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英国从七十年代中期开始的以课程为核心的基础教育大讨论,经过十多年的反复酝酿、研讨,终于在1988年7月29日正式颁布了《1988年教育改革法》,以法律的形式规定了5—16岁基础教育阶段的课程、考试制度、管理体制等方面的重大决策。如果说1902年教育法推动了英国公立中等教育的发展,1944年教育法确立了由初等教育、中等教育、继续教育与高等教育组成的英国公立教育体系,那么《1988年教育改革法》将使英国基础教育在提高质量  相似文献   

90年代以来英国教育改革的新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1988年英国议会通过了著名的《1988年教育改革法》,该法被广泛认为是继《1944年教育法》之后战后英国教育史上第二部具有深远影响的教育立法,涉及英国教育的各个领域,为90年代英国教育改革奠定了方向。进入90年代之后,英国议会又相继颁布了1990年教育(学生贷款)法,1992年继续和高等教育法、1992年教育(学校)法和1993年教育(学校)法,这些立法可以说是1988年教育改革法的继续和发展。由于英国教育制度的立法权属于英国议会,上述法律的颁布和实施基本反映了90年代以来英国教育改革的实际进展。  相似文献   

早在“二战”以前,英国就出现了文法、技术和现代中学分化三轨制的基础教育体系雏形。国家对三类教育的补助在不断增加,青少年的受教育机会也在扩大。战后,是教育大发展的时期,大量涌人校园的水平各异的学生使得教育体制混乱不堪。英国政府因此在1944年颁布了教育改革法令——《巴特勒法案》,以法律形式规定了基础教育的“三位一体制”。其指导思想就是教育面向全体青少年,  相似文献   

英国的教育法主要有《1944年教育法》、《1988年教育改革法》、《1992年继续教育与高等教育法》以及《1993年教育法》等。英国的教育立法,使英国教育在许多方面经历了变革。这些立法,旨在提高教育水准,改善教育质量,确保经费的使用价值,使现有体制更具效率与效益。1.《1944年教育法》第二次世界大战期间,英国教育遭到严重破坏。为了恢复教育,英国政府发表了由教育委员会主席起草的《教育的改革》白皮书,陈  相似文献   

2010年英国大选,工党、保守党和自由民主党经过激烈的竞争,最终诞生了二战后首个由保守党与自由民主党共同组建的联合政府.英国联合政府自由、公平、责任的基础教育政策和教育改革计划反映了联合政府的教育主张,必将影响英国基础教育的未来发展,使英国基础教育向着"自由、公平、责任"的方向迈进.  相似文献   

1988年,英国公布了《1988年教育改革法》,它是《1944年教育法》公布以来最重要的教育法案,标志着英国教育制度的巨大变革.它扩大了中央政府的权力;赋予家长更大的选择权力,并要求家长承担更多的职责;要求地方教育当局下属的所有中、小学推行中央政府指导的国家课程和学生评定计划;削弱地方教育当局的作用,让学生享受更大的自治权,并建立享有更大权力的理事会;创立一种新型的、由教育科学部直接控制的公立学校;在继续教育和高等教育领域确立新的财政和行政管理模式.作者刚从英国伦敦大学归来,他在该文中着重介绍《1988年教育改革》公布以来英国教育改革的若干重大举措.  相似文献   

应对教师质量危机:世纪之初美国的经验及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国基础教育教师队伍的质量问题是近年来美国社会各方面关注的焦点.在世纪之初,为应对教师质量危机,提升教师队伍水平,美国采取了一系列改革举措,如提高教师待遇、确立教师专业标准、推进教师教育的评估认证工作等.美国的改革举措对我国基础教育教师队伍建设和教师教育改革具有重要的借鉴与参考价值.  相似文献   

加强教育督导是促进教育均衡发展的重要举措。为适应我国教育改革和发展的需要,遵照国家相关政策和法律,本研究构建了一个以教育公平为根本指导思想,以县级政府为评估对象,以基础教育在城乡、校际及群体间的均衡发展为内容的督导评估方案,以期促进我国县域教育的均衡发展。  相似文献   

"优质教育"是每个国家和地区对教育的基本要求和渴望。在世界范围内,越来越多的国家和地区都从其发展战略出发,高度关注基础教育质量,并将建立完备的基础教育质量监测体系作为提高教育质量的重要举措。2015年,《上海市教育综合改革方案》(2014~2020年)公布,其中把健全基础教育质量综合评价机制、实施学生过重课业的综合减负作为促进基础教育优质均衡发展的重要举措。为积极响应上海市基础教育  相似文献   

《教学的重要性:学校白皮书2010》 的颁布标志着英国力争创建世界一流的学校教育体系的教育发展愿景进入实质性改革阶段.白皮书指出:英国将从促进教师专业发展、提高校长领导素质、推进课程评估改革、创建新型学校制度和加大学校经费投入等几个方面来着手推进基础教育阶段学校教育体系的全面改革.这些举措为我国当前基础教育改革与发展提供了有益启示.  相似文献   

The Bill to open up the inspection of schools to competition from commercial agencies received the Royal Assent on March 15, shortly before the dissolution of Parliament. The Education (Schools) Act 1992 reduces the role of Her Majesty's Inspectorate (HMI) and local education authorities in the inspection of schools. It also provides for the publication of information about the quality of education provided by schools which is expected to include pupils' results in the General Certificate of Secondary Education and National Curriculum assessments at key stages.  相似文献   

The Education Reform Act (ERA) 1988 represents the most significant piece of legislation to have entered the education system in postwar Britain. Although all its “effects” have yet to materialize, this paper argues that aspects of ERA legislation will have a very damaging impact upon both the level and quality of PE provision in some state schools. The tone of this paper is necessarily speculative; but the analysis, based on the authors' ongoing research in primary and secondary schools, will suggest that ERA may exacerbate social and educational divisions within the education system and make it very difficult for some teachers to provide a quality “PE for all.”  相似文献   

台湾地区现行学制内的戏剧教学是依《艺术教育法》(1997),在《国民教育阶段九年一贯课程总纲纲要》(1998)、《国民教育阶段九年一贯课程纲要》(2003)中,正式纳入于国民教育“艺术与人文”学习领域之内;高级中学(含高职)则设于《普通高级中学艺术生活科课程纲要》(2008)“艺术生活”科内的“表演艺术”类课程中。这些法令确立了戏剧课程为新增的一门通识艺术教育。依表演艺术教学的法令规章与学理内涵的探讨可知,这种表演艺术的核心是在“表演学”(Acting)的学习。其教学以创作性戏剧、教育戏剧、教育剧场、儿童剧场、青少年剧场等方式实施,以避免表演艺术成为专业职业的训练导向之教学。在实施方面,建议对学校排课、师资、辅导员职责与奖励制度、课程系统化以及培养表演艺术高级人方面做考虑。  相似文献   

The paper examines the impact of the plethora of innovations associated with the 1988 Education Reform Act (ERA) on the management of whole-school change in the primary school. Based upon qualitative data from a national sample of 50 schools in England and Wales, it documents the growing tensions between collegial and top-down managerial approaches. These are evidenced in the changing nature of working collaboratively in primary schools, in the creation of new management structures, in the me of school development plans and in the growth of quality assurance mechanisms, particularly in relation to preparation for Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) inspections. There are conflicting interpretations of terms such as ‘collegiality’, ‘collaboration’, ‘teamwork’ and ‘whole-school approaches’ and there have been subtle shifts in their meaning and in their realisation in practice in the pre-and post-ERA context.  相似文献   


Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), one of the key evidence-based strategies in our programmatic toolbox to address adolescent pregnancy and birth rates, remains a politically-charged issue countrywide. Though there is some funding available at the federal level, there are no national policies mandating the provision of sex education; as such, most decision-making occurs at the state or even the local level. Consequently, the provision of sex education and the quality and comprehensiveness of curricula used to do so are highly variable across the country, and are heavily influenced by the level of support or resistance in communities. This paper analyzes the experience of institutionalizing an evidence-based sex education in a large suburban school district in San Antonio, Texas, a socially conservative context. Understanding the politics of sex education is key to developing effective policies and strategies to ensure quality sex education programs are provided in public schools. However, there are no published papers documenting specific experiences with resistance to sex education in local communities in the USA. Given this, the strategies employed by opponents and the response by district officials can be informative for other school settings in the USA and around the world.

Abbreviations: AFLA: Adolescent Family Life Act; CHAMPSS: Choosing And Maintaining effective Programs for Sex education in Schools Model; CSE: Comprehensive sexuality education; DTL/RTL: Draw the Line/Respect the Line; HSAE: Human Sexuality and Abstinence Education, the middle school sex education curriculum in NEISD prior to 2008; NEISD: North East Independent School District; SAFA: San Antonio Family Association; SHAC: School health advisory council; STI: Sexually transmitted infection; TEC: Texas Education Code; TPIA: Texas Public Information Act; USA: United States of America; UTHSC: University of Texas Health Science Center  相似文献   

Since its inception in 1992 Ofsted (The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills) has inspected schools under Section 9 of the Education (Schools) Act 1992; Section 10 of the School Inspections Act 1996; and Section 5 of the Education Act 2005. Pressure on England to improve its system of education has not only emerged from the national need for all schools to serve their pupils well, but has also been prompted by an increasing emphasis on international league tables such as that produced by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development). In tables such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), England is viewed as underperforming against comparable countries. As a result, Ofsted has introduced what the agency terms to be one of the most stringent and demanding inspection frameworks since its inception. This framework reduces the previous 29 inspection judgements to just four, purportedly placing a far greater emphasis on the professional judgement of the inspector and representing a major departure from the ‘tick box’ approach which characterised previous frameworks. This paper examines the paradoxical fate of inspector professional judgement and concludes that whilst this may appear to signal a rapprochement between inspectors and teaching profession, there are considerable tensions when professional judgement is considered alongside quality control within a highly complex system. The study concludes that in order that inspection attains credibility as a method by which to govern education, this shift requires a more considered approach to ways in which this professional judgement can be effective within the challenging environment of the English education system.  相似文献   

The 1999 National Education Act emphasizes the importance of quality assurance and national education standards. The main principle of educational provision of high standard lies in recognition of the importance of assessment for enhancing educational quality and raising the standard. Such recognition has led to establishment in Thailand of the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA). The office is an independent body set up to develop the criteria, methods for external assessment and assessment of educational institutions at each level of education as stipulated in the national education law. The ONESQA became operational in November 2000 and it must appraise every school at least once every 5-year cycle. In this paper, the unique and the roles of the ONESQA will be described. The achievement of the ONESQA concerning the first round assessment of 35,134 schools at the basic education level will be reported and recommendations for quality improvements and lessons learned for the second round assessment will be explored.  相似文献   

Three decades have passed since the historic enactment of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). The most recent reauthorization of the ESEA, the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994 (IASA), reaffirms the federal commitment to focusing on equity of and access to quality education for disadvantaged students. As in 1965, Title I remains the cornerstone of the reauthorized ESEA, providing assistance to those children who need it the most. However, it adopts different strategies for meeting those needs. The new Title I signals a fundamental change in the direction of the program. The focus has shifted from an emphasis on isolated remedial add-on services to a concentration on leveraging overall improvement in the highest-poverty schools through comprehensive schoolwide improvement in teaching and learning. The goal of this improvement is to enable educationally disadvantaged children to meet the same high academic standards expected of all children. For this reason, the new Title I is designed to work with other IASA programs and reinforce overall reform efforts in schools, districts, and states.  相似文献   

本文通过对美国《2006年卡尔·珀金斯生涯和技术教育改进法》、白宫于2004年发布的《新一轮美国创新》和布什总统在2006年2月签署的《美国竞争力计划》等美国政府文献的分析,阐述了当前美国职业技术教育的关注热点.尤为明显的变化是:2006年的《生涯和技术教育法》就是用"生涯和技术教育"取代"职业和技术教育",从而将原先局限于学校教育阶段的职业和技术教育延伸到毕业的工作阶段,以及尤其通过设立"帐户"的方式扩大对在职工人培训的投入.  相似文献   

采用文献资料调查、问卷调查等研究方法,对商洛市基层中学体育教学的基础设施、体育教师的基本情况、教学文件现状以及有关方面进行调查、分析.针对问题提出建立保障体系,加强体育文化、观念的形成,依靠经济的发展来带动体育的发展等建议.  相似文献   

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