacy, security, data management, accessibility, social inclusion, governance, and other information policy issues. The rapid adoption of social media by the population and government agencies has outpaced the regulatory framework related to information, although the guiding principles behind many regulations are still relevant. This paper examines the existing regulatory framework and the ways in which it applies to social media use by the U.S. federal government, highlighting opportunities and challenges agencies face in implementing them, as well as possible approaches for addressing these challenges.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]为我国进一步推动落实已签署的OA2020倡议提供参考建议。[方法/过程]通过网络调查跟踪观测全球主要科技国家教育机构、研究机构、资助机构、图书馆和国际组织实施大规模学术期刊开放出版转换的行动,并梳理归纳国际主要出版商对转换所持的不同态度和行动,分析总结上述学术出版参与主体在转换中存在的问题和挑战,提出可能的应对策略。[结果/结论]通过分析,从承认国家差异性、转变图书馆角色、与出版商协商合作、解决开放出版目前问题、正视扣减和抵消制度不足5个方面提出进一步深化开放获取发展,实现OA2020倡议的可行性建议。  相似文献   

When a disaster occurs, government agencies are responsible for managing the response and recovery efforts of the impacted communities and infrastructure. Crowdsourcing and social media are widely used in disaster response, yet their primary implementation and application are often via non-governmental agencies and private citizens. A review of the literature suggests that government emergency management agencies in Canada have made little documented progress in adopting crowdsourcing or social media for emergency management. Most of the literature around crowdsourcing and social media for emergency management focus on its use or role outside of Canada (e.g. the USA, Australia, etc.). In order for government agencies in Canada to progress, it is important to identify the Canada-specific barriers and constraints. This study offers a new perspective from Canadian government emergency management agencies to address this gap. Through a series of semi-structured interviews with 15 government officials from 14 agencies, this study identifies the primary challenges and constraints faced by Canadian agencies looking to adopt crisis crowdsourcing. Results indicate that organizational factors, policies, and federal legislation in Canada present barriers to crisis crowdsourcing (including crowdsourcing through social media) adoption within agencies at various levels of government. Based on these results, recommendations are made to support the adoption of crisis crowdsourcing amongst Canadian government agencies.  相似文献   

面对跨业竞争的图书馆行业发展对策研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈伟 《图书馆杂志》2006,25(3):14-16
图书馆作为传统信息资源管理机制的中心,其地位与作用,在新的社会环境和技术条件下,面临跨行业竞争者的激烈竞争。图书馆要在挑战中生存和发展,必须扬长避短,采各行业众家之长,积极应对。本文分析了图书馆面对的跨业竞争态势,提出了具体的应对措施。  相似文献   

This paper explores how information is shared across the vertical and horizontal boundaries of government agencies. Different types of information sharing are identified and discussed in terms of their strengths and encountered challenges. Centralized types of information sharing are found as a primary strategy adopted to facilitate interagency information sharing in the two dimensions. Particularly, influential determinants from type comparisons and government agencies are identified and discussed regarding what agencies may take into considerations when selecting certain types of information sharing. While there is no single type of information sharing that can satisfy all the needs and concerns of government agencies, most agencies still simultaneously employ several types of information sharing in different circumstances. A competition-and-cooperation relationship exists among the different types of information sharing in both dimensions. The paper suggests that a balance between centralized and decentralized types of information sharing should be achieved to obtain advantages and diminish disadvantages. The similarities and differences between the types in the two dimensions are also compared and discussed. Lastly, the conclusion outlines the contribution and limitation of the current research and suggests future studies of the current work.  相似文献   

Monitoring Reuters’ increasing use of the internet from the mid-1990s, the article focuses on in-house quality controls and issues facing news agencies. While set in a historical context, it highlights aspects of the news organisation’s competition with Bloomberg and news/editorial and management comments on financial and general news and their markets.  相似文献   

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