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研究基于北京市第3次群众体育调查数据,采用二分类logistic回归法分析了北京市居民睡眠、休闲久坐、体育锻炼时间投入与慢性病之间的关系。研究结果表明:除年龄增长、体质指数不正常、吸烟、喝酒是导致慢性病的重要因素外;睡眠时间投入、0.5 h以上的长时间休闲久坐、体育锻炼时间投入与慢性病的关系独立显著。每天睡眠时间每增加1 h,得慢性病的可能性将降低14%。每天休闲久坐的时间每增加1 h,得慢性病的几率将随之增加11%。每周投入体育锻炼的时间每增加1 h,得慢性病的可能性将随之降低2%。保持充足的睡眠和增加体育锻炼时间投入可有效降低年龄增长带来的慢性病发生风险,并随年龄增长其作用越来越显著。休闲久坐增加、年龄增长带来的慢性病发生风险,其负向作用随年龄增长越来越显著。  相似文献   

中青年干部是我国政治和经济生活中的重要成员,这些人群的体质健康直接关系到他们所担负的工作任务完成的水平和效率。本研究采用文献资料法、访谈法、调查法和统计法,揭示影响黑龙江省中青年干部的体质健康的因素,对提高他们的工作水平和效率,促进国家的经济建设和社会的和谐发展具有重要意义。研究得出:黑龙江省中青年干部的体育消费水平较低,特别是体育精神层面上的消费更低;睡眠质量、坐姿时间长、看电脑时间久、男性吸烟比例高、饮酒频繁等生活方式上的问题已经成为影响中青年干部体质健康突出问题;受工作压力、自身对体育锻炼的认识不足、场地、气候、懒惰心理等因素制约,不经常参加体育锻炼的中青年干部比例较多。  相似文献   

采取整群随机抽样方法选择调查对象进行问卷调查,了解大学生生活方式现状及特点,为不良生活方式的干预提供参考依据。调查发现:大学生有作息时间不规律、熬夜、睡眠时间过少或过多、饮食不规律、不吃早餐、吃饭狼吞虎咽、吸烟、不健康的饮酒行为、久坐不动、不能定期体检等不良生活方式,男生、高年级、独生子女大学生有更多的不良生活方式,存在更高的健康风险,应采取相应措施干预。  相似文献   

通过文献资料、调查问卷、数理统计、专家访谈等研究方法,对湖北省部分高校大学生的体质健康状况、日常生活方式进行了调查研究,结果表明:湖北省大学生在吸烟、饮酒、饮食、睡眠、心理健康、安全意识、从事体育锻炼等方面存在着一定的问题,通过对这些问题的认真分析,提出能够促进大学生身体健康的具体对策和建议。  相似文献   

目的:对我国居民目前的“生活方式指标”进行实践对比研究,概括出现阶段我国居民生活方式的现状,并通过各指标与健康指标的差异,寻 找其背景因素。方法:应用SPSS17.0对数据进行统计分析,为描述我国居民生活方式的指标特征,以C值为各年龄组男性居民和女性居民比较的 Cramer’s V值,以及Ward’s法进行聚类分析,表示其差异。结果:生活方式可以直接或间接影响健康状态,且对健康具有长期的影响。在腰围指数> 0.5、饮酒和吸烟等生活方式指标方面,男性居民不健康指标比例大于女性。根据分层聚类法R型聚类对健康生活方式指标进行聚类分析的结果显 示,BMI、WI、职业、饮酒、吸烟、健康消费和医疗消费为第1类,健身锻炼频率、吃零食习惯、睡眠时间和服药情况为第2类,吃早餐习惯和规律三餐为 第3类。结论:体重超重或肥胖(BMI>25)、腹型肥胖(WI>0.5)、久坐型工作、锻炼频率每周≤1次、吃零食每周≥4~6次、早餐每周≤3次、规律三餐每 周≤3次、睡眠时间每天≤5 h、饮酒每周≥3次、吸烟每周≥3次、服用药物每周≥3次、健身消费每年≤800元或医疗消费≥800元等生活方式可能对 健康有害。  相似文献   

为了了解岳阳市城乡中学生健康危险行为发生对比情况,制定相应的中学生健康政策,为岳阳市城乡中学采取干预措施提供科学依据。采用分层整群抽样方法分别抽取岳阳市5所中学31个班级约1860名学生进行无名问卷调查。危害中学生健康的危险行为主要为伤害、吸烟、饮酒、网络成瘾、不良膳食行为、缺乏体育锻炼。结果显示:岳阳市中学生健康危险行为城市和农村在不良饮食行为(X2=34.21);意外伤害行为(交通违规行为X2=8.85、不安全游泳行为X2=6.64);物质成瘾行为(吸烟、饮酒X2=16.74);精神成瘾行为(X2=31.43)均存在显著性差异,有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:应针对城乡不同人文环境,提出相应的干预措施,促进城乡中学生的身心健康。  相似文献   

陈艳  万忠伟 《安徽体育科技》2013,34(1):82-84,91
目的:了解岳阳市城乡中学生健康危险行为发生对比情况,制定相应的中学生健康政策,为岳阳市城乡中学采取干预措施提供科学依据。方法:采用分层整群抽样方法分别抽取岳阳市5所中学31个班级约1860名学生进行无名问卷调查。危害中学生健康的危险行为主要为伤害、吸烟、饮酒、网络成瘾、不良膳食行为、缺乏体育锻炼。结果显示:岳阳市中学生健康危险行为城市和农村在不良饮食行为(X2=34.21);意外伤害行为(交通违规行为X2=8.85;不安全游泳行为X2=6.64);物质成瘾行为(吸烟、饮酒X2=16.74);精神成瘾行为(X2=31.43)均存在显著性差异,有统计学意义(P0.05)。并应针对城乡不同人文环境,提出相应的干预措施,促进城乡中学生的身心健康。  相似文献   

范敏 《体育科技》2001,22(2):58-61
过量的运动有害健康,运动量较小又达不到锻炼身体、增进健康、增强体质的目的,应根据不同锻炼对象的个体特点,进行科学的、合理的、适度的运动,才能收到良好效果.运用查阅文献资料法,对体育锻炼中的适度运动负荷、运动项目、运动方法等的控制进行分析与讨论,为体育锻炼者提供借鉴.  相似文献   

目的研究河南省高层次女性人才的亚健康发生率与生活方式相关因素的关系。方法从河南省11个单位中随机抽取600名高层次女性人才,对其亚健康和生活方式相关因素进行调查。结果高层次女性人才的亚健康发生率与睡眠时间、睡眠质量、午睡、早睡早起、早餐、三餐、体育锻炼、锻炼频度、锻炼时间存在显著负相关,与熬夜存在显著正相关,与甜食、高脂肪食物、零食、夜宵、吸烟、饮酒、锻炼强度无关。结论:河南省高层次女性人才的亚健康发生率与睡眠、作息与饮食习惯、体育锻炼等生活方式相关因素关系密切。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查法等研究方法,对武汉市城镇中年居民的生活方式与身体健康之间的关系进行了研究。结果显示:武汉市中年城镇居民日常生活中的体力活动存在着过轻和过重的现象,对人体健康造成了一定的危害;生活方式不健康因素较多,如饮食结构不合理、吸烟、酗酒、睡眠不规律等现象;通过因子排序发现影响武汉市城镇居民健康的因素依次为体育锻炼、日常生活规律和体力活动。  相似文献   

本文探讨辽宁省与日本学龄期儿童身体形态指标的比较。随机对辽宁省3623名7~14岁学龄期儿童进行身高和体重的测量,获取各年龄段的平均值和标准差,用统计学方法与同年龄段的日本学龄期儿童进行比较。结果:获得了辽宁省学龄期儿童身体形态指标的资料,与日本学龄期儿童比较,初期差异明显,而至学龄期末差异不明显。研究结果提示,应加强辽宁省学龄期儿童的营养配比、体育锻炼等综合保健工作。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop the Scale of Market Demand to assess general market demand factors affecting the consumption of professional team sports, which was completed through the following five steps: (a) formulation of a theoretical framework, (b) development of a preliminary scale, (c) exploratory factor analysis (EFA), (d) confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and (e) examination of predictive validity through conducting a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. Following a community intercept method, professional sport consumers (N = 453) in four southeastern metropolitan areas responded to the scale. Data were randomly split into two halves: one for EFA and the other for CFA. In the EFA with alpha extraction and promax rotation, six factors with 31 items emerged: opposing team, home team, game promotion, economic consideration, sport epitome, and schedule convenience. In the CFA with maximum likelihood estimation, five factors with 17 most pertinent items were retained, without the sport epitome factor. This five-factor model displayed good fit to the data, discriminant validity, and high reliability. The SEM revealed that home team, opposing team, and game promotion were predictive of game re-attendance behaviour.  相似文献   

Supportive environments have been used to change and influence health behaviours like smoking. While psychological and ecological theories and models demonstrate the possible influences of the environment on health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA), little is known about the effectiveness of the environmental interventions. This paper presents the results of a systematic review of studies that used environmental interventions to increase health-enhancing physical activity. Two groups of studies were found, studies that changed the physical environment by creating new HEPA facilities, policies and supporting mechanisms, and studies that used the elements of the environment as an active or sedentary 'point of choice', via educational materials to promote stair use. Environmental change studies showed a small increase on HEPA behaviour, but the relative impact of environment changes was not evaluated. A number of before and after studies have observed a weak effect of a simple environmental change to stimulate stair climbing while travelling or shopping. Current national policy has embraced the environment as an option for promoting health-enhancing physical activity, especially active travel, in spite of the lack of effectiveness data. It is recommended that existing or planned public health environment and HEPA initiatives should use appropriate evaluation methods to assess their efficacy and effectiveness. Further developmental research into the nature of the relationship of the environment to particular HEPA behaviours is strongly recommended before developing new environmental interventions.  相似文献   

Supportive environments have been used to change and influence health behaviours like smoking. While psychological and ecological theories and models demonstrate the possible influences of the environment on health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA), little is known about the effectiveness of the environmental interventions. This paper presents the results of a systematic review of studies that used environmental interventions to increase health-enhancing physical activity. Two groups of studies were found, studies that changed the physical environment by creating new HEPA facilities, policies and supporting mechanisms, and studies that used the elements of the environment as an active or sedentary ‘point of choice’, via educational materials to promote stair use. Environmental change studies showed a small increase on HEPA behaviour, but the relative impact of environment changes was not evaluated. A number of before and after studies have observed a weak effect of a simple environmental change to stimulate stair climbing while travelling or shopping. Current national policy has embraced the environment as an option for promoting health-enhancing physical activity, especially active travel, in spite of the lack of effectiveness data. It is recommended that existing or planned public health environment and HEPA initiatives should use appropriate evaluation methods to assess their efficacy and effectiveness. Further developmental research into the nature of the relationship of the environment to particular HEPA behaviours is strongly recommended before developing new environmental interventions.  相似文献   

采用文献综述法、问卷调查法、主成分分析法等,通过研究对象在对经过严格筛选的极具代表性的39个体育项目的感受程度的选择后,提取了情感体验因子、生活方式因子、自我个性发展因子、缓压和自由选择因子等4大因子,并对这4个因子进行分析,论证这4大休闲价值因子在大学体育教学内容的选择体系中的重要地位.  相似文献   

结合太极拳作为武术的本质特征,提炼了太极拳蕴涵的健身因子"静、松、慢、圆、整",并在"木桶理论"和"非衡结构补偿理论"框架中详细论述各因子之间的关系,结合运动处方理论构建了太极拳健身因子的实践模式.太极拳健身因子的提炼与应用为健身效果的发掘带来新的观察与评价方式,具有相对广泛的适用性.  相似文献   

A scale was developed to measure perceptions of sexual abuse in youth sports by assessing (a) the perceived prevalence of sexual abuse committed by pedophilic youth sport coaches, (b) the perceived likelihood that a coach is a pedophile, (c) perceptions on how youth sport organizations should manage the risk of pedophilia, and (d) media influence on participant perception. Two studies were conducted for (a) the formulation of the conceptual framework, (b) the development of preliminary items, (c) an exploratory factor analysis, and (d) a confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. The first data set (n?=?223) was used for exploratory factor analysis, and four factors (i.e., Management, Prevalence, Influence, and Likelihood) with 15 items emerged. With an independent sample (n?=?209), confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were conducted and found strong support for the scale's psychometric properties, including, convergent validity, predictive validity, and reliability. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed along with study limitations and suggestions for future studies.  相似文献   

跌倒严重威胁到老年人的健康及生活质量。老年人跌倒的原因比较复杂,在诸多危险因素中,身体和心理因素已成为主要诱因。对国内、外老年人跌倒的身心因素,即身体功能下降、抑郁症等方面进行归纳和逻辑分析。结果表明,老年人跌倒是由多维因素相互作用而致。相对于身体因素方面的研究而言,心理因素的研究甚少。希望能为该领域的研究提供借鉴,并为有效地预防和减少老年人跌倒的发生提供参考依据。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法等,对广州高校研究生参与休闲体育价值观进行分析,以其引导研究生正确认识和参与休闲体育。结果显示:广州高校研究生参与休闲体育价值观的5类主因子分别是功能因子、动机因子、健康与态度因子、休闲娱乐因子、形态因子。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop the Scale of Allied Health Education Barriers to identify factors limiting enrollment in college/university allied health education programs. Development of the Scale of Allied Health Education Barriers was conducted through the following four stages: (1) review of literature, (2) focus group studies, (3) pilot testing, and (4) test administration and testing of measurement properties. Research participants (N = 1,044) were students enrolled in allied health and non-allied health education programs. Through conducting both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, this study identified five unique factors that are potential barriers to student enrollment in allied health education: Social Influence, Experiential Opportunity, Academic Preparation, Physical Self-Efficacy, and Self-Management. These factors were consistent with the social cognitive theory adopted to guide this study, which posits that personal, environmental, and behavioral factors collectively influence allied health enrollment. Further discussions are made on the practical implications of applying the developed scale to reduce barriers for allied health program recruitments.  相似文献   

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