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高海波 《新闻界》2007,46(2):26-27
一被誉为传播学奠基人之一的美国学者拉斯韦尔在1948年发表的《传播在社会中的结构与功能》一文,被公认为传播学发展史上的经典之作,学界普遍认为其奠定了传播学的基本框架,为分门别类深入研究传播现象铺平了道路。然而我们今天重读  相似文献   

作为传播学最基本的研究模式,拉斯韦尔模式对传播学发展影响巨大,但因其中存在种种缺陷而导致了传播学领域研究的偏向,国内相关研究至今仍受缚于其中.主要问题在于,传播学领域内的研究者并没有完全厘清5W模式建构的合理性与剥离隐藏在其中的时代烙印.研究是知识的传承也是文化的建构,研究者必须以理性原则为基础.  相似文献   

传播学奠基人之一的哈罗德·拉斯韦尔在《传播在社会中的结构与功能》一文中,除提出著名的5W传播模式外,还从政治学角度阐述了大众传播的三大社会功能:监视社会环境、协调社会关系、传衍社会遗产。拉斯韦尔的这一理论经过其他学者的不断完善,如今已被传播学界奉为经典、广为引用。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战期间,美国的主要的企业基金会和政府建立的战时机构资助了许多传播学研究项目;这一时期也产生了诸如拉斯韦尔、拉扎斯菲尔德、勒温、霍夫兰、施拉姆等著名的传播学知名学者,他们开创了大众传播学的基本研究范围和层面,建立起了大众传播学领域,在高等院校中开办了大众传播学教育,促进了美国大众传播学的发展。  相似文献   

五w模式是拉斯韦尔创立的一个早期传播模式,五w模式之于传播学的意义在于:它为传播学研究提供了一种方便的综合性研究方法.本文从五w模式产生的背景和模式的角度重新反思了人们对它的批评,认为模式本身固有的缺陷不可避免地产生某些先天性的不足.  相似文献   

传播是人类交流信息的一种社会行为,是人与人之间,人与他们所属的群体、组织和社会之间,通过有意义的符号所进行的信息传递、接受和反馈的行为的总称。目前,在传播学领域中,对传播过程的研究较为深入。其中传播学先驱之一的拉斯韦尔的“五W”理论是研究传播过程的较为经典的理论。  相似文献   

传播学奠基人拉斯韦尔在沃拉斯的第二手感情说和李普曼的拟态环境理论的基础上,提出了注意结构研究和环境监测功能的概念,不论是研究思路还是研究方法都非常接近议程设置功能理论。据此,本文认为拉斯韦尔是被忽略的议程设置理论先驱。  相似文献   

传播学研究的几块硬伤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏玮 《今传媒》2006,(1):60-61
传播学起源于第二次世界大战时期的美国,经历了七十多年的发展后,在西方国家已形成了初步的理论体系,并出现了一批传播学理论大师。20世纪70年代末传播学概念被引进中国,二十多年来在理论建构等方面取得了长足的发展,成绩不容小觑。但作为一门独立的学科来说,它还稍显幼稚与凌乱。与现实社会中狂热发展的外在形式相比(例如,每年有大批学子选择传播学专业),中国的传播学实质上并未达到表面上所显示的风光,除了反复咀嚼传播学四大奠基人(拉斯韦尔、卢因、拉扎斯菲尔德、霍夫兰)和一个集大成者(施拉姆)的成果外,只有一些较少的、伴随着科技进步…  相似文献   

拉斯韦尔在<传播的社会职能与结构>一文中提出了传播学的"5W模式".据此,引申出传播研究的五个参数:控制分析(谁),内容分析(说什么),媒介分析(通过什么渠道),受众分析(对谁),效果分析(取得什么样的效果).  相似文献   

曾巍 《编辑学刊》2010,(1):80-82
图书宣传具有刺激消费和引导购买作用。美国传播学的四大先驱之一哈罗德·D·拉斯韦尔曾在《传播在社会中的结构与功能》中考察了宣传的基本过程,并将该过程解析为以下几个基本环节或要素:  相似文献   

The “hegemonic” tradition argues that the president enjoys unparalleled power to manage news and opinion during war. This approach has dominated political communication literature on war and the media for over a generation. The war with Iraq, however, provides a major challenge to conventional wisdom. We believe that classical propaganda theory provides a useful corrective to the hegemonic perspective and offers a better way to understand the Bush administration's propaganda strategy and its impact on public opinion. Using a combination of content analysis, opinion data, and analysis of the administration's Iraq-related public addresses, we argue that the president neither dominated war news nor managed public opinion in the manner predicted by hegemonic theories.  相似文献   

通过结构化问卷调查,分析我国企业对竞争情报作战室的需求情况和建立竞争情报作战室的可行性,探讨在我国建立竞争情报作战室应该注意的问题。调查结果表明我国企业对竞争情报作战室的接受及需求程度高,竞争情报作战室在我国具备研究的必要性和现实需求,具有极强的研究价值和应用价值,在我国建立企业竞争情报作战室和进行理论探讨也是可行的。  相似文献   

This five-country study examined the extent to which the news coverage of the Iraq war by newspapers from India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the Philippines and by one news agency from Pakistan is framed according to the principles of war/peace journalism outlined by Johan Galtung. The findings, based on a content analysis of 442 stories from eight newspapers, suggest a slight peace journalism framing. Two important factors shaping the news framing of the conflict and support for the war and for the protagonists in the war (Americans/British vs. Iraqis) are religion and sourcing. Newspapers from the non-Muslim countries, except the Philippines, have a stronger war journalism framing, and are more supportive of the war and of the Americans/British than the newspapers from the Muslim countries, which are more supportive of the Iraqis. Stories produced by foreign wire services have a stronger war journalism framing, and show more support for the war and for the Americans/British than stories written by the newspapers’ own correspondents.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] The development of digital humanities has aroused widespread concern in the field of social sciences and humanities, by using convenient and efficient computing technology to extract potential information from massive data resources and unstructured text, and present it to users in a more intuitive and clear way.[Method/process] This paper took the war described in Zuo Zhuan as the research object, and extracted the strategic offensive sides and strategic defenders of each war from the war sentences. From the perspective of digital humanities, it explored the feasibility of using social network analysis methods to describe the changes of the war pattern in Spring and Autumn Period. On this basis, the vassal states in the Spring and Autumn Period were divided into different groups according to the relationship between war cooperation and war confrontation. The main groups and the core vassal states were analyzed and discussed one by one. In addition, the war in Zuo Zhuan was dynamically displayed in using 3 techniques:html, css and E-Charts.[Result/conclusion] We provided a method for extracting war information from the unstructured Zuo Zhuan texts during the Spring and Autumn Period and organized it into quantifiable data. It proved that it was feasible to show the relationship between the vassal states during the Spring and Autumn Period from the perspective of war, and also showed the feasibility and great potential of digital humanities technology in the research of humanistic history.  相似文献   

动态、复杂的竞争环境下,战争游戏法和作战室已经成为企业竞争分析的工具和方法.本文将基于战争游戏法的竞争情报作战室作为一种竞争情报创新工具,利用逻辑上的反推,从战争游戏和作战室的功能出发,探讨满足这些功能的竞争情报作战室设计应该具备的构成要素,构建基于战争游戏法的竞争情报作战室设计的通用模型.依据该模型,在对我国企业竞争情报和作战室应用现状及需求进行调查分析的基础上,分析影响基于战争游戏法的企业竞争情报作战室设计的权变因素,提出了适合我国企业的4种设计模式,为我国企业应对激烈多变的竞争环境建立竞争情报作战室提供了可供参考的操作模式.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):259-263

Viewing pro‐war rhetorical discourse directed to the general public as a genre, the author suggests that three basic appeals— those to territoriality, ethnocentrism and optimism—pervade the genre, though the appeals are developed differently under various historical circumstances. He further suggests that stated war aims, though usually expressed ambiguously, tend to change as a war progresses. These points are amplified by a close examination of New England rhetoric during the last French war and a general consideration of some other war rhetoric.  相似文献   

基于四角模型的战争游戏法分析框架研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对如何在战争游戏中模拟竞争对手问题,提出战争游戏法分析框架概念。结合战争游戏法分析框架特性,建议将四角模型作为战争游戏法的分析框架。辅以真实案例,对四角模型分析框架的内涵及实施过程进行阐述,并针对四角模型实施中应注意问题加以介绍,最后点明四角模型作为战争游戏法分析框架的限制条件,力图促进战争游戏法在企业竞争情报分析中的有效运用。  相似文献   

于淼 《新闻与传播研究》2012,(1):51-59,109,110
本文以日本在十五年战争期间的"总体战"体制为背景,探讨"舆论动员"活动的相关问题。通过对日本战时社会历史的考察发现,日本军部以德国的总体战体制为蓝本,将媒体宣传和意识形态引导作为舆论动员机制的核心指导方针,以相关传媒法令为法律依据,通过对各类媒体机构的整合,将媒体资源纳入战争的轨道。封建资本主义制度下的专制语境形成了舆论动员机制的政治基础,军国主义的国民精神结构是舆论动员的思想动力,在媒体将政治意图转化为媒介议题的过程中,媒体精英和意见领袖也发挥了引导作用。多种机理共同运作之下,舆论动员机制实现了对战时国民精神的强效果控制。  相似文献   

作为对企业竞争情报工作的一种改革创新,竞争情报作战室在弥合竞争情报与企业决策之间的缺口方面蕴含着巨大潜能。而为了保证竞争情报作战室活动能够有机地融入企业的运作环境,需要全面系统地筹划竞争情报作战室运行的基础性工作,即针对企业内外部情况开展竞争情报作战室的运行准备工作。本研究将从竞争情报作战室的组成与功能分析入手,讨论企业运行竞争情报作战室的驱动因素、行为优化以及运行规划模型等问题。  相似文献   

National news media represent mothers of US combat soldiers in the Iraq War as archetypal good mothers, that is, mothers who continue their maternal work even after their children are deployed. However, not all mothers are depicted as the archetypal patriotic mother, i.e., a good mother who is also stoic and silent about the war and her child's role in it. Mothers of soldiers are portrayed as good mothers who sometimes also voice their attitudes about the war effort. The maternal attitudes ranged from complete support for the war to opposition to the war but support for the soldiers. The findings suggest a picture of wartime motherhood that is more nuanced than the historical image of the patriotic mother suggests.  相似文献   

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