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平常在使用Google的产品时,我们接触到最多的是Google搜索引擎,其实Google除了搜索引擎服务之外,还提供有其他领域很多实用的网络服务,本文就常用的一些Google衍生网络服务作简单介绍.  相似文献   

GOOGLE搜索引擎的关键词检索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1998年9月斯坦福大学两位博士生LarryPage与SergeyBrin设计了Google(www.google.com)搜索引擎,1999年GoogleInc.创立。迄今,Google已经获得30多项业界大奖。Google的成功得益于其强大的功能和独到的特点,目前,各大引擎竞相模仿Google的功能和特色,如网页快照,偏好设置等。Google成为众多搜索引擎的领头羊。Google非中国本土公司,但它支持中文搜索,其中文搜索引擎是收集亚洲网站最多的搜索引擎之一,国内使用其独立搜索引擎的人数正迅猛增长。1.关键词的选择Google的关键词检索,所使用的关键词可以是字、单…  相似文献   

RealNetworks开放中文官方网站;Google宣布结盟软件商Intuit;Google增功能可搜300年前旧报;微软将推出新的搜索引擎;日本欲开发下一代搜索引擎挑战Google霸权[编者按]  相似文献   

新一代搜索引擎Google   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对Google搜索引擎的检索功能进行了评价,并对其查询结果如何阅览以图表的方式进行了介绍,对Yahoo、Google等搜索引擎的搜索方法进行了概述,同时展望了下一代搜索引擎.  相似文献   

新一代搜索引擎Coogle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文Google搜索引擎的检索功能进行了评价,并对其查询结果如何阅览以图表的方式进行了介绍,对Yahoo、Google等搜索引擎的搜索方法进行了概述,同时展望了下一代搜索引擎。  相似文献   

从PageRank的技术优势看Google的软件文化理念   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张谦 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(3):89-91
通过研究全球最大的搜索引擎Google的PageRank技术工作原理以及Google的功能特点,论述了Google获得成功的关键是以网民为市场主体的人本主义文化理念运作模式的观点,并通过分析Google面临的问题和危机,描述了搜索引擎技术市场的潜在走势。  相似文献   

陈阳 《电子出版》2003,(7):60-62
Google(www.google.com)是目前世界上最优秀的搜索引擎之一。这个由两位斯坦福大学的博士生1998年研发的搜索引擎,凭借其简捷、迅速而又准确的检索功能,在推出后不久便获得了数以亿计的互联网用户的认同。“Google”一词来源于英文单词“googol”,它指代1后边带有100个零的数字,显示了Google“征服网上无穷无尽资料的雄心”。如今,Google已经是全球访问量第四的网站,它的数据库中收录了10亿多个网址和30多亿的网页,每天为用户提供高达两亿次的信息查询服务。Google目前已将其技术许可证颁发给了30多个国家和地区的120多家公司,我们所熟知的美国在线、雅虎、网景等著名网站,采用的都是Google提供的搜索引擎技术。 自2002年9月Google开始支持简、繁体中文时起,中文Google在中国内地的人气便急剧攀升,用户数量迅速增长。雅虎中文、网易等国内门户网站也纷纷采用Google的搜索引擎技术。Google搜索引擎主要  相似文献   

Google 在中文信息检索中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
搜索引擎Google享有世界最佳搜索引擎之称,其中信息搜索服务也越来越受到中用户的欢迎和重视,本介绍Google在中信息检索中的一些运用技巧。  相似文献   

目前我国"211"高校图书馆比较注重对Google Scholar搜索引擎的应用,有58所高校图书馆以各种形式提供了Google Scholar的相关链接,但在实际应用中还存在不足,应加大宣传力度,结合Google Scholar搜索引擎的特点,为用户提供针对性的服务。  相似文献   

Google族,图书馆的无情冲击?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Google类搜索引擎的迅速发展使图书馆面临边缘化威胁,以Google族为代表的搜索引擎用户势力大增给图书馆带来一系列冲击。面对挑战,图书馆人应以良好的心态、清醒的认识、有效的措施应对。  相似文献   

CiteSeerX的兴起与开放获取、电子科研和引文标引系统有着直接的关系。文章通过分析CiteSeerX的搜索原理和重要功能,与同为学术搜索引擎的GoogleScholar进行对比,明确其优势所在,指出它的不足,给出相关改进建议。  相似文献   

Google is the search engine of choice for most Internet users. For a variety of reasons, librarians and other expert searchers do not always use Google to its full potential, even though it provides capabilities not possible in traditional bibliographic databases and other search engines. Applying expert searching principles and practices, such as the use of advanced search operators, information retrieval strategies, and search hedges to Google will allow health sciences librarians to find quality information on the Internet more efficiently and effectively.  相似文献   

As studies show, undergraduates needing information frequently begin their research in a search engine such as Google rather than a library online catalog. To test the efficacy of that research approach, a local usability study of fifty topics in ten disciplines of study was performed. In a comparison of WorldCat.org and Google Books to the library catalog, it was found that more than double the number of hits to library-held material was found by searching WorldCat.org than the library online catalog alone. It was also learned that twice as many hits to articles and material within a thirty-mile radius were found in WorldCat.org and Google Books as compared to searching the online catalog alone. These results suggest the need to improve the native interface of catalogs and for continued placement of resources outside the library catalog.  相似文献   

Expert Googling     

Google is the search engine of choice for most Internet users. For a variety of reasons, librarians and other expert searchers do not always use Google to its full potential, even though it provides capabilities not possible in traditional bibliographic databases and other search engines. Applying expert searching principles and practices, such as the use of advanced search operators, information retrieval strategies, and search hedges to Google will allow health sciences librarians to find quality information on the Internet more efficiently and effectively.  相似文献   

第一代搜索引擎注重网站自身的特征分析,第二代搜索引擎注重网站间的链接关系分析,都缺乏对终端用户使用互联网情况的分析。Google通过Toolbar产品,实现用户使用互联网情况的统计分析,标志其进入新一代搜索引擎的行列。  相似文献   

When searching for health information, results quality can be judged against available scientific evidence: Do search engines return advice consistent with evidence based medicine? We compared the performance of domain-specific health and depression search engines against a general-purpose engine (Google) on both relevance of results and quality of advice. Over 101 queries, to which the term ‘depression’ was added if not already present, Google returned more relevant results than those of the domain-specific engines. However, over the 50 treatment-related queries, Google returned 70 pages recommending for or against a well studied treatment, of which 19 strongly disagreed with the scientific evidence. A domain-specific index of 4 sites selected by domain experts was only wrong in 5 of 50 recommendations. Analysis suggests a tension between relevance and quality. Indexing more pages can give a greater number of relevant results, but selective inclusion can give better quality.  相似文献   

Google scholar搜索引擎特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了Google scholar的资料来源、检索策略、检索结果显示等特征,并主要从引文数据库角度评价其检索优劣势,谈其发展前景.  相似文献   

基于搜索引擎的数字图书馆智能信息检索   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
智能信息检索的实质和发展方向,是智能搜索引擎技术的不断改进和广泛应用。以智能搜索引擎为中心构建数字图书馆的个性化服务系统,是数字图书馆信息检索的现实需要和大势所趋。文章论述了当前搜索引擎存在的不足及智能搜索引擎的优越性,概述了智能信息检索及其主要解决方案,探讨了智能搜索引擎在数字图书馆个性化服务中的应用。  相似文献   


This article examined the search functions for all individual EAD Web sites listed on the Library of Congress Web site in 2003. In particular, the type of search engine, search modes, options for searching, search results display, search feedback, and other features of the search systems were studied. The data analysis suggests that there have been some improvements for EAD finding aids within Web sites, but also that problems persist. In addition, the functionality of search systems on Web sites varied considerably and the advantages of EAD finding aids for hierarchical searching have not been fully realized. The article also offers observations about cooperative EAD projects, the issue of search queries, and the relationship between Google and EAD Web sites.  相似文献   

提出基于认知风格模型的检索界面设计原则,以搜索引擎Google作为实验对象,基于认知风格理论,从界面整体风格、主目录和子目录排列方式、命中网站的排序方式、检索结果的表示方式及相关目录显示5个方面分析Google检索界面并提出相应的优化策略。  相似文献   

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