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图书馆的非主观性重复采购及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为,图书的非主观性重复采购,是由于出版发行业存在的选题重复、多头征订、预订报道内容有误及图书馆采购渠道的拓宽与预订目录功能不够完善等两方面原因造成的,并提出了图书馆缓解这一问题的对策.  相似文献   

试论地方版图书的采购   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地方版图书是图书馆藏书中的一个重要组成部分.本文试从出版发行渠道、图书供应商、图书馆采访方式三个方面探讨地方版图书的采购及存在的问题,促使地方版图书采购工作做得更好.  相似文献   

图书出版发行业的决策者们普遍注意到,一定时期的赢利水平固然很重要,但真正决定企业命运、体现企业实力与价值的,是具有一定的广度与深度的完备的销售渠道,以及对渠道的运作与控制能力.这是发行企业的核心竞争力,决定着企业未来的赢利模式与持续发展.  相似文献   

攻打"桥头堡"--图书销售渠道的弊端和出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书市场群雄逐鹿,竞争日渐加剧,谁能脱颖而出,力挽狂澜?事实证明,销售渠道的争夺已经成为书业企业获取市场份额的最重要手段,甚至因此被称作市场争夺的"桥头堡".可以预见,在同质化非常严重的图书销售市场,渠道的建设、管理与灵活运作将成为2004年甚至更长的一段时间里书业企业角逐市场的主要焦点.但从目前的渠道来看,还有很多不规范的地方.因此,建立什么样的渠道模式成为业内人士关注的焦点.  相似文献   

在电视传媒日益产业化、市场化运作的今天,各路电视精英把争夺节目收视率和市场占有率作为首要目标之一,而节假日的市场争夺、节目竞争策略的制定和实施显得非常重要。南方电视台作为新锐省级电视媒体,2001年12月  相似文献   

高校图书馆馆配业务是大型零售书店营销的重要渠道之一.多渠道销售有助于图书销售企业发挥统一平台的资源优势,合理分摊渠道成本和费用,以实现最大化的销售业绩.在我国,高校馆藏量标准是依据连年递增的学生入学人数来制订的,因而对团购市场需求起到了极大的推动作用,也为图书出版发行业的发展提供了新的发展机遇.  相似文献   

随着教材市场化运作的深入开展,教材销售渠道与传统的出版社图书销售渠道有了翻天覆地的大变化,在这种大环境的促进下,教材销售已经不能再采用传统的图书销售方式了.面对不断变化的市场,如何去拓展新的教材营销渠道,是每个出版社都必须要面对的严峻现实.  相似文献   

分析出版发行现状加强文献采访对策研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
讨论分析当前国内图书出版发行业存在的可能影响图书馆文献采访工作的7个特点,有针对性地提出做好图书馆文献采访的对策。  相似文献   

社会发展使图书出版发行市场得以扩大,采购渠道也得以拓宽。本文具体分析了几种图书采购渠道的优缺点.以利于图书的采购工作。  相似文献   

高校图书馆图书供应商的选择及其评价方法研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
图书馆采购市场迅速发展,书业供应链的发行渠道发生重大变化,主渠道已经由新华书店系统转向民营图书供应商。随着高校图书馆图书采购经费的逐年增加,高校图书馆作为团体采购图书大户已经成为众多图书供应商争夺的目标。这样一来,使得高校图书馆在选择供应商方面有了很大的选择空间。如何选择信誉好、服务优的书商合作已经是高校图书馆图书采购必须要解决的首要问题。本文通过综合分析各影响因素,提出一套新的书商评价指标及其方法体系,建立基于灰色关联分析的选择模型,并列举实例给予验证。  相似文献   

The author suggests that libraries have been transformed a third time. Originally, libraries were the only place that valuable, handwritten, rare books could be found. As mass production kicked in post-Gutenberg, the library became an efficient way for the community to access knowledge. Today, though, in a post-paper world, the library must adopt a new role, a place where the community finds ideas, inspiration and others on a similar journey. The librarian is no longer a guardian of valuable books, but a curator of curiosity, passion and interest.  相似文献   

民营馆配商占据馆配市场的大半江山,在图书馆藏书建设中扮演着重要角色,是图书馆获取文献信息的主要渠道,是影响藏书建设质量的关键因素之一。研究民营馆配商的生存与发展问题有利于图书馆在文献资源建设上未雨绸缪、科学应对。该文分析了金融危机下馆配市场的发展变化,剖析了民营馆配商在图书馆藏书体系中的地位、面临的困境及对馆藏书建设的潜在负面影响,并提出了图书馆的应对之策。  相似文献   

既便数字化也同样存在的图书种册问题是图书馆学教学空白点,它直接影响集成系统功能实现和多馆数据合并时重复数据的清除,必须从概念、数学模型和种唯一性判定方法等方面加以解决。  相似文献   

中文图书采访模式与途径浅析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
出版业和图书市场的发展为高校图书的采访工作提供了更多模式与途径的≡?作者对所在馆采用的不同采访模式与采访途径蜒进行分析评价,指出它们的不同特点,并结合4年来经费的使用情况对采访模式与途径作了进一步说明,为采访工作提供参考.  相似文献   

This papers describes the economic difficulties in Ghana from 1973 to the early 1980's, culminating in a situation where libraries in Ghana, including the UST Library, were unable to acquire library materials. Books in the main library and faculty libraries became so outdated that they were unable to support current academic work. The Library was not able to subscribe to core periodicals and journals.In 1987, the PNDC government, with the help of the World Bank, instituted a policy to replace scientific equipment and to supply books and journals to higher education institutions. Under the Educational Sector Adjustment Programme (EDSAC), academic libraries in the country received books, journals, and equipment including photocopiers, microfilm/microfiche readers and cameras, and telex machines.In 1991, the PNDC Deputy Secretary for Education invited the three university libraries to review the procedures for procuring journals for tertiary institutions in view of difficulties which had been encountered in previous years.Besides materials received under the EDSAC programme, the UST library receives gifts and donations from recognized international agencies. Some of the gifts create problems when materials donated do not cover subject areas of interest to the library. The library also exchanges publications with other institutions as a means of acquiring useful items. The university's calendar and prospectus are the main publications used for the purpose. The Newspaper Registration of Ghana Act, 1963, urges publishers to deposit copies of books published in the country at the UST Library among five others. The majority of publishers flagrantly refuse to do so because the sanctions against defaulters are rarely enforced. The library also receives budgetary allocations, though not enough to purchase books locally.  相似文献   


This papers describes the economic difficulties in Ghana from 1973 to the early 1980's, culminating in a situation where libraries in Ghana, including the UST Library, were unable to acquire library materials. Books in the main library and faculty libraries became so outdated that they were unable to support current academic work. The Library was not able to subscribe to core periodicals and journals.

In 1987, the PNDC government, with the help of the World Bank, instituted a policy to replace scientific equipment and to supply books and journals to higher education institutions. Under the Educational Sector Adjustment Programme (EDSAC), academic libraries in the country received books, journals, and equipment including photocopiers, microfilm/microfiche readers and cameras, and telex machines.

In 1991, the PNDC Deputy Secretary for Education invited the three university libraries to review the procedures for procuring journals for tertiary institutions in view of difficulties which had been encountered in previous years.

Besides materials received under the EDSAC programme, the UST library receives gifts and donations from recognized international agencies. Some of the gifts create problems when materials donated do not cover subject areas of interest to the library. The library also exchanges publications with other institutions as a means of acquiring useful items. The university's calendar and prospectus are the main publications used for the purpose. The Newspaper Registration of Ghana Act, 1963, urges publishers to deposit copies of books published in the country at the UST Library among five others. The majority of publishers flagrantly refuse to do so because the sanctions against defaulters are rarely enforced. The library also receives budgetary allocations, though not enough to purchase books locally.  相似文献   

Living Library组织模式与核心理念对图书馆创新的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Living Library是在图书馆的组织下,由特定用户担任Living Book并与其他用户交流从而分享知识和智慧的服务理念与服务方式。Living Library的核心理念是让用户服务用户。Living Library活动的实现需要经历宣传Living Library、招募和组织Living Book、提供Living Book借阅、评估Living Library 4个步骤。LivingLibrary经过10多年的发展,取得了良好的成效,为图书馆服务理念创新带来了启示。  相似文献   

图书馆流通业务外包是近年来逐渐引起学界关注的问题。现有研究更多关注流通业务外包的概念内涵、必要性等问题,忽视了对流通业务外包的质量控制研究。文章通过对流通业务外包实践中存在问题的分析,指出应从严格招投标程序、加强过程控制、同外包公司密切沟通、建立读者服务评价反馈体系等方面,加强对图书馆流通业务外包的质量控制。  相似文献   

教会大学图书馆是近代中国图书馆事业的重要组成部分,其文献收藏丰富而有特色,主要表现在:西文文献收藏多,流通量大;自办出版物及教职人员撰写的著作占一定比例;文理书刊兼收并蓄,馆藏各具特色;珍善本及特色收藏颇负盛名;捐赠及各类交流数量众多。  相似文献   

教会大学图书馆是近代中国图书馆事业的重要组成部分,其文献收藏丰富而有特色,主要表现在:西文文献收藏多,流通量大;自办出版物及教职人员撰写的著作占一定比例;文理书刊兼收并蓄,馆藏各具特色;珍善本及特色收藏颇负盛名;捐赠及各类交流的文献数量众多。  相似文献   

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