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The research, theory and practice of educational technology over the past 75 years provide convincing evidence that this process offers a comprehensive and integrated approach to solving educational and social problems. The use of media and technology in development has shifted from an emphasis on mass media to personal media. A variety of electronic delivery systems are being used and are usually coordinated by centralized governmental agencies. There are no patterns of use since the problems vary and the medium used is responsive to the problem. Computers are used most frequently and satellite telecommunication networks follow. The effective use of these and other technologies requires a long-term commitment to financial support and training of personnel. The extension model of face-to-face contact still prevails in developing nations whether in agriculture, education or rural development. Low-cost technologies are being used in local projects while major regional and national companies use radio, film and related video technologies. The use of all available and cost-effective media and technologies make possible appropriate communications for specific goals with specific audiences. There appears to be no conflict among proponents of various media formats. Development in education and other sectors has much to gain from old and new communication technologies and has hardly been tapped. Several new educational technology developments are discussed as potential contributors to formal and nonformal education.  相似文献   

从2000年11月教育部决定在全国中小学校大力开展和普及信息技术教育至今,经过七年的努力。我国中小学校的教育信息化和信息技术教育工作都有了较大的发展,开展信息技术教育的环境和条件也发生了巨大的变化,如何在新的环境条件下推进教育信息化和开展信息技术教育工作,深入分析和认真研究过去在开展信息技术教育工作中存在的问题,进一步明确信息技术教育的功能及其目标任务,对于深化信息技术教育工作必将产生积极的作用。  相似文献   

随着互联网的高速发展,基于网络的多种传输工具日益完善,网络学习环境成为一个新的学习空间。这种新的学习环境下的学习研究已越来越受到人们的关注,网络学习共同体的概念在网络环境下应运而生,对网络学习共同体的研究随着网络教育的发展而不断深入。本文在对网络学习共同体的概念描述、基本属性、构成要素分析的基础上,研究了网络学习共同体的构建原则,提出了网络学习共同体的设计框架。制定了网络学习共同体构建的过程模式。  相似文献   

教育技术是一项解决教育问题的系统技术,可用于推动教育、教学的各个层面上的改革。但二十多年来,由于认识受限,定位不当,我国这一领域的工作偏重于硬件设施建设与服务、教育媒体制作、教学方法改革等方面,且这些活动大部分在战术层面上开展,教育技术没有发挥更大的作用。当前,我们应关注在战略层面上实施教育技术,追求“效果、效率和效益”,即教育绩效,这是我国穷国办大教育的国情所要求的。战略优先,战术配合,战略战术互动,促进教育整体改革,落实科学发展观,这应成为信息化进程中我国教育技术高起点新发展的指导思想,成为我国教育技术学科知识体系构建研究的基本思路。用教育技术引领教育改革,在宏观层面上应重视需要的评估和系统规划,确保“做对的事情”;在中观层面上要推广教学系统设计,在微观层面上要加强对研究成果的运用,确保“把事情做对”。目前我国教育技术界电教人员或计算机科学人员的工作仅是教育技术的一个组成部分,教育技术也是各级教育管理者和广大教师的共同事业。  相似文献   

There are few sectors in New Zealand education that have been as frequently reviewed and subjected to such wide-ranging policy changes as special education. The evolution of special education policy that has taken place in the past decade reflects the coalescence of several paradigm shifts. Some of these have been in the field of special education, where there has been an international shift away from categorising students in terms of their disabilities to making judgements on their needs for educational support, and away from segregated educational provisions to more inclusive approaches. Others reflect changes in the broader education system, in particular the shift towards more local control of decision making about resource allocation. This paper will examine the tensions inherent in these paradigm shifts and the interactions between them.  相似文献   

The arena in which one may expect to see the broadest number of changes and the highest potential for dramatic demonstration of the effectiveness of educational technology will be in the developing nations of the world. The primary reasons for this suggestion are that the severity of educational problems in these countries — a severity of crisis proportions — and the hypothesis that these nations are not as strongly committed to the old-fashioned paradigms as are the more developed nations. The heavy pressure to increase both the quality and quantity of education, and to increase education's contribution to the nation's growth, are causing many to look hopefully toward educational technology. The technological approach, building on the base which it has developed over the past fifteen years, should be able to demonstrate that it is capable of meeting the challenge. One certainly hopes it will.  相似文献   

教育创新与创新教育是近些年来教育理论与实践中的热门话语。然而,反思教育理论与实践中的"创新"话语,有许多值得澄清的地方。在现实中人们对于创新教育的理解存在一些偏颇,而这主要与对创造性的理解存在片面和简单化倾向有关。关于教育创新、教育改革和教育革命,我们的态度应该是不要人为的教育革命,少一些哗众取宠的教育改革,多一些踏踏实实的教育创新。在推进教育创新,开展创新教育时,以下三方面能力的培养特别值得关注:自主学习的意识和能力;批判性思考问题的意识和能力;丰富的想象力。  相似文献   

该研究检索了2002-2012年我国教育技术领域入选中国社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)源期刊的所有文章,并运用词频分析法和CiteSpaceⅡ可视化工具,分析得出了11年来我国教育技术学领域若干稳定的研究重点,包括远程教育、教育技术、信息技术、教育信息化、教学设计等;以及呈现出问题解决、教学过程、教师、学习方式等新的研究热点,教育技术研究领域的实践应用导向趋势愈加明显等结论。  相似文献   

大力开展基于现代信息通信技术的远程教育被视为改善民生的一种国家教育发展战略。广播电视大学在30年的发展历程中,通过不断的探索实践,为我国高等教育大众化、教育公平作出了积极贡献,其教育理念和价值取向也在一定意义上体现了远程教育服务终身学习、学习型社会的发展方向和基本定位。建立富有生机活力的中国特色现代远程教育体系,将是电大教育事业在新时期面对的新挑战。  相似文献   

我国教育技术起步较晚,大部分理念和技术都是从国外引入并逐步加以本土化的。国际交往对于我国教育技术的发展具有很大的作用,作为我国首次全方位关注教育技术国际交往的研究,其意义就更为重要。21世纪以来,我国教育技术领域的国际交往越来越频繁,当前的主要途径有国内师生出访交流,国外学者来华作报告、进行合作交流,对国外学者进行专访对话,学者赴外参加国际会议或国内举办国际会议,以及翻译国外著作等。10年来,随着国际合作内容不断丰富,其研究越来越广泛并走向深入,主要集中在学科发展、远程教育和学习模式等10个领域。这些国际交往使我国教育技术学科地位得到巩固和发展,研究领域得到拓展,研究方法更加科学和规范。评估10年的国际交往,今后更应加强实质性合作研究,提高交流实效,重视国际项目合作,避免停留在表面或流于形式,要以一种平等合作、批判性、包容性的态度进行国际交流和对话。  相似文献   

安红  王毅 《铜仁学院学报》2005,7(5):50-52,74
教育技术从二十世纪二十年代初期美国教育领域内兴起的视觉运动作为发端起,一直发展到今天,其间产生过很多相关定义,其中有一些对今天教育技术的定位以及未来的发展起了关键性的作用,同时也为人们了解什么是教育技术做了解释。本文将这些概念作一总结,并给予一定说明,使教育技术发展的历程简洁明了地展现在读者面前。  相似文献   

连云港地区的小学教师教育已经有了90年的历史.目前基本形成了"两个板块、一个主体"的发展格局.当前连云港地区小学教师教育格局的形成,是我国教育体制,特别是师范教育体制改革宏观推动的结果,也是连云港地区基础教育改革和发展促进的结果,更是连云港地区小学教师培养事业自身成长的结果.90年的历史积累,对当前小学教师教育事业的发展具有历史性的启发和推动意义.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,教育信息化步伐的加快,教育技术受到了前所未有的瞩目.我国的教育技术建设走过了上世纪80年代的辉煌和90年代的困惑,如今人们对教育技术的认识仍然不够充分,对教育技术的价值没有一个正确的认识.本文试图从教育技术讨论中不可或缺的一部分--技术的价值角度入手,从教育技术定义演变中体现的目的性及教育技术已产生的价值来分析教育技术的价值及其实现并进行反思.  相似文献   

Educational research in Luxembourg has up to now no official status. There are, however, three centres involved in educational research. The Centre of Educational Research (CRP) of the Ministry of Education was set up in 1976 to help in the reform of the educational system. The educational Institute (Institut Pédagogique) — a teacher education college for primary school teachers — of Walferdange has been engaged in educational research for the past 10-15 years; it has been concentrating on problem-solving research. The University Centre of Luxembourg is also doing some educational research.  相似文献   

北京市属高校教育技术培训模式的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2004年北京市属高校实施教育技术培训以来,已经培训12000多位教师。在培训实施六年以来,随着教育理论、教学实践以及教育技术的不断深入和发展,我们对培训内容、培训模式及评价机制不断的地进行调整。文章就当前的培训的要求和总体目标、内容及模式、培训资源建设以及对培训结果的评价模式进行阐述,对在培训实施过程中存在的问题进行了思考,并对今后的培训提出了一些有益的建议。  相似文献   

Life-education has been a widespread phenomenon from very early times. Since the beginning of humanity, people have lived and learned. It is natural that as human life has spread, so has education. However, some people are ahead of their time, and some are behind. There are people today who are still living several hundred years in the past and are receiving education that is several hundred years out of date. The purpose of expanding the educational movement is to teach those who have fallen behind to leap into the present. To be contemporary people, we must have contemporary knowledge, learn contemporary skills, perceive contemporary problems, and use contemporary methods to build our strength. Time progresses ceaselessly. If we are to continue to be up to date, we must participate in contemporary life using the latest tools; otherwise, we will fall behind in a few years. We must, therefore, grasp the key to contemporary civilization if we wish continually to discover its treasures and guarantee its unending flow. This key is the living use of language and symbols and a progressive scientific method. The greatest imperative of the universal education movement is to transfer this key from the hands of the minority to those of the masses.  相似文献   

The claims made for educational technology have not always been realized. Many programmes in education based on media and technology have produced useful documentation and supportive research; others have failed. The current, comprehensive definition of educational technology is a helpful key to understanding how a problem-solving orientation is necessary to approach teaching/learning designs. The process of educational technology begins with an analysis of the problem, rather than with the medium as a solution. Examples of appropriate applications come from open universities and primary schools where distance, time, insufficient personnel, and inadequate facilities have led to a search for alternative means for teaching and learning. Less successful programmes tended to have confused goals and an emphasis on one medium. They also lacked: support services, staff training, quality software and a system focus. The threads which run through the more successful programmes are described. The lessons learned from fifty years of media and technology development in education and training are discussed with an eye toward the future. It is clear that educational technology as a problem-solving process will lead the field into the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

近年来,高等教育产业化引发了教育生态系统的失衡。文章借鉴穆尔的"商业生态系统"理论提出"教育生态系统"概念,并对我国高等教育生态系统的内涵、失衡和平衡进行描述与分析,从教育生态系统平衡视角对我国高等教育产业化发展提出应采取体现受教育者的消费主权、坚持以人为本的教育理念、保持教育生态环境的适应性等措施,维持高等教育生态系统的良性互动、均衡发展。  相似文献   

知识经济时代比较教育的使命   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
中国比较教育主要是在中国改革开放二十年来发展起来的。虽然取得很大成绩,但在理论建设上还较薄弱,在新世纪里仍然要以研究国际教育发展规律,借鉴外国教育的优秀经验以促进我国教育发展为已任;着力于本地化理论的建设,加强国际交流合作。  相似文献   


Digital portfolios in teacher education provide opportunities to conceptualize learning and growth over time. The digital portfolio experiences of two secondary teacher education students in the context of an entire preservice teaching experience are presented. These vignettes, along with programmatic observations from the past four years, indicate that high‐level uses of educational technology are difficult to facilitate in large teacher education programs using a technology infusion model that emphasizes general skills. Whereas many teacher education programs have abandoned required technology courses to jump start National Educational Technology Standards‐based competence, the authors argue that advanced courses in educational technology for teacher education majors are still necessary for curricular integration with technology. This article concludes with a discussion of the nature and level of technology competence in relation to portfolio development and makes recommendations for how programs might pursue similar models.  相似文献   

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