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石东方 《物理教学探讨》2001,19(9):12-12,29
备课通常分为三个环节:“备教材、备实验、备学生”.备教材、备实验我们把它称之为“静态备课”,而把备学生称为“动态备课”,很明显,教师只有在备课时采取动、静结合,才能收到事半功倍的教学效果,下面仅就笔者自己的教学实践,谈谈如何进行“动态备课”.  相似文献   

在实践新课程的今天,我们在备课上要突出四点:1.备课多备“可能”在备课标、备教材、备学生的三大备课要素中,课程标准和教材一经确立就相对稳定,而学生是动态有差异的,教师在备课时要洞悉学  相似文献   

通常对备课的要求是“三备”,即对知识、学生、教法方面的问题进行充分准备。初中物理实验教学在课堂教学中占举足轻重的地位,所以我们在备课中,把备实验从备知识中分离出来,在原来“三备”的基础上发展为“四备”。备实验的主要工作是备器材、备操作、备实验教法。  相似文献   

在新课程改革的影响下,“以学生为中心”的教学理念已深入人心,教师的备课已从“备教材”走向“备学生”,从“教教材”走向“用教材教”。其实,备教材与备学生并不矛盾,备教材是备学生的重要手段,关键是教师不能为教材所限,要学会“用教材教”。笔者认为,“用教材教”主要是指教师备课过程中要对教材所涉及知识进行深挖与拓展。下面以“古代中国的农业经济”中的曲辕犁为例,谈谈自己在备课中的一些做法。  相似文献   

备好课是教师上好课的前提,传统的教师备课主要是“三备”即备教材、备教法、备学生,而在新课改实践中,教师备课不仅要重视“三备”,还应关注自身准备即“备己”。备课“备己”是教师学习、反思、成长与发展的过程,教师必须清醒认识、深刻理解,并积极主动地加以实践,提升自己并促进学生更快、更好发展。一、教师备课“备己”的意义阐释1.备课“备己”有利于教师积极践行新课改理念要求“一切为了每一位学生的发展”是新课程的最高宗旨和核心理念,它要求教师要新观念,转变角色,调整自己的教学行为。其一,新课程要求教师再也不能将知识灌输作…  相似文献   

一节课能否上好不是偶然的,它在很大程度上取决于教师的备课,在备课上花一分精力,在教学中就会有一分收获。新课程的核心理念---“一切为了每一位学生的发展”,为教师备课指明了方向,“备学生”是备课中十分重要的一环,教师应在“备学生”上多下功夫。只有备好了学生,教师才能有的放矢,高质量地完成教学任务。  相似文献   

“备课既要备教材,也要备学生。”这句话可以说从参加工作那天起就伴随着我们,但是在实际备课过程中,我们真的做到既备教材又备学生了吗?两次执教“9的乘法口诀”的备课过程及带来的不同教学效果,让我对这句话有了更进一步的认识和理解。  相似文献   

在实践新课程的今天,我们在备课上要突出四点:1.备课多备“可能”。在备标准、备教材、备学生的三大备课要素中,课程标准和教材一经确立就相对稳定,而学生是动态有差异的,教师在备课时要洞悉学生心理和时代精神,构建符合学生智力发展的情境。无论是教学环节的预置,课堂组织方式的确立,都要以充分发挥学生的主观能动性为前提。备学生的“可能”,尽可能多地把学生考虑在内,学生应成为课堂学习活动的主体,也应是我们备课的出发点和归属点。2.设计力行“简约”。过去,教师们花在教学设计、编写教案的工夫实在太多。从教材分析到教学重点、教学目…  相似文献   

备课是一项创造性劳动 ,而高质量的备课是高效益的课堂教学的重要前题 ,因此 ,在备课中 ,应做到在备观点、备教材、备学生、备教法这“四备”上狠下功夫 ,才能有课堂教学的提高 ,从而保证学校教育质量  相似文献   

关于数学备课的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
备课是一项创造性劳动,而高质量的备课是高效益的课堂教学的重要前题,因此,在备课中,应做到在备观点、备教材、备学生、备教法这“四备”上狠下功夫,才能有课堂教学的提高,从而保证学校教育质量。  相似文献   

学生在学习《化学反应速率和化学平衡》过程中,往往对化学平衡这一概念理解不透,尤其 是判断一个可逆反应是否达到平衡,由于考虑不全面而导致判断失误。结合实例,总结化 学平衡的标志及同一平衡问题。  相似文献   

当代许多大学生追求个性,标榜个性。但他们当中的大多数人,认为个性仅是标新立异而已,如何引导大学生正确理解个性、彰显个性以及如何塑造良好的个性,这些都是大学生个性发展教育必须面对和思考的问题。  相似文献   

移情式设计是一种对学生进行感受进入,对学生世界进行移情性体验的新型设计方式。移情式网络课程设计要求设计人员融入学生和教师中去,站在他们的角度去思考问题、分析问题,同时师生共同参与到网络课程设计中来,通过不断地多次移情全面深入地了解学生的需求,从而设计出切合学生个性需求的网络课程。  相似文献   

改革考试的方法不仅仅是换换形式,变变题型,而是要随着时代的需要不断地改变考试的模式和内容,发挥学生的记忆能力,提高学生的理解能力,引导学生的想象能力。考试的目的是让学生持续地学习,不断地寻找学习的方法,敢于面对一切难题。通过考试让学生看到自己有能力进步,领悟到克服困难学习的乐趣,懂得对待全新的知识领域首先要想到学习,然后是思考如何战胜困难的方法,从而体验成功的喜悦。  相似文献   

Piaget has taught us that we learn a great deal about how students think by listening carefully during the class,by paying attention to their own ways of solving problems.If English teachers understand the Vocational College students' thinking,they will be better able to match teaching methods to students' abilities.  相似文献   

Although science education intends to help students learn to think, research in this area does not usually use psychological research on how people think. The purpose of this article is to describe one type of research, commonly called information-processing psychology. Its goal is understanding how people think while doing complex tasks. It uses detailed data, usually from individual subjects, and develops precise yet powerful models of human performance, often by using a computer. After describing information-processing research, we illustrate it with two studies. The first shows how computer models are used to explain thinking. A computer program models the knowledge needed to understand and use a physics textbook. The second study shows how information-processing approaches can be used systematically but more simply. This study clarifies why students find it so difficult to master the “factor-label” method for converting chemical units. The article concludes with a discussion of guidelines and suggestions for using information-processing ideas.  相似文献   


International education achievement indicators potentially obscure students’ localised experiences of school. This paper examines adolescent purpose to understand what drives students’ learning experiences in high-performance schooling in Singapore. Purpose is a long-term intention to engage with the world in ways meaningful to oneself and to others. Using clinical interviews, the authors analysed students’ perspectives of the purpose of schooling and learning against the tensions of preparing students for performance-focused outcomes in schools. Findings indicated purpose clusters with prevalent self-oriented academic achievement goals. About one-third of the students with forms of support had nascent beyond-the-self life goals. To think about teaching and learning in a more integrated manner, this study shows it is important to look closely into students’ learning experiences, as these provide critical insights into how policies are implemented in schools, and how curricula can be made significant and meaningful in a more humanising vision of what schools might become.  相似文献   

This study examined how types of tasks influenced student activities/thinking and defined the role of Seatwork in mathematics lessons. It used 60 lessons from the TIMSS videotaped Study. These data indicated that practice was the most prevalent form of tasks in the U.S. In Germany, students completed mathematical calculations after a complex problem-solving segment. In Japan, teachers combined practice of routine procedures in Seatwork with opportunities to prepare material, think about problems, and explore concepts. Findings expand our understanding of how tasks organize learning opportunities and effect how students come to understand mathematics.  相似文献   

目前高校武术社团虽然促进了高校体育工作的开展,推动了高校群众体育性活动的深入发展,促进了校园精神文明建设的发展,同时也引发了诸多的负面影响.采取行之有效的措施才能够消除其不利的因素,发挥其的积极作用,使其能够有序地发展.  相似文献   

Teachers’ attitudes and beliefs about students in a particular grouping hierarchy are shaped by their ideological views. Within education systems that have high international profiles, such as Singapore, what has been less explored is how teachers think about and interact with students who are seemingly positioned as being ‘low-ability’ or ‘low achieving’ within disadvantaged education contexts. This paper accordingly examines teachers’ perceptions of ‘Normal Technical’ students in Singapore. The findings underscore the need to understand teachers’ interpretations and thinking about teaching and learning processes that influence classroom practice. This is a necessary starting point for pedagogical innovation and change in schools.  相似文献   

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