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30年代 ,美国的自然科学和社会科学界普遍掀起了一股关注种族问题 ,从自己的职业角度参与为黑人争取平等权利的斗争的热潮。在此期间 ,美国的知识界取得了一大批重要研究成果 ,从人类学、社会心理学等不同侧面证明了种族优越论的荒谬 ,教育了美国公众。美国的社会科学界也开始了大规模的对种族主义的挞伐。美国知识界在此时期发生的这些变化为黑人民权斗争的正义性提供了最好的注脚。  相似文献   

黑人基督教在理论上把基督教的博爱精神与非洲传统社会的平等理想结合起来,宣扬种族平等的价值观,成为团结南非人反种族主义斗争的思想理论武器。在实践上,黑人宗教领袖、宗教组织直接参与,甚至领导了反种族主义斗争,使政治斗争和宗教运动密切结合,为推翻罪恶的种族制度作出了杰出的贡献。  相似文献   

种族特征作为一种生物学事实和群体性的身体标记,在远古的历史时代便导致排外心理和种族-文化交叠的种族中心论。从19世纪至20世纪上半叶,凭借体质人类学、人类遗传学和优生学的应用与滥用,种族主义成为一种系统的理论体系和行为方式。最近半个多世纪以来,经由文化多样性价值的确立和文化相对主义的广泛传播,则衍生了文化种族主义。尽管个体在其生命时间内无法摆脱种族的属性,但我们从种族特征和种族意识的考察中所获得的教益是,从属于"人类"的"我"的独特性比种族身份更重要、也更真实。  相似文献   

安吉罗在《我知道笼中鸟为何歌唱》中,通过一系列黑人被歧视的剪影浓缩和反映了黑人在不同阶段里对种族压迫的种种抵抗。通过深入分析主人公玛雅的成长经历,读者可以清晰地看到玛雅种族意识的觉醒,同时也揭示了白人种族主义的罪恶以及黑人民族为了实现种族平等所做的不懈斗争。  相似文献   

黑人基督教在理论上把基督教的博爱精神与非洲传统社会的平等理想结合起来,宣扬种族平等的价值观,成为团结南非人反种簇主义斗争的理想理论武器,在实践上,黑人宗教领袖,宗教组织直接参与,甚至领导了反种族主义斗争,使政治斗争和宗教运动密切结合,为推翻罪恶的种族制度作出了杰出的贡献。  相似文献   

本研究主要运用著名的理论家保尔·吉尔罗伊的文化政治理论,在后殖民背景下从反种族主义视角解读《小岛》。从四位主人公的个人经历,管窥和分析黑人族群与白人群体之间的复杂关系。文章着重从种族主义、反种族主义斗争、种族融合趋向三个方面来分析小说的"反种族主义"主题,从而得出——英国,它已不再是专属于白人的社会,在当今多元文化社会背景下,它应该是不同民族在平等的基础上和谐共存、平等交流和对话的场所,是各民族共同构建的多元文化的社会。  相似文献   

"去种族化"是民权运动后美国新一代黑人政治家在种族问题上所采取的一种新政治策略,是20世纪末美国黑人政治对保守主义兴起所作的调整和反应。对于美国种族政治来说,奥巴马近八年的总统任期说明了它作为一种施政策略所带来的负面意义,因为他作为美国历史上第一位黑人总统更多地只是具有特殊的象征意义,"去种族化"只能使种族问题在美国政治中更加被边缘化,黑白种族间持续的不平等状况将更加被美国社会所忽略,这一策略的有效性也可能因为失去黑人选民的信赖而发生变化。2016年大选的结果似乎预示着种族问题最终要在美国政治中彻底消除,使美国真正迈入"色盲"的"后种族主义"社会时代,美国还有一段不平凡的路要走。  相似文献   

美国著名非裔作家科尔森·怀特黑德继承并发扬了现代美国非裔文学的奴隶叙事和种族叙事传统,依据史实,以虚构的方式,在小说《尼科尔少年教养院》中描写了两个黑人少年20世纪60年代在少年教养院地狱般的悲惨经历,折射了几代黑人的集体经历和创伤性记忆。本文运用文化批评理论,借鉴解构主义思想和策略,深刻分析“教养院”式的机构化权力运行方式的虚伪性及其种族主义本质和暴力本质,揭示教养院在合法机构名义下所掩盖的对黑人实施种族暴力的种族主义本性,认为作品书写的种族主义主题具有强烈的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文通过分析美国著名黑人学者杜波依斯的短篇小说《约翰的归来》,指出无论是黑人还是白人都在种族歧视阴影下发生异化,从而展示美国种族主义的危害。  相似文献   

1863年林肯发布了《解放黑人奴隶宣言》,从此奴隶获得了自由.然而林肯后来提出的南方重建计划非常保守,没有给黑人以选举权,也没实现“耕者有其田”,这在很大程度上是因为南方重建计划深受其种族主义思想的影响。虽然黑人获得了自由,但自由得不到保障,所谓的解放也只是名义上的解放。自由之后的黑人没有一块土地,没有参加选举、集会和受教育的权利。套在他们身上的有形枷锁被打碎了,但无形的枷锁----种族偏见依然存在,战后广大黑人群众为了消除这种歧视仍在进行不懈的斗争。  相似文献   

As an unintended consequence of the Civil Rights Movement and the integrationist vocabulary that it engendered, otherwise progressive thinkers have been unable to describe the adverse impact of actions, attitudes and policies that are not necessarily intended as racist, but function that way nonetheless. Because racism has come to be popularly understood as the product of individual irrationality—aberrant behavior that society abhors—supposedly race neutral actions, attitudes and policies that systematically and predictably benefit whites and adversely impact people of color escape effective critique. This has created a problem on college campuses, where many black students continue to feel alienated and mistreated because of their race. This article argues that issues of race and racism remain important considerations in the lives of black students on predominantly white campuses.  相似文献   

The rapidly changing landscape of 21st-century education has sparked intense conversations around the need for a more racially and ethnically diverse PK–12 teacher population. Drawing from critical race theory and racial formation, I describe findings from a qualitative case study that examined how a group of black millennial preservice teachers understand race and racism. Findings from the study illuminate that race and racism continue to hold relevance for the participants, even as they recognized generational differences in how these issues operate in past and present social relations. Additionally, as the participants express both sophisticated and simplistic understandings about racism, social media and university spaces allow students to expand their knowledge about race and racism.  相似文献   

Derrick Bell's thesis, that racism is a permanent feature of society, is frequently misrepresented by detractors as signaling a view of racism as monolithic—bold, obvious, and unchanging. This paper argues that critical race theory reveals a very different understanding of racism as relentless, yet fluid, and quick to morph depending on current circumstances. In this way, CRT offers a new perspective on the view that the more things change, the more they stay the same, the central theme for this issue of the Peabody Journal of Education. This paper focuses on two key issues where the last quarter century has seen considerable superficial change that appears progressive but masks a deeper reality of continued racial injustice: first, the changing contours of the black/white achievement gap in England, and, second, the continuing fascination on both sides of the Atlantic with notions of genetics and intelligence.  相似文献   

Starting from the contemporary critical-theoretical notion of an objective violence that organizes social reality in capitalism, including processes of systemic racism, as well as from phenomenological inquiries into processes of race and identity, this article explores the relationship between racism and reasonableness in education and society. The category of the reasonable connects the content of particular propositions with the inner truth of the form of thought. At the same time, the reasonable refers to what can be legitimated not only intellectually but practically and morally. I describe how the force of this category, working through neoliberal modalities of appropriation and penality, is an anchor for persistent processes of racial oppression in educational policy and curriculum. Furthermore, if the reasonable is a central figure for ideology, then a kind of thinking that would break with it will show up in the first instance as unreasonable. Thus, I argue that critical pedagogy in the present needs to start from a different and “unreasonable” reason. In addition, taking its cue from interventions by radical educators and students, critical teaching needs to challenge the dominative decorum that forces dialogue on race and racism into the narrow spaces—both material and discursive—of the given.  相似文献   

Apartheid has negatively affected the lives of all South African children but its effects have been particularly devastating for black children. The consequences of poverty, racism and violence have resulted in psychological disorders, and a generation of maladjusted children may be the result. This article describes the trauma associated with growing up in a divided society and the childshock caused by political unrest and a society in the throes of major social transition. Although the present mental health system is grossly inadequate, hopefully the dismantling of apartheid, social reconstruction and innovative counseling approaches will in time promote the psychological well-being of all South Africa's children.  相似文献   

I theorize how the common sense of racialized violence, manifest in public discourse, is engendered by the rhetorical process of racial sedimentation. This meaning-making process fashions a seemingly legitimate text from a reservoir of historically deposited fragments that congeal in response to racial crises as a means of explaining away the threat to the racial status quo and burying critical counterdiscourses. I demonstrate this sedimentation process by analyzing both the dominant and vernacular discourses that emerged in response to eight black churches that were burned in a ten-day period following the June 2015 AME church massacre. I also consider how these vernacular rhetorics mobilize fugitive fragments from what Karma Chávez calls the “undercommonsense” to form a survival discourse and what possibilities those radical (from Latin radix, “root”) meaning-making practices may hold. This essay advances communication studies scholarship by connecting discursive approaches to race and racism with rhetorical scholarship on fragmentation, ideology, and public memory. It offers a vocabulary for confronting civil society’s material rhetorics that mask the material realities of racism and racial oppression, and calls for rhetoricians to take seriously the common-sense racism that perpetuates these dynamics and how it might be revised or contested.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a postmodernism and cultural studies influenced collorary to Cynthia Dillard's notion of "an endarkened feminist epistemology." The paper illustrates that Dillard has developed the notion principally as enabling of a project of recueillement : the articulation of a black feminist epistemology and research paradigm. What remains unaddressed in this project (albeit understandably), is the question of what difference difference makes within an endarkened epistemology. Illustrating that difference always compounds and complicates matters, the paper proceeds to draw on postmodernist and cultural studies theory to work with the ways in which race, gender, and sexual orientation interplay to produce an articulation that does not displace the notion of an endarkened feminist epistemology but rather runs parallel and acts as a corollary in the same dual project of contributing to both the "uriously belated" examination of race and racism in educational research in general, and the development of a black feminist epistemology and research paradigm in particular.  相似文献   

Our nation is suffused in questions of race and racism. Despite much scholarly and public discussion we struggle to undo long-held assumptions about race and how it functions. This article looks at race from the perspective of a public commodity that the society “funds” in order to make it seem real and intractable. Throughout the article there are multiple examples of the everyday, commonsense things people in this society do to fund the concept and give it meaning from our children's earliest days. The challenge in a society that so “fully funds” race is it seems near impossible to “defund” the concept in teacher education to allow new teachers to approach the classroom as a space where race is not determinant and highly predictive of student achievement.  相似文献   

非裔美国黑人的黑人特征:简评《看不见的人》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于种族歧视在20世纪上半叶的美国并未消失,为了生存和生活,非裔美国黑人主要采取了三种方式:奴性顺从、戴假面具和倡导分离。白人社会的高压扭曲了非裔美国黑人的人格、促成了他们独特的黑人特征。黑人、白人同是美国人,把黑人长期排斥在美国主流社会之外的种族歧视行为是反美国文明的,由此所引起的黑人民族主义敲响了美国社会的警钟:如果种族关系不改善,种族问题会导致种族之间的暴力冲突,危及美国社会的和谐发展。拉尔夫.艾里森所揭示的黑人危机对已进入21世纪的美国仍有警示作用。  相似文献   

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