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基于文献调查与内容分析,解析由图书馆专门法、图书馆相关法、图书馆行业标准与规范3部分组成的英国图书馆法律制度体系及其作用。其中,图书馆专门法包括全国性和地区性的图书馆法,如《公共图书馆和博物馆法》、《大英图书馆法》、《苏格兰公共图书馆法》等,它们在规范与指导英国图书馆事业发展中起到了关键作用;图书馆相关法如《版权、设计和专利法》、《版权和相关权利条例》、《信息自由法》等,对英国图书馆事业的发展起到支撑作用;图书馆行业标准与规范如《威尔士公共图书馆标准》、《图书馆与信息专业人员职业行为规范》等,是英国图书馆界不可或缺的行为准则。  相似文献   

英国图书馆馆长协会于2013年初提出英国公共图书馆四项基本服务,即健康、阅读、信息和数字化。对英国公共图书馆基本服务的思考有利于我国公共图书馆改进自己的服务方式和提升服务水平。  相似文献   

英国的图书馆职业资格体系及其启示   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
陈风华 《图书馆杂志》2002,21(9):68-69,75
文章通过介绍英国图书馆与信息服务行业的职业资格制度,提出实施职业资格制度是解决现阶段我国公共图书馆事业主要矛盾的有效途径,英国的图书馆与信息服务行业职业资格可以为我所借鉴、改造和利用。  相似文献   

英国公共图书馆的管理、服务与发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章首先简介了英国近年来公共图书馆发展的概况,其次从宏观和微观两个角度论述英困公共图书馆的管理和服务.作者从法律保障、管理机构、经费支持和政策引导四个方面论述了英国公共图书馆管理的体制,并重点从服务内容、品牌意识、信息与通讯技术的应用等方面介绍了英国公共图书馆读者服务的主要特点、英国公共图书馆的建筑设计和馆员资格认证与培训,最后对英国公共图书馆的发展趋势进行了简单的分析和总结.  相似文献   

中英公共图书馆企业信息服务模式比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要以上海图书馆和伯明翰中心图书馆为例,从资源建设、服务内容、宣传方式、服务方式、收费机制等几个方面对我国和英国公共图书馆的企业信息服务策略进行对比分析。并从内容资源、信息组织方式和平台建设中的合作机制对我国和英国公共图书馆的企业信息服务平台进行比较。在此基础上,为我国公共图书馆提升其企业信息服务提出一些建议。  相似文献   

公共图书馆存在的理由:来自图书馆使命的注解   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:35  
在世界范围内,几份重要的公共图书馆文献都将当代公共图书馆的使命界定为教育、信息服务、文化传播、促进社会和谐、培育信息素养、培养阅读兴趣、扫盲。文章首先考察了这些文献对公共图书馆使命的阐述,然后以经验研究(empmal research)发现为依据,考察了这些使命作为公共图书馆存在理由的有效性。研究发现,这些使命在当代政治和社会话语中经常出现,公众对它们也具有很高的需求,从这个意义上说,它们的确为公共图书馆的合理性提供着有效注解,但信息服务使命目前正受到互联网的挑战,扫盲及培养阅读兴趣的使命正在受到图书馆借阅量下滑趋势的挑战。  相似文献   

英国图书情报专业人员协会(CILIP)指出:明晰的愿景、丰富的资源、严格的规则、保证职工总数,是公共图书馆服务成功的要诀。作为英国图书情报专业人员最主要的组织,CILIP在2004年11月30日向英国国会议员递交的《文化传媒和体育特别委员会关于公共图书馆的质询》报告中传递了这条不可妥协的信息。  相似文献   

辽宁公共图书馆为领导决策服务的实践与思考李德戈(辽宁省图书馆)随着信息社会的到来,信息科学已渗透到社会的各个学科领域。图书馆作为信息和知识的集散地,近几年辽宁省各级公共图书馆更新观念,强化情报职能,开展为各级党政领导决策服务,已得到领导机关和社会的承...  相似文献   

馆藏质量提升是公共图书馆高质量发展的重要内容,文献信息联合处置的研究和实践能够协调公共图书馆馆藏的存量与增量,优化馆藏质量,对提升公共图书馆总分馆网络的服务效能具有重要意义。从公共图书馆总分馆文献信息联合处置的内涵与特征出发,提出“所有权和占有权不变、使用权与处置权上移”的公共图书馆总分馆文献信息联合处置的产权归属方案,建立公共图书馆总分馆文献信息联合处置的四级递进式结构模型,并在不同的总分馆模式下对模型的适用性进行分析,可为公共图书馆开展文献信息联合处置提供指导。图2。表1。参考文献24。  相似文献   

英国公共图书馆的资金来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国公共图书馆的历史已经有150年了,1850年,官方通过了大不列颠第一部公共图书馆法.这部法律规定地方自治机构有权利和义务在其辖区内开办公共图书馆. 现在英国执行的公共图书馆法是1964年制定的.根据该法,地方自治机构应该保证所有在其辖区内生活、学习、工作的居民都享有充分利用图书馆的权利.文化大众信息体育部长负责监督公共图书馆的日常工作.  相似文献   

Libraries connect people with information, are vital to democracy and transform communities. Led and staffed by entrepreneurial thinkers, many libraries have reaffirmed their civic mission and even redefined their role in their community. They are not only relevant to their community; they are central players in engaging the public in civic discourse, weaving organizations and resources together, bridging divisions, and developing the capacity for their communities to solve problems. These libraries are places where people learn about complex public issues and practice deliberative democracy. By listening deeply to the concerns of people in their community library, staff are actively developing strategies to help the community work together. They are creating collaborative relationships between agencies and individuals, even convening stakeholders from opposite camps. They are civic agents creating civic agency.  相似文献   


Libraries worldwide have had to re-think their purpose and adapt to changing community needs and expectations. They are no longer simply repositories for old books. Rather, they are vital components of a community’s social and economic infrastructure that connects communities and fosters creativity and innovation. This paper explores the changing role of libraries—and public value organizations more broadly—in creating positive social, economic, and environmental outcomes for individuals and communities.  相似文献   

"Small" presses are those which, because of the nature of their operations, put out short runs (250 to over one or two thousand copies) of the best efforts of regional poets and writers. There are a number of these adventitious industries alive and well in the Northwest. Regional and academic librarians should know of and support their efforts because they perform a vital function culturally speaking. They help to set the parameters of a genuine regional literature clearly and advantageously because they can and do foster a certain professional competition at their level.  相似文献   

以耶鲁大学医学院图书馆的学科服务为范例进行研究,介绍该图书馆对学科服务的组织、安排、项目操作,包括联络馆员和个人图书馆员项目、信息素养教育及咨询培训服务等。耶鲁大学医学院图书馆将学科服务作为一项科学研究来从事,在日常工作中进行个性化服务尝试,总结经验,形成规范,进一步指导整体部门工作,值得国内研究型图书馆学习。  相似文献   

Research data management (RDM) skills are vital yet often untaught in graduate programs, especially in the social sciences. In this article, the authors present a case study of how a research data librarian and an education librarian partnered to provide targeted RDM instruction for a previously unconsidered student group: education doctoral students. They discuss the design, development, and implementation of this focused RDM support. Assessment data from a workshop and in-class sessions are presented and contextualized. From this information, the authors offer practical suggestions that other social science librarians can use to create similar workshops at their institutions.  相似文献   

Although not much has been written about older adults' use of academic libraries, they experience challenges navigating these considerable physical and online library spaces. Members of a university lifelong learning community were recruited for a 10-week diary study. They were asked to record their real-time information seeking behaviors related to their study groups, and the challenges they faced looking for or using information. They were also asked to rate their enjoyment to determine whether the joy of engaging in community learning extends to the information seeking process. Findings from sixteen diarists show that they sought information primarily on a specific topic, person, or book. They used a variety of resources but found books and periodicals most useful. They struggled with trust, technology, time management, library anxiety, information overload and dissemination. With increased understanding, librarians can be better equipped to reach older adults that are doing scholarly research and contribute to their success.  相似文献   


This paper explores the changing role of the information professional in a dynamic environment in which technology, resources, information needs, and user expectations change very rapidly. The author's conclusion is that while some of the roles of traditional librarians may be disappearing, there are plenty of opportunities for proactive information professionals in the new information environment. There are new services, new expertise, and new job titles. Businesspeople recognize that technology is not everything; the human factor, a person to select, filter, and analyze information, is critical. Information brokers and library fee-based service staff stand at the forefront of this new environment, because they are already used to employing and continually improving these vital skills.  相似文献   

Objectives: The objective is to study how the staff who purchase health care services for a large national government accident-compensation system seek information on treatment effectiveness, how they assess the quality of that information, whether they question the information sources they choose, and how familiar they are with the key concepts of evidence-based health care (EBHC).Method: Staff (22 out of 34) of the health purchasing division of the New Zealand Accident Compensation Corporation (NZ ACC) were interviewed using eight preformatted questions to which they could provide open and multiple answers. Responses were subsequently codified into typologies for quantitative analysis.Results: Most respondents report that they assess the effectiveness of a treatment by accessing published information (nonhuman sources), by consulting others (human sources), or by both means. They assess the quality of information mostly by consulting others, and the second-highest proportion of responses state that they do not know how to evaluate the quality of information. No clear preference emerges with respect to the types of information needed to determine the effectiveness of treatments. The majority of the staff believes they can access information needed to determine treatment effectiveness through the Internet or information databases such as MEDLINE. Although most said they understand the key concepts of EBHC, only five out of twenty-two were able to accurately describe them.Conclusions: The findings suggest that there is a low level of awareness among the staff of the NZ ACC regarding the use of evidence and understanding of the key concepts of EBHC. Many surveyed staff members lack the skills or training to directly question information about effectiveness of a treatment. They have little idea of the information required to determine the effectiveness of a treatment, and the majority appears to lack the skills to evaluate the health care literature.  相似文献   

Electronic journals portend tremendous advantages to libraries. Patron access is swift and sure; these journals are never missing from the shelves, and they need not be delayed for technical processing because they can be ‘sent’ to public display and serials maintenance almost simultaneously. However, how will library users know what journals are available to them? They should be able to find electronic journals through the same means they find information in all other formats—through libraries’ online catalogs. The phrase ‘mark it and park it’ has not lost its relevance in the virtual library environment.  相似文献   

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