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新媒介持续发展推动了我国信息化社会的加速转型,作为社会成员,老年群体同样面临着以新媒介为中心的媒介化生存的考验。由于媒介素养的层次差异,老年群体在处理人与新媒介的关系方面,呈现出不同的认知与行为模式。按照新媒介对其生活的渗透程度进行划分,目前我国老年群体的媒介化生存模式可归于旁观型、亲近型、浅尝型、沉迷型以及善用型五种类型。不同模式均有着较为典型的媒介行为特征,这就需要有针对性地对其进行模式优化,最终实现老年群体媒介化生存品质的整体提升。  相似文献   

新媒介对受众生活的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新媒介发展的迅速及其复杂性为社会生活带来的冲击是多方面的。简而言之,可以归纳为宏观和微观两个层面。宏观上,新媒介的发展促使受众所处的媒介生态系统发生变化;微  相似文献   

曹艳 《当代传播》2011,(4):102-103
新媒介的变化给高校传统媒介素养教育带来挑战.目前,高校新媒介教育供给不足,导致了大学生忽视新媒介的学习功能,缺乏对新媒介信息的理性分析能力.为改变高校新媒介知识供给不足的状况,建议高校设置新媒介素养教育课程;构建校园新媒体平台,引导大学生建立良好的媒介素养;同时要注重实践,鼓励学生利用新媒介提升参与交往能力.  相似文献   

童帅 《新闻传播》2013,(5):158-159
新新媒介与电子邮件和网站等新媒介不同,而新媒介又不同于报纸、电视之类的旧媒介。①保罗·莱文森在其著作《新新媒介》中很好地诠释了新新媒介这一概念。新新媒介较之传统媒介以及新媒介都表现出了其进步的一面,公众话语表达权的改善就是最好的体现。  相似文献   

新媒介发展的迅速及其复杂性为社会生活带来的冲击是多方面的。简而言之,可以归纳为宏观和微观两个层面。宏观上,新媒介的发展促使受众所处的媒介生态系统发生变化;微观上,新媒介对受众生活的影响具体体现在:受众对政治民主的参与、提高受众应对危机传播的能力以及建构新的日常生活方式等。  相似文献   

孙国钰 《青年记者》2012,(26):15-16
媒介环境以及新闻语言的内涵新媒介不是一个新的概念,在传播媒介发展历史上,早就出现了新媒介的概念,比如广播电视对于印刷媒介而言就曾经是新媒介。在网络信息时代,新媒介主要包括互联网、手机等,也包括跨国的卫星广播和有线电视、电子出版的文字和音像等产品。目前在我国新媒介被应用比较广泛的主要是互联网和手机。而新媒介环  相似文献   

本文通过成都地区的抽样调查数据,探讨了受众对新媒介与传统媒介在不同新闻内容上的媒介依赖情况.研究发现,网络已经与报纸、电视一起成为受众的三大媒介依赖渠道,特别是网络在财经证券类新闻上已经超越电视和报纸成为了最大的依赖渠道;新媒介的手机已经确立了自身的媒介地位,媒介依赖程度全面超过广播;新媒介与传统媒介在依赖群体的构成上已经呈现出明显的不同,新媒介的依赖群体呈年轻化和高学历化,传统媒介则相反;虽然传统媒介的报纸、电视在本地新闻等方面还有优势,但构成群体与新媒介相比则已经呈现出明显不利的发展态势.  相似文献   

新媒介时代受众对媒介依赖的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个体与媒介的关系是一种动态发展的关系,从传统媒介时代进入新媒介时代,个体与媒介的关系正发生着变化,主要表现在个体对媒介的精神性依赖进一步加强,实用性依赖日渐突出,二者的结合使得新媒介对个体的控制愈加有力而隐蔽.这与新媒介自身的属性密切相关.我们只有加强媒介素养教育,使个体能够理性地认识和面对新媒介,才能形成健康、合理的媒介关系.  相似文献   

徐艳 《新闻世界》2012,(6):194-195
新媒介带来了媒介资源的重组,从而推动了媒介素养内涵的演进。本文研究了农民工在新媒介情境中的资源分配和媒介素养情况,并通过调查提出了建议。  相似文献   

现代媒介技术的迅猛发展,正日益深刻地作用于当代佛教寺院生活,但既存研究尚少有沉潜至微观层面去详细探询新媒介之于寺院的具体影响。通过对一座汉传佛教寺院的田野调查,本文以媒介人类学视角结合寺院日常生活的现实情境,重点对数字新媒介与寺院之间的互动进行"深描"。文章认为,寺院在对待现代媒介的问题上,或存在拒斥和接纳的双重态度,并具体显现在僧人自身修行和寺院对外弘法这两个面向;同时,寺院媒介图景的变迁既取决于寺院面对媒介如何取舍,但又不全然受此决定,从而也就新媒介对寺院的影响提出反思。  相似文献   

Photographers from community and mainstream media organisations bring the everyday of favela communities to the attention of Rio de Janeiro's society from different perspectives. While mainstream photojournalists mainly report on favelas from outside to inside, denouncing wrongdoings and human rights abuses, community photographers do it from the opposite direction, from inside to outside, presenting images of the everyday life of favela communities. This paper takes an ethnographic and discursive approach to comparing these two categories of photographers to ask how their different practices can yield benefits for the people living in marginalised communities. Furthermore, by adapting Foucault and Bourdieu's theories, this study examines photographers’ habitus so as to determine how cultural capital and economic capital that they possess shape their subjectivity and, as such, the fields of community and mainstream photojournalism. This study has no intention of creating polarised distinctions between community and mainstream photojournalism. Instead, the research aims, through the investigation of the working practices, identities, and discourses of photographers from community and mainstream media organisations, to identify the activities and limitations of both community and mainstream in order to build an understanding about how the media ecology works best within both.  相似文献   


The ongoing reforms in the Chinese media system have offered greater latitude for the development and operation of closed circuit community cable television. This research describes the structure and program content of one community system. Although similar to the national media model, the addition of a community channel offers a functional alternative. Local newscasts contain themes and production values similar to China Central Television (CCTV). Feature entertainment and music video request programs provide alternatives to the national and regional television channels. Increased access available through such systems has the capacity to expand the ideological range possible in Chinese life and exert pressure for further structural, operational, and ideological reform at the national level.  相似文献   

传播媒介深深嵌入乡村社会中,并改变传统乡村的社会结构与生活方式,建构着新的社区文化。文章以媒介研究的实践转向为路径,采用网络民族志研究方法,探讨乡村青年是如何统合新旧媒介进行媒介实践活动,媒介在乡村抗疫过程中扮演何种角色,并在实践中又产生何种主体关系与文化。研究发现新旧媒介彼此交融混搭,甚至传统媒介被重拾,两者共构为一种社会文化"传播力"。青年并未被媒介结构反制,他们发挥创造力与能动性,成为抗疫行动的主体。媒介实践是一个互动过程,它不仅是再现或描述现实,更是对现实世界的形塑与建构。  相似文献   

This narrative case study examines the news and information role played by WWL Radio and the United Radio Broadcasters of New Orleans during the real life drama of Hurricane Katrina. The performance of United demonstrates that media consolidation, deregulation and the threat of emerging technologies do not justify abandoning the idea that broadcasters still have a moral and ethical responsibility to serve the public interests of audiences; that traditional radio should stop looking over its shoulder at threats posed by other media, and instead should make use of the medium's greatest strength—taking care of the communities it serves on the local level. This study provides further proof that traditional radio is still vital, especially in times of disaster and catastrophe; that radio's attention to the local community, and its ability to collaborate among other broadcast outlets in that community, may be two of many distinct factors that keep the public tuned in to the medium.  相似文献   

闫波  郑博 《新闻界》2008,(2):83-84
分析社区传播的相关机制,把握新媒体在社区传播中的特性和作用,利用好新媒体,发展社区传播。  相似文献   

This article discusses the role of the online audience community as a strategic resource for media work. It opens up a current perspective on the audience community, which has received scarce attention in research both conceptually and empirically. The article provides an empirical analysis of the various ways in which the audience community can serve as a resource in the work of journalists. The conclusion is that the audience community can have wide-ranging strategic significance and implications for media work and media brands. In particular, observing and connecting with the audience community can help journalists acquire deeper knowledge and understanding of the audience, as well as strengthen commitment and engagement among the audience with the media brand. As a consequence of collaborating with the audience community, new journalistic roles and tasks are emerging.  相似文献   

新媒体事件:话语权重构与公共治理的转型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,新媒体事件不断成为社会关注的焦点,通过虚拟社群的民意诉求、新媒体的舆论引导与政府部门的权力介入,新媒体事件更具制度变迁和社会导向意义。  相似文献   

网络与粉丝文化的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粉丝不仅仅是一个群体的代称,更是一类社会文化的表征。在当今互联网大行其道的时代,网络媒介对于粉丝队伍的壮大以及粉丝文化的发展起着无可替代的重要作用。本文分别从人际传播、组织传播和群体传播三个层面探讨新媒介时代中网络为粉丝积极参与媒介内容作出的贡献,网络对粉丝团内外权力运作的影响,以及粉丝在网络上构建的阐释性社区及其对集体身份的想象。  相似文献   

Academic libraries are increasingly engaged on social media in order to connect with diverse community groups and move beyond the traditional bounds of the library. This research uses a phenomenological approach and Institutional Theory to explore social media postings at six different public and private university libraries in two Midwest states. The research addresses what themes emerge among the university library's social media pages and what, if any, differences in themes emerge based on the status of the library in question. Social media postings included ten different codes: archives; collections; events; exhibits; facility; library community; sentiments; services; site management; and university community. These codes were tied to three different themes: libraries create a sense of outreach and advocacy with the goal of establishing community connection, providing an inviting environment, and access to content as needed or desired. Ultimately, while libraries at universities with an ARL library or an MLS granting degree program showed a similar breakdown between these three themes, libraries at other master's degree institutions spent less time on making community connections in lieu of posting content and information about the library's environment.  相似文献   

The rise of digital media labs and spaces for content creation in public libraries has been documented in the scholarly literature. However, fewer studies have investigated the outcomes of media literacy initiatives in community media centers (CMCs) and how they might inform similar programs and services in public libraries. This article reports findings from a study that used qualitative research to investigate the current goals and activities of CMCs across the United States. The findings show that the educational, social, and community benefits of these programs could be useful for public libraries to consider in developing or augmenting their own media literacy initiatives.  相似文献   

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