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修辞策略的评价标准,就是用来判别策略的成败得失和优劣高下的标准。能否正确认识、科学把握评价标准,标志着对修辞策略木质和规律的理解深度,以及驾驭、运用策略的水准,对修辞策略的理论建设和实际运用具有重要的意义。文章着重论述了修辞策略的三条评价标准:功利性标准、真实性标准、审美性标准。  相似文献   

修辞策略的风格是修辞学研究的一个新课题,对深化修辞策略研究、提升修辞策略艺术水准以及进行高品位鉴赏具有重要意义。文章着重探讨、论述修辞策略风格的概念、审美价值、分类主要标准和形成条件等四个主要问题。  相似文献   

论修辞策略的基本类型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
修辞策略的科学分类是个艰难的课题。本将修辞策略视为一个动态的过程,首先划分出确立交际目的,适应听读、组合修辞手段三个部分,然后在宏观不同层面上探讨并具体论述修辞策略的基本类型。  相似文献   

修辞策略的风格是修辞学研究的一个新课题,对深化修辞策略研究、提升修辞策略艺术水准以及进行高品位鉴赏具有重要意义.文章着重探讨、论述修辞策略风格的概念、审美价值、分类主要标准和形成条件等四个主要问题.  相似文献   

论修辞策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
修辞策略是修辞学中的一个新概念 ,对推动、深化修辞理论研究有重要意义。本文从宏观角度着重论述了修辞策略的提出依据、基本类型、具体运用等问题  相似文献   

本文认为,形貌修辞的评价标准问题,首先是一个视觉效果问题,“准确,鲜明,生动”不适用于形貌修辞;评价修辞效果还要结合语体进行;文章还对标点符号相对零形式评价中所谓“存在主义倾向”发表了否定意见。  相似文献   

本文认为 ,形貌修辞的评价标准问题 ,首先是一个视觉效果问题 ;“准确、鲜明、生动”不适用于形貌修辞 ;评价修辞效果还要结合语体进行 ;文章还对标点符号相对零形式评价中所谓“存在主义倾向”发表了否定意见  相似文献   

针对以往修辞评价总标准“题旨情境”说的不足,在分析人们对修辞认识的基础上,将原来的标准加以整合,分离出“话语目的”,把它作为和“语境”相对的上位范畴进行考察。认为“合目的性”是修辞的根本要求,一切的修辞现象都是围绕“话语目的”展开的,“合目的性”理应成为修辞评价的总标准。  相似文献   

论修辞效果及其评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
修辞效果是修辞行为的结果,通过表达而产生.它是修辞主体通过调控语言而对接受对象产生影响和作用的结果.修辞效果具有客观性、综合性、变化性,其表现形式有多种.修辞效果的评价需立足修辞主体的表达,围绕修辞目的,并由个人行为上升至社会行为来评价.修辞效果评价的根本标准就是修辞目的的契合程度.  相似文献   

本文从交际修辞观的视角着眼,建立了新的旨在描写和解释言语交际活动的调控修辞理论,认为修辞是言语交际活动中的话语效果调控行为,即发话人有效调控言语交际的进程和交际的参与因素,运用针对性的话语策略,最大限度地促使发话人所期望的话语效果的成功实现,并对修辞的本质与性质、修辞调控的过程、修辞策略的构成等进行了新的探索.  相似文献   

现代传播媒介已不仅限于传统的平面媒体(报纸)一端,传媒形式的多样化特别是网络的发达,使得各种新闻的总量成为真正的海量。在这信息爆炸的时代,在各种新闻"泛滥成灾"的情况下,如何将某一有价值的新闻及时有效地传达给受众,让其发挥应有的作用,就成为考验新闻写作者或新闻编辑者语言表达智慧的一道无可回避的试题。为了使所要传播的新闻最大限度地为受众了解,新闻写作者或新闻编辑者就必须在新闻标题的炼字锻句方面下功夫,注意表达技巧,在第一时间内迅速抓住受众的注意力。新闻标题需要讲究表达技巧,但要遵循"自然"、"贴切"的原则,不能"为修辞而修辞"。  相似文献   

Unsettling orthodoxies: education for the environment/for sustainability   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper I employ Foucault's notion of governmentality to reflect on a debate that occurred in the pages of this journal some 10 years ago. I argue that their exchanges indicate ways in which various positions are engaged in a struggle for dominance in this field, and how particular strategies are used to legitimate and maintain these positions. My purpose is not to propose a new orthodoxy – or even to critique those we have – but rather to raise questions about how the unquestioned ‘that‐which‐is’ of orthodoxies comes to be, and their effects. I also suggest that as environmental educators and researchers, we need to work harder to unsettle more often the taken‐for‐granted in environmental education so that we remain alert to our own easy acceptance of orthodoxies. Without this, we risk our exhortations to those we seek to educate – to think critically, to question assumptions, and so forth – becoming empty rhetoric if we are not practising these ourselves – examining our own, as well as others', assumptions and practices.  相似文献   

Nebraska districts use different strategies for measuring student performance on the state's content standards. District assessments differ in type and technical quality. Six quality criteria were endorsed by the state. These criteria cover content and curricular validity, fairness, and appropriateness of score interpretations. District assessment portfolios document how well assessments meet these criteria. Districts receive ratings on how well their assessments meet each of the quality criteria and are given a rating from Unacceptable to Exemplary. This article presents these technical quality criteria and explains how they are (a) individually rated and (b) combined for the district's overall quality rating.  相似文献   

Drawing on interviews from a qualitative study, this article extends theorizing about rhetorical agency and resistance by analyzing how breastfeeding advocates and their clients resist medical regulatory rhetoric. The resistant acts that interviewees describe begin with a negotiation of discursive alternatives and subject positions framed by the grid of disciplinary rhetoric about breastfeeding. But in some acts of resistance, breastfeeding women use both discursive and bodily actions to disrupt the intelligibility of this grid and what it deems possible. When such disruption occurs, the results are unpredictable and so must be understood as more than the occupation of preexisting subject positions.  相似文献   

修辞学学科定位,即确定修辞学的性质,确定其研究对象。正确而科学的学科定位,有助于建立具有特色的修辞学体系或理论框架。修辞学只研究表达效果,不研究接受效果。修辞学不是边缘学科,把修辞学视为边缘学科而产生的麻烦是:如何与文艺修辞学等边缘学科加以区别?修辞学是语言学的一个分支,研究表达效果修辞学的传统。修辞学不是美辞学。美辞学可以成为一门独立学科。修辞学是结构语言学走向社会的必由之路。  相似文献   

To be understood, visually, often depends on how skilled one is in catching form and translating it into a two‐dimensional surface. This is a challenge we are confronted with early in life. Children's learning strategies in drawing are not always understood or encouraged. This article presents a socio‐cultural analysis from Norway of a pedagogical practice that attempts to shed light on the question, How does the preschool teacher support 3–5 year old children when they are drawing something they see, and how do children in this age group respond to this support?  相似文献   

重章是《诗经》中的一个重要修辞手段,在重章时相同位置上的实词有时并不按照其本义或通用义去理解,只能大致理解为同一类别的事物、动作或状态。从逻辑学的角度判定其适用范围,并探讨这种现象的成因,大致有三:一是先秦人们初期的审美尝试;二是用诗的习惯;三是教学的需要。这种重章铺陈,变文避复,板中寓活,很好的扩充了诗的容量,为早期的教学活动作了很好的范本。  相似文献   

钱钟书虽不是修辞学专家,但他对修辞学的贡献可以与陈望道双峰并峙.因为两位大师都学贯中西,识兼古今,所以就决定了他们认识上极大的相同或相交,如辩证的修辞观、修辞学的多边性以及动态的研究方法等.  相似文献   

美的东西值得追求 ,只要有其价值的存在。任何东西的价值是有标准衡量的 ,英语修辞也是如此。其美学价值不仅在于其说服力 ,而且在于其教育心理学意义 :启发思维、提高认知水平。在英语教学中有必要重视修辞的三个标准 :逻辑、人格和情感 (简称 :LEP) ,这不仅对提高学生的语言能力有利 ,而且对发展学生思维、提高品德水平都有好处。  相似文献   

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