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香港的大学学制,三年或四年,何者为优?这个热门争论的议题,其实可从多个不同的角度检视,包括大学教育的目的、香港的整体教育制度和当前的世界潮流等。从整体教育决定学制香港各大专院校现采用的三年制,其实是以英国的学制为蓝本。英国的大学和中学制采用五二三制,即五年中学、两年预科和三年大  相似文献   

一 概念 谈论文题之前,我们有必要明确两个概念:中间学校(Middle School)和课程表(Schedule)(英国Timetable的美国用词)。 尽人皆知,美国学校的教育结构(有如我们说的“学制”)灵活多样。二战后,在“6-3-3制”年限划分的基础上有一个变  相似文献   

林智中  杨光 《地理教育》2006,(1):F0002-F0002,F0003
香港的学制深受英国的影响,中小学阶段分为六年小、三年初中、两年高中及两年中六(亦称"预科").  相似文献   

余英时先生毕业于香港新亚书院,哈佛大学历史学博士。曾任教于哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、康奈尔大学、普林斯顿大学、香港新亚书院和香港中文大学,并担任过香港新亚书院校长和香港中文大学副校长,主攻中国历史,有中英文著作数十种。  相似文献   

曾小毅 《广东教育》2009,(7):127-128
今年初,我参加了区进修学校组织的“龙岗区骨干教师(香港)高级研修班”,深入到香港的学校,进行了为期一周的挂职学习。在学习期间.我们小组10人到了香港华人基督教联会真道书院.感受到香港教育与内地的差异。真道书院创办于2002年,是公益团体香港华人基督教联会兴办的第一所学校.学校英文名字很特别.为“HKCCCU LogosAcademy”。“Logos”一词源自希腊文.中文意译为“道”或“逻辑”。真道书院在全港独创了“3+5+3”的11年学制,是小学、中学、大学预科“一条龙”模式的新型学校。真道人说:“真道书院并非一般的传统学校。”的确,从办学理念到教学实践都是别具特色的。  相似文献   

现今,在英国的广大农村地区,有许许多多规模很小的学校,担负着向适龄儿童实施初等教育的重任,通常被简称为“小学校(Small School)”。本世纪70年代以来,英国农村初等小学校(Small Rural Primary School)日渐成为人们注意力的焦点。小学校到底小到什么程度?英国现有多少所这样的学校?它们有什么共同的特点?当今面临哪些问题?其前景又将如何?本文将探讨这些问题? 一、英国农村初等小学校简介 1、何为小学校? 在英国,对小学校的界说,向来存在多  相似文献   

宋宁宗嘉定元年(1208)到元成宗大德十一年(1307)是我国历史上新建或复建书院较多、较为集中的一个时期,而且是最能弘扬书院传统、彰显书院精神、体现书院性格气质的时期。宋末书院勃兴,多赖隐士之力,元初书院繁盛,则有遗民的一份功劳。大量的宋朝遗民栖身书院,他们或自创书院,或应人之请,在书院任教,甚至担任山长,但都刻意和元朝官府保持一定的距离,既不改遗民的操守,也捍卫了书院私学的属性,从而使得元初的书院在朝代更替的变局中,能够摆脱官府的牵制,独树一帜,不至于沦为国家学制系统中平庸的一员。  相似文献   

香港,历来是中国的领土,是19世纪的三个不平等条约使其沦为英国的殖民地。中华人民共和国成立后,中国政府多次阐述了对香港问题的基本立场:香港是中国的领土,中国不承认帝国主义列强强加的三个不平等条约。对于这一历史问题,应在适当时机通过谈判和平解决,未解决前则维持现状。这里,中国政府公开阐明的基本方针实际上早在新中国诞生前夕就作出了,即:“暂不收回,维持现状。”周恩来则根据中央的意图,更明确的指出:“不收回香港,维持其资本主义英国占领不变,是不能用狭隘的领土主权原则来衡量,来作决定的。”中共中央作出这样的决定,原因何在?本文试图就这一问题作一探讨,不妥之处敬祈指正.  相似文献   

中国近代教育制度既是外国教育浸润影响的产物,更是中国传统教育自身适应时势合乎逻辑的发展结果,是中西教育交融演变的产物.晚清书院在实现自身转型的同时,无疑也对近代学制的建立产生了直接而重要的影响.面对外来文化教育的强烈冲击,晚清书院开始进行自我调适与更新,其在办学体系、办学宗旨、课程内容、管理体制、图书资源等方面基本具备了向近代学校转型的主观内在条件.清政府的两次书院改制诏令更是直接促成了传统书院迅速向近代学校的转型,客观上推动了中国教育从传统向近代的转化进程.  相似文献   

曲婷是南京市外国语学校高中二年级学生。2005 年8月她被国际文化交流组织AFS选送到美国学习交流一年。AFS国际文化交流组织成立于1914年,总部设在美国纽约,是目前全世界历史最悠久、影响力最大的文化交流组织。曲婷经过学校推荐,在AFS中国学生冬令营选拔赛中荣幸入围,并被选送到美国,住在美国弗吉尼亚州Woodbridger的一个友好家庭里,就读于弗吉尼亚州Gar-Field High School。Gar-Field High School坐落在美国首都华盛顿郊区,是美国的一所著名中学,有 2000多名学生,但华裔学生只有两人,一名是香港移民,一名就是曲婷。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to analyse the nature of the School‐based Curriculum Project Scheme (SBCPS), which was introduced into the Hong Kong education system in 1988. The aims of the scheme were to promote school‐based curriculum development (SBCD) designed to meet the learning needs of pupils and to encourage teachers to solve curriculum problems. Overall, the article provides insights into the characteristics of the SBCPS which was introduced into a highly centralized context and was initiated through a highly centralized mechanism, and describes how it was implemented into Hong Kong schools. This underlines the need both to view curriculum policies critically and to recognize the impact that the prevailing culture in schools has on attempts at curriculum innovations.  相似文献   

For more than a decade, the Government of Hong Kong has instituted a policy of school decentralization aimed at devolving authority to all stakeholders, including the representatives of School Sponsoring Bodies, principals, teachers, parents, and community members. This study examines the relative contribution of two dimensions of school decentralization – teacher participation and school autonomy – to students' mathematics performance, and examines the role of school climate as a mediating variable between decentralization and performance. Data for the present study come from the second cycle of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA 2003), which is a large international assessment measuring 15-year-old students' literacy performance across over 40 countries and regions around the world. Using multi-level analysis, the study finds that teacher participation is more important than school autonomy for student mathematics performance in Hong Kong. In addition, the effect of teacher participation on students' performance is mediated by four major school climatic factors – sense of belonging, disciplinary climate, students' morale and student behaviour – in Hong Kong's secondary schools.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the planned introduction of visual literacy into the New Secondary School Curriculum can play a crucial role in enabling students to think critically and creatively in Hong Kong's highly visual landscape. As Hong Kong's educational system remains entrenched in long-established and conventional pedagogies, the primacy given to the written word is in sharp contrast with the pragmatic roles that visual images play in students' day-to-day life. Hong Kong is well-known for its extremely high level of Internet / broadband penetration and media saturation, yet visual literacy is still in a state of infancy in Hong Kong. Therefore, from a curricular standpoint, as Hong Kong society relies to a greater degree than ever before on visual communication strategies, it is vital that visual literacy be integrated as part of the new curriculum under the current educational reforms. As contemporary Hong Kong culture becomes increasingly dependent on the visual environment, developing visual literacy to enhance students' learning can be an important step in the future towards a more successful implementation and development of the New Secondary School Curriculum.  相似文献   

在我国大陆地区迄今缺乏心理健康学校社会工作的专门研究,但港台地区关于学校社会工作体系及其研究却包含着心理健康的部分内容,并且初步形成了各自的特色;通过对港台地区学校社会工作体系现状、趋势和特点的系统梳理与探讨,可以为大陆构建大中学生心理健康学校社会工作保障系统及其研究提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

教育改革是以一系列行动改变教育制度的"结构"、过程和行为习惯的过程.香港中文大学的成员利用教改的机会,在香港的学校内进行改进工作,让一系列学校改进计划成功地开展.本文试图总结大学与学校协作的经验,并分析大学成员如何面对学校教育庞大而牢固的"结构"而试图改变之.文章以"结构化"理论为探讨脉络,展现大学成员如何与政府和学校教师结为伙伴,让学校改进的协作模式得以更新.  相似文献   

Following the international trend in education towards democracy and decentralization, the Hong Kong government introduced a school-based management (SBM) system about two decades ago. It is widely recognized in the literature that decentralization, empowering school level management and marginalizing the influence of the intermediate level of governance, can result in better deployment of school resources and better meet the demands of various stakeholders. However, in the unique historical and cultural context of Hong Kong, the advantages of decentralization claimed in the literature have yet to be fully realized. This paper discusses the contextual factors affecting the implementation of SBM in Hong Kong, and examines their impact on four major stakeholders, namely the government, the principals, the teachers, and the parents in the wake of reform.  相似文献   

This study uses hierarchical linear modeling to examine the influence of a range of factors on the science performances of Hong Kong students in PISA 2006. Hong Kong has been consistently ranked highly in international science assessments, such as Programme for International Student Assessment and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study; therefore, an exploration of the factors that affect science performances of Hong Kong students can give a lens to examine how science education can be improved in Hong Kong and other countries. The analyses reveal that student backgrounds as male, at higher grade levels, and born in mainland (when in the same grade) are associated with better science performance. Among the attitudinal factors, enjoyment of science and self-efficacy in science play important roles in scientific achievements. Most of the parental factors, on the other hand, are not having significant impacts on achievement after student attitudes are taken into account, with only parents’ value of science having a small effect. School student intake is found to be a strong predictor of school average achievement, as well as a major mediator of the effects of school enrollment size and school socio-economic status. The findings differ from recently reported results, which suggested that school enrollment size was associated with achievement. This study also points out the problems of the use of science instruction time as a school-level variable to explain science achievement in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The previous study demonstrated that the Chinese version of the PSSM scale was applicable for use by Hong Kong students, and in this study, the scale was also found to be workable for the measurement of Shanghai students' psychological sense of school membership. The only difference found in the 18-item PSSM scale distributed to Shanghai and Hong Kong students was that in Shanghai, simplified Chinese characters were used. Four schools from Shanghai and Hong Kong were chosen to participate in this study. By comparing two hundred and twenty 6th grade students of Shanghai and Hong Kong, it was found that Shanghai students had a significantly higher sense of school belonging and lower feelings of rejection.  相似文献   

This paper reports a case study on Maneesha Rai, a Nepalese girl living in Hong Kong and an “out of school” student. Based on in-depth interviews, a case was constructed of her previous school days and current “out of school” days. These provided a vivid picture of her life and several themes were created using schema analysis that help explain the reasons for her “dropping out” of school after Form Five. It has been common to attribute school failure for ethnic minority students in Hong Kong to problems with Chinese language education. Yet Maneesha’s case study shows that her experience of failure in other subjects such as Mathematics and Science contributed to her lack of successful schooling. Maneesha’s school failure was more than simply a consequence of academic failure. Rather, there were many other interrelated factors such as peer and community factors, dropout history in the family, racism, differences in schooling culture found that contributed to her school failure. In addition, Maneesha, like many of her ethnic minority friends, enjoyed the freedom afforded her in Hong Kong, but it seemed such freedom also meant inadequate attention from her teachers.  相似文献   

“课堂学习研究”对香港教育的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
世界上不少地方正在进行教育及课程改革,然而不少教育研究的结果却告诉我们,绝少教育改革能真正对学生学习产生正面的影响;而能够产生明显作用的,都是那些直接涉及学习内容的改革。课堂学习研究就是针对学习内容为出发点,以变易学习理论为基础,运用行动研究的模式,聚合教师、教育研究员的集体智慧,解决学生的学习困难,帮助每个学生学得更好。经过六年的探索、实践及研究,香港已有超过100多所学校参与,并已开展了130多项课堂学习研究。在这过程中,课堂学习研究被发现不仅能帮助学生学得更好。更是一个成就教师发展、校本课程发展及学校改革的有效工具。本除阐述课堂学习研究在香港的发展外,更探讨其对教师发展、校本课程发展及学校改革的影响,以及其未来发展所要面对的挑战。  相似文献   

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