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UST馆际资源整合模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍并分析台湾联合大学系统(UST)四校图书馆馆际资源整合的合作计划、实 践与成效、未来规划及相关情况,认为UST馆际资源整合具有资金保障可靠、“四位一体 ”、以用户为中心、全方位整合的特点,是一种颇具特色的资源整合模式,并进一步指 出UST模式值得大陆高校图书馆界学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>为研究探索高效便捷利用民生档案的路径和方法,2020年,四川省档案馆、四川大学、南京轩恩软件开发有限公司联合申报《民生档案查档“一网通办”研究》,在国家档案局得以立项。项目组针对西部地区民生档案管理和利用服务特点,提出了民生档案查档“一网通办”解决方案,并以茂县脱贫攻坚档案为实践对象,开发了民生档案查档“一网通办”平台(以下简称“一网通办”平台),  相似文献   

随着高校智慧校园的大力推进,带动了高校“一网通办”智能型服务平台的建设。以辽宁师范大学校史馆为例,提出建设基于高校“一网通办”的校史馆参观预约系统,实现校史馆在线预约,提供一站式智能化服务。通过分析系统的必要性及优势,详细阐述了系统用户需求、功能设计、业务流程和实用成效,从而提升师生校友的参观服务体验和满意度,发挥高校校史馆文化育人功能,完善学校“一网通办”智能服务大厅,推动高校智慧校园的实现。  相似文献   

一网通志在一通天6月25日,由中国新华书店协会立项,全国32家省、自治区、直辖市发行集团共同参与的中国新华书店跨地区协作网项目在上海正式启动。中国新华书店跨地区协作网于今年4月由中国新华书店协会通过立项,拟将全国各省、自治区、直辖市新华书店的信息平台、卖场平台、物流平台以及服务  相似文献   

西南联大《除夕副刊》主编这是不可多得的联大文献,初版于1946年,由“历史回顾”“联大生活”“联大教授”三部分组成。  相似文献   

“一网通办”背景下政府部门文件归档方式发生深刻变化,新修订《档案法》的颁布实施给电子文件归档工作指明了方向。文章分析了新修订《档案法》对电子档案提出的“来源可靠、程序规范、要素合规”要求,提出了“一网通办”背景下政府部门电子文件单套制归档的思路及做法,以期为实践探索及学术研究提供思路和参考。  相似文献   

第65届联合国大会开幕 9月14日,第65届联合国大会在纽约联合国总部开幕。第66届联大主席约瑟夫·戴斯主持了新一届联大的第一次全体会议。  相似文献   

陈曦 《东南传播》2014,(4):18-20
2012年黎智英有意要退出台湾传媒业,但是此事引发了"反媒体垄断运动"并遭到台湾各界的批评和街头抗议,使该计划在最后告吹,壹传媒在2013年3月表示"壹传媒将在台湾正常运营"。自2003年5月2日创刊起,黎智英的台湾《苹果日报》进驻台湾已经十余年了,这十余年台湾《苹果日报》给台湾的媒体行业带来了巨大的影响,同时对台湾的报业生态产生了极大的冲击。本文通过对台湾报业的发展状况进行梳理,从而对台湾《苹果日报》这十年来给台湾报业带来的"苹果化"现象进行阐述,旨在讨论台湾报业自台湾《苹果日报》到来后发生了怎样的变化。  相似文献   

在台湾从政,最首要的本领是练就桃色功夫,否则很难在光怪陆离的台湾政坛脱颖而出  相似文献   

通过观察台湾各大电视台对2005年连战祖国大陆"和平之旅"的报道,发现台湾电视新闻有着比较强烈的娱乐化倾向.台湾电视新闻娱乐化现象是台湾现代社会发展的产物,受到台湾政治、经济和社会文化的影响.台湾的电视媒体一味迎合受众低级、猎奇、追求原始趣味的收视心理,容易造成整个台湾媒体环境的普遍低俗化.  相似文献   

This papers describes the economic difficulties in Ghana from 1973 to the early 1980's, culminating in a situation where libraries in Ghana, including the UST Library, were unable to acquire library materials. Books in the main library and faculty libraries became so outdated that they were unable to support current academic work. The Library was not able to subscribe to core periodicals and journals.In 1987, the PNDC government, with the help of the World Bank, instituted a policy to replace scientific equipment and to supply books and journals to higher education institutions. Under the Educational Sector Adjustment Programme (EDSAC), academic libraries in the country received books, journals, and equipment including photocopiers, microfilm/microfiche readers and cameras, and telex machines.In 1991, the PNDC Deputy Secretary for Education invited the three university libraries to review the procedures for procuring journals for tertiary institutions in view of difficulties which had been encountered in previous years.Besides materials received under the EDSAC programme, the UST library receives gifts and donations from recognized international agencies. Some of the gifts create problems when materials donated do not cover subject areas of interest to the library. The library also exchanges publications with other institutions as a means of acquiring useful items. The university's calendar and prospectus are the main publications used for the purpose. The Newspaper Registration of Ghana Act, 1963, urges publishers to deposit copies of books published in the country at the UST Library among five others. The majority of publishers flagrantly refuse to do so because the sanctions against defaulters are rarely enforced. The library also receives budgetary allocations, though not enough to purchase books locally.  相似文献   


This papers describes the economic difficulties in Ghana from 1973 to the early 1980's, culminating in a situation where libraries in Ghana, including the UST Library, were unable to acquire library materials. Books in the main library and faculty libraries became so outdated that they were unable to support current academic work. The Library was not able to subscribe to core periodicals and journals.

In 1987, the PNDC government, with the help of the World Bank, instituted a policy to replace scientific equipment and to supply books and journals to higher education institutions. Under the Educational Sector Adjustment Programme (EDSAC), academic libraries in the country received books, journals, and equipment including photocopiers, microfilm/microfiche readers and cameras, and telex machines.

In 1991, the PNDC Deputy Secretary for Education invited the three university libraries to review the procedures for procuring journals for tertiary institutions in view of difficulties which had been encountered in previous years.

Besides materials received under the EDSAC programme, the UST library receives gifts and donations from recognized international agencies. Some of the gifts create problems when materials donated do not cover subject areas of interest to the library. The library also exchanges publications with other institutions as a means of acquiring useful items. The university's calendar and prospectus are the main publications used for the purpose. The Newspaper Registration of Ghana Act, 1963, urges publishers to deposit copies of books published in the country at the UST Library among five others. The majority of publishers flagrantly refuse to do so because the sanctions against defaulters are rarely enforced. The library also receives budgetary allocations, though not enough to purchase books locally.  相似文献   

公共图书馆服务联合体是近几年公共图书馆的热点问题之一,它集成全地区资源向读者提供统一公共图书馆服务。2009年厦门市采用统一管理平台对全市公共图书馆资源与服务进行整合,构建厦门市公共图书馆服务联合体,为全体市民提供无层级、无差别、无障碍的统一服务,同时厦门图书馆与全市各级图书馆合作与协调,形成覆盖全市的公共图书馆服务网络,推动厦门市公共文化事业与公共图书馆事业的发展。  相似文献   

文章介绍锡盟中小企业科技创新资源共享服务平台的建设情况和技术服务,针对当前该平台建设存在的问 题,提出几点建议:统筹规划,突出共享;整合集成,优化提升;政府主导,多方共建;加大投入,完善功能;扩大 服务范围,提高服务效果;整合服务机构,提升服务质量;拓宽服务领域,创新服务模式;注重人才建设,提高创新 能力。  相似文献   

面向用户的文献信息服务集成探索   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在回顾信息服务环境演化的基础上,分析面向用户信息服务体系的建立以及信息服务集成的发展,进一步探讨面向用户的文献信息服务集成的信息技术集成、信息资源集成、信息服务集成、信息机构的合同与融合4个构成要素,最终构建出面向用户的文献信息服务集成模型。  相似文献   

本文从全人教育的角度,分析香港城市大学邵逸夫图书馆的馆藏、空间和服务,提出发展全人教育型图书馆的差异化服务模式。其中包括:发掘差异化学科资源需求,根据需求差异配置不同资源,根据差异资源开展各类研究、教学、学习服务,以及整合各类差异化服务发展全人教育型图书馆。  相似文献   

论信息服务中的信息资源整合平台建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从分析信息服务的个性化发展及其对信息资源整合建设的要求出发,研究个性化信息服务中整合资源和整合服务的必要性,及其对信息资源整合平台建设的要求; 在总结信息服务平台的基础上,提出信息资源整合平台建设模型,并对该模型在实现过程中可能面临的问题作进一步的剖析。  相似文献   

本文从全人教育的角度,分析香港城市大学邵逸夫图书馆的馆藏、空间和服务,提出发展全人教育型图书馆的差异化服务模式。其中包括:发掘差异化学科资源需求,根据需求差异配置不同资源,根据差异资源开展各类研究、教学、学习服务,以及整合各类差异化服务发展全人教育型图书馆。  相似文献   

本文探讨了虚拟参考咨询服务外显文化建设的意义、现状,提出了虚拟参考咨询服务外显文化建设的原则及其措施。  相似文献   

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