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论主流媒体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主流媒体应该是一个综合性的概念,它的内涵由政治、经济、化、经营等多个方面的内容组成。主流媒体的基本特征包括:报道了主流信息,拥有了主流受众,占据了主流市场,吸引了主流广告,形成了主流品牌。信息时代研究主流媒体的意义在于:信息时代的受众需要主流媒体,信息时代的媒体竞争需要主流媒体.信息时代的传播控制需要主流媒体。  相似文献   

媒体竞争已进入观点竞争阶段,而观点竞争越来越成为一种论辩质量的竞争、说服能力的竞争,从"信"的角度看,受众对评论专业水准的要求、对主流媒体发声质量的要求空前提高。本文从态度需要质量支撑、坚持实证精神、用理性思考传播正能量、培育公共言说方式和思维方式这四个不同方面,针对当前主流媒体评论应遵循以质取胜这一正道,谈一些想法和建议。  相似文献   

顾青 《视听界》2015,(2):45-48
由于主客观环境的变化,主流媒体的公信力优势逐渐流失,与之形成鲜明对比的是,自媒体凭借巨量受众基础,信任度稳步提升。本文阐述了传统主流媒体面临公信力挑战以及自媒体的受众信任度提升的现实,分析主流媒体公信力重塑的路径。  相似文献   

主流媒体的标准莫梅锋和刘潆檑在《论主流媒体》一文中提出了主流媒体的几个特征,即报道了主流信息,拥有了主流受众,占据了主流市场,吸引了主流广告,形成了主流品牌。1.主流受众。所谓主流受众是指:掌握消费的话语权(他们的消费能力较强),掌握管理的话语权(他们握有一定的经济政治权力),掌握知识话语权(他们属于文化精英类,至少接近这个社会阶层),掌握时尚话语权的媒体受众。  相似文献   

在社会日新、信息爆炸的今天,众多媒体无不千方百计开拓生存发展空间,各方竞争日益激烈。作为媒体的核心力量———主流媒体应当如何应对?越来越明显的趋势是:主流媒体在把握各自基本定位的前提下,都在努力从点滴做起,竭力拉近与受众的距离,多侧面、全方位强化服务功能。媒体要拉近与受众的距离,首先要了解受众所需,并能十分准确地将这种所需加以提炼概括,进而从精神需求的层面上进行全面提升,以强大的凝聚力引领受众,形成以媒体为核心的受众群体。那么,今天的受众其主要需求有哪些内容呢?把握受众的主要需求权威睿智的政经导…  相似文献   

数字媒体时代,受众对传统媒体接触的时间被分流,县级电视台不仅要面临上级电视媒体带来的竞争压力,更受到众多现代化的数字媒体挑战,人们获取新闻信息的渠道不再单一,那么县级台如何紧跟时代步伐担当好一方主流媒体的责任?与时俱进,不断改革创新是其突围的必然途径。  相似文献   

正在"新新媒体"跻身"新闻信息发布主渠道"的今天,传统媒体时代受众"被动获取信息"已经变为"受众主动搜索和选择信息"。一些主流媒体的客户端为了能在全媒体时代的新闻竞争中获得关注,往往为了抢先推送信息而忽略了核实信息来源的可靠性和内容的真实性。一些主流媒体的客户端也加入了推送谣言的行列,受到了业界和普通网民的批评。  相似文献   

藏语主流媒体在引导舆论、传播信息、满足人们需要等方面发挥积极作用。以西藏自治区为例,当地的主流媒体包括西藏电视台,西藏日报,西藏人民广播电台等,他们在传播信息,满足人们获取信息需要,丰富当地人们的物质和精神文化生活方面发挥着积极作用。本文采用问卷调查方式,对藏语主流媒体的受众构成进行分析,包括他们的年龄、性别、婚姻状况、文化程度、收入水平等。同时对藏语主流媒体受众的需求进行探讨,并就更好适应受众需要,推动藏语主流媒体发展提出相应对策。  相似文献   

主流媒体是以主流群体为核心受众,通过理性报道传播社会主流价值观,产品链符合媒介融合趋势,在公众中具有巨大公信力和影响力的权威性媒体。主流媒体是一种高利润、高回报、具有成长性的媒体模式。能够带来物质和非物质方面的收益。  相似文献   

齐建清 《声屏世界》2007,(12):31-31
提升公信力是构建新闻媒体核心竞争力的唯一途径。虽然主流媒体普遍获得了比较高的公信力,但公信力既不是与生俱来也非一成不变。随着传媒业逐步走向市场,媒介间的竞争日趋激烈,竞争失范问题日渐凸显,在一定程度上损害了传媒的公信力。面对新兴媒体的崛起,社会变革期受众需求的转变,主流媒体应从多方面着手提升公信力,从而增强核心竞争力。  相似文献   

文章旨在了解公众视角下政府社交媒体文件归档的情况,为我国政府社交媒体文件归档实践提供依据和动力。文章采用专业的网络调查平台对公众视角下的政府社交媒体文件归档情况进行问卷调查,对回收的问卷进行系统的总结与分析。调查显示,公众浏览政府社交媒体文件的目的呈现出多样化特征;应在归档保存内容上以原创性内容为主、相关性内容为辅,在归档保存方式上采用单双套制兼用,在归档保存时间上科学灵活制定及细化。  相似文献   

Within a short timeframe, social media have become to be widely used in government organizations. Social media gurus assume that the transformational capacities of social media result in similar communication strategies in different organizations. According to them, government is transforming into a user-generated state. This paper investigates this claim empirically by testing the claim of convergence in social media practices in three North-American police departments (Boston, Washington DC and Toronto). The research shows that the social media strategies are widely different: the Boston Police Department has developed a ‘push strategy’ while the Metropolitan Police Department in DC has developed a ‘push and pull strategy and the Toronto Police Service a ‘networking strategy’. The paper concludes that a combination of contextual and path-dependency factors accounts for differences in the emerging social media strategies of government organizations. Social media have a logic of their own but this logic only manifests itself if it lands on fertile soil in a government bureaucracy.  相似文献   

Social media in government is becoming one of the major trends in Electronic Government (e-government) research and practice worldwide. During the last few years, several authors have addressed the potential of social media for the innovation of public sector organizations. Most of these contributions have focused on the technical dimensions of social media, while other aspects have not attracted equal attention. In contrast, this introductory article interrogates the role of social media in the basic areas of e-government: government information flows and the availability of government information; the use of information technology to create and provide innovative government services; the impact of information technology on the relationships between the governed and those governing; and the increasing importance of information policies and information technologies for democratic practices. Accordingly, the next few pages propose and develop three dimensions of social media in government: tools, goals, and topics. We think that these dimensions could help to better understand the use of social media in government settings. Then, after a brief review of current trends in social media and government research, we present the articles included in this special issue. Finally, we present some practical lessons and suggest ideas for future research. This special issue could be seen as a starting point for the development of innovation through social media in public administrations around the world.  相似文献   

Social media is being adopted at a rapid pace by governments around world and across different levels of government. In Canada, federal, provincial and municipal governments created social media accounts in 2000s and are now using them to interact with the public. Studies to date, however, focus primarily on social media strategies and practices of government agencies while government social media users' behaviors and perspectives remain understudied. This study analyzes experiences of government social media users and how they interact on Twitter and Facebook accounts maintained by a Canadian federal government agency – Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). It also explores why users chose to interact on social media as well as their perspectives. The findings suggest that Canadian immigration agencies are using social media as a customer services tool, and migrant social media users are turning to government social media to hear directly from the government agencies and are expecting personalized answers.  相似文献   

Although much of the world basks in the glory of the Internet and availability of competitive media outlets, Africa's media landscape remains bleak. Radio, newspapers, and television continue to be government controlled: Radio's power to reach the masses suggests that many governments may never fully privatize the electronic media. Zambia has experienced growth of private media. Private radio stations in Lusaka have attracted nearly half of the listening audience away from government radio. Listeners rate radio as their most important source for news and the medium is highly regarded for accuracy and fairness. Yet these few private stations lack national coverage and political and economic clout to challenge government broadcasting.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Obama administration issued the Open Government Initiative that directed Executive agencies to improve transparency, openness in government, and public participation with government. The Obama administration views transparency and openness in government as a cost-effective and efficient process capable of improving public participation with government and public access to government information. To address the initiative in part, many agencies adopt social media as the means to disseminate information out to the public and to increase public participation with agency website content and activities. This exploratory study examines Executive agency use of social media and public participation with the media. Findings indicate that most agencies reviewed do use social media. The public does interact with the media and some agencies experience high overall participation levels; however, there are some issues with agency use of social media and public participation with the media.  相似文献   

传媒公共性:概念的解析与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传媒公共性是在传媒体制规训下传媒实践公开性、批判性和公益性理念所产生的社会公器属性,包括应然和实然的双重含义,涵盖理念、体制和实践三个层面。传媒公共性问题实质是媒体与民主的关系问题,尤其是传媒自身的民主化问题,核心是传媒与政府、市场、公众之间的关系或传媒管理体制问题。考察传媒公共性,需区分应然的理想和实然的表现,采用历史的、动态的、政治的、阶级的观点去分析,区分展示的、操纵的公共性与批判的公共性。传媒公共性概念应用于中国,应当以哈贝马斯的公共性理念作为价值规范,同时结合我国传媒体制对传媒实践展开具体分析。  相似文献   

Government social media has been integrated as part of the government administrative tools to improve public service and promote public goals. However, the current government information literature is limited to understanding government social media adoption and its purpose for political marketing. The present study seeks to understand the role of government social media in promoting government digital initiatives (i.e., government-backed digital currency). The study validated the inter-relationships between government social media effort, privacy concerns, trust in technology, reachability, and citizens' participation in government-initiated digital innovations. A total of 505 responses from Chinese citizens were collected through an online self-administered questionnaire survey, and the data was submitted to a two-stage Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling-Artificial Neural Network analysis. The analytic results revealed that privacy concerns, trust in technology, and reachability positively influence digital participation. In addition, the information quality and perception of trust in government social media have significant positive influences on government social media engagement. The study provides strategic practical suggestions to government agencies in effectively utilizing social media as a communication platform to foster citizens' participation in government's digital initiatives.  相似文献   

This paper examines the presence, usage, and effectiveness of Egyptian government social media websites. The adoption of social media technology provides an illustration of the application of New Public Service (NPS) theory to public administration. The first phase of this study examined the presence of social media applications on these government websites. The second phase analyzed the use of Facebook by governmental entities in Egypt. The use of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube were the top social media applications in Egyptian government websites, which is consistent with other government surveys of social media found in developed countries. In terms of effectiveness of these social media websites, they were used mainly to post information, with very little two-way interaction between citizens and government. The analysis in this paper shows that social media in Egypt is not much in line with the NPS theory.  相似文献   

学术界关于政府应急信息发布中政府、媒体与公众关系的研究主要包括以下方面:信息技术对政府、媒体与公众关系的影响研究,政府、媒体与公众关系应然状态的研究,政府、媒体与公众关系失衡表现与原因的研究,以及政府、垛体与公众关系重构策略的研究等.在分析已有研究的基础上,文章提出了研究展望:一是对政府应急信息发布中公众参与的研究将越...  相似文献   

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