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作为美国学术自由发展进程中一名不可或缺的人物,杜威倡导成立了美国大学教授协会(AAUP),提出学术自由和大学教师终身聘任制原则。文章结合杜威哲学观的形成,对其学术自由思想及内在逻辑进行梳理和分析。杜威学术自由主张的菁华在于强调社会学科的科学性,学术自由和学术责任的统一以及教师终身聘任制,其理论支撑是他推崇理性、科学和民主社会的人本主义、经验自然主义哲学观。  相似文献   

学术自由与学术规范互相联系,对立统一,是教授治学的前提和基础。但在我国大学学术活动中,学术自由的缺乏与学术规范的缺失,束缚了大学教授对真理的追求。对此,分析原因,建构有利于教授治学的学术自由与学术规范是当务之急。  相似文献   

学术自由是大学的灵魂,明确学术自由的性质、对象、目的、范围等问题,有助于理解和把握大学的本质和特点。学术自由是学者的特权,抑或普通公民的权利?学术自由与言论自由、思想自由是何关系?学者在专业领域以外享有学术自由吗?学院和大学董事会以及校长是学术自由的"天敌"吗?除了解聘教师之外,还有哪些威胁学术自由的因素?这些问题的回答能够帮助我们全面理解学术自由的内涵。  相似文献   

传统上,受学术自由、大学自治以及联邦主义的影响,美国联邦政府较少干预高等教育事务。20世纪后半叶,在学术界和法律界之间关系发生革命性转变的背景下,基于开支权、税收权、贸易权以及公民权利执行权四种与教育相关的明示或默示的联邦宪法权力形态,联邦政府开始积极介入大学治理。至此,美国大学治理进入合规时代。联邦高等教育规制的强化在促进师生权利保障、增进公共利益的同时,也不可避免地滋生了“合规恐慌”与教师权利危机。近年来,在“螺旋式”合规文化的影响下,美国大学合规的压力来源持续增多。作为受规制最为广泛的机构类型之一,大学经常被拉入不同的、有时相互冲突的、有时不可调和的方向之中。当前,通过联邦高等教育规制的革新、大学合规职能的拓展以及大学法律顾问角色的重新定义等举措重塑联邦政府与大学之间的关系,构成了合规时代美国大学治理变革的最新动向。  相似文献   

This study uses a critical perspective to examine how online education is used in brick-and-mortar institutions as a mechanism through which power is exercised by and against professors who teach online. Based on a larger study of 25 professors and administrators at four institutions, this work focuses on the experiences of 12 professors. Foucault’s conceptualization of power framed our interpretation of interviews conducted with these professors. Our findings suggest online education enhanced faculty autonomy and visibility, but that it was also used to control faculty members, and for some professors, it was used to alter their professional identities.  相似文献   

Evaluation of academic research plays a significant role in government efforts to steer public universities. The scope of such evaluation is now being extended to include the ‘relevance’ or ‘impact’ of academic research outside the academy. We address how evaluation of non-academic research impact can promote more such impact without undermining academic freedom and research excellence. Five questions on evaluation design are considered: (1) What should be the object of measurement? (2) What should be the timeframe? (3) How should non-academic users of research inform evaluation processes? (4) How should controversial impacts be managed? (5) When in funding cycles should impact evaluation occur? We conclude that non-academic impact should be selectively promoted and evaluated. This is how greater gains from research might be best captured without imposing misguided and onerous reporting requirements on individuals and institutions.  相似文献   

W. Richard Bond's “Zero Tolerance: A New Enemy of Academic Freedom?,” Michael Kubara's “Academic Freedom,” and Fred Wilson's “In Defence of Speech Codes” included in the Symposium published in Interchange, Volume 27, #2, 1996, deal with the role and importance of academic freedom in Canadian universities and the pressures both within and without the academy for its attenuation. Although the Bond paper begins with the recent controversy in Ontario universities over the attempted introduction of a policy of zero tolerance of harassment and discrimination, it quickly moves to a summary of the traditional position regarding academic freedom in which that right is balanced by a corresponding responsibility. As insistent as Bond on the importance of academic freedom, Kubara and Wilson both approach the topic in a more argumentative fashion. Kubara and Wilson differ, however, in the kinds of arguments they propound. Kubara defends the traditional liberal conception of the university and attacks what he regards as the trendy feminist attack on academic freedom. Wilson recognizes that along with the rights bestowed by the acceptance of the principle of academic freedom is an obligation to engage in rational debate. The mechanism in Wilson's view for ensuring such debate is a well-crafted speech code in which professionally unacceptable speech acts are unambiguously defined. The fundamental difference between these two positions is that, whereas Kubara advocates an academic discourse that is as unfettered as is permissible within the law, Wilson proposes stricter limitations. I will discuss the Bond, Kubara, and Wilson papers in turn, commenting briefly on their positions. I will then present my own position on academic freedom and speech codes.  相似文献   

非学术标准是国家与高等学校在学位授予活动中对学位申请人所提出的有关政治素质和道德品 行要求,可分为政治标准和品行标准。通过实证分析发现,目前《学位条例》《学位条例暂行实施办法》对学 位申请人的品行标准或未提出明确要求,或对各高校自主设定非学术标准授权不明,使得各高校自主设定 的非学术标准在设定权限与内容方面存在合法性与合理性危机,并由此导致学位管理实践中的若干诉讼纷 争。根据法治的一般原理,非学术标准在设定权限上需遵循高校自主设定权有限原则,在设定内容和设定 程序上需恪守比例原则和正当程序原则。建议《学位条例》在修订中明确非学术标准的具体内涵,增加与非 学术标准相关的拒绝授予学位条款,并为学位申请人提供相应救济机制,以维护学位申请人合法权利。  相似文献   

自由和民主是宪政最核心、最基本的价值追求。自由是宪政的终极价值追求。尊重和捍卫人权和人的自由,是全人类共同的最高价值,也是宪政最基本的内涵。宪政本身即承载着民主的理想,民主是宪政的前提,宪政是民主存在的最基本方式。在这两种宪政价值中,自由应具有高于民主的价值。民主只是宪政的基本形式价值之一,自由才是宪政的实质性价值。  相似文献   

美国宪法及法律并无学术自由的明确规定,但法院根据宪法法案对一系列案件的解释和判决,赋予学术自由以宪法地位,使学术自由概念本身成为融合了宪法原则和学术观念的司法概念.但法院同时又为学术自由设定边界,通过教师权利与学校利益、社会利益的平衡,保证高等教育公共性的实现.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Academic freedom does not refer to freedom to engage in any speech act, but to freedom to hold any belief and espouse it in an appropriately academic manner. This freedom belongs to certain institutions, rather than to individuals, because of their academic nature. Academic freedom should be absolute, regardless of any offence it may on occasion cause .  相似文献   

学习自由是学术自由的一个重要组成部分,从强调单一的学术自治发展到重视学生的学习自由,学术自由经历了漫长的过程。作为一种自由,学习自由既有哲学层面的涵义,又有可操作层面的涵义。学习自由是高校学生应有的一种权利,其必要性是由高校和学生本身的特点,以及培养创新性人才的时代要求决定的。学习自由不是绝对的自由,需要有一定的限制。这种限制在认识和具体执行中分为两种,积极的限制实际上是一种必需的引导,消极的限制是认识上的误导,需要纠正。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2002,15(4):365-370
Academic freedom is considered from the standpoint of Academia, students and higher learning institutions. The article raises some important principles including the notion of Dual Status that relate to academic freedom from the standpoint of Civil Society. Based upon the current situation in Egypt and from the author's experience as University President, the article focuses on academic freedom as a condition for the effective functioning of academic work by staff, students and institutions.  相似文献   

学术期刊所承载的自然是学术的东西,张扬的应该是学术精神,如果受非学术性的影响太大,承载的功利性因素太多,势必会影响学术质量,妨碍期刊功能的发挥。学术期刊非学术性影响主要是:评职称的影响;学术、科研管理部门对学术成果考核量化管理的影响;研究生管理的影响等。在呼吁营造学术期刊的良好社会氛围的同时,必须提高编辑素质,自觉抵制非学术性因素对学术期刊的影响。  相似文献   

Academic entitlement, an attitude marked by students’ beliefs that they are owed something in the educational experience apart from what they might earn from their effort, has received attention recently in the literature. In previous work, academic entitlement has been shown to be related to parenting styles and personality constructs. The current study departs from previous research by taking a phenomenological approach to understanding academic entitlement. Focus groups were conducted with a total of 52 first-year students. Responses were coded into six facets of academic entitlement: product value of education, social promotion, role of professors, teaching assistants, administrators, and shoppers or scholars.  相似文献   

This case study probes recent developments in a number of academic and non-academic aspects of a private research university in response to current globalization trends. Under the name of internationalization, university administrators and external firms are emerging as powerful decision-makers shaping academic content and even academic governance. This is manifested in student recruitment and in the hiring of prestigious professors and researchers to increase university reputation and thus to appeal to more students and secure more research funds. Among disciplines central to economic and technological globalization, such as communication, business, and engineering, patterns of convergence are emerging. Rather than internationalism, internationalization is found to prevail, and internationalization is found to signify predominantly a search for student markets domestically and abroad rather than positioning the university’s knowledge at the service of others in less advantaged parts of the world.  相似文献   

我国公立高等学校法人自设立之日即存在着各种矛盾,学校法人主体地位不清、政府干预过度、配套制度滞后、政府和学校之间产权界限模糊,使高等教育传统理论在我国大学发展中遭遇碰撞,高等学校在办学实践中法人权利与政府行政权力、与社会力量之间矛盾冲突不断,高等学校法人内部也存在诸多困惑,大学"学术自由""教授治校"的传统在我国本土化发展与适用中遭遇困境。  相似文献   

大学精神的困惑   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
以北大精神为代表的中国大学精神,是以爱国主义为主导的学术自由的精神。近50多年来,中国大学精神的传统既有传承,也有失落,当前面临着独立性与依附性,学术性与功利性两大矛盾。为了发扬学术自由的精神,必须坚持大学的独立性,正确处理大学与政府的关系,正确处理学术性与功利性的关系。同时,为了改善大学精神的制度环境,很有必要制订我国专门的《保障学术自由法》。  相似文献   

从学术自由理念的发展历程中考察德国、美国等一大批世界一流大学的形成与发展,可以得出高品住的办学理念、一流的大师云集、高素质的学生汇聚、卓越的科研成果和追求学术的超然与自由精神是一流大学的主要特征,其中以学术自由理念为一流大学的根本气质所在。目前我国高校中出现的一系列有违学术自由的现象发人深省。在理性主义与功利主义之间应该保持怎样的平衡、学术权力与行政权力二者之间是一种怎样的关系、学术自由与学术道德之间存在怎样的联系,这一系列问题的厘清将有助于中国大学实现创建世界一流大学这一目标。  相似文献   

教师聘任改革是目前我国公立高校人事制度改革的重点。教师与公立高校之间的法律关系问题,不仅关系到教师职业的发展,而且关系到整个高等教育事业的发展,是聘任制改革亟须解决的问题。在我国目前的制度环境下,公立高校公法人地位的培育还需要一个过程,教师专业自由权利的取得也不可能一蹴而就。要实现公立高校与教师之间从行政法律关系到劳动法律关系的转换,必须建立并完善维护教师权益的制度环境,在利用并完善现有的行政救济途径的基础上,积极开拓新的渠道来维护并保障教师的合法权益。  相似文献   

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