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科学探究教学模式的反思与批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁维新 《教育学报》2006,2(4):13-17,30
目前由于人们对探究教学模式的认识存在着简单化倾向,对科学教学产生了负面的影响。主要表现在以下几个方面:囿于经验主义科学观,不能反映科学的本质;把科学教学过程简单等同于科学研究过程,不能反映科学教学过程的本质;强调做科学,忽视学科学,不利于对概念的深层理解;教学操作方法单一化与模式化,不利于学生理解科学的本质。  相似文献   


Recently in the UK, there has been an attempt to ensure quality in the education system through policies that encourage standardisation in teaching practice. In this article it is argued that quality in education systems should be promoted through diversity in practice sustained by a tradition of good teaching. It is argued that teaching is characterised by a degree of scepticism about practice that cannot be avoided through the use of standard curriculum materials, national curricula, objectives or anything else. Some implications for educational evaluation are drawn from this argument.


军民融合对军队科研单位发展具有重要意义,既是科学研究交叉融合的必然要求,也是落实国家军民融合深度发展战略的必然要求,更是促进军队科研单位成果向现实战斗力转化的必然要求。国防科技大学结合自身实际情况,积极融入体系、发挥优势,大力加强与地方政府、国防工业集团、科研院所和企业的合作,走出了富有特色的军民融合发展路子,对其他军队科研单位发展具有借鉴意义。建议军队科研单位从三方面着手加强军民融合式发展,一是加强顶层设计,做好统筹规划;二是强化制度建设,建立激励机制;三是深化协同创新,攻克核心技术。  相似文献   

本文以政策科学思想发展史为线索,通过对有关的政策研究认识的梳理,结合现实案例进行实证分析,提出政策研究的问题中心性与跨学科性、理论与实践统一性、科学与经验统合性以及学者、官员研究的协同性等观点,以期深化初学者和政策研究工作者对政策研究的认识与理解。  相似文献   


In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in innovation in teaching and learning in higher education. Now more than ever, academics are advised that engaging in educational innovation for the purposes of improved student learning is supported, valued, and rewarded. However, embracing innovative teaching practice requires academics to develop new skills and understandings, take on extra work, risk failure and invite disapproval from staff and students. Ultimately, focusing upon educational innovation rather than discipline research can be a risky career move if it is not undertaken strategically. This paper provides insight into the characteristics of two innovative academics from the discipline of science and explores the dimensions of innovation as it pertains to teaching and learning. A framework emerged from an analysis of their experience which identifies different types of educational innovators in higher education, discriminating between three individuals with regards to the level at which they seek to influence practice.  相似文献   

学生的科学探究能力:国外的研究及启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
当前的科学课程改革对学生的科学探究能力提出了要求,这是我国的科学教育研究者和广大教师面临的一个新课题。西方发达国家在20世纪下半叶的科学课程改革中就开始进行有关的研究和实践,有三种主要的教学和研究模型及实践结果可供我们借鉴。这些研究结果表明,科学探究能力是一种具有复杂结构的高层次能力,对科学探究能力的培养不能简单化和程式化。我们应当在借鉴有关研究成果的基础上,把握科学探究的本质特征,采用复杂性科学的研究方法,建立适当的教学和研究模型,从理论和实践两方面开展深入研究。  相似文献   

It has been widely accepted in the science education research community that scientific literacy as a concept and phrase was introduced by Paul deHart Hurd in 1958. Recent research into the origins of the phrase, however, has shown this to be incorrect. Its first published use can be traced back, in fact, to 1945, and the phrase was frequently invoked in popular and research publications throughout the 1940s and 1950s. Exploring the historical circumstances of the phrase's introduction into popular discourse, it is argued, reveals that despite the rhetorical power and widespread adoption of the idea, scientific literacy (as others have pointed out) has proven to be little more than an empty slogan that offers no substantive guidance for thinking about the goals of science education. This essay argues that rather than continue to cling to the idea, the field of science education can more productively consider the most relevant and appropriate goals of science teaching by dispensing with the concept altogether.  相似文献   

The paper outlines the significant influence of constructivism in contemporary science and mathematics education, and emphasises the central role that epistemology plays in constructivist theory and practice. It is claimed that despite the anti-empiricism of much constructivist writing, in most forms its epistemology is nevertheless firmly empiricist. In particular it is subject-centered and experience-based. It is argued that its relativist, if not skeptical conclusions, only follow given these empiricist assumptions. Further it is suggested that such assumptions belong to Aristotelian science, and were effectively overthrown with the modern science of Galileo and Newton. Thus constructivism cannot provide understanding of post-Aristotelian science. Specializations: history, philosophy and science teaching.  相似文献   

Few would argue that science and technology have had an impact throughout the world. When we speak about such impacts we are implicitly talking about Western science. Historians of science (especially in science textbooks) tend to place the beginnings of modern science at the time of Bacon, with a slight nod to Greek influences. There is little or no recognition of the scientific traditions of Eastern societies (such as China, India, and the Islamic world) and other indigenous cultures. Although there is no argument that science did not develop in the same manner in these societies, it is argued that they have a scientific tradition that should be considered when incorporating modern science into those societies. The difficulties in doing that are discussed, as is the question of the universality of science. The universality of science as a systematized set of processes for learning about the world is supported, but the culture that has arisen around it, resulting in a certain arrogance, is not. It is argued that the benefits of science and technology can be incorporated without the loss of cultural integrity if the society takes over its own research agenda and paradigms and maintains pride in its own traditons. The role of science education in this process is discussed.  相似文献   

科技发展的动力何在?对此,学界意见不一,存在多种看法,但可概括为两大派:内驱派和外驱派。前者认为科技发展的动力源于科技自身,后者则认为社会环境是推动科技发展的动力。事实上,这两个驱动力相互依存,相互制约,缺一不可,共同推动科技进步。因此,要加速科技进步,就必须遵守科技自身的发展规律,同时要注重科技发展的社会环境,为其发展创造良好的外部条件。  相似文献   

The idea that science teaching in schools should prepare the ground for society's future technical and scientific progress has played an important role in shaping modern education. This idea, however, was not always present. In this article, I examine how this idea first emerged in educational thought. Early in the 17th century, Francis Bacon asserted that the study of nature should serve to improve living conditions for all members of society. Although influential, Bacon's idea was not easily assimilated by educational thinkers who remained committed to the traditional aims of teaching about nature. Yet in the second half of the 18th century a change has occurred; educational thinkers started to embrace Baconian ideas and therefore argued that science teaching should be oriented towards generating future scientific progress. Analysing the work of 18th century French and British educational thinkers, this article links the emergence of this new view to developments in the understanding of natural philosophy and to a rising interest in it. It is argued, however, that in themselves, these developments could not adequately explain why Baconian ideas started to influence educational theory in the time in which they did. It is maintained that the incorporation of Baconian ideas into educational thought resulted from a fundamental theoretical shift in the understanding of the role of education itself.  相似文献   

Working at scientists’ elbows is one suggestion that educators make to improve science education, because such “authentic experiences” provide students with various types of science knowledge. However, there is an ongoing debate in the literature about the assumption that authentic science activities can enhance students’ understandings of scientific practice. The purpose of the study is to further address the debate in terms of the ethnographic data collected during an internship programme for high school students right through to their public presentations at the end. Drawing on activity theory to analyse these presentations, we found that students presented scientific practice as accomplished by individual personnel without collaboration in the laboratory. However, our ethnographic data of their internship interaction show that students have had conversations about the complex collaborations within and outside the laboratory. This phenomenon leads us to claim that students experienced authentic science in their internships, but their subsequent representations of authentic science are incomplete. That is, participating in authentic science internships and reporting scientific practice are embedded activities that constitute different goals and conditions rather than unrefracted reflections of one another. The debate on the influence on students’ understanding of science practice is not simply related to situating students in authentic science contexts, but also related to students’ values and ideology of reporting their understanding of and about science. To help students see these “invisible” moments of science practice is therefore crucial. We make suggestions for how the invisible in and of authentic science may be made visible.  相似文献   

理工科专业课程教学中,在教学内容上,有强调个人贡献,却忽视发明创造是来自广大人民群众生产实践的经验总结,是个人与团体思想相互碰撞、相互融合的现象;在教学方式或教学组织上,有只顾少数不顾多数,只强调独立思考却无视交流合作的情况。这种缺乏群众观思想的专业教学,容易使学生或教师产生目无集体、不懂合作、纪律涣散、自我利益至上的个人主义思想,不利于创新型和谐社会的建设。在理工科专业教学中融入思政要素,研究加强群众观教学的理念和方法具有重要的时代意义。  相似文献   

理科教学中长期存在的教学效率低、学业成绩低、学生理科学习兴趣不高等问题一直没有得到有效的解决,其根本原因在于对理科学习困难的成因和现状缺乏深入的、系统的分析。对辽宁、北京和河南三个省(市)的高中师生展开的学习困难量化研究显示,师生对高中理科学习困难的原因认识存在显著性差异,都是客体因素排在第一,而将涉及自己的因素排在最后。指标的细化研究表明,师生认为导致理科学习困难的最重要因素是"生活实践"、"学习方法",最不重要的因素是"学习基础",而关于"情感态度"的认识则差异较大。  相似文献   

设计性综合开放实验教学模式探索   总被引:21,自引:10,他引:21  
针对“材料科学基础实验”传统教学模式效果差,学生兴趣低等问题,大连理工大学材料系提出设计性综合开放实验教学模式,经过几年实践教学验证表明,新教学模式为学生提供了一个很好的综合性实践平台,使学生的创造性思维能力以及分析问题的能力有明显提高,提升了学生工程素质。  相似文献   

Marginalized communities cannot and do not have decontextualized experiences with how socioscientific issues, such as exposure to COVID-19 as frontline essential workers, high Black infant mortality rates, air pollution leading to respiratory problems, and other issues, affect their communities. As PreK-12 science teachers and teacher educators strive to dismantle oppressive practices in their classrooms and curriculum, it would be helpful to learn from Black women science teachers who have been engaging in anti-racist practices before the racial awakenings of Summer 2020. In this study, three different virtual focus groups, or Sista Circles, were conducted with 18 Black women secondary science teachers. Ranging from 1 to 22 years of experience, Black women teachers across the country and international participants in Canada and Qatar participated in the Sista Circles. From intersectional qualitative analysis and narrative inquiry, the findings of the study reveal that Black women science teachers enact anti-racist science teaching by bringing something new to the community; using NGSS standards within the context of the community; teaching at the intersection of history, culture, and science learning and teaching; and building critical consciousness in the science classroom. Furthermore, the findings of the study have implications for the use of anti-racist frameworks within the context of science education that were authentically the practices of the Black women in the study. This study offers insights into how the critical consciousness of Black women teachers can be represented in the science classroom even in times of nonsupport from peers and administration. The power and necessity of Black women teachers are paramount in science classrooms specifically because of the neutral, apolitical ways science teaching has been approached in the past. The narratives and stories shared here exemplify how Black women science teachers transform science teaching and learning by displaying various acts of Criticality.  相似文献   


Modelling is a central activity in practical engineering and something that is also useful in engineering education research (EER). Additionally, qualitative research methods have found important applications in engineering research, although their use in EER has not always been widely accepted. Design science research is a qualitative research approach in which the object of study is the design process, i.e. it simultaneously generates knowledge about the method used to design an artefact and the design or the artefact itself. This paper uses techniques from design science research to analyse the method used when deriving the ‘learning of a complex concept’ (LCC) model, which we developed while designing teaching sequences for a course on electrical engineering. Our results demonstrate the value of design science research in EER and suggest that the LCC model is generally applicable in this field.  相似文献   

Many have argued that the inclusion of the history of science in science teaching might promote an understanding of the nature of science as well as the attitudes toward science. However, its inclusion in science teaching may not have the desired effect due to the limited coverage it receives in textbooks and the limited time available for teaching. A historical episodes map (HEM) is thus developed with four storylines and more than 20 events related to the history of science and is designed to fit in with regular teaching topics. A total of 329 students in Grade 7 were involved in the experimental group and the control group. The control group was taught using the textbook only, while the experimental group was also taught using the textbook plus HEM materials and associated discussion. The intervention of such teaching lasted for a month and a half. The findings reveal that the exposure of students to HEM materials did promote the students’ understanding of the nature of science as well as their attitudes toward science.  相似文献   

Reflection in action research is a complex matter, as is action research itself. In recent years, complexity science has regularly been called upon in order to more thoroughly understand the complexity of action research. The present article investigates the benefits that complexity science may yield for reflection in action research. This article begins by explicating the sense in which the complexity of reflection in action research involves the role of values and existential knowledge in education. The gap between theory and practice is also explored. On the basis of a number of common features of complex systems (heterogeneous, open, dynamic, non-linear, adaptive, and co-adaptive), the sense in which reflection can be regarded as a complex system is discussed. To this end, the features of complex systems are translated into features of reflection in action research, which, in turn, are illustrated with examples from recent publications on reflection in action research. The aim of this analysis is to make reflection in action research more understandable and manageable. In line with this, it is argued that room for insecurity and unpredictability, combined with an explicit consideration of reflection as a complex system, contributes to the use of complexity as a stimulus for new learning.  相似文献   

Many new science teachers are assigned to teach subjects in which they have not been prepared, a practice referred to as out‐of‐field (OOF) teaching. Teaching OOF has been shown to negatively influence instruction and constrain teachers’ development. In this study, we explored the extent to which new secondary science teachers were assigned OOF across their first 5 years. Analysis of this longitudinal data set indicated that these assignments were common. While new science teachers were assigned to teach a variety of subjects over their first 5 years of teaching, they were not assigned more or fewer OOF courses over time. Furthermore, results indicated that teachers in certain situations are more likely than others to be assigned to teach OOF. Even with federal legislation in the United States seeking to eliminate OOF teaching, a large portion of new secondary science teachers are assigned to teach science disciplines for which they are inadequately prepared. Based on the findings of this study, it is worth exploring policy avenues that eliminate OOF teaching. Policymakers, administrators, and teacher educators should seek to provide supports, such as science‐specific induction programs designed for new teachers who are assigned OOF, and science teacher educators should prepare prospective teachers to teach multiple science disciplines. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 54:1197–1218, 2017  相似文献   

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