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The University of South Florida Libraries house and provide access to a collection of cultural heritage and 3D digital models. In an effort to provide greater access to these collections, a linked data project has been implemented. A metadata schema for the 3D cultural heritage objects which uses linked data is an excellent way to share these collections with other repositories, thus gaining global exposure and access to these valuable resources. This article will share the process of building the 3D cultural heritage metadata model as well as an assessment of the model and recommendations for future linked data projects.  相似文献   


Environmental standards for cultural heritage collections have been much debated in recent years. The interest in the issue has been driven by the growing movement towards green museums, that is, managing indoor museum environments in a responsible and efficient manner, especially in terms of reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions but at the same time maintaining high standards of collection care. Painted wood is among the category of heritage objects most vulnerable to relative humidity and temperature fluctuations. Therefore, scientific understanding of how changes in environmental conditions ultimately affect painted wood is crucial to the development of rational guidelines for the control of climate in museums and historic buildings. This review provides a systematic progression through two fundamental approaches to establish the allowable ranges of climatic variations – an analysis of the mechanical response of painted wood as a complex, multilayer system to climate variations, and an analysis of the historic climate to which the objects have acclimatized. The climate specifications and standards based on both these approaches are reviewed.  相似文献   

本文以福州市三坊七巷古街区(以下简称三坊七巷)的保护性修复工程为例,探讨了修复性保护方法并不能完全解决文化遗产不断衰老的现实问题,并阐述了数字化技术在解决这一问题上的补充优势,同时建议文献收藏机构尤其是数字化经验丰富的档案馆应积极参与文化遗产的保护。  相似文献   


A system for continuous monitoring of atmospheric corrosivity has been developed. An electronic unit measures and records changes in the electrical resistance of a thin metal track applied on an insulating substrate. If the metal corrodes, the effective cross sectional area of the track decreases and the electrical resistance increases. Sensors made of silver, copper, iron/steel, zinc, lead, tin, aluminium, bronze, and brass at thicknesses from 50 nm to 250 µm were tailored for environments with different corrosivities. The developed technology proved capable of providing high sensitivity, allowing for real-time corrosion monitoring even in low-corrosive indoor cultural heritage facilities. Laboratory tests showed good reproducibility with the standard deviation of parallel measurements at less than ±20% for metals which corrode uniformly in the tested environments. Several examples selected from a broad testing programme in partner museums, libraries, and other institutions show successful applications of the logger system for characterization of air quality control in indoor locations, during transport and in temporary exhibitions; assessment of new buildings and storage facilities; and fundamental studies of optimal conservation and storage procedures. A first outline of a classification system for lead, which is particularly sensitive to the presence of carboxylic acids, is given. The technique has a large potential as an independent method for monitoring air quality in facilities displaying and storing valuable objects of cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Conditions of relative humidity (RH) and temperature within museums and buildings holding collections of cultural heritage objects are often maintained around a strictly controlled set point of about 50 ± 5% RH and 20 or 21 ± 2°C to provide safe, stable conditions for hygroscopic artifacts. It has recently been proposed that these ranges should be relaxed to values that are less energy-intensive to maintain while still being safe for the objects in the collection, with the aim of reducing both carbon footprint and energy use. It is also suggested that conditions should be determined by the needs of individual objects and by the local climate of the region, rather than applying overall values across the museum as a whole. This proposal has led to much discussion within the conservation community. The suggested values, a stable humidity within the range 40–60% RH and a stable temperature within the range 16–25°C for most objects, apart from the most vulnerable, are derived from the results of experimental research on the responses of individual materials to particular conditions of RH and temperature, as well as observations of the behaviour of cultural heritage objects in their own environments and on loan. This paper describes briefly the historical and scientific background to the present discussion.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 非物质文化遗产是各族人民世代相传承的、与群众生活密切相关的各种传统文化表现形式和文化空间。非物质文化遗产因其地域性、传承性、动态性、多元性等特点在信息传播上有其独特的规律和要求,通过报纸和网络文本揭示现状与问题,探讨这些特点、规律和要求,不仅是对非物质文化遗产的传承与保护,还对文化类信息的传播有着重要的参考价值。[方法/过程] 以中国入选联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录的37个项目作为研究案例,通过慧科数据库检索2014年度关于这些项目的新闻报道,在对这些报道进行计量分析和内容分析的基础上,研究非物质文化遗产信息传播的主体、渠道、内容、方式等,阐述当前我国非物质文化遗产传播的现状与问题。[结果/结论] 通过分析发现,当前我国非物质文化遗产传播中存在着严重的冷热不均的状况,信息传播的模式基本以单向的线性模式为主,信息传播的内容和形式都比较单一,受众的互动和参与程度都比较低。针对这种情况,提出有针对性的策略建议。  相似文献   


Air quality is an important factor in the preservation of cultural heritage. Systematic air quality assessment is a requirement in most heritage conservation plans. However, apart from temperature and relative humidity, air pollution, which is another air quality parameter, is less often monitored. This is the case especially, but not only, in developing and emerging economies where the lack of air pollution data is worrying. In this paper, issues with air pollution monitoring at heritage sites in developing and emerging economies, from management to technical, are reviewed. Questionnaire responses from over 20 sites in Africa, Asia, and Latin America reveal that about eight out of ten sites have not yet considered pollution data. The responses also show that cost is not the only obstacle but that lack of awareness and insufficient technical expertise are also significant issues. Different possible solutions are reviewed and their appropriateness discussed. They range from systematic monitoring to model-based estimations. Diffusion tube measurements of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone from 11 sites are reported and discussed.  相似文献   


In the majority of cases, the red color of cinnabar on objects of cultural heritage is well preserved, though turning black is often claimed and has been the subject of investigations. To evaluate conditions for the stability of the pigment and understand the reactions, in this paper the problem is approached from various viewpoints. First of all the natural form cinnabarite is compared with the artificially prepared pigment vermilion. This establishes a differentiation of types in terms of quality, depending on structural impurities. With regard to the pigment's reactions influencing the discoloration, the most commonly mentioned environmental factors, such as radiation or halogens, are evaluated. In relation to various usages, the pigment's structural stability is then viewed in connection with adjacent pigments, glues, and the substrate, which may lead to a brown or black coloration or even the release of mercury, whereas the color is preserved in most cases when used on lime or in ink and lacquer. Due to the materials’ properties, attention is drawn to the fact that discoloration to a brownish-black is not necessarily a sign of damage and harmful reaction products, but may indicate good preservation of the painted material, provided that the mercury can be bound in the substrate.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 面向文化遗产领域的知识分析研究,对领域知识建模、知识组织、智慧数据资源建设等具有重要意义。[方法/过程] 为明确文化遗产领域知识结构与特征,基于对领域本体的计算与分析,系统剖析文化遗产领域核心共享概念以及领域知识关联关系,提出并构建文化遗产领域知识纲要。[结果/结论] 文化遗产领域核心共享概念包括领域对象与实体、类型与概念、时间与空间、事件与活动、文献与作品、代理者等内容,领域知识关联关系丰富多样且较为复杂。研究结论有助于更全面地理解与认识文化遗产领域知识体系,指导领域本体开发与知识建模,促进领域知识的有效组织与管理。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]随着数字文化遗产日益普遍化,其资源建设、技术赋能、服务供给等亟需通过协同治理实现提质增效。[方法/过程]首先,通过文献研究法,论述数字文化遗产协同治理提出的合理性;其次,采用内容分析法,从论文、政策等文本中析出文化遗产治理中的协同要素,结合数字文化遗产特性构建其协同治理的逻辑框架;最后,借助案例分析法,选取 Europeana项目进行映射分析,验证上述逻辑框架并探讨其实现路径。[结果/结论]数字文化遗产协同治理的逻辑框架主要由主体协同、资源协同、服务协同与技术协同构成,并在实践中有所验证。其实现路径包括:缔造多主体合作网络、创设统一化标准方案、打造各色多元资源服务、提供可操作技术方案。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]文化遗产图像是人类文化记忆的重要资源载体和表现形式,是人文学科研究的关键研究材料和重要研究对象.数字人文视域下,对文化遗产图像远读可视化开展系统性调研,将有助于进一步理解远读的概念,推动对海量文化遗产图像的数字人文研究与实践,实现对其价值的挖掘.[方法/过程]首先,从数字人文的远读理念出发分析文化遗产图像...  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 非物质文化遗产是一种特殊的活态文化资源,但当前非物质文化遗产信息十分琐碎,缺少直观且全面的展现,通过结构化、可视化的研究获取非物质文化遗产深层信息,对其传承与保护具有重要意义。[方法/过程] 提出一种基于关键事件技术的非物质文化遗产信息可视化方案,并以两岸同源"歌仔戏"为例,通过关键事件技术对信息进行结构化的组织以及可视化的展示。[结果/结论] 直观地展示歌仔戏动态演化的过程,并提炼出对其发展有所影响的一些因素,为其将来发展以及其他非物质文化遗产项目的发展提供借鉴,同时,因其为两岸同源非物质文化遗产,在两岸文化的交流与融合方面具有重要研究价值。所提出的对非物质文化遗产信息进行可视化的方案在文化传播上也具有可延展性,具有重要的理论意义与现实意义。  相似文献   

我国许多珍贵的非物质文化遗产正在逐渐变得鲜为人知,甚至遭遇濒临灭绝的危险。鉴于这种状况,图书馆应该承担起保护非物质文化遗产的责任。但是,数字图书馆在数字化存储、网络化传播非物质文化遗产等过程中不可避免地要牵涉到非物质文化遗产持有人或传承人的版权问题。基于此,文章分析了数字图书馆在非物质文化遗产保护中的价值和其中的版权问题,并提出了数字图书馆遵循的原则、建立土著文化协议和利用特别权利保护非物质文化遗产的版权策略,以期激起数字图书馆保护非物质文化遗产的职责意识,并推动非物质文化遗产保护立法的出台。  相似文献   

翟姗姗  张纯  许鑫 《图书情报工作》2019,63(11):140-148
[目的/意义]针对文化遗产数字化保护实践与数字资源长期保存现状进行全面梳理,并对文化遗产数字化长期保存实践工作中存在的具体问题提出相关改进策略,以期实现文化遗产资源在更大范围内的传承传播,进一步提升服务质量。[方法/过程]指出以开发利用为目标实现文化遗产资源数字化长期保存的必要性,并对国际数字化长期保存及开发利用最佳实践案例"威尼斯时光机"项目进行深入分析,据此提出我国文化遗产数字化长期保存策略。[结果/结论]借鉴国外优秀实践经验,以开发利用为导向,从资源覆盖、技术集成、服务模式3个方面制定我国文化遗产数字化长期保存策略。  相似文献   

Air pollution is one of the environmental influences that degrade cultural heritage objects situated indoors. Other essential influences, such as temperature, relative humidity, and light are often well monitored. The presence of air pollutants is less often measured or included in risk assessment. The MEMORI® technology presented in this paper was developed as a tool for easy measurement and assessment of the general risk of degradation of heritage objects situated indoors due to indoor exposure to air pollutants. MEMORI dosimetry was performed in locations belonging to English Heritage and Tate (both located in London) and the National Archives of Norway in Oslo, to assess air quality. The related damage risk for collection objects and the protection offered by display and storage designs was assessed. A high level of acidic effect was observed inside a number of showcases, and a high level of oxidizing effect was observed in some room locations. Relatively simple mitigation measures, such as constructing tightly sealed showcases using low emitting materials, installing active carbon absorbing media inside a ‘microclimate’ frame, and using cardboard storage boxes for paper, significantly improved air quality. Overall, implementation of such measures is likely to improve the preservation of objects and reduce conservation costs.  相似文献   

The presence of biofilms on stone monuments can lead to biodeterioration processes that significantly lower not only the aesthetic value of cultural heritage sites but also cause considerable physical and chemical damage to stone surfaces. In terrestrial environments, cyanobacteria have a significant role in biofilm formation on a variety of natural and artificial stone substrata, including granite, sandstone, limestone, lime mortar, etc. Studies on cyanobacterial diversity and estimation of biodeteriorative activity on stone cultural heritage objects can be very important for conservators and restorers, and cyanobacteria removal from stone monuments is currently a great challenge for conservation science. In that sense, the diversity of terrestrial cyanobacteria was investigated at six localities in Serbia. Samples for cyanobacterial analyses were taken from surface biofilms covering different substrata: granite and lime mortar (The Monument to the Unknown Hero), sandstone (Branko's Bridge, Eiffel’s Lock) and carbonate rock (Medieval tombstones from Mramorje and Rasti?te, Gradac Monastery). A total of 18 cyanobacterial taxa were identified. The highest diversity was found on carbonate rock, followed by sandstone. Cyanobacteria were also recorded on an artificial substratum – lime mortar, while cyanobacteria were not found on granite. All detected cyanobacteria seriously impaired the structural and aesthetic integrity of the studied monuments via mechanical and chemical actions, so their presence must not be overlooked.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the study and conservation of the gods painted on the doors of traditional temples in Taiwan. These paintings are continually exposed to poor environmental conditions (especially sunlight, rain, and pollution) and human factors, such as continuous ritual activities. After reviewing the technical characteristics of these paintings and their origins, traditional views and contemporary practices followed in the restoration of temples are explored. Since preventive conservation is a key issue in the preservation of cultural heritage, some solutions that have already been carried out, as well as suggestions for others that could be put into practice in order to improve the situation and extend the life expectancy of these paintings, are considered. Finally, while it is inevitable to try to preserve some of the most outstanding pieces, the possibility of considering these works as ephemeral is contemplated. This may seem contradictory, but it is, in fact, a relatively common situation when addressing the conservation of religious heritage in use. Undoubtedly, the preservation of this heritage still raises many questions and exposes a number of contradictions.  相似文献   


The preservation of the vast cultural heritage of tiles in Portugal requires the development of a systematic scientific and technological approach. In this communication the case of the treatment of a panel of ancient tIles is described. The main problem was the cleaning and consolidation of the piece, followed by restoration for exhibition. The treatment was preceded by a study of the materials, consisting of analyses of the ceramic body and the glazed surface. The removal of aged waxes and resins was achieved using appropriate solvents and the consolidation of the ceramic body was carried out by an inorganic treatment. For the reconstruction of missing parts and the mounting of the panel materials were chosen which would avoid interaction with the original material.  相似文献   


Forecasting the dynamics of alteration in materials, in particular the timescale of degradation, is relevant to preventive conservation, and great deal of effort has gone into developing new models for the kinetics of physical and chemical phenomena affecting materials. Creating monitoring systems able to assess the evolution of degradation processes that inform intervention programs is necessary to ensure the protection of historical and artistic heritage. The Research Unit for Integrated and Predictive Systems (SIP) is presented: it develops new tools and algorithms to study the alteration of materials using non-invasive techniques and passive monitoring, as well as new mathematical models to predict how the surfaces of materials degrade with time. The paper focuses on the Arch of Augustus and presents initial results from two virtual sensors used to ‘monitor’ environmental conditions outdoors. These systems do not need a permanent, invasive network of sensors in situ. They rely instead on local infrastructure for measuring air quality, and adopt smart information fusion algorithms to predict the environment around the cultural heritage site. Virtual sensors can provide an effective control system that highlights specific conditions linked to specific forms of alteration.  相似文献   

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