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经过近10余年的发展,作为联结上游出版社和下游图书馆,分销图书并提供专业化服务的中间商,图书馆配商与馆配市场在图书发行市场中的地位已经不容置疑,馆配市场竞争日趋激烈。目前馆配市场存在四股竞争力量,分别为民营馆配商、新华书店、高校图书文献联合采编中心和出版社。  相似文献   

民营馆配商占据馆配市场的大半江山,在图书馆藏书建设中扮演着重要角色,是图书馆获取文献信息的主要渠道,是影响藏书建设质量的关键因素之一。研究民营馆配商的生存与发展问题有利于图书馆在文献资源建设上未雨绸缪、科学应对。该文分析了金融危机下馆配市场的发展变化,剖析了民营馆配商在图书馆藏书体系中的地位、面临的困境及对馆藏书建设的潜在负面影响,并提出了图书馆的应对之策。  相似文献   

任延明 《出版经济》2003,(12):40-41
一、关于图书特殊渠道 图书特殊渠道是指同一般的图书发行渠道,即主渠道(新华发行系统)和二渠道(民营渠道)相比,通过具有随机性和成本低的交易渠道,在对图书的特点作了充分的分析后,结合当前的市场状况,实现图书向目标群体集中转移的通路.  相似文献   

张冉 《出版参考》2010,(14):I0007-I0007
我国图书业的发行业务基本处于一种三足鼎立的局面,主要分为“主渠道”——新华书店,“二渠道”——各类民营书店;出版社旗下的社办发行。在图书销售领域对民营资本和外资开放之前,新华书店之所以能占据图书发行的龙头地位,是因为它拥有两把独一无二的“上方宝剑”:出版物全国总发行权和教材发行权。然而,随着图书发行市场逐步放开,  相似文献   

甄耀华 《青年记者》2008,(10):90-91
随着报刊经营进入买方市场,发行在经营中的作用越来越重要。原来邮发一直占据中国的发行市场,无论是报社还是杂志社,把东西编出来,印出来,交给邮局,就算完成发行任务了。原来所谓的发行是“发了就行”,而现在民营的异军突起和日报的自办发行,改变了原有发行格局,二渠道、日报网络还有第三方发行公司,对发行市场起到了很大的补充作用,同时也带来了发行的激烈竞争。  相似文献   

张建民 《出版广角》2016,(15):35-37
随着数字时代的到来,图书馆文献资源建设的重点正从传统的纸质文献逐渐转向电子书。文章主要通过分析馆配市场需求主体(高校图书馆)对中文电子书的需求情况和馆配市场中间渠道(馆配商)中文电子书平台的发展状况,提出作为馆配市场供给主体的大学出版社应该尽快进行数字出版转型工作,并且充分利用中文电子书平台加强探索合作。  相似文献   

如今的馆配市场,已走过了六十余年的风雨历程.在此过程中,先后出现了新华书店、联编中心与民营馆配商三个阵营.新华书店在上世纪90年代初之前一家独大,90年代后期联编中心与之分庭抗礼,到了21世纪初,群雄逐鹿的民营馆配商开始占据多半的市场份额.本文通过对各时期馆配市场的回顾,试图揭示馆配市场的发展规律,并站在馆配商的角度对于今天的馆配市场进行分析,探索新的市场拓展模式.  相似文献   

2007馆配市场回望与未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过几年的高速增长,馆配市场在2007年进入平台期。我们把馆配的市场主体分为新华系和民营系两大阵营。总的来看,今年新华系在节节推进,大举收复失地,得到图书馆方面的积极响应。新华系几项大的活动搞得有声有色,到年末以四川文轩操盘北京图书订货会的馆配分场来了个漂亮的收官。而民营系则显得乏善可陈,似  相似文献   

我国图书业的发行业务基本处于一种三足鼎立的局面,主要分为"主渠道"--新华书店;"二渠道"--各类民营书店;出版社旗下的社办发行.在图书销售领域对民营资本和外资开放之前,新华书店之所以能占据图书发行的龙头地位,是因为它拥有两把独一无二的"上方宝剑":出版物全国总发行权和教材发行权.然而,随着图书发行市场逐步放开,新华书店赖以生存的政策优势正在丧失.在图书竞争,尤其是教辅图书竞争日益激烈的今天,谁能解决好发行这个问题,谁就获得了竞争优势.  相似文献   

在经过由高校图书馆评估所带动的馆配市场发展高潮后,馆配市场各方需要重新认识图书馆在整个产业链条中的重要作用.依据市场中相关主体利益博弈的结果,在构建新的馆配市场模式中,可以采取图书馆与出版社密切合作方式,以成熟的电子商务运作经验,依托统一的网络馆配平台,完成馆配市场中信息流、物资流和资金流的整合,有效提高馆配市场的成熟度.  相似文献   


This study considers a model of a TV oligopoly where TV channels transmit advertising and viewers dislike such commercials. It is shown that advertisers make a lower profit the larger the number of TV channels. If TV channels are sufficiently close substitutes, there will be underprovision of advertising relative to social optimum. This study also finds that the more viewers dislike ads, the more likely it is that welfare is increasing in the number of advertising-financed TV channels. A publicly owned TV channel can partly correct market distortions, in some cases, by having a larger amount of advertising than private TV channels. It may even have advertising in cases where advertising is wasteful per se.  相似文献   

Part of the promise of electronic government (e-government) is its ability to transform the delivery of information services and products from government to users. E-government allows federal agencies to supplement and even supplant private sector roles intermediating between government agencies and users, creating unintended consequences in terms of policy, theory, and practice. The problem is called “channel conflict” in the marketing literature, and the typical response is called distribution channel management (DCM). After reviewing the literatures of e-government, information policy, and DCM, the paper explores differing DCM philosophies of two federal agencies: the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Census Bureau. An examination of these two DCM programs provides insights on how federal agencies may be able to manage their various channels for e-government offerings despite tensions in the current legal and policy context. The paper concludes by using DCM literature to help frame options for dealing with these tensions.  相似文献   

Is the reluctance to share bad news (i.e., the MUM effect) motivated more by a public display or private concern, and does it benefit mainly the messenger or the recipient? An experiment (N = 309) that crossed good/bad news with three communication channels (face-to-face, text messaging, e-mail) revealed that messenger reluctance was greatest under conditions of bad news and did not vary based on the channel through which the recipient contacted the messenger. In contrast with earlier work, this MUM effect was more consistent with a private fear of distressing the recipient. Theoretical implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

消费类期刊的第三方发行渠道研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发行渠道是期刊发行过程中的关键环节,发行渠道的管理和建设已经成为期刊核心竞争力的重要组成部分.由于传统的主渠道和自办发行渠道都存在各种弊端,专业、独立的第三方发行渠道便应运而生.本文以消费类期刊为研究对象,探讨在渠道多元化的今天,如何建立有效的第三方发行渠道.  相似文献   

The authors considered a model of commercial television market with advertising with probabilistic viewer choice of channel, where private broadcasters may coexist with a public television broadcaster. The broadcasters influence the probability of getting viewer attention through the amount that they spend on programming, so that their advertising capacity depends on their own program outlays as well as on those of their competitors. A larger number of broadcasters will reduce overall capacity even when total program outlays are kept fixed, because the attention of viewers is split among a larger number of channels. The authors derive properties of equilibrium in an oligopolistic market with private broadcasters and show that the number of firms has a negative effect on overall advertising and viewer satisfaction. If there is a public channel that also sells advertisements but does not maximize profits, this will have a positive effect on advertiser and viewer satisfaction.  相似文献   

两汉时期,私家藏书作为一种文化现象有了较大的发展,私人藏书人数和规模扩大,藏书家的身份日益多元化。汉代私家藏书可分为三个阶段。私人藏书家的地域分布揭示了区域文化特征的演化历程。  相似文献   

Conclusion The private book business in mainland China has developed for 25 years since 1980. With complete opening of the book distribution market, the Chinese government tried to address and to solve the structural issues in China’s publishing and directly related book distribution industries. We are optimistic that all sectors of the Chinese book publishing and distribution will have a brighter future.  相似文献   

清代是我国私家藏书业的鼎盛时期.其时藏书家人数众多,分布地域广;其藏书丰富,收书质量高;藏书家中多学问家,学术贡献大;他们还编刊图书、流布典籍、传播学术,并对近代新式图书馆的诞生作出了突出贡献.清代私家藏书目录数量多、品类全,其发展催生了版本目录学,并把题跋目录、专科目录推向了成熟阶段.  相似文献   

Web information systems are having a profound effect on the way information is being disseminated today. Current technological advances have caused many government agencies to re-evaluate their practice of contracting with private sector vendors who have traditionally repackaged and marketed the agency's raw data. These new opportunities for government agencies wishing to make information publicly accessible have blurred the traditional distinctions between public and private dissemination activities. Low-cost public dissemination of information has resulted in private sector vendors arguing that public electronic distribution and publication creates unfair competition. New partnerships, such as the recent venture between the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) and the commercial search engine, Northern Light, in developing the “usgovsearch” product are also being explored. From another viewpoint, library associations are strongly supporting legislation that would broaden, strengthen, and enhance public access to electronic government information. Key issues to be discussed are: (1) the debate concerning public vs. private access to government information; (2) Does electronic access to government information eliminate the need for printed documents? and (3) Joint efforts — when should the government team up with private sector allies to charge for information services and access?  相似文献   

剖析当前教辅期刊面临的发行困境,指出发行渠道的单一和阻塞是制约教辅期刊发展的关键因素,进而就教辅期刊如何整合有效的发行渠道提出若干建议.  相似文献   

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