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随着高职教育从量的扩张到质的提高,从重规模发展到重内涵建设的转变,各高职院校都确立了以提高质量为核心推进职业教育改革创新的路线图,而教学做一体化专业实训室的建设是保证提高高职教育质量的重要条件。教学做一体化实训室是集多媒体教学、示教、实训于一体的多功能实训室,通过“在做中学,在学中做”提高学生整体实践动手能力,实现学校“技能型人才”的培养目标。  相似文献   

In the current further education (FE) and higher education (HE) environment, students are under increasing pressure to perform well and achieve good results. As educators we must strive to enable students to make the most of their higher education by providing an education of the highest quality and enhance the learning experience. This study was undertaken as a preliminary investigation of how students learn and how we, as educators, can improve their learning. In this study, a range of students on different (FE and HE) courses completed the VARK (visual, audio, read/write, kinaesthetic) questionnaire on learning style preferences at the beginning of the semester. Responses were analysed and the author adapted various teaching techniques into course materials for the semester to accommodate the results obtained in the initial VARK survey. Students' responses were encouraging, with many being keen to participate with a view to improving their course performance. The author found that using a range of teaching techniques encouraged student participation in the course and, for some, enhanced their performance in assessment. This investigation provides an insight into the awareness of learning style preferences and how such awareness can be positively exploited in teaching and learning processes.  相似文献   

Faced with the rapid pace of knowledge expansion, higher education institutions are challenged to raise the efficacy of student education, overcoming the traditionally rigid teaching-centred approach, and shifting the focus instead towards learning, while preparing competent professionals who are able to self-manage knowledge. This paper outlines the impact that quality assurance processes have had on teaching and learning processes from the perspectives of their main stakeholders: students, teachers and academic authorities. The study was carried out in three private higher education institutions of Argentina identified as having introduced certain changes focusing on quality in the education process. Arguably, a higher degree of empowerment of institutional authorities has been noted regarding teaching management and greater attention is being paid to teaching modes; however, the paper concludes that it is still early to ascertain the direct impact that these transformations will have on learning outcomes.  相似文献   

This study investigated how a set of newly developed indicators of early learning and teaching by the government, which was based on western ideology of child learning, was implemented in a Chinese context like Hong Kong. Twelve early childhood settings of 5747 children and 284 staff volunteered to implement the indicators within two years and the processes were observed and analysed. A multi‐method, multi‐source data collection strategy was used to document the self‐evaluation and improvement process. All the participating settings went through the five stages of the evaluation cycle: understanding the Performance Indicators, assessing learning and teaching, formulating an action plan for improvement, implementing the action plan, and reflection. The results indicated that: (1) implementing a quality assurance cycle took time, resources and commitment; (2) the implementation helped to enhance practitioners’ professionalism; and (3) teacher professionalism was the key to the success of this quality assurance mechanism. The socio‐contextual factors and the educational implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

素质教育对教学方法 (教学和学法 )提出了新的更高要求。从专业技术课角度来说 ,就教法而论 ,需要改变目前的重教材轻教法、重“技术”轻“艺术”、重理论轻应用等倾向。改进教法的基本原则有 :促进学生知识、能力、素质协调发展 ,教法与学法相结合 ,倡导研究性学习和创造教育。具体的教法可以多种多样 ,但都应体现素质教育的精神  相似文献   

提高教学质量是高校长足发展的重要任务。从世界著名学府的经验来看,在高校内设立以帮助提高教学质量为重心的专业教学中心是一项有意义且有成效的工作,国内高校的教学中心研究尚处于起步阶段,有必要借鉴并汲取国外一些成功的教学中心经验,这将对国内高校教学中心的发展和教学质量的提升有所借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

随着义务教育的日渐普及,人们上学的机会得到保障,但"教育质量"问题却逐渐凸显出来,追求有质量的教育的呼声高涨。从微观角度分析,追求有质量的教育应从课堂质量入手,转化教师和学生在课堂中的行为角色,领悟教与学的新关系,倡导"以学定教、先学后教、少教多学、教学做合一"的教育模式,从而促进课堂质量的提升,为打造高质量的教育做贡献。  相似文献   

Higher education policy is seeking, in the interest of ‘quality assurance’, to reward teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Academic language and learning (ALL) advisers, who work closely with students to improve their performance in their courses of study, have much to contribute to SoTL. ALL advisers who adopt an ‘academic literacies’ approach share with lecturers in the disciplines an engagement with issues of ‘‐ography’ (i.e. writing in and for a discourse community)—including the relationships between epistemology, form, and language—yet, misconceptions about ALL advisers’ work can prevent discipline lecturers from consulting them when thinking about questions of teaching and learning in their own field. This paper discusses ALL advisers’ access to insights into students’ experiences of learning and of being taught, with relevance both for particular disciplines and for academic culture across the disciplines; their contributions to SoTL; the difficulties they encounter in trying to communicate across the borders of the disciplines; and ways of improving this situation in the context of the new emphasis on encouraging improvement in the quality of teaching.  相似文献   

远程开放教育教学模式改革的实践及若干问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文在论述远程开放教育教学模式的基础上,结合广东广播电视大学教学改革的实践以及国外远程教育的经验,提出远程开放教育教学模式改革的内容,方法,类型。同时,探讨远程开放教育教学模式改革中的哲学观,教学观,学习观,质量观等有关问题。  相似文献   

教学评估直接影响与制约教学管理和教学质量的提高。随着教育教学评估的发展,三种评估模式在学校教学中被普遍认可和采用,它们是终结性评估模式、形成性评估模式和教、学、评估融合模式。这三种评估模式各有其特点与利弊,处理好教、学与评估的关系,注重三种评估模式的相互影响与合理运用,成为提高我国学校教学质量的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

本文从高等教育规模扩张对教学质量的冲击、高等学校教学过程特点、高等学校对于学生学习服务支持的现状三个角度,剖析了学习支持对于提高我国高校教学质量的现实意义,并提出在充分利用信息技术构筑学生学习支持平台的基础上,实行低年级学生指导教师制、建立学习指导中心、加强心理咨询室的学习辅导功能等诸项具体措施。  相似文献   

教学方法是教法和学法的辩证统一。教法与学法相互制约与联系,两者重在学法,并可相互转化。要提高教学质量,既要重视教法又要重视学法。然而长期以来,受传统教学观念“教师中心论”的影响,我国教学改革的重点过分集中在教师的教法和教学观念的更新和变革方面,学校和教师将太多的注意力放在教法方面,忽视对学法的研究和指导,从而造戍教法和学法脱节,教学质量达不到预期效果。要扭转这种教法与学法脱节的局面,师生就要在教法与学法问题上形成良性互动。教师要让学生了解教法,引导和指导学生探索相应学法,充分发挥学生的主体性,达成教法与学法的统一,从而促进教学。  相似文献   

Following decades of quality management featuring in higher education settings, questions regarding its implementation, impact and outcomes remain. Indeed, leaving aside anecdotal case studies and value-laden documentaries of best practice, current research still knows very little about the implementation of quality management in teaching and learning within higher education institutions. Referring to data collected from German higher education institutions in which a quality management department or functional equivalent was present, this article theorises and provides evidence for the supposition that the implementation of quality management follows two implicit logics. Specifically, it tends either towards the logic of appropriateness or, contrastingly, towards the logic of consequentialism. This study’s results also suggest that quality managers’ socialisation is related to these logics and that it influences their views on quality management in teaching and learning.  相似文献   

文章从幽默内涵所体现的趣味性、深刻性和艺术性出发,上升到幽默的教育价值,揭示了教育幽默的主要属性和"寓庄于谐"的主要特征,指出教育幽默是充分体现以人为本、平等交流、启发思维和素质培养等现代教育理念的重要辅助手段。在教学过程中运用幽默改善教学环境,要注意因人而异、恰当适时,才能起到促进教学的特殊功效,教师要注意积累,不断提高自身素养,才能敏锐地发现幽默,巧妙地运用幽默于教育教学。  相似文献   

提高高等学校教学质量,需要高校内外结合;在高校内部,需要教与学结合。但长期以来人们忽视对作为教育主体的大学生学习的研究,忽视从教学的本源上去解决质量问题。本文提出了建立基于学生视角的高校教学质量保障体系的建议,并从转变大学生的学习方式,转变大学生感知的学习环境、改善大学生的课程学习经验两个方面探讨了提高大学学习质量的途径与方法。  相似文献   

随着大学教学信息化进程的不断深化与发展,如何测量、挖掘、分析与利用在学习平台中积累的大量数据,以更好地支持教学与学习,进而改善和提升教与学的质量与效能,已成为摆在大学教学信息化研究者与实践者面前的现实课题。学习分析的兴起则为解决这一难题,提供了一系列的方法、工具和手段。文章将基于国内外学者的已有研究,通过对学习分析的发展脉络的梳理,对学习分析的内涵、过程、工具和方法作较为深入的解读,并尝试从推动大学教学创新的视角,阐释学习分析对促进大学教学信息化深入发展的重要价值和深远影响。  相似文献   

课程教学是大学促进学生发展、回应国家人才培养需求最核心的教育活动。当前高等教育领域试图通过学生调查呈现学生视角下大学课程教学质量的全貌。本文梳理现有以学生调查为途径的大学课程教学质量评价模式发现,由于调查目的、内容、程序等方面存在差异,并非所有学生调查都符合教育的价值取向并充分反映大学课程教学质量的内涵。本文进一步借助“以学为本”大学课程教学质量评价框架,采用“中国大学生学习与发展追踪研究(CCSS)”多年数据,构建涵盖高阶认知能力、问题解决能力、读写能力、主动学习、生生互动、课堂讲授、师生互动和在线教学8个指标的本科课程教学质量评价指标体系,分析了2011至2018年我国本科院校课程教学质量的总体水平和变化趋势。  相似文献   

This paper builds on previous research into teachers' conceptions of learning and teaching with an investigation of information technology academics. Using a phenomenographic approach to build a model of IT academics experiences and practice of teaching we aimed to identify any specific issues that academics in the IT discipline face and to assess the impact of the changing higher education environment on their teaching experiences. While there were few discipline-specific issues we did find that the current higher education environment appears to be negatively affecting the quality of teaching and learning within the IT discipline and indications are that these environmental factors are affecting academics within other disciplines. We concluded that current institutional policies, including teaching and learning quality measures and lack of resources, are compromising the way subjects are delivered. In some cases academics are discouraged from improving their teaching practice.  相似文献   

信息化正在打破大学传统教学模式及相应体制的多重壁垒,为大学改革开辟出阻力最小之路径;对大学教学的理解,必须突破传统课堂教学的狭隘眼界,从高素质人才培养的大视野中把握教学、科研、社会服务三大功能的内在联系,将提高大学教学质量的立足点建立在"推动学习方式变革"这一大学创新发展的难点和攻坚战上。研究和驾驭高等教育信息化,必须将对当代信息技术与大学变革发展的前瞻性把握这两个方面内在地统一起来,这是21世纪从事大学教育创新研究与决策管理的专业人才所必须具有的知识结构和时代眼界。  相似文献   

In this Reflection on Practice I argue the case for using the principles of scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) to serve as a framework for evaluating and designing peer observation programmes in higher education contexts. I suggest that for peer observation to be an activity worthy of SoTL, it should be systematic, collaborative, rigorous, peer reviewed, and focused on learning about teaching to improve teaching. Using a set of criteria to critique a current peer observation programme I account for its strengths and weaknesses and suggest a way forward for elevating the status of peer observation.  相似文献   

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