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《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(54):163-183
This article describes a report on British University Libraries published in December 1993. Although already dated in terns of its appearance, its recommendations have implications for academic librarianship which will only be fully felt and truly appreciated by the end of the century. The report is discussed in the context of British university libraries, their funding and relationship with their parent bodies, so that its full impact can be understood. The recommendations amount to an injection of some f200 million into the system aimed at protecting traditional librarianship on the one hand and promoting the new technology on the other. The report made the radical assumption that there will be some universities which only teach and some which cany out teaching and research, supported respectively by "access" and "holdings" libraries. It foresaw no immediate change in the pattern of traditional librarianship but its discussions and recommendations on publishing, on the access, transfer and storage of infonation, on the all-embracing role of Information Technology, leave little room for the status quo in the new millennium. The committee members were representative of scholarship both from within and from outside the university system with librarians clearly in the minority. The recommendations have virtually all been accepted by the Funding Councils which commissioned the report.  相似文献   

谭忠顶 《图书馆建设》2011,(9):31-33,37
普通高校本科教学工作水平评估是西部高校图书馆实行图书政府采购的推动力。评估过后,图书政府采购为西部高校图书馆带来的一些弊端逐渐显现,在一定程度上阻碍了图书馆事业的发展。西部高校图书馆应该汲取政府采购的优点,积极探索区域内多校联合的公司化集团采购新模式。  相似文献   

面向21世纪的专门图书馆事业发展战略构想   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
CLASSNUMBERG259.2美国未来学家奈比斯特说:人类社会发展中,农业社会总是重视过去,工业社会总是重视现在,未来的信息社会总是重视未来。当今世界已经进入信息社会,其主旋律就是要把握未来的发展。作为图书馆事业三大系统之一的专门图书馆事业,在当...  相似文献   

高校图书馆社会化服务工作举步维艰,其主要原因是政府责任不到位。政府的责任在于认识上重视图书馆事业,行动上加大对公共图书馆事业的财政投入,以促使公共图书馆与高校图书馆均衡发展。此外,政府还应该为图书馆事业提供宏观的法律制度体系,行使领导和组织职能,从而实现跨系统图书馆之间的资源共享,为高校图书馆社会化服务创造有利的条件。  相似文献   

School librarianship has advanced in the digital era to encompass interactivity, connectivity, and access to a wide variety of information in different formats, through the capabilities of information and communication technologies. School libraries exist to support learning in schools and the importance of the digital age in student's learning cannot be overstated. Today's students are born in the age of technology; therefore a school library that does not encompass the use of electronic media will not meet the needs of the digital generation. The purpose of this article is to find out the status of technology diffusion and use in Botswana school libraries and to advance reasons for the lack of information and communication technology uptake in school libraries. A document analysis of literature was done to determine the factors that hinder the growth of school librarianship in Botswana during the digital era, using the stakeholder theory as a lens for the investigation. Findings reveal a weakness in the social, political, and economic areas of leadership in national information policies which seem to be a remnant from the beginning of the digital age in Botswana and indeed in most African countries. Some of the recommendations point to using the stakeholder theory to tackle the hurdles in school librarianship leadership and policy in the information age.  相似文献   

香港图书馆事业发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
香港图书馆主要包括公共市政局和区域市政局管属的公共图书馆、高校图书馆及专业图书馆三大系统的图书馆。近二、三十年 ,香港的图书馆事业得到较大发展 ,但也存在发展不平衡、专业教育和科研基础薄弱等缺陷。要进一步发展香港图书馆事业 ,应当在完善发展计划、发展专业教育和研究 ,以及加强内外交流与合作等方面采取措施 ,多多努力。参考文献 9。  相似文献   

图书馆核心价值研究是当前图书馆学基础理论研究的重要课题。但高校图书馆作为图书馆最重要的组成部分,对其核心价值体系的研究甚少。针对我国当前高校图书馆的现状,从核心价值体系的内涵、基本功能、维度及结构模型入手,研究高校图书馆核心价值体系的基本内容,目的是更好地指导高校图书馆核心价值的构建与提升。  相似文献   

中国图书馆学会第七次全国会员代表大会闭幕词   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国图书馆学会第七次全国会员代表大会是一次具有里程碑意义的盛会。新一届理事会要以开放态度、务实精神去开拓我们的事业。要做到图书馆事业的和谐发展,一是要缩小东西及城乡差别,争取均衡发展;二是要发挥高校和科学系统图书馆的优势,缓解公共馆压力, 扩大事业影响;三是发挥专家学者作用,促进图书馆学和图书馆事业发展。为共谋发展,必须达成如下共识:学会理事,必须“理事”,学会领导必须向全体会员和图书馆同仁负责;要加强学会秘书处的建设,使学会工作运转灵活。  相似文献   

如梦亦如电:美国近代图书馆业如是观   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近代美国图书馆事业发轫于资源共享。全国依仗私人、政府、企业机关等的捐赠和资助,在不同的图书馆积累了亿万本图书与其他知识资源。通过优越的检索与传递系统,绝大部分的人民都能利用馆际互借,享用绝大部分的知识宝藏。资讯爆炸促进技术的发展,使资讯共享更为快捷方便而增加使用量。因此由于供求的循环冲击,并受到社会的公信,美国图书馆业将继续迈进。以后的专业高峰,不限于势在必行的“数字图书馆”,也应该是还没有受到充分注意而万分重要的“资讯启蒙”。在资源共享的范畴上,将趋向全球共享才可以满足个别图书馆的需求。参考文献2。  相似文献   

技术革新与系统自动化促进读者服务的变革与拓宽。作为世界上专业分类最全、拥有数量最多的哈佛大学图书馆,它的读者服务开展了一系列的拓展与创新,成为图书馆学研究的经典。未来的读者服务将与科技发展同步,它将成为图书馆在数字时代吸引读者、立于不败之地的力量源泉。  相似文献   

分析指出当今开放获取已获得广泛的民意支持,大学、科研机构等学术和管理部门纷纷出台开放获取政策,甚至将其作为国家发展战略;开放获取出版规模也迅速壮大,网络环境下传统商业学术出版面临挑战;开放获取顺应学术交流体系变革的需求,是不可逆转的发展方向。认为学术交流体系的巨变将会给大学图书馆带来革命性影响,大学图书馆应顺应历史潮流,将开放获取提升为事关未来发展的关键议题,在未来开拓全新的服务领域,深度参与校园学术活动,实现图书馆的战略性转变。  相似文献   

高校图书馆在开学季开展的迎新活动是对新生的首次服务,国内高校图书馆对此都做了一些有益的探索与尝试。通过对国内“211”高校图书馆开学季迎新主题活动进行分析,从打造开学季主题活动品牌、以新生为中心开展创意服务、利用新技术提供最佳用户体验、利用全媒体进行宣传和推广、建立与学生志愿者合作的迎新机制等5个方面提出高校图书馆拓展开学季主题活动的策略与建议。  相似文献   

我国“211”高校图书馆对OA资源的组织与揭示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对我国"211"高校图书馆组织揭示开放存取资源的现状做了调查分析,分析了其取得的成绩与存在的问题,并在此基础上探讨了我国高校图书馆对开放存取资源的建设策略.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(54):125-143
This article explores the future of reference librarianship within the context of the enabling technologies that will chart the course of develoment of libraries in the coming decades. It defines a typology of library types ranging from the traditional to the digital in order to explicate shifts in human/machine intermediation and issues of access to both primary and secondary information. It fiames developments in the emerging consultative, value-added model of service that will dominate the digital library in the context of the typology.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is to reflect on current and near future issues and trends concerning academic libraries. This includes an overview of the literature on embedded librarianship and a focus on the need for more participatory and collaborative approaches to library services.

The core argument is that academic libraries need to continue to adapt their roles and develop stronger relationships across the university in order to maintain and promote their relevancy to all stakeholders. Embedded roles in research and teaching, and an embedded existence through collaboration and outreach will strengthen the academic library's presence within its parent institution.  相似文献   

《图书馆服务宣言》专家笔谈   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
对于《图书馆服务宣言》的发布,来自公共图书馆、高校图书馆和图书馆学界的专家们一致认为,这是一件值得载入中国图书馆发展史册的大事。上海图书馆吴建中馆长指出,《宣言》的意义主要在于倡导执着的职业精神,弘扬自觉的服务意识,追求卓越的核心能力,致力于塑造图书馆员新的社会形象。首都师范大学图书馆胡越馆长结合高校图书馆实践对图书馆的价值、功能以及服务性质、服务理念进行了深入分析,同时指出在《宣言》的实践过程中,应当注意到高校图书馆不同于公共图书馆的特殊性。武汉大学信息管理学院的黄宗忠教授则认为,《宣言》中所倡导的图书馆服务理念、原则、方法和手段,是图书馆及图书馆员向社会作出的庄严承诺。  相似文献   

The literature of medical librarianship of Nigeria is reviewed. The staff structure of Nigerian univeristy libraries and, in particular, of the medical libraries attached to them is restrictive, unprogressive, and unconducive to the development of medical librarianship in Nigeria. These medical libraries should cease to be administered and regarded as just unavoidable appendages of the main university libraries. They should be independent, full-fledged libraries of their own, recognixed as full academic departments of their respective colleges or faculties, with their heads being in no way inferior in status to other heads of academic departments.The granting of faculty status to Nigerian unviersity librarians should go the whole way and let the principle of multiple professorships be applied to the staff structure of unviersity libraries. Efforts are being made to effect bibliographic organization of Nigerian medical literature. A national library of medicine for Nigeria, however, humble its beginning, should be established.  相似文献   

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