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学术期刊编辑的职业发展是学术期刊高质量发展的核心和关键。运用深度访谈和扎根理论方法对学术期刊编辑进行质性研究发现:制度政策、职业环境、人际关系、个人能力、职业认知和职业规划是影响学术期刊编辑职业发展的内外因素。学术期刊编辑存在职业价值认同度不高、职业发展意愿出现分化、职业发展呈现路径依赖等问题。为了摆脱学术期刊编辑职业发展困境,应建立包容性的学术期刊编辑评价体系,促进编辑多元宽领域发展;培育学术期刊编辑的“内生”发展动力,推动学术期刊与编辑协同进步;建立科学的学术期刊管理体系,形成专业的发展格局。  相似文献   

办好学术期刊的关键,在于造就水平高、能力强、爱岗敬业的编辑队伍。当前学术期刊编辑队伍存在一定程度的职业焦虑问题,成为学术期刊发展的重要制约因素,应当引起重视。编辑人员的职业焦虑,在很大程度上根源于学术单位主办学术期刊的办刊体制。应当在客观认识现有办刊体制的基础上,通过转变观念、加大支持、创新管理,为学术期刊编辑人员尽可能创造良好的工作条件和职业环境,解决编辑人员的困惑和焦虑问题,实现学术期刊的更大发展。  相似文献   

"互联网+"时代学术期刊的创新发展,呼唤工匠精神的传承与弘扬。"互联网+"时代编辑出版的"变"与"不变"是学术期刊编辑的工匠精神的逻辑起点,必须顺应时代的新要求。学术期刊编辑的工匠精神,是匠心、匠艺、匠魂三位一体的统一,是编辑主体性意识、创新性思维、精细化编校的体现。应坚守职业底线,提升业务能力,创新工作方式,优化学术生态,创新"互联网+"时代学术期刊编辑工匠精神的生成路径。  相似文献   

期刊编辑作为文章的"助产师",其责任与创新能力直接关系到对文稿的加工处理水平,影响到期刊的整体学术质量。文章围绕学术期刊编辑的地位与作用、职业与道德、能力与素质进行分析归纳,概括出学术期刊编辑不可或缺的两个基本条件,即责任与创新。  相似文献   

学术导向性是科技期刊的核心导向,科技期刊编辑必须承担起传承治学传统、推进学术创新的学术使命。科技期刊编辑要挥动学术导向的指挥棒,倡导学术规范、抵制学术不端、促进学术争鸣,做学术创造和传播的“把关人”。因此,科技期刊编辑必须树立终身学习的理念,做“学习型编辑”。保持编辑工作激情,培养职业认同感;固强补弱,培养自主学习能力;敢为人先,培养创新意识和能力,努力成为既精通编辑出版,又在相关学术专业领域颇有造诣的“学者型”人才。  相似文献   

胜任力视角下的学术期刊编辑素质提升策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息知识经济时代对学术期刊编辑的基本素质与能力提出新的要求和挑战,提高编辑岗位胜任能力对于提高学术期刊的质量具有十分重要的现实意义。提高学术期刊编辑胜任力应根据学术期刊编辑自身实际与胜任力制定培训计划;加大对学术期刊编辑的业务培训;注重提高学术期刊编辑的职业操守与价值观。构建学习型团队,优化学习氛围;加强心理调试,提高岗位适应能力;建立健全杂志社的激励机制。  相似文献   

高职学报编辑是学术期刊编辑队伍的一支重要力量,对推动学术期刊繁荣发展具有举足轻重的作用,数字时代、媒体融合发展对其素养提出了更高更新的要求。反思新时代出版语境下高职学报编辑的职业素养内涵及其提升的驱动逻辑与实践进路,显得必要且迫切。文章从胜任力理论视角切入,基于高职学报编辑职业素养的构成内涵,探讨驱动其素养提升的政策要求、技术需求和编辑自身发展诉求,从而提出以“学术属性立刊、职教特色强刊”理念重塑角色定位,立足特色化涵养选题策划核心竞争力,以学者化为方向追求学术引领的发展愿景,延伸多维学习矩阵提升复合型能力等实践进路。  相似文献   

学术期刊是专业性很强的连续出版物,刊载高质量水平的论文是重中之重。好的论文不仅在内容上具有科学性与独特性,同时也在文章表达形式上具有严谨性与示范性。期刊编辑所起到的作用就是“选择”和“把关”。选择和出版好的文章是期刊编辑所追求的目标,也是学术期刊的立足之本,做好编辑的本职工作、重视读者的批评、编辑自身素质的提高是编辑出版好文章的三个基本环节。  相似文献   

学术期刊编辑网络媒介素养提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术期刊编辑网络媒介素养包括注意力、参与力、协作力、信息识别力、联网的智慧,还包括网络安全意识、网络道德保障等。学术期刊编辑作为网络信息传播的“把关人”,必须从信息整合者向用户整合者转变,树立增强网络媒介素养的意识,使编辑素养由单一型向多媒体复合型转变。政府应创新体制,注重编辑队伍建设,搭建学习和交流平台,进行系统化的网络化培养。加大期刊社数字出版的转变力度,切实有效地提高编辑的网络素养。  相似文献   

论学术期刊编辑的伦理困惑及解决思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术期刊编辑在实际工作中,必然会因为编辑工作的目标冲突、角色冲突、责任冲突和利益冲突而引发一些伦理困惑问题,其根源在于学术期刊编辑的主体性迷失。要解决学术期刊编辑的伦理困惑,就必须以“不惑、不忧、不惧”的精神重塑期刊编辑的主体性意识。  相似文献   

在新的历史时期 ,科技期刊编辑面对知识经济带来的挑战 ,只有加强学习、增强责任感、提高业务能力 ,才能适应时代的要求 ,跟上时代的步伐。  相似文献   

This text reviews the main goals and achievements from the management of Infancia y Aprendizaje (2012–17). We have promoted a dialogue between developmental psychology and educational psychology from a complex and situated approach. We have also created a section for highly regarded authors to chart prospective lines that could have an impact on areas for development within this field of knowledge. In addition, we brought back the debate between theoretical and methodological positions around a central article. Two different calls promoted the training of scientific writers and reviewers, with an analysis of the modifications introduced into the texts from their receipt up to their publication as well as the interactions among author, reviewers and editors. Other calls encouraged research on the training of university teachers, learning in environments favoured by technology, relationships between argumentation and education, and cognitive change as a dynamic process. At an operational level, we highlight the transition to Taylor & Francis, the configuration of a strictly bilingual journal and the thematic and cultural expansion and diversification of the editorial team at its different levels.  相似文献   

新时期编辑活动的特点和要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新的历史条件下,编辑活动一方面出现了领域扩大、频率加快、向度转化、服务多样等方面的新变化,另方面其性质、目的、特征、基本规律及其在传播活动中的地位仍然没有改变。编辑工作者要适应新形势,必须在“变”与“不变”之中,从政治、知识、业务、职业道德等方面提高素质。  相似文献   

This response to Pressley and Harris's methodological paper emphasizes the difficulty of doing valid educational intervention research as well as some of the social/political/psychological factors that influence individual researchers to submit flawed studies for publication. Although individual researchers should take personal responsibility for the scientific integrity of their work, the primary impetus for change in the quality of published research should come through strong editorial leadership from the scientific journals that publish the research.  相似文献   

The scholarly journals in professional and scientific fields serve the function of communicating new knowledge and informed discourse on the major issues affecting the field of counseling, and editorial board members (EBMs) serve as gatekeepers of what information will be communicated. The ability of EBMs to make sound judgments directly affects the quality of research and scholarship published. This study analyzed one important EBM qualification, the scholarly productivity of the editorial board members of three major American counseling journals (The Counseling Psychologist [TCP], the Journal of Counseling Psychology [JCP], and the Journal of Counseling and Development [JCD]). An analysis of the productivity rates of editorial board members on these journals was conducted using the PsycINFO database. The results indicated that editorial board members of JCP have significantly more experience publishing than members of TCP and JCD. The differential publication rates of editorial board members suggest that these three journals place different emphasis on scholarly productivity as part of their selection criteria for editorial board membership and may reflect that the three journals have different missions and serve different clientele. These findings have implications, not only for the profession of counseling in the United States, but also for the international counseling community.This article is dedicated to our esteemed colleague, Stephen G. Weinrach, who died after a long and courageous battle with leukemia on April 24, 2004. This article was the last that Steve was working on prior to his death. It was his brainchild. The contributions that Steve made to the counseling profession over the years are inestimable. He was truly through his numerous writings and professional association activities the “conscience of the couseling profession.” He is dearly missed.  相似文献   

Selecting a subset of predictors from a pool of potential predictors continues to be a common problem encountered by applied researchers in education. Because of several limitations associated with stepwise variable selection procedures, the examination of all possible regression solutions has been recommended. The authors evaluated the use of Mallow's Cp and Wherry's adjusted R 2 statistics to select a final model from a pool of model solutions. Neither the Cp nor the adjusted R 2 statistic correctly identified the underlying regression model any better and was generally worse than the stepwise selection method, which itself was poor. Using any of the model selection procedures studied here resulted in biased estimates of the authentic regression coefficients and underestimation of their standard errors. The use of theory and professional judgment is recommended for the selection of variables in a prediction equation.  相似文献   

编辑伦理学研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近些年来,随着编辑学研究的深入开展,编辑伦理学的研究也取得了相当的成就。大家重点研究了编辑伦理的概念、规范、编辑道德滑坡的现象、原因及提高编辑伦理道德素质的具体措施等问题,也有少数学者就编辑伦理的功能、编辑伦理的历史特征等范畴进行了尝试性研究。但也应当看到,较之医学伦理道德等其他职业道德的研究,编辑伦理学的研究仅仅才处于起步阶段,众多的编辑伦理学范畴在研究方面还是空白。  相似文献   

编辑活动本质上是通过对社会上“爆炸”的信息进行筛选、加工、优化,来控制社会信息传播的质量、总量和速度,净化社会信息环境,协调人与信息的关系,即对信息进行滤波。滤波的途径有:加强法制建设,提高编辑人员的思想业务素质,强化三审制,实行选题统一审理,实行编辑和传播媒体分离,加强编辑的独立性等。  相似文献   

信息时代科技期刊编辑素质谈   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息时代科技期刊编辑应具备良好的思想政治修养和法律常识,具备扎实的专业知识及广泛的邻近学科知识,同时还应具备多能力、多元化的编辑能力。这是科技期刊编辑最主要的素质。  相似文献   

现代社会人们对教师的职业道德要求越来越高,传统的职业道德有了新的视野.伴随教师专业化发展逐步深入,教师的职业价值观在发生变化,教师专业道德需要提升.回归教师职业道德的本质属性以及由此而派生的实施要求,已刻不容缓.  相似文献   

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