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This article discusses the emergence of a European E-Learning Area (EELA) as a consequence of three factors that can be observed in the e-learning developments over the past decade. The first factor consists of the carving of a policy sector in e-learning via formal instruments such as the eLearning Programme, the Lifelong Learning Programme and an array of other e-learning policy stipulations embedded in larger policy instruments at European level (e.g. Framework Programme). The second factor is represented by the mainstreaming of e-learning activities, both through formal and informal measures across multiple domains. Finally, the proliferation and consolidation of interlinked networks of practice as incubators of e-learning innovation and sharing of expertise act as the third factor in the shaping of EELA. The conceptualisation of EELA is substantiated through an analysis of the European e-learning policy documentation and the findings of a questionnaire distributed to the coordinators of projects under the eLearning Programme. In light of the findings, theoretical and practical implications for EELA as a nascent policy domain are explored and offered as a basis for further debate on this theme.  相似文献   

欧洲资历框架(EQF)是一项联结欧洲各个国家资格体系,促使资格在欧洲不同国家和体系之间互认的共同参考框架和转换器.EQF经过十年多的发展与持续改进,在促进各国交流、建立终身学习型社会、加强各类教育与培训体系之间的联系以及推动劳动力市场发展等方面产生重要影响.同时,EQF在发展过程中也不可避免地面临着诸多挑战,如在质量保障、与其他框架协调、利益相关者参与、等级维度划分、发展更新、术语描述等方面,需要在问题反思的基础上进一步发展和完善,通过建立贯通全过程、连接全要素的质量保障体系,加强与各类教育及其资历框架间的兼容性,提高利益相关者参与程度,多角度、深层次规范框架横纵结构划分以夯实基础,及时发展更新各类要素以提高适应性,统一能力维度的核心要义,从而为发展终身学习型社会与增进国际理解与流动作出更大的贡献.  相似文献   

当今世界范围内教育合作不断深化,建立区域资历框架以推动区域内教育文化的合作与交流已成为未来教育发展的必然趋势之一。欧洲资历框架(EQF)作为区域资历框架的典范,被认为是发展最为成功的区域资历框架之一。全面理解EQF的内涵、意义及发展现状,深入分析其转化原则与经验,能够厘清区域框架发展的脉络。当前,“一带一路”区域资历框架在建设过程中还存在诸多问题,如理论基础不完善、教育体系之间对话不畅通、学习成果积累与转换系统不完备、质量保障体系不健全等,而欧洲资历框架可以为“一带一路”区域资历框架建设的外部支撑、框架内容、运行操作提供经验基础与启发借鉴,从而实现其进一步发展与完善。  相似文献   

欧洲政治认同的形成与其所处的社会历史条件密切相关.分析欧洲政治认同.必须考虑到其内在的社会历史等因素.由于政治、经济等社会条件,尤其是社会理性多元化的现实,使得正在构建中的欧洲政治认同难以成为欧洲整体社会的主体认同.  相似文献   

欧洲统一从客观到主观的历史演进及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从历史角度看,欧洲存在着一种统一的大趋势。这一历史趋势表现为从客观统一体到主观统一体的发展进程。当代的欧洲的一体化是以历史上形成的客观统一体为基础的。“欧洲统一”观念从理想到实践的过程也是这一观念从思想家到政治家延伸的过程。二战后欧洲一体化的发生与发展正是这种统一的历史趋势的现实证明。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on policy implementation in Higher Education (HE) analysed through the evolution and transformation of policy instruments related to government funding and evaluation. We investigate how steering and governance tools have been put into action, in order to analyse how original policy rationales and justifications have evolved and are affected by context and instrument characteristics. The research questions are: what do policy instruments reveal about the evolution of policy rationales and justifications? To what extent and why do they evolve in unpredictable ways? We look at two types of instruments, funding and evaluation that are tools widely diffused in European HE systems. We adopt a diachronic perspective spanning the last 15 years, and a comparative approach across eight European countries. Our findings show that the form and evolution of instruments are related to factors such as the existing mix of instruments and policy paradigm, of the features of the policy process and of the instruments themselves.  相似文献   

This article aims at raising awareness of the key role the EU already plays in matters of teacher policy. It takes stock of European teacher policy related documents and activities, such as relevant strategies, presidency priorities, Council Conclusions, Commission working documents, the activities of thematic working groups, of networks, of data gathering and research, and the available supports of the Lifelong Learning Programme and of the European Social Fund. Based on this, the article provides a clear picture of the labour market need-driven, pragmatic context of teacher policies and also the main shared European teacher policy concepts, such as teacher competence profiles, the continuum of professional development and the support of teacher educators. These fundamental concepts were shared, developed and fine tuned in the process of Member States peer learning, a crucial and highly effective method of cooperation, which is also presented in the article. The article concludes by identifying both sides of the two-way interaction process of Europeanisation taking place between Member States and the EU in teacher policy development.  相似文献   

This article is drawn from broader qualitative research on innovation in the field of professional adult training within the framework of European pilot projects such as the LEONARDO projects. This research aims at contributing to a general understanding of the phenomenon of innovation, in the context of European calls for projects, as an instrument of the European Vocational Education and Training (VET) Policy, which is supposed to transform the national training systems of EU member states according to the Lisbon Strategy. For this article, the author has chosen to present some of the results of the analysis of the European VET Policy and its transition to a lifelong learning policy. The first part of this article describes the conceptual framework and more especially three of the main concepts examined: public policy, social innovation and European space. The second part distinguishes three periods in the European VET policy’s history, identified through a genealogical examination from its first step within the European Coal and Steel Community to the present lifelong learning policy. The third part highlights the specificity of this supranational public policy model and the links between the European VET policy, the LEONARDO programme and the pilot projects. In conclusion, this article supports the idea of antagonistic logics in the evolution of this policy, on at least three levels: decision-making powers, conception of VET systems and conception of learning.  相似文献   


In this paper, I discuss the concepts “teaching” and “learning” and investigate the connections between them. Starting from the perspective on teaching and learning expressed in The European Qualifications Framework (EQF), I analyse three theses on the concept of teaching: the Dewey-thesis, the Standard-thesis and the Hirst-thesis, identifying problems in the established definitions. Following Hirst, I contend that teaching is an intention, hence a potential, having learning as its possible realization. That the learning is only possible is the papers main argument, since it explains how and why (the quality of) input is vitally important in educational settings. This idea is in direct opposition to the view in the EQF. In consequence, I argue that the connection between teaching and learning is teleological as opposed to mechanical. By way of contrast, I distinguish my understanding from Ryle-like analyses of teaching as task and learning as achievement, and argue that on a teleological understanding, teaching might be considered an achievement in its own right.  相似文献   

欧洲联盟是区域一体化高级阶段的一种崭新的组织。新的历史创造少不了对传统的继承,欧盟具有邦联、联邦等属性,但欧盟难于归入旧的模式。欧洲一体化的历史和现实表明,欧洲共同体一欧盟具有目标的模糊性、体制的兼容性、发展的渐进性和未来的不确定性。欧盟组织体箭上以邦联特征为主,但其外交与防务职能尚未达到邦联的水平。欧洲联邦的理想在可预见的将来难于实现,但它仍然是欧洲一体化的精神动力。  相似文献   

Easing access to higher education (HE) for those engaging in lifelong learning has been a common policy objective across the European Union since the late 1990s. To reach this goal, the transition between vocational and academic routes must be simplified, but European countries are at different developmental stages. This article maps the development in Denmark, Finland, Germany and England using a case study approach deploying data triangulation from a national and institutional perspective. It explores the extent/commonality of structural factors for easing access for students engaging in lifelong learning. The cases are at widely different stages, but the following factors were considered essential in all countries for opening universities: the establishment of transition paths from secondary education and working life into HE and links between HE, businesses and adult education from a national perspective and the recognition of all forms of learning, the flexibilization of study formats and the design of a curriculum that suits all from an institutional perspective.  相似文献   

The restructuring of European higher education (EHE) since the 1980s is a widely studied subject. However, this paper argues that previous studies have paid insufficient attention to the role of transnational policy-making groups in this complex and multilevel process. This argument is supported by focusing on how the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) has participated in this restructuring since the mid-1980s. This paper's focus is especially in two ERT documents that were published in the 1980s. The main finding is that the current restructuring of EHE reflects interests of the ERT that represents the emerging transnational capitalist class (TCC) at European level.  相似文献   

美国作为世界一大国,始终关注着欧洲一体化的进程,根据时事的发展,基于自身利益的考虑,美国从关注欧洲联合到积极介入支持,后滋生不满情绪,又从有条件的支持转向双方关系出现裂痕,美欧关系日趋复杂,若即若离。综观欧洲一体化的整个历史进程,美国作用不容忽视。  相似文献   

欧洲高等教育区域背景下的学分互换制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾玲玲 《高教论坛》2007,(2):166-168
伴随着欧洲经济一体化的进程,欧洲的高等教育也日益走向联合。在建设欧洲高等教育区域的框架内,为了方便学生的流动和国际课程的发展,欧洲学分互换制扮演着重要的角色。这篇文章主要从欧洲学分互换制的演变,欧洲学分互换制的主要特征,欧洲学分互换制所需要的主要文件,欧洲学分互换制的咨询顾问,获得欧洲学分互换制认可的权利和义务,大学在欧洲学分互换制中所承担的作用,欧洲学分互换制的发展近况,以及欧洲学分互换制对我国的启示这八个部分全面介绍了欧洲学分互换制的发展状况。  相似文献   


This article addresses how European policy initiatives in higher education, research and innovation are diffused in the European higher education research and education area. Based on an instrumental and an institutional perspective, specific expectations are developed as to how policy diffusion might unfold, and, through an in-depth analysis of the strategic plans of 19 higher education institutions in Latvia and Norway, the article identifies factors that potentially mediate European policies into the strategic agenda of universities and colleges. The findings show that European Union membership and policy area seems to matter for the attention given to European policy initiatives, while administrative capacity at institutional level have less or quite mixed effects. The article concludes that both instrumental and institutional perspectives are of value in explaining how European policy diffusion takes place.


Children's perceptions of other cultures are formed, at least in part, by the books they read; yet the potential of children's literature in the UK as a site for international cultural exchange is limited by a lack of translations and a historical resistance in Britain toward the languages of the European continent. The Year of European Languages is an opportune moment to explore the reflection of this uneasy linguistic relationship in children's texts and to compare selected instances of the role of European languages in British children's fiction from the mid-twentieth century to the present day.  相似文献   

The Convergence process in which European Union (EU) universities are at present involved supposes that these institutions not only have to re-structure their degree programmes, but also their teaching and learning methodologies. We study the impact of this EU process on Database teaching, comparing the practices of three different European universities and using the Convergence goals as criteria. In our discussion, we identify which aspects in each university are closer to the Convergence goals, and which are likely to help in achieving these goals.  相似文献   

国家民族主义和国际主义均有自身独特的结构和层次,看似矛盾,但均涉及到国际关系中的国家利益和国际地位。无论是以国家民族主义,还是以国际主义为视角来分析冷战时期的苏联与东欧关系,都很容易失之于片面。在冷战时期的苏联与东欧关系中,国家民族主义恒常存在并且起作用,表现为苏联的大国主义、大党主义和东欧的民族主义、实用主义。同时,国际主义因素像空气一样,似乎是看不见、摸不着的,但又是客观存在的,并且具有存在的合理性,也有可圈可点之处。两者并存竞争、复杂互动。只有把国家民族主义和国际主义结合起来综合分析,才能得出相对真实、可靠,从而比较正确的结论。  相似文献   

欧洲化研究兴起于20世纪90年代初,并已发展成为欧洲研究领域一个十分重要的学术议题.欧洲化研究的兴起有着深刻的历史与学术研究背景:欧洲一体化进程的快速发展、传统的一体化研究陷入困境以及欧洲一体化研究思路的转变构成了三个主要的影响因素.本文阐述了欧洲化研究的状况及其发展阶段,在详尽评述欧洲化不同界定的基础上,分析了欧洲化的基本含义,探讨了欧洲化与欧洲一体化之间的联系和区别.  相似文献   

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