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叙事性文本是对现实世界的记录,也是人文学者的研究对象与基础,对叙事性文本的阐释更是人文学术研究的基本任务。随着数字人文的发展,人文学者对远距离阅读与策略型阅读的需求与日俱增。作为构成叙事性文本的基本单元,事件和情节是文本解读的重点。为了更好地适应人文学者阅读需求的转变,建构叙事性文本智慧数据,支撑数字人文研究,以情节为视角,以事件为基础,对广泛存在的叙事性文本进行深层次语义表示与结构化处理显得尤为重要。但现阶段较为成熟的文本表示方法更适用于结构相对清晰、统一的科学文本,不能很好地表示叙事性文本中存在的复杂叙事结构,因此,以知识表示与知识组织为出发点,构建符合叙事性文本特征的语义结构化表示方法具有十分重要的意义。本文在梳理叙事学基本理论与概念,以及事件知识表示、事件本体与叙事本体等理论研究的基础上,对叙事文本中存在的事件、事件间关系进行语义建模与表示,同时完善了对情节的定义,构建了基于事件的情节本体EBPO,提出了叙事性文本的"层次-网络"结构模型,用以实现对叙事性文本的语义结构化表示。初步标注的实验结果表明,借助情节本体及结构模型,可以实现对叙事性文本的语义结构化处理。  相似文献   

We examine how the makeover paradigm is mobilized in contemporary humanitarian communications—a practice we call “humanitarian makeover.” We demonstrate its operation in the Finnish television programme Arman and the Children of Cameroon and Plan's 2013 International Day of the Girl event. The analysis shows how helping distant others is configured within a makeover and self-transformation narrative, providing a stage for performance of an “ethical self.” We argue that while the humanitarian impetus is to disturb and redress global inequality and injustice, which includes exposing and interrupting the failures of neoliberalism, the makeover paradigm is intimately connected to and reinforces individualized “moral citizenship,” which conforms to and reinforces neoliberal values.  相似文献   

档案话语意指档案内容所映射的叙事意义以及围绕档案建构过程的参与要素。后保管模式下,档案话语发生多维转向更迭,具体表现在话语构成、话语实践以及话语秩序等方面。通过解构具体实践中的权责矛盾、范式冲突、职能失调、本体危机等外化困境,窥探档案话语在后保管模式应用中理念转向与实践转向的速率适配性问题,进而提出话语形成的控制原则、话语场域的参与原则以及话语描述的分立原则的柔性策略,为实现档案话语体系的全新构建提供参考路径。  相似文献   

In 2013, small demonstrations against bus fares evolved into a series of large protests expressing generalized dissatisfaction with leftist president Dilma Rousseff in Brazil. Communication research has long examined the “protest paradigm,” a pattern of news coverage delegitimizing social movements. The Brazilian context provided a chance to assess the extent to which the paradigm holds when protests take on a conservative elite-supported narrative contesting the government. Through a quantitatively driven mixed-methods approach combining content analysis and interviews with mainstream journalists, this study revealed that when grievances evolved into coherent antigovernment demands, official sources from opposition parties served to legitimize the movement. As such, this study departed from an understanding of protest coverage as paradigmatic toward a complex view of the relationship between protestors and the press. Findings showed that when elite opposition groups supported protests, journalistic norms and routines validated demonstrations.  相似文献   

The field of development communication has been experiencing a paradigm shift toward an emphasis upon pluralistic, localized, and more participatory communication within the larger political and cultural environments. The emerging paradigm implicitly rejects both the ahistorical and individual-level biases of modernization theory as well as the reductionist social structural biases of dependency theory, and instead focuses upon human action within sociocultural, political, and economic contexts. There has been, however, little academic movement in the form of new theoretical formulations suited to this shift toward a new paradigm of development. This paper discusses the need for and the difficulties of cross-level theorizing in development communication which can help explain the actions of individuals within their larger sociocultural and political contexts; proposes a cross-level approach to communication and development based upon theories of mythology, discourse, and narrative; and illustrates the approach with an examination of indigenous media and the social roles of the shadow puppet (wayang) mythology in Central Java, Indonesia. Implications for applied work in development are discussed.  相似文献   

With an increasing focus on developing a theoretical understanding of everyday life information behaviors, researchers need to consider the appropriateness of the methods and techniques utilized in empirical research in this area. Progressively, studies articulate the need for a person-centered approach to researching human information behavior, yet research methods can be adopted that do not encourage the study participants to express freely their views and experiences. This article proposes that narrative and episodic interviewing techniques are qualitative research methods that sustain a person-centered paradigm of human information behavior and that provide a particularly useful methodological framework for studies of everyday life information-seeking behavior. Furthermore, the author discusses her own work-in-progress that involves narrative interviews.  相似文献   

林子琪 《出版科学》2018,26(3):91-96
探讨支链叙事这一随着计算机技术和数字媒体技术的发展应运而生的叙事模式.指出增强型电子书由于支持更多丰富的多媒体元素嵌入并发展出了更丰富的内容形式,因此为支链叙事的应用提供了可能.论述支链叙事的形式及这一形式之表里,即故事建构和支链结构.以两本增强型电子书作为案例,总结和分析基础支链结构、折返式支链结构和前置因素影响下的折返式支链结构3种支链结构,以及由作者和读者共同完成的故事建构过程:作者负责情节设定和分支点设置,读者进行分支点选择完成叙事.  相似文献   

This essay problematizes “history” and “public memory” by examining their polysemic and polyvalent nature. Collective memories are selectively chosen and highlighted to fit the needs of a particular social group. Ownership of “history” then becomes a hegemonic device that controls our interpretation of the past and subsequent behavior in the future. In the case of the “Amistad Affair, “the ramifications of these choices reached from the early nineteenth century court of law to the Hollywood studio of the late twentieth century. Thus, it serves as a paradigm case of the struggle over who controls the narrative possibilities of history and memory.  相似文献   

Rather than the simple adaptation of a story across different media, cross-media narrative should be defined as that which is transformed by virtue of use a medium and its different languages (film, comics, video games, etc.). This article extends and updates the dimensions of previous cross-media analysis models by underlining narrative aspects of the different products discussed and examining the influence of generic conventions along the way. To test this methodology, the article focuses on a product from the “adventure” genre— the Indiana Jones franchise—which it argues should be seen as a benchmark in the history of this kind of narrative. Special attention is given to the treatment of the character of Indiana Jones, who is the true focal point of the narrative, and to other underlying thematic features.  相似文献   

陈兵 《出版科学》2018,26(2):92-95
在阐述数字叙事领域互动理论的基础上,借鉴美国学者玛丽-劳尔·瑞安(Marie-Laure Ryan)的"数字文本用户参与层理论",分析超文本小说、互动游戏、虚拟游戏等数字叙事中的用户参与行为.指出随着用户参与数字叙事深度和广度的加强,用户的参与行为在整个故事生成中的作用更加重要,但用户的参与行为始终受到故事情节和数字叙事系统的制约.  相似文献   

Martin to Brown     
The rise of the modern Black Lives Matter movement can be traced back to two key events, the 2012 death of Trayvon Martin and the 2014 death of Michael Brown. Research routinely showed that mainstream media’s narrative choices marginalize and delegitimize protesters and their causes, a pattern known as the protest paradigm. This study provides a longitudinal examination of how the same mainstream media system varied in their coverage of similar events and the degree to which journalists challenged the predicted paradigms conceptualized in other academic work. A content analysis of national newspaper coverage revealed that news before the judicial rulings focused on protesters’ tactics (violence versus peaceful) and changed to the realm of ideas (grievances and demands) after the assailants were considered not guilty of wrongdoing. No progression was found in legitimizing coverage of protests between the two cases.  相似文献   

The active listening paradigm recommends that helpers paraphrase the thoughts and feelings of support seekers. But how? This study compared evaluations of four types of paraphrase messages derived from the work of Polanyi. Results showed that certain forms of paraphrasing are evaluated as more helpful, sensitive, and supportive than others, though differences were not in full alignment with theoretical predictions, and results were dependent on narrative prompt. Our study provides initial empirical data that question the practical advice given to informal help providers found in our academic scholarship and textbooks. Formal and informal helping relationships have many similarities and differences that should be acknowledged and tested with a variety of methods and populations.  相似文献   

陈薇 《国际新闻界》2020,(1):136-153
"想象的共同体"确立了论述国家的话语方式,书写(论述)国家的行动本身,就是通过想象(叙事)来弥补在多元复杂的社会力量中所遗失的国家"同一性",从而将宏大的民族国家叙事和细碎而弥散的日常生活建立起勾连。本文从想象国家的理论脉络出发,以新世纪以来《人民日报》对海外撤侨行动的报道为研究对象,对报道中所呈现的"国家"话语进行文本分析。研究发现,建构主义范式与原生主义范式共同作用于国家想象的生成与可见,从而"标识"国家。由此,撤侨话语成为一种展现国家力量与国家意识的权力书写,通过英雄原型叙事、建构集体记忆的话语互文、塑造"家国一体"的概念隐喻以及话语互动,实现国家情感的表达与国家认同的凝聚。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explicate two competing journalistic paradigms in China in the pre-reform era. The time frame is from the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949 to the launching of the reform and open policy in 1978. A common view is that during that period the Chinese government, under the leadership of Chairman Mao, adopted the Soviet press model, in which media were tightly controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and journalism was overwhelmingly dominated by the principles of a party press. In this paper, however, I argue that two journalistic paradigms operated simultaneously during that period: while the CCP and the government tried to impose the principle of statesman-run-newspapers, some journalists tried to maintain a tradition of intellectual-run-newspapers. The differences between the two paradigms regarding the role of the media, journalistic identity, levels of autonomy, narrative style, historical origin and others are discussed. The paper concludes that although intellectual-run-newspapers faced severe crackdowns, the inspirational force of the paradigm never became extinct. More importantly, it has been a continued influence on critical-minded journalists in China today.  相似文献   

Thinking based on narrative concepts provides a useful perspective from which to perceive and enhance the process of performance criticism. In narrative terms, the critic and performer each tell stories from their own angles of vision. The critic's and performer's stories are influenced by information that is both private and public and achieve credibility based upon their narrative probability and fidelity.  相似文献   

美国总统政治具有社会化表演的特征,随着网络媒介的兴起和"后真相"政治的蔓延,这种特征在当代显得格外突出。本文通过对美国总统政治网络媒介叙述文本的符号叙述学分析,综合媒介情境论、话语理论,明确了相关叙述文本的纪实叙述类型,并对其叙述内容中的"台词设计"进行辨析。同时,本文从否定性、肯定性两个向度出发,对美国总统政治的媒介话语策略及其隐含的权力关系进行分析,并强调作为解释社群的民众对叙述事件的意义解读决定着媒介叙述文本的类型、内容和叙述技巧。由此提出,对"后真相"时代美国总统政治的研究应当以关注其民众的接受状况为基本出发点。  相似文献   

Throughout the 28th century, numerous philosophers of history and time have questioned the most ingrained of all our beliefs: does time progress in a linear way and is the future simply the next chapter in this narrative?2 This essay proposes to rethink the future of museums outside of this narrative structure, one for which the future is reduced to words such as projection, prediction and prophecy. It asks: in an age of globalisation, can the museum still think of the future as the outcome of a chronological narrative? This essay takes one recent attempt (by the philosopher Catherine Malabou) to destabilise—again—this belief, and proposes to reveal the impact that this attempt could have on the museum's understanding of time and its place within it.  相似文献   

本论文研究的目的即从叙事角度来为婚恋型真人秀节目寻找创新的突破口,丰富其表演形式,拓宽目前狭小的表现手法,以期使其在叙事内容和叙事技巧上有所突破。  相似文献   

The creative character of human message behavior is at once ubiquitous and elusive. Our talk is routinely novel, and yet our understanding of the processes that give rise to such creativity is in its infancy. Moreover, everyday experience suggests that some people are simply better at “thinking on their feet” than are others. The current studies sought to ascertain whether people do, indeed, differ in their ability to produce novel messages or whether our impression of individual differences is more perceived than actual. Two studies involving examination of simple SITUATION-ACTION-BECAUSE narratives are reported. The results of Study 1 suggest that people do differ in their message-production abilities. Additional analyses suggest that this individual difference in message-production ability is distinct from extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism as assessed by the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. EPQ lie-scale scores were, however, related to narrative-production performance, and this may reflect differences in social knowledge and skill. Study 2 replicated the finding of an individual difference in narrative-production ability and again indicated that performance in the experimental paradigm is related to lie-scale scores, but not extraversion or neuroticism (as those dimensions are assessed by the EPI). Additional findings in both studies relate message fluency to the cognitive demands of narrative production. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

本文从叙事主体、叙事客体、叙事过程三个角度对叙事理念于档案文化传播中的运用进行价值阐释,并提出相应的档案叙事运行机理,包括平分析公众需求,明确叙事主题建构叙事场景,善用媒体技术,评论反馈以优化档案叙事服务等。建议通过树立叙事理念、多媒体并行发挥多方联动效应、多元合作增强文化凝聚力等几个方面入手探索档案文化传播的新路径,扩大档案文化的辐射范围与增强档案文化的传播效力。  相似文献   

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