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The restoration of the Hedin altar in Rothenburg o.d.T., dated 1466, is described. The polychromed sculptures were cleaned and loose paint was fixed. Methods and materials used in the restoration of the paintings, the areas polychromed in various techniques and the brocade reliefs are mentioned. The altar was protected from direct sunlight. The construction of the shrine and the technique of carving are extensively discussed. Sculptures made from one piece of lime wood were hollowed out and closed with a plank. Traces of rough finishing are visible. Shrine and predella were polychromed after a preliminary assembly of the sculptures. The various techniques used in the undisfigured polychromy are described as they are observed with the unaided eye. It can be shown that the working methods were rational. The fabrication of relief brocades and the various patterns used are discussed in detail. The treatment of the various paintings on the wings, the predella and the reverse of the shrine is reported. The question is raised to what extent the painter Herlin can also have been responsible for the polychromy.  相似文献   

科技期刊传播质量和影响力提升途径与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于科技期刊传播质量对提升期刊影响力与核心竞争力的重要性,以《煤炭科学技术》近年来的做法为例,通过借助煤炭行业发展态势,以常规发行方式和新型传播手段相结合,从期刊传播范围、传播深度和传播精度3方面阐述提高期刊传播质量的途径.传统传播手段,如以邮发为主,辅以自主征订,同时委托第三方发行单位开展合作提升期刊发行量;利用编委、协办单位、通讯员队伍稳固主要读者群;向行业知名专家或重要科研团队赠阅吸引高质量稿源;借助主办/协办学术会议和参加行业展会扩大期刊影响力;以技术服务合作为契机扩大期刊知名度.新型传播手段,如利用优质论文抢先出版加快传播速度,主动向读者推送论文成果扩大传播精度,利用新媒体大容量信息吸引读者关注,与国内外知名数据库合作或建设/加盟有影响力的期刊数字出版平台扩大传播范围.总之,面对网络出版与数字出版的冲击,科技期刊应全方位、多渠道寻求发行与传播途径,多措并举才能取得满意的传播效果.  相似文献   

隐性知识外包的激励机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涂静 《图书情报工作》2008,52(10):58-61
针对隐性知识外包中知识转移的激励问题,提出一个四阶段动态博弈模型。第一阶段客户设计激励合约;第二阶段服务商决定是否接受合约;第三阶段服务商决定转移的知识量;第四阶段客户决定产品产量。通过对模型的求解和分析,得出了激励合约的特征,客户激励的有效性以及影响服务商知识转移的因素,为客户隐性知识外包的有效激励提供了决策依据。  相似文献   

陈锴 《档案学研究》2022,36(2):128-134
随着科举制度的发展,作为贡举人名单的贡籍在唐代产生,但它成为一件科举档案则始于宋代,主要记载贡举人的个人资料与考试情况,是贡举人地位得到提升的反映。为了更好地管理和安抚贡举人,宋代政府编制贡籍,并在此基础上叙理举数,推行免解和特奏名制度,同时殿举、除名等惩罚之制以及贡举人经济、法律等特权的获得亦依托于贡籍。但在明清时代,随着“科举必由学校”逐渐成为现实,政府加强对基层士人的管理,贡籍进一步下移,学籍得到扩展,政府所掌握档案由得解举人扩展为广大生员。这一定程度上削弱了举人贡籍的独立性,但礼部仍然通过贡籍的替代品保留对举人的有效管辖。  相似文献   

本文通过关键事件技术收集用户与数字资源交互过程中的真实体验与经历,在对关键事件进行内容揭示、协同分类、数据验证的基础上,提炼出影响用户满意体验的20个数字资源要素。通过以用户视角获取数据,计算Kano指数,构建定量化要素分布图等步骤,探析数字资源要素的感知重要性和要素的充分实现对用户满意体验的提升效果。结合情境化的关键事件和Kano指数对影响数字资源用户满意体验的要素进行剖析,提出优化用户满意体验的数字资源建设模型。图2。表4。参考文献27。  相似文献   

The globalization phenomenon has reopened the debate on the concentration of media and entertainment industries, particularly in the film distribution market. Some authors consider that the dominant position of U.S. companies comes from the higher identification of American films with the tastes of the European audience. Others argue that the Hollywood success is mainly due to its control of the distribution system. U.S. films account for an average of 63.4% of the European market. In return, European films represent 3.6% of the North American box office. There are around 450 active film distribution companies in Europe, the majority of them being nationally controlled firms, and only a small percentage of them belong to U.S. majors. Nevertheless, these U.S. subsidiaries are ranked among the top 10 leading film distributors in Europe according to market share. This article attempts to make a further contribution in market concentration analysis, looking at the situation of film distribution in the 5 biggest Western European countries. It also explores if the success of American companies is due to their management and marketing skills or if, by the contrary, it is the consequence of their dominant market positions.  相似文献   

图书馆是社会的产物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
初步尝试对图书馆产生和发展问题作社会视角的考察,指出文献是产生图书馆的前提和基础,社会互动生成图书馆组织,科学技术进步推动图书馆事业发展。三者缺一不可,共同作用,互相促进。图书馆出现是人的本质精神的体现。人的本质决定着图书馆的本质及其发展。  相似文献   

Today it would be hard to imagine the publishing world without literary agents. But agents are relative newcomers. The first arrived on the British literary scene some time in the late 1870s; A. P. Watt is generally regarded as the first true agent. It was Watt who defined the role and function of the agent and established a standard of conduct by which his contemporaries and successors were measured. Watt’s activities had great impact on the business of publishing and on the types of literature writers produced. In fact, the agent was one of the main factors in the radical transformation of the publishing world that occurred at the end of the nineteenth century. This article looks at Watt’s legacy: it focuses on both the publishing world and the institution of the literary agency. It suggests that Watt was a dominant force in both and that, without him, literary agency might not have prospered so well or so quickly. She studied at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and received her D.Phil. in 1988. She is working on a book about the British literary agent.  相似文献   

公平与效率视角下的数字鸿沟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数字鸿沟其实是经济鸿沟的产物,经济注重效率,经济的失衡产生了数字鸿沟,政府保证公平,因此消除数字鸿沟的重任必须由政府来完成。政府在制定消除数字鸿沟的政策时,要注重维护公平,但也要考虑效率。  相似文献   

搜索引擎中Robot搜索算法的优化   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目前的搜索引擎越来越暴露出不足之处 ,当用户使用搜索引擎时输入特定关键词之后 ,返回的查询结果往往有数千甚至几百万之多 ,而且其中包含大量的重复信息与垃圾信息 ,用户从中筛选出自己感兴趣的网页仍然需要耗费很长的时间。另外一种情况就是 ,Web上明明存在某些重要网页 ,却没有被搜索引擎的robot发现。本文针对这种现象 ,重点讨论搜索引擎中的搜索策略 ,改善搜索算法 ,使Robot在搜索阶段就能够充分处理与Robot频繁交互的URL列表。根据网页的内容、HTML结构以及其中包含的超链信息计算网页的PageRank ,使URL列表能够根据重要性调整排列顺序。初步的试验结果表明 ,本文的优化算法可以较大程度地改进搜索引擎的整体性能  相似文献   

This article examines the practices of, and the policies governing, U.S. executive agency publishing and printing for the period covering 1919–1950s. Particular attention is paid to the activities of the congressional Joint Committee on Printing (JCP) of the 67th Congress, as well as advancements in the graphic arts. Attention is also paid to the inherent, and sometimes bitter, institutional tensions that resulted from the publishing activities of the executive branch. This article further examines the emergence of the Printing Industries of America (PIA) as a player in the sphere of U.S. government printing.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]馆员多样性和团队合作是美国ClimateQUALTM组织氛围测评中的两个重要指标,但二者的关系还没有被详尽研究。本文利用近10年南京农业大学图书馆科研合作数据,深度分析馆员合作中所体现的馆员多样性,为进一步了解图书馆组织氛围的相关特征提供依据。[方法/过程]利用馆员及其年龄、职称、学历、学科背景、岗位等馆员属性信息,将这些馆员划分成不同的类别,计算辛普森指数(simpson)和熵值(entropy),并依此来测度科研合作中的馆员多样性,绘制合作结构图来显示科研合作的状态。[结果/结论]将馆员个体作为多样性计算中的类别,辛普森指数为0.994,熵值为0.6。按馆员年龄、职称、学历、学科背景、岗位等属性划分类别,辛普森指数处于0.82-0.997之间,熵值处于0.59-0.89之间,高辛普森指数和高熵值表明不同层次的馆员都参与了科学合作,但合作不是很集中。对一定合作强度所形成的网络结构的分析也发现,合作还处于相对比较松散的状态,没有形成固定的合作团队。高学历和高职称馆员是图书馆科研产出的重要力量,虽然馆员学科背景广泛,但图情学科背景仍是南京农业大学图书馆科研产出的重要因素。  相似文献   

图书馆是社会性公益事业,是城市文化发展的标志,也是公民学习、阅读、交流的理想之所,但其地区发展不平衡、利用率低下、人员素质偏低的现状也不容忽视。要加快城市文化建设步伐,必须强化图书馆主体服务功能:一是充分发挥地方政府和上级主管部门的职能;二是强化图书馆的现代服务意识,变被动服务为主动服务;三是以积极主动的服务方式推广国家阅读计划;四是关注特殊群体,努力提高全民素质。  相似文献   

随着专利数据规模的不断增长,对专利数据的深入挖掘也变得日益重要,特别是专利数据中所蕴含的技术功效等信息具有较高的价值。本文提出了一种基于隐马尔科夫模型的专利功效词识别方法,通过词法与句法分析筛选出候选功效词,在此基础上,采用隐马尔科夫模型并结合专利发明改进的特征设计了功效词识别算法,对候选功效词进行过滤。在新能源汽车等不同领域的专利数据集上,以准确率与召回率作为评价标准,验证所提出方法的有效性。实验结果表明,此方法有效提高了识别准确率与召回率。  相似文献   

高等职业院校图书馆的困境与出路   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高等职业教育在我国刚刚起步,绝大多数院校由中等专业学校转型而来。通过对高等职业院校图书馆的调查发现,普遍存在馆舍面积小、经费投入严重不足、人员结构不合理和整体学历水平偏低等问题。在高等职业教育迅猛发展的今天,高等职业院校图书馆则面临着数字图书馆的挑战,它虽是高等院校中的名副其实的“第三世界”,但如何正视图书馆所面临的困境,转变观念,抓住机遇,探索职教图书馆发展电子图书馆的新路子,是图书馆工作者面临的课题。建议加大图书馆的投入与改造,全面提高图书馆工作人员特别是专业人员的素质,改善工作人员结构,为高等职业教育的发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

时间管理和图书馆馆长 陈曙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accompanied with the radical increase of information and wealth of man, the library world is now confronted with the challenge of time. A director of the library will consequently be far behind if he handles his work merely by the virtue of his good intentions and experiences. He has to know well the theory and technique of time management, besides. The chief items of time management are:the 4D law, the exception law, the negative law, etc. as well as those techniques derived from these laws. In short, time management is none other than the knowledge of approaching ways on eliminating waste of time,thereby,it will be able to attain the goal of running a library.So far as the significane of the modern management is concerned,the wing for the Chinese libraries to soar is exactly the time.2 illus.6 references.  相似文献   

出版发行市场化运作对图书采访的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
姚倩 《大学图书馆学报》2005,23(2):34-37,61
出版发行业的市场化运作表现为:图书发行渠道已不再是新华书店一统天下;图书市场已经进入包装、炒作、宣传、造势的时代;订单、书目、广告、折扣等成为出版发行业争夺读者、争夺客户、争夺市场的重要手段。出版业市场化运作给图书馆带来深刻影响:图书馆的进书渠道日益拓宽;入藏图书的品种、复本日益受到市场的牵动;图书采访鉴别选择难度日益加大;与书商的关系日益扑朔迷离。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 信息资源产业作为战略性新兴产业,日益对我国社会财富的增长产生重要影响,因此确定信息资源产业的结构及分类,是研究信息资源产业发展问题的基础性工作。[方法/过程] 以《国民经济行业分类代码表(GB T4754-2011)》为基础,通过文献分析构建信息资源产业的关键词表,明确构成信息资源产业的93个小类行业,并根据小类行业对信息资源的依赖度对其进行分类研究,在构成与分类研究的基础上揭示我国信息资源产业的结构特征。[结果/结论] 将信息资源产业分为信息资源采集业、信息资源加工业和信息资源提供业,同时依据依赖度的高低将信息资源产业分为高、中、低3类产业。  相似文献   

高建国 《新闻界》2007,(6):78-79
媒体与区域历史有千丝万缕的联系,区域历史是传媒挖掘不尽的文化财富,既可丰富传播内容,又能赢得受众的广泛欢迎.但媒体在传播区域历史的过程中,需要解决承接与传达这一对矛盾,让历史文化体现当代性、现代性、应用性、多样性和普及性.  相似文献   

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