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Using the perspective of principal–agent theory, we suggest that the target setting process imposed by the government has shifted teachers’ focus away from their personal educational priorities. Our evidence suggests that schools with a higher proportion of students with high academic achievement differ in their practice of target setting from schools with a below average proportion of students achieving high examination grades. We examine possible explanations for variations in teachers’ practice and suggest some implications for policy and school leadership and management.  相似文献   

During the decision-making process, especially in multi-disciplinary complex cases, assessment technique is needed to assist policy-makers in making the right decision. Many of such assessment techniques have been developed for policy-makers, but the inevitable subjectivity of policy-makers often becomes the main obstacle in making the right or proper policy. Interlink decision-making index (IDMI) is a newly proposed assessment method with the advantages of being simple to use and having less human interference over other methods, as it does not require a weighting process of each selection criterion. This paper implements IDMI to assist with decision-making in national or regional low-carbon development, using China as a case study. The Chinese government has annotmced its carbon emission reduction target along with other development targets by 2020. Many policy settings can be chosen in order to achieve those targets. The problem is how to determine the best setting and the means by which decision-makers can avoid subjectivity and extremes. A number of policy setting options are generated carefully by a system dynamic model under different policy scenarios. The IDMI demonstrates a perfect way to assist in selecting the "best" among all the options that can achieve the goals within the acceptable range.  相似文献   

本文着重从当前影响我国政策有效执行的主要因素入手,探讨解决这一问题的对策:构建政策执行的制度结构:塑造政策执行的能动执行主体;营造政策执行的有效环境,以期能够对我国现阶段政策执行效率的提高有所助益。  相似文献   

我国多元筹资政策在实现缓解办学经费短缺目标的同时,未能解决经费结构优化的问题。政府角色转换、财政性经费可预期实质性增长为经费多元化提供了保障和有利条件,但二元与多元结构的转换非短时期内可以达成的政策目标。多元筹资的政策目标及实现途径应随高校层次不同而有所选择,企业加大成本分担的力度应成为问题解决的重要思路,多元筹资政策目标的价值蕴涵应注重与高校组织目标的一致性。  相似文献   

全面分析了组策略在管理互联网上的应用,只要在组策略管理控制台中进行参数设置即可实现对互联网的管理,再无需传统的复杂设置,上网也更加安全,管理方法简便易行,值得推广。  相似文献   

随着市场化程度的提高,货币的内生性程度增强,从而使以货币供应量作为中介目标的货币政策效应趋于弱化,此外,国有企业,国有商业银行的体制和制度弊端,金融市场不发达,社会保障体制不健全和我国居民的传统消费伦理观也是制约货币政策效应的重要因素,因此,对货币政策效应的约束条件,不仅来源于货币领域,而且来源于实体经济的各相关环节,通货紧缩时期,不是资本不足,而且滞留在为生产过程和银行领域的资本数量太大,货币政策是为然不能完全有效地解决这些问题,在这种条件下,直接有效的投资扩张只能来自于财政政策,货币政策主要是解决经济运行所需要的流通手段。  相似文献   

Experience from a three-year Home Office funded evaluation of a project intended to reduce school exclusions is used to explore methodological dilemmas raised by the current emphasis upon 'evidence-based' policy formation. The social construction of school exclusion rates poses problems of reliability and validity, especially when such rates are simultaneously being used for target setting. In principle, the concept of 'evidence-based' can refer to a wide variety of research questions and appropriate research methodologies. Despite this, moves towards interpreting 'evidence-based' as predominantly measurement and outcomes oriented can be found both in government evaluation guidelines and in procedures for systematic reviews of research. Given the complexity of educational innovations, any neglect of research into the processes of change in naturalistic settings will not only lead to a restricted awareness of a project's impact but also to a failure to understand what certain apparent outcomes actually mean.  相似文献   

卡特就任美国总统后,正式提出了人权外交战略。美国人权外交虽然不能排除其理想主义成分,但其主要动机是国家利益方面的现实主义考虑。第三世界国家是美国实施人权外交的重要。卡特政府对第三世界的人权外交有其自己的特点。对卡特政府实施人权外次,历来评说不一。不能否认,卡特政府对第三世界国家的人权政策取得了某些收获。但总体上讲,它并没有达到预期的目的,反而使美国的安全利益受到损害。  相似文献   

For many years there has been a debate about the existence or not, of a common European education policy. In this article I argue that there has been a real European education policy since the approval of the Maastricht Treaty, with a proper content and which offers many new possibilities to students. The core of this policy is the setting up of the European Higher Education Area, designed not only for attendance-based universities, but also for distance and virtual universities. However, the policies, expected to be in force by 2010, have not been without problems and a critique of the implications for European higher education institutes is offered following an outline of the development and evolution of the policies.  相似文献   

The role of mass media in education policy processes is increasingly complex, but research on its contribution is far from adequate. This study uses the higher education quality assurance policies issued in China at the beginning of this century to explore the roles played by mass media in the creation and implementation of education policies. Mass media’s current influence on Chinese education policies mainly includes promoting policy agenda setting, enhancing policy legitimacy and monitoring the process of policy implementation. However, its role in constructing a platform for public discussion and improving policy design needs to be strengthened.  相似文献   

以人为本构成了对党的群众路线的重大发展:其一,在价值论意义上,以人为本不仅将其主体从"群众"扩展至"人民"乃至于"人",而且还确立了"人的全面发展"这一价值目标;其二,在方法论意义上,不仅强调实践主体打造,而且还注重价值目标实现落实;其三,在伦理学意义上,不仅强调同代人实现共享,而且还注重不同代人永续发展。可以说,以人为本构成了改革开放后党的群众路线的最新发展。  相似文献   

师范生免费教育政策的价值主要表现在公平、发展、有效性三个维度。公平价值体现在事实公平与价值公平的统一和教育系统外部公平与教育系统内部公平的统一这两个方面。发展价值表现在促进个体发展和社会发展两个方面。师范生免费教育政策的实施对促进教育公平与发展以及培养优秀教师等价值目标的达成上显示出比较卓越的有效性。  相似文献   

In management theory, attention to the emotions is increasing, mainly for economic reasons. Within the management of education, so‐called transformational leadership is becoming the new orthodoxy, and a central aspect of it is emotional intelligence. This can be interpreted sociologically, from both Durkheimian and Weberian perspectives. It is argued that transformational leadership is not about the transformation of the individual: it is mainly about the translation of corporate and government policy into practice. This is because emotional management and leadership is framed by—and is expected to accord with—the discourse of centralized target‐setting and the auditing of performance. Emotional management seems set to be a technical endeavour, born of modernity, set for standardization, to be rendered as objective and measurable, and made ready for audit.  相似文献   

当前全球范围内正在进行着新一轮的产业结构调整。我国产业结构调整应充分考虑到经济全球化的背景和我国国情,既要发展高新技术产业,也要大力发展技术含量高的劳动密集型产业,使我国成为“世界加工厂”。应从制定科学的产业政策、制度创新、吸引外资与对外投资并重等方面入手。  相似文献   

基于史密斯政策执行模型,分析我国的“双减”政策面临的若干问题,发现前期出台的关于减轻中小学生过重的课业、心理负担的“减负”政策与理想化仍有一定差距,存在“越减越负”“素质”教育过度以及“想减不敢减”的问题。因此,有必要回归义务教育阶段素质教育的内涵和目的以及政策制定、执行、评价的具体过程,深入剖析前期素质教育“减负”政策执行偏差原因,如考核方式不当、违背目标群体成长规律、背离义务教育公益属性以及缺少统一的认定标准,提出要重视“双减”政策的过程考核、遵循目标群体的成长规律、营造良好的“双减”政策环境以及统一“双减”政策的认定标准。  相似文献   

中美研究型大学在学院设置上差别明显,原因在于两国大学宏观政策导向、院长权力构成和人才培养目标等方面存在差异.学院设置应有利于促进人才培养,有利于推动学科发展,有利于提高管理效率.因此,应取消院长行政级别,实行教育职员制度;减少学院数量,以学科群设立学院;淡化专业色彩,组建本科生学院.  相似文献   

在刑事司法理论与实践的发展过程中,刑事附带民事诉讼程序的缺陷日益暴露出来。结合中国司法现状,废止刑事附带民事诉讼的主张并非是最佳选择。从保护被害人民事权益的角度入手,针对几类特殊案件,尝试构建刑事附带民事诉讼的独立启动机制,从被害人及司法机关两个角度对这一机制作必要性分析,并且从诉讼的构成、证明、目标3个方面对这一机制设置作可行性分析,从制度体系上对刑事附带民事诉讼独立启动机制的适用进行设计。  相似文献   

A number of papers have focused on UN policy formulation processes, but little is known about how particular issues come to policy-makers’ attention in the first place. This very early stage of policy formulation, called agenda setting, remains under-researched and more so in multilateral contexts. Applying Kingdon’s multiple streams model to the example of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), this study analyses the trajectory of the policy from being just an idea to the point of being placed on the UN agenda. This paper goes on to argue that there are three conditions that supported the successful trajectory of DESD: a funding-backed policy entrepreneur, policy oligopoly, and a highly predictable policy window. Its theoretical contribution is to fill the gap between current studies and theories by presenting an analysis of one policy in a multilateral context.  相似文献   

行政歧视是一种不公的社会现象,其存在不利于和谐社会的构建。行政歧视产生有深刻的历史和现实原因,本文以农民工为例,分析农民工在公共政策制定及政策执行过程中面临的行政歧视,并深入分析对农民工行政歧视产生的制度根源与伦理根源,从而提出制度与伦理相结合的原则是限制和减轻行政歧视的有效路径。  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the summation and transfer of negative occasion setting in serial feature negative (X→A?/A+) and negative patterning discriminations (X→A?/X+/A+) in a discrete-trial operant task with rats. With both discrimination procedures, negative occasion setting transferred readily (but not perfectly) to cues trained as targets in another similar discrimination procedure, but not to cues that were separately trained. Furthermore, with both discrimination procedures, the negative occasion-setting powers of features from two individual discriminations summed, both when those features were trained with the same targets and when they were trained with different targets. After negative patterning discriminations, in which the feature (X) cues were separately reinforced, this summation of negative occasion setting occurred despite the concomitant summation of the features’ excitatory control in the absence of an explicit target cue. These data, which replicated and extended previously reported data from Pavlovian feature negative procedures, are discussed in the context of hierarchical, generalization, and network models of discrimination learning.  相似文献   

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