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A project to recatalog and reclassify the book collection of the Bowman Gray School of Medicine Library utilizing the Magnetic Tape/Selectric Typwriter system for simultaneous catalog card production and computer stored data acquisition marks the beginning of eventual computerization of all library operations. A keyboard optical display system will be added by late 1970. Major input operations requiring the creation of "hard copy" will continue via the MTST system. Updating, editing and retrieval operations as well as input without hard copy production will be done through the "on-line" keyboard optical display system. Once the library's first data bank, the book catalog, has been established the computer may be consulted directly for library holdings from any optical display terminal throughout the medical center. Three basic information retrieval operations may be carried out through "on-line" optical display terminals. Output options include the reproduction of part or all of a given document, or the generation of statistical data, which are derived from two Acquisition Code lines. The creation of a central bibliographic record of Bowman Gray Faculty publications patterned after the cataloging program is presently under way. The cataloging and computer storage of serial holdings records will begin after completion of the reclassification project. All acquisitions added to the collection since October 1967 are computer-stored and fully retrievable. Reclassification of older titles will be completed in early 1971.  相似文献   

A system for the substitution of a computer-printed book catalog for a card catalog was put to the test by making the former the sole means of locating material in the library, after four years of being used merely as an adjunct to the card catalog. It was found not suitable, and a new system is being devised in the light of the difficulties encountered. The reasons why the system broke down and the plans for the new one are described.  相似文献   

《上海图书馆藏宋本图录》是近些年来难得一见的带有版本学意义的“图录”,展现了版本研究的新路径与新探索,其学术价值不容忽视。同时,也是一部颇具标本价值的版本工具书,宋刻面貌大致赅备其中,故而此书触发管见而具备另外一重学术意义。  相似文献   

文章分析了当前图书采访查重和编目查重的现状及困境,探讨在采访自动批量查重的基础上,进一步开发系统功能,同时整合采访编目工作流程,以期利用计算机自动查重,并将查重结果运用于采访和编目两个环节,可在减轻采访编目人员工作压力的同时,保证工作质量和效率。  相似文献   

《山东大学图书馆古籍善本书目》是一部质量上乘的善本书目。它著录完备,使读者读提要如见书之全貌;编有多种索引,极便读者,且富有开创意义;考订精严,行文简明,具有较高的学术性和可读性。  相似文献   

A mental retardation facility staff library of 700 volumes required complete organization. Two restraining factors were lack of personnel and limited funds. A plan was developed to classify titles according to Library of Congress, with the subject heading catalog predominantly based on Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). A cataloging service was located which produced custom card sets and book labels from CATLINE and MARC computer databases. Where necessary, MARC records were edited to alter LC subject headings to MeSH terminology. Organization was accomplished at an average cost per title of less than $1.50.  相似文献   

中国古代私家藏书在中国传统文化的传播,尤其是目录版本校勘学的产生和发展过程中扮演着十分重要的角色:一方面,私人藏书家们悉心编目、写出题跋,深研版本流略,校雠精审,极大地推动了古典文献学的发展;另一方面,中国古典文献学的发展,又助推了私家藏书文化的繁荣。古代私家藏书之文献学价值可窥一斑。  相似文献   

计算机编目是图书馆实现自动化的基础,但计算机编目与传统的著录相比,难度更大。本文结合计算机编目工作实践,对计算机编目CNMARC格式中容易出现的问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

门庭 《晋图学刊》2009,(4):59-61
文章对中国古代图书编目的沿革作大略考察,探讨其发展源流,以期对新时代的图书编目工作具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

书次号应当统一——兼与李春利同志商榷   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
任书青 《图书情报工作》2001,45(2):90-91,47
从分类、检索、标准化数据库建设等方面反驳“书次号不必统一”的观点,阐述书次号应当统一的看法。  相似文献   

《新闻学》一书在1901年已经由译书汇编社完成汉译,但未获出版。从1903年商务印书馆所刊行的《新闻学》一书的广告、征引和著录等情况看,它在当时产生了不小的影响,这种影响主要来自它对记者势力略显夸张的描述。  相似文献   

The article describes a resource library's computer-based project that provides cataloging and other bibliographic services and promotes greater use of the book collection. A few studies are cited to show the significance of monographic literature in medical libraries. The educational role of the Medical Research Library of Brooklyn is discussed, both with regard to the parent institution and to smaller medical libraries in the same geographic area. Types of aid given to smaller libraries are enumerated. Information is given on methods for providing machine-produced catalog cards, current awareness notes, and bibliographic lists. Actualities and potentialities of the computer project are discussed.  相似文献   

从青海上孙家寨出土的西汉晚期军事律令文书木牍,可以推知西汉张良、韩信《兵法》和杨仆《兵录》在内容性质上都是军事律令的结集。作为结集而成的"一本书",《兵法》和《兵录》都附有目录,但它们并不是"目录著作"。其所附目录都是勒编成册的一书篇名目录(contents),而不是"莫之或先"的群书目录(bibliography),也不是"最早的兵书专科目录"。此外,《兵录》之"录"意为"依次记载",并不是"名图书目录为录"之所始。  相似文献   

After more than 30 years of failing to conduct a comprehensive inventory of the book collection at a large liberal arts library, our patrons complained that they could not find one in five books. A study of the problem indicated that in fact 20% of our books were either missing or misshelved. This article discusses the investigation of the problem and the impact after five years of conducting an annual inventory by using handheld devices to gather bar codes and interface these with our catalog records to find the missing and misshelved books. The missing book rate dropped from 5.6% to less than one half percent. The misshelved book rate dropped steadily every year from 11.6% to 3.1%. The number of books reported as missing by our patrons dropped 90%.  相似文献   

《出三藏记集》是一部版本目录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
僧祐《出三藏记集》著录了20多种佛经版本,考证了古书版本的源流,找出了同书异本中的善本,又鉴定了佛经的伪本。它不仅是现存最早的一部版本目录,也是现存最早的佛经目录,对后世产生了深远影响。参考文献10。  相似文献   

国外编目业务外包发展现状及启示   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
国外编目业务外包经历了手工编目和计算机编目两个发展时期。编目外包能够充分利用各种资源,是图书馆实现科学化、专业化管理的一种重要形式。积极参与编目业务外包是我国图书馆事业向前发展的一个有效途径。  相似文献   

基于Web的馆藏发展业务平台构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从有效控制馆藏采访质量、拓宽采访方式和渠道、降低文献采选工作随机性和无序性的角度出发,提出一种能够高度集成各个分散的出版发行书目信息,并提供新书评介、在线选书、集中订购、标准MARC书目数据下载等“一条龙”或“一站式” 的馆藏发展业务平台——AcqWeb,并对该平台的构建方案、实现技术与方法进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

洪夷周编撰的《洪氏读书录》是朝鲜时代私家书目的代表。在分类上,洪氏采用了中国传统目录书的四部分类法。对于书籍的选择,洪氏有一定的标准,归纳起来大概有15条。在择书的同时,洪氏尊崇宋学,鄙弃汉学的学术取向展露无遗。对于所著录书籍的版本,洪氏常常笼统地以今本、旧本来区别,只对少数书籍的版本、注本优劣作了评骘。  相似文献   

王宇  沈津 《图书馆杂志》2022,(1):106-113
民国三十三年,顾廷龙与潘景郑合编的《明代版本图录初编》面世,此书首次以图录之称,辑录明季善本书两百零三种,每书采正文书影一、两帧,并附版本信息,开创了一种版本目录学研究的新范式,并对后来的《中国版刻图录》和《清代版本图录》产生了一定的影响。编辑出版这部《图录》时,顾廷龙正应叶景葵、张元济之邀请,于上海参加合众图书馆的创建。特殊历史时期下的图书馆建设,古籍版本图录的整理模式,深入研究或可钩沉出版史料,启发当下。  相似文献   

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