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教育公平是社会公平的基础,高等教育入学机会是衡量教育公平水平的重要指标。我国高等教育入学机会因学生个体间家庭经济状况的差异、省区间教育经费配置的差异、中央政府对不同高校经费投入的差异而呈现出学生个体间入学机会不均、高校招生名额省区间分配差别较大与地区间招生录取分数线不一致等问题。从国家财政促进政策的角度看,需要各级政府加大基础教育的投入力度,缩小基础教育质量差距;多渠道筹集高等教育发展资金;优化高等教育投入模式;建立健全高等教育财政转移支付制度,推进高等教育入学机会日趋公平。  相似文献   

近来,各地区一流大学招生公平性问题引起了社会各界的关注。本研究运用主成分分析的方法构建了一流大学入学机会指数,并对2008年至2015年间31个省市地区一流大学的相关数据进行实证研究。研究发现:我国一流大学总体的入学机会有所提高;西部地区获得了较多的招生名额,但由于当地高考报名人数的增加,入学机会的实际增长幅度并不大;此外,受到各地区适龄人口数和高考报名人数差异扩大的影响,地区间入学机会的差异呈现出逐年扩大的趋势。研究进一步采用固定效应模型对入学机会的影响因素进行回归分析。结果表明,目前招生名额的调整对入学机会的改善贡献较弱,而经济发展的变化成为入学机会提高的重要原因,进而导致地区差异的进一步扩大。  相似文献   

我国高等教育资源的分配存在省市不平衡,高校在各省市的招生名额存在巨大差异,这种差异影响我国高等教育的健康发展,也影响国家的均衡发展.国家应该依据各省人口调整高校招生名额分配,使各省市的青年享有大致均等的高等教育机会.  相似文献   

高等教育入学机会在中国历来是一种相当稀缺的资源。高等教育入学机会的分配与国家的高校招生政策密切相关。自1949年以来,我国高校招生政策历经变迁,大致经历了三个阶段:新中国成立初期;教育“革命”时期(包括文革时期);改革开放后。在不同时期,机会的供给主体、机会的分配标准、机会的分配方式,以及机会向谁开放、为谁所享有等方面存在很大差异,形成了对教育机会分配的不同模式。  相似文献   

高等教育入学机会的分配与国家的高校招生政策密切相关。自1949年以来,我国高校招生政策历经变迁,大致经历了三个阶段:新中国成立初期、教育“革命”时期(包括文革时期)、改革开放后到高等教育大众化时期。在不同时期,机会的供给主体、机会的分配标准、机会的分配方式,以及机会向谁开放、机会为谁所享有等方面存在很大差异,形成了对教育机会分配的不同模式。  相似文献   

文章针对高考地区不公现象,提出了兼顾效率与公平的高校招生名额分配模型,即以各地区考生占全国比例为基础,用"基础教育水平系数"政策扶持系数"和"地方倾斜系数"进行微调来测算国办高校在不同地区的招生名额.根据不同级别的高校,提出了三种典型的名额测算办法,即绝对公平原则下的名额配置模型、效率优先原则下的名额配置模型和公平与效率兼顾原则下的名额配置模型.国地合办高校可依据其办学经费来源将其名额资源分为两部分:全国公共资源部分和地区公共资源部分,其中全国公共资源部分可直接借用上述模型,地区公共资源部分可由各地教育主管部门和学校协商确定其在不同地区的招生计划.既体现了公平与效率兼顾的原则,也可为不同类别、不同级别院校招生名额分配提供具体参考.  相似文献   

高考区域名额分配近年来一直为社会各界所关注。记者从教育部召开的例行新闻发布会上获悉,教育部今年要求部直属高校调整学校区域名额分配,以更好地促进中西部教育的共同发展。具体为:部属高校在所在地的招生名额下降2个百分点,向中西部地区倾斜,同时在中西部地区的部属高校招生计划增加4%。  相似文献   

我国西部高等教育入学机会公平是全面建成小康社会的内在要求。文章围绕高校在校生人数、生源分布、优质教育资源、社会阶层等关键指标,对西部高等教育入学机会存在的区域、城乡和校际差距进行了剖析,提出了公正落实高考招生"专项计划"、提高重点大学农村户籍生源比例、合理分配高等教育资源等缩小东、西部高等教育入学机会差距的基本策略。  相似文献   

用多水平模型对清华大学2001—2006年在全国各地的招生名额分配进行分析,结果显示,六年来在各地的名额分配差异显著,部分省份的名额显著低于全国平均水平,部分省市的名额显著高于全国平均水平。建议对有关高校招生指标在各省的分配情况进行进一步分析。  相似文献   

为拓宽农村学生进入重点高校的渠道,2014年国家开始划定重点高校并实施专门针对农村学生进行招生的"高校专项计划"。基于高校自主进行招生的前提下,针对"高校专项计划"的招生方式可归纳为"全国择优"或"分省择优"两种。研究结合2015-2017年95所高校录取数据首先对不同招生方式进行了比较,其次对不同招生方式的补偿名额分配进行了回归分析。研究发现:总体上,不管是何种招生方式,高校均提高了农村学生的优质教育入学机会,均提高了重点高校中农村学生的生源比例;相比较而言,"分省择优"的招生方式更能体现高校专项计划政策的补偿性质,更能落实政策的补偿作用,使得在经济和教育水平上处于弱势的生源地获得更多的补偿机会,然而高校依然更多的是依赖本科招生计划编制路径,影响了补偿的精准性。  相似文献   

The admission process and curriculum for gifted students are crucial because they provide opportunities to explore (OTE) for gifted science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) students. Korean specialized STEM schools, science academies (SAs) and science high schools (SHSs), claim that their screening process and curricula are based on their educational philosophy and goals. This article examines how SAs and SHSs make efforts to offer OTE in STEM disciplines by controlling the admission process and curriculum. It is found that SAs have enough flexibility in providing OTE that emphasize creativity. SHSs, however, are limited in providing such OTE and instead value high achievement more.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a survey of 459 Jewish and Arab students at two public colleges in Israel in 2005. The study aimed at gaining understanding of Arab students' access to higher education in comparison to access of Jewish students by the objective obstacles to such access as reflected in the admission profiles and socio‐economic background of Jewish and Arab students at two public colleges. Analyses indicated that these academic campuses constitute a site of encounter for two very different population groups, a fact that has significant implications for access and admission policies, and student aid programs. The findings of this study are the first step in further consideration of issues relating to equal opportunities and access to higher education for Arab students, and shed light on potential means for reducing the gaps between Arab students and their Jewish counterparts.  相似文献   

深化高校招生制度改革是我国高等教育改革的一项重要工程。近年来,我国在全国统一高考的基础上,推出了保送生、自主招生等新的招生制度。但是,这些制度所要求的条件很高,学生必须具备很高的综合素质,一般是具有良好家庭环境和接受高质量的基础教育的学生才能达到,而对农村以及其他低阶层家庭的学生来说,则是相当困难的。因而享受新的招生制度的学生大都是家境较好的学生,农村学生的机会则很少。因此,在高校招生考试制度改革过程中,要充分照顾到各个阶层子女接受高等教育的公平性,使改革健康进行。  相似文献   

通过对高职院校的单招学生和统招学生在公共课、专业课及思想行为上的比较,找出二者之间存在的差异及原因,为此提出开展分层次教学、自信教育、优化单独招生考试方案、加大招生宣传力度、科学设置单独招生专业等措施,以减少单招生与统招生的学习和思想行为差异,为以后的招生、教学和管理提供更好的指导作用。  相似文献   

女性进入精英集体:有限的进步   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on studies of literature and the freshman admission data from 1978 to 2005 in Peking University, the research reveals how female student enrollments grew from nil to a considerable size, and how the exclusion of women college admission was overcome to achieve gender balance. However, the paper argues that this progress is limited in that class exclusion and the urban-rural gap is still significant in college enrollment, and there has been obvious sex segregation in the selection of specialties. So, equality from gender perspective alone is a “lame equality”. It is necessary to carefully examine what equality in higher education means to female students when both sexes have approximately equal opportunities to higher education, for to female students, the choice of specialty and the professional training are processes in which they have to continually submit themselves to male-centric knowledge. __________ Translated by ZHANG Yurong from Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiu 高等教育研究 (Journal of Higher Education), 2008, 29(2): 49–61  相似文献   

文章从实现教育公平的角度,探讨了增强职业教育吸引力的路径问题。从保障教育机会起点均等的角度来看,对于高中阶段后的教育分流,政府应逐步改革考试和招生制度,切实保障职校学生接受高等教育的机会和权利,逐步构建职普相通、高低衔接的职业教育体系。在落实职业教育公平的差异原则方面,职业学校应树立先进的办学理念,明确培养目标定位;因地制宜地设置专业,开发更具灵活性的课程,满足学生个性化发展的需要;建立充满弹性的教育管理制度,充分尊重学生的专业选择权。为了实现职业教育公平的补偿原则,政府应不断加大对职业教育的经费投入,抓好落实和监督工作;加大对中西部地区的职业教育经费投入,促进职业教育均衡化发展;不断完善和健全职业教育资助体系。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the long-term impact on earnings of attending a tuition-free, top-quality university in Brazil. We identify the causal effect through a sharp discontinuity in an admission process based on test scores. If admitted, low-income students are found to increase their earnings by 26% ten years later. However, admission has a small and insignificant effect on high-income students. The difference between income groups is not explained by educational attainment, program choice, or selection into better-paying jobs. The evidence suggests that most low-income applicants, if not admitted, still graduate from college but with much lower returns to education. High-income applicants who just miss the cutoff, however, can find other opportunities such that earnings trajectories are unchanged. Our results underscore the role of affordable higher education in promoting social mobility.  相似文献   

We use administrative data from Ireland to study differences in college application behavior between students from disadvantaged versus advantaged high schools. Ireland provides an interesting laboratory for this analysis as applicants provide a preference-ordering of college programs (majors) and marginal applications are costless. Also, college admission depends almost completely on grades in the terminal high school examinations. Thus, we can compare the application choices of students who have equal chances of admission to college programs. Conditional on achievement and college opportunities, we find that students from advantaged high schools are more likely to apply to universities and to more selective college programs. They are also more likely to have preferences that cluster by program selectivity rather than by field of study. Our results suggest that, alongside differences in achievement, differences in college application behavior also cause persons from advantaged high schools to be more likely to enrol in selective colleges and enter more selective programs. Importantly, we find that enrolment gaps for equally qualified applicants are smaller than differences in application behavior; the relatively meritocratic centralized admissions system based on achievement undoes much of the effect of the differences in application behavior.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether subject-specific admission tests may allow Swedish higher education institutions to admit better-performing students. The performance of students admitted via a mathematics and physics aptitude test was reviewed with a focus on activity, retention, and credits earned, and the results were compared with students admitted in traditional ways, such as secondary school grade point averages (GPA). The results show that the students admitted in the test quota show a higher activity rate as well as a higher retention rate than most other students, but that they are not as successful as the GPA quota students in acquiring their intended credits. It is concluded that subject-specific admission tests seem to entail higher student motivation and that they therefore may be a valuable instrument to supplement traditional admission instruments. The observed differences in the study have generated a number of hypotheses that would need further study to fully understand the merits of different admission instruments.  相似文献   

美国的多元文化教育经历了不同的发展阶段,目前,关注教学策略、提升少数族群学生的学业成就成为新的研究热点。在吸收人类学、哲学、社会学、民族学、心理学思想的基础上,通过对不同文化背景中学生学习风格的研究,发展了指向提升学生学业成绩、培养学生评判性思维和指向学习机会平等的教学策略。美国中小学多元文化教学策略的探索为多民族国家中针对不同文化背景的学生,建立文化适应性教学策略,实施有效教学提供了有益经验。  相似文献   

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