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The evaluation of productivity of main services of city libraries using the example of 48 large public libraries and 44 small public libraries from the Czech and the Slovak Republic was performed according to the decomposition of the input-oriented Malmquist index (MI). The results of MI achieved are evaluated using a confidence interval and the bootstrap method. The productivity of main services of public libraries was studied for the year 2016 in comparison with the year 2012. On average, small as well as large libraries exhibit a statistically significant decline in productivity. The average value of the MI of small libraries is 1.29. The average value of the MI of large libraries is 1.16. The deterioration of productivity was caused by lower efficiency of the inputs. The small as well as the large libraries on average exhibit a comparable level of productivity in both studied years. This conclusion is the same for the Czech and for the Slovak libraries as well as for all libraries together. The Czech libraries, when compared with the Slovak ones, achieve better results in terms of productivity. The higher productivity of the Czech libraries in comparison with the Slovak ones is caused by the improvement of efficiency of the inputs, not by the technological changes.  相似文献   

Public libraries serve as valuable assets in meeting a community's strategic goals. This article investigates strategies for the development of public libraries in Lagos State, Nigeria. Observation and questionnaire methods were used as research tools. The population of the study consists of librarians and users of public libraries in Lagos State. The eleven public libraries and twenty local government libraries in the state were surveyed. The major findings were that public libraries in Lagos State were not adequately funded and that the parent body has yet to meet the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) standard of public library establishment. The study highlighted the challenges facing public libraries in Lagos and offered some remedies.  相似文献   

图书馆整体和谐美体现于图书馆内容和形式的协调、统一,包括资源采访、加工、服务及内饰、馆舍建筑等方面。从美学的角度,对如何构建图书馆整体和谐美进行了有益的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

This article is part of a series in this regular feature which looks at new directions in health science libraries. This paper highlights new initiatives aimed at ensuring health libraries can contribute to the development of Uganda in the 21st century and the challenges facing libraries. It stresses that for libraries to be successful they need to form networks and collaborations for resource sharing; take advantage of the benefits of information technology; computerise their library systems; as well as invest in the development of staff. The paper highlights the main challenge facing the library service as inadequate funding both from government for public‐funded health libraries and the private sector (for privately funded health libraries). The paper concludes that, despite the bottlenecks brought about by inadequate funding, Ugandan health libraries have taken positive steps to support health research and education, as well as patient care, not just for Uganda, but for the whole of the East African region. J.M.  相似文献   

This article is part of a series in this regular feature which looks at new directions in health science libraries. This article provides an updated overview of medical libraries in Romania, with a focus on the academic libraries which function under the patronage of medical schools. Information was collected through a survey questionnaire sent out to Romanian academic medical libraries in March 2017. The responses provide an overall picture of the state of Romanian medical libraries, highlighting the main trends and areas in which progress is evident, as well as the problems confronting these libraries. J.M.  相似文献   

文章基于日本流动图书馆的建设经验,结合我国流动图书馆实践和广州市T村的本土化改造经验,提出农村社会组织通过流动图书馆持续活化农家书屋的路径,并进一步提出优化对策,以期提高农家书屋的资源使用效率和附加社会效益。  相似文献   

陈俊翘  巫倩  张滢 《图书馆论坛》2012,32(3):51-53,50
通过问卷调查了珠三角地区32个公共图书馆及访谈6个图书馆。结果表明22个图书馆有外包业务,出现外包读者活动等新内容和合作式外包等新模式;各馆能实施质量控制,但缺少效益评估环节。文章认为在新环境下公共馆应是社会资源整合者。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the entrepreneurial culture in Omani university libraries and analyzed the benefits and difficulties that come with it. The main aims was to examine the resources and guidance offered by these libraries for creating an entrepreneurial culture as well as the perceived challenges faced by library staff and students. The study also tried to identify effective programs and top practices from other academic libraries that might be applied to the Omani context.A combination of semi-structured interviews with staff members from five libraries and surveys given to students in 10 libraries were used to accomplish these goals. The results of this study showed that the Sultanate of Oman's academic libraries actively support entrepreneurial culture and are aware of their potential as centres for its diffusion. They do, however, face challenges, such as a dearth of competent workers in the field of business and a lack of pertinent collections to support the entrepreneurial culture. The study also emphasized the need for Omani academic libraries to improve the services they offer in the area of entrepreneurship and spread knowledge of its significance, particularly in light of the nation's sustainable development aspirations.By contributing to understanding entrepreneurial culture within the context of Omani academic libraries, this research provides valuable insights for library professionals, educators, and researchers. It identifies current challenges and opportunities and shares successful initiatives from other academic libraries, emphasizing the significance of fostering an entrepreneurial mindset in academic libraries to promote innovation and contribute to the overall advancement of the library industry and information institutions in the Arab world.  相似文献   

传统图书馆向数字化转化过程中的“人文操作”调试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从传统图书馆迈向数字图书馆是一种文化、科技、人文等诸方面的跨越和发展。但传统图书馆所体现的“人文操作”能否适应这种跨越,又如何适应这种跨越,需要一个缓和的过程,需要进行有效的调试。文章试图从传统图书馆的“人文操作”的主要体现以及数字图书馆人文化追求目标进行比较研究,进而寻求调试的处方。  相似文献   

通过调研,对四川省各市(州)县区公共图书馆的一般情况,如:有无少儿部(室)设置、有无专职少儿图书馆员、少儿图书的收藏和借阅、各类少儿服务活动、未成年人上网阅读,以及与学校图书馆业务与服务的联系等,进行了统计分析和抽样分析,拟找出规律,供改进公共图书馆的少儿服务起参考作用。  相似文献   

图书馆移动服务模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,图书馆移动服务主要实现方式为短(彩)信方式、基于浏览器的服务方式、客户端(移动)应用程序,服务内容主要有续借、预约等图书流通相关服务及信息公告、移动阅读等。但是无论从实现技术还是服务内容来看,服务模式都具有一定的局限性。因此,从发展角度及广泛适用性来看,图书馆移动服务模式应该包括延伸型图书馆移动服务、单一型图书馆移动服务、融合型图书馆移动服务。  相似文献   

国家民委2007年度科研项目"中国民族及民族地区图书馆调查与研究"反映了民族地区图书馆的最新状况.文章将民族地区图书馆分为省级(自治区)图书馆、高等院校图书馆,地市级、市辖区图书馆,自治县、旗基层图书馆3个层次,以网络平台建设、自动化管理、数据库建设为指标,进行横向与纵向的立体交叉比较,分析其数字化建设现状,以具体数字阐明了民族地区图书馆数字化建设的现状:高等级图书馆与县、旗基层图书馆两极分化现象十分严重,数字鸿沟加剧 民族地区基层图书馆服务功能和生存能力的弱化,损伤了当地的文化事业,减弱了基层政权的舆论宣传力度、文化认同程度,减慢了民族共同心理的发展与升华.  相似文献   

An investigation of the manpower requirements of health sciences libraries and of educational programs appropriate to these manpower needs was begun in March 1968. To date, 4,727 libraries have been identified as being used by 14,000 health sciences institutions and programs. Of this total, 2,628 are hospital libraries; 1,328 are health sciences libraries and collections located outside of hospitals; and 771 are academic or public libraries.Within these libraries some 14,938 persons are directly involved, either full- or part-time, in the delivery of health sciences library services. Of the total work force, 5,861 persons are employed in hospital libraries and 9,077 are employed in health sciences libraries and collections. The ratio between professional and nonprofessional employees is 1:2; professional and nonprofessional status was assigned by the chief librarian. Survey data indicate a 7 percent manpower shortage in positions classified as professional, and a 3 percent shortage in positions classified as nonprofessional.  相似文献   

由于Internet 的迅速发展, 传统图书馆正在向网络化图书馆方向转变。一般传统的图书馆自动化系统的软硬件设备包括Unix 小型机和工作站, 大型商业化的RDBMS (关系型数据库管理系统)。这样的一套软硬件设备的价格比较昂贵(比如一套IBM DB2 v7. 1 数据库系统2000 年报价是2 万多美元) , 对于缺乏资金的中小型的图书馆来说, 这样的系统是可望不可及的。但是, 随着Internet 的发展, 许多免费软件的兴起为中小型图书馆购置图书馆自动化系统提供了机会。根据这种情况, 我们提出了一个低成本的基于Linux 等免费软件的网络图书馆自动化方案: 中心馆/成员馆整体解决方案。  相似文献   

This article is a companion to “The Role of Public Libraries in Community Building,” which appeared in Public Library Quarterly 30, no. 3. That article explored five facets of public libraries as agencies of community building: (1) how libraries serve as a conduit to access information and to learn, (2) how libraries encourage social inclusion and equity, (3) how libraries foster civic engagement, (4) how libraries create a bridge to resources and community involvement, and (5) how libraries promote economic vitality within the community. The goal of this article is to provide concrete examples of library community building. The focus here, therefore, is on the specific strategies that libraries employed to create and operate library programs that effectively built a library community.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对国内图书馆数字阅读推广的发展现状进行调研,以期为未来图书馆数字阅读推广的发展提供建议。[方法/过程]以国内公共图书馆和高校图书馆为主要研究对象,以图书馆网站、微信公众号、微博账号等作为数据来源,利用网络调查法、文献调查法对我国图书馆数字阅读推广的现状进行调研。[结果/结论]目前我国图书馆数字阅读推广发展较快,数字阅读推广的模式包括活动、出版物、人际传播、广告、课程、导航与推荐等,但发展不均衡,以活动模式、推荐模式为主,图书馆数字阅读推广还有较大的发展空间。  相似文献   


Special libraries exist in an ecosystem consisting of the information industry, the library world, their own organizations, and workforce demographics. Librarians need to be aware of the trends shaping all of these facets. This column takes a close look at Outsell's Information Industry Outlook report for 2016 and its implications for special libraries. The outlook for special libraries is neither the previously forecast Baby Boomer retirement crisis nor the dire end of special libraries many feared during the recent recession. Instead, the special library world is transforming, creating both challenges and opportunities for special librarians. Millennials entering both the workforce at large and the library workforce will make their presence known. Savvy information professionals will stay on top of these trends and find their niche, whether in a traditional physical library or in emerging careers outside the library.

Column Editor’s NoteSpecial libraries share concerns with their more general academic, public, and school counterparts, but they also have unique characteristics and concerns which merit separate consideration. Libraries of all types are evolving, and just as special libraries can learn from the general literature on libraries, practitioners in all types of libraries can learn from the experiences and best practices of special libraries. “The Specialist,” appearing in even-numbered issues of this journal, addresses the administrative concerns of special libraries. The column's scope is a broad umbrella of specialized librarianship and includes corporate, non-profit, government, and independent libraries as well as the specialized departments and branches of academic and public libraries. Contributions from practitioners and scholars on any aspect of special libraries are welcome. Interested authors are invited to contact the editor at tmurray@stamps.org for submission guidelines.  相似文献   

Librarianship has a long tradition of collaboration and cooperation between libraries, but the literature yields scant evidence of formal partnerships in practice in special libraries. This column explores the barriers to collaboration for special libraries, from organizational culture to legal constraints, as well as the potential benefits and how librarians can overcome the barriers to reap these benefits. Different types of collaboration, including among similar special libraries and between special libraries and other types of libraries and related organizations, as well as informal and formal cooperation, and short-term and long-term partnerships, are discussed. Collaboration and cooperation were part of the impetus to form professional associations. The column provides a brief history of professional library associations and their role in supporting library partnerships in the United States. The conclusion explores how the increasingly digital nature of information and library work affects collaborative library efforts and where the future of these efforts may lie, especially for special libraries.  相似文献   

少数民族地区的扶贫工作是众多扶贫工作中较为困难的一环。而高校图书馆在这其中的精准扶贫路径探索不仅是时代发展的需要,更是高校图书馆作为知识殿堂的使命。以佳木斯赫哲族聚居地为例,研究分析高校图书馆在精准扶贫中完善现代化服务、加强阵营联盟、因地制宜等路径,为高校图书馆丰富精准扶贫内容。  相似文献   

本文介绍了OA的发展现状,分析了OA运动对大学图书馆的意义并探讨了OA环境中大学图书馆的发展策略,目的是使大学图书馆积极适应学术交流模式的转变,以稳固其知识交流中心的地位。  相似文献   

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