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胡瑗是把发而为善与慎言慎行作为外王之术看待的,也是作为管理者或统治者的技能看待的。他认为,国家安治与否主要取决于统治者,统治者特别是王者的一言一行对于国家的稳定与发展会产生重要影响;同时,社会安定,小人仍然存在,国家危机仍然存在,所以统治者应该慎言慎行。此外,领导活动涉及许多机密,而机密之事,非同小可,所以统治者也必须慎出言语,周密行事,尤其要养成良好的保密习惯。  相似文献   

大学校长是一所大学的核心和灵魂,对大学的生存和发展起着至关重要的作用.因此,大学校长要掌握好领导艺术,做到有所为有所不为.在"所为"上做好科学定位、"术业有专攻"、价值领导者等;在"不为"方面做到不盲目跟风、不制假应付、学会"不管".大学校长须三思而后行,有所为有所不为,以谋求大学稳步、健康发展.  相似文献   

培养科学的,良好的练琴习惯是学生学习钢琴中应放在首位的问题,某一次练琴或某几次练琴的好坏,仅仅涉及到一次或几次的练习效果,而某种习惯的好坏则会影响整个学习进程,甚至关系到学习效果。因此,培养良好的读谱习惯,坚持科学的练琴方法是提高练琴效率的关键。  相似文献   

The present study focused on the epistemology of teachers’ practical knowledge by addressing the following research question: how do teachers attempt to reason about their practices and their practical knowledge? The results indicated that teachers supported their practical knowledge claims using the “practical argument”. Within this conceptual framework, they relied on contextual grounds that call for the fact that something should or should not be “done”, rather than something is “true” or “false”. Contextual grounds, then, were found to be backed up by two significant types of warrants: moral ethos, and “what works” notion. Depending on what kind warrants they used, teachers’ practical knowledge was interpreted to be based on two different epistemic statuses: “practicable” knowledge and “praxial” knowledge.  相似文献   

Creativity is usually defined in terms of the production end of ideas or products, yet a neglected aspect of creativity, though no less vital, is the process by which creative products are critically evaluated, selected, altered or dismissed by the creator. Any attempt to promote creative thinking skills in schools needs to also address this aspect of critical thinking in creativity—failure to do so results not in usefully creative children, but merely indulgent ones.  相似文献   

在出土的众多汉画中,玉兔是不可缺少的内容,其形态为奔跑和捣药。无论玉兔的哪种形态,都在讲述着人类的故事。它虽为神话,但不是人类的凭空杜撰,而是人类生活需求和心理愿望的折射,兔事实为人事。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that writers and editors of all ages and abilities have trouble correcting errors in texts. In this study, we were interested in discovering whether people do not correct these errors mainly because (1) they do not have the knowledge to correct them, or because (2) even though they do have the knowledge to correct the errors, they do not use it. The first case would point to aknowledge deficit, or a deficit at the cognitive level; the second case would point to aprocessing deficit, or a deficit at the metacognitive level. The study compared the number and type of implanted errors corrected by high school and college subjects working on two different texts under three different conditions. We found that, for both ages, the biggest stumbling block in correcting errors was not the knowledge of how to correct them, but rather a failure to detect them: They did not use their available knowledge to find the errors. This processing deficit may be the result of a dearth of available error-finding strategies, or knowledge may not be activated because of lack of motivation or because of a failure to perceive the nature of the task.  相似文献   

Where you live should have something to do with what you teach. In the Arctic, the idea of place-based education – teaching and sharing knowledge that is needed to live well – is central to the UARCTIC consortium and the 4th International Polar Year educational reform effort. A place-based issue oriented context can engage students in chemistry concepts when it intersects with their experience and lives. This article examines the rationale and means of integrating local concerns such as world view, culture, traditional knowledge, and policy into both general and specialized chemistry courses. More broadly, capacious placebased issues should be widely adapted by all curriculum reform efforts to demonstrate the connectivity between science and societal understanding of technological options. A case in point is the inclusion of indigenous perspectives in a non-majors general chemistry course when the concepts of scientific method, ice and water resources, genetic engineering, and so forth are discussed. In a specialized course on radioactivity in the north, topics connected nuclear chemistry and radioactivity to people and energy. The local landscape should be central to science courses and involve issues relevant to stewardship, a component of the indigenous world view. The historical issues can be connected to current nuclear energy and uranium mining as they relate to the risks and benefits for the local community. This article will make the case that curriculum reform that focuses on real-world topics will not only engage students so that they perform well in class but also spark their interest so that they continue learning after the course is over.  相似文献   


This article examines the significance of Jacques Rancière’s work on pedagogy, and argues that to make sense of Rancière’s ‘lesson on the lesson’ one must do more but also less than merely explicate Rancière’s texts. It steadfastly refuses to draw out the lessons of Rancière’s writings in the manner of a series of morals, precepts or rules. Rather, it is committed to thinking through the ‘lessons’ of Rancière in another sense. Above all, Rancière wants to ‘teach’ his readers something absolutely crucial about teaching. In making this claim the article emphasizes the extent to which Rancière advocates an utterly radical pedagogy, one that completely reconceives all the central elements of ‘schooling’, including teacher, student, intelligence and knowledge. Rancière thinks it possible to teach without knowing; he believes that the best schoolmasters can operate not on the assumption of their expertise, but on the equality of intelligence; and this means ultimately that Rancière contends that we can ‘teach what we do not know’. The best schoolmasters are ignorant schoolmasters. Rancière’s radical pedagogy depends upon, just as it consistently advances, a thoroughgoing resistance to a certain form of epistemological and ontological mastery. The rejection of mastery—of schoolmasters who would know it all, and convey this knowing to their students—forms the very backbone of all of Rancière’s writings and critical investigations. This is the chief reason why Rancière is, in a way, always talking about pedagogy, even when his subject matter appears to be something else entirely.  相似文献   


Purpose: Why do farmers not take better care of their soils? This article aims to give insight into how farmers look at soil quality management.

Design/methodology/approach: It analyses diverse land management practices and visions on soils and soil quality of ten agroecological and 14 conventional smallholder farmers in Araponga, Minas Gerais, Brazil. As agroecological farming (that is, managing soils with minimum use of external inputs) requires more complex knowledge, it is assumed that agroecological farmers would be more knowledgeable on soils compared to conventional farmers. This case study tests the hypothesis that differences in land management practices between agroecological and conventional farmers can be explained by differences in their knowledge on soils.

Findings: The hypothesis turned out to be faulty: agroecological and conventional farmers do not differ in what they know about soils, but how they use their knowledge in their farming strategy. Both groups of farmers have different but rational farming strategies.

Practical implications: Designing policies and measures to make farming more environmentally friendly and more sustainable as two-way knowledge exchange between farmers and science (and not as one-way knowledge transfer from science to farmers), to benefit from vital and context-based farmers’ knowledge and to ensure successful implementation of more sustainable land management practices.

Originality/value: By analysing farmers’ visions on soil quality management and farming strategies, this study shows that farmers’ knowledge is valuable for farmers, for scientific knowledge on soil quality management and for policies which are to be effective and adapted to the local environment.  相似文献   

传染性疾病的患者,其疾病的发生与不合理的生活、工作、学习等习性导致人体免疫功能失衡有着密切的关系。而传统养生气功的调心作用可改善情绪,通过精神意识的放松,大脑皮质神经的抑制而致周围神经对免疫器官产生影响,使免疫指标发生双向性变化,对人体产生整体性调节,使内环境更趋稳定,减少疾病的发生,达到降低易感人群的目的。  相似文献   


This essay attempts to explore the links between politics, poetry, and collective, embodied readings and discussion in the classroom. When my Year 12 class were asked ‘What is Poetry?’, their answers suggested something in the Romantic tradition – of poetry as expressive, individual and emotional. My experience studying poetry with my Year 9 class suggests something altogether different – that studying poetry allows students to have an embodied and collective reading. In the sense that politics concerns the control of bodies, poetry allows the class to read in an embodied sense, thus politically, in a way that assessment criteria and the demands of high-stakes testing, with their focus on individual understanding, do not. Thus, I argue for the study of poetry as essential in terms of recognising students’ political agency – not primarily as exam-takers but as citizens of a country and an Earth they will, to put it grandly, inherit.  相似文献   

Written for teachers, who generally lack a sufficient knowledge of how people learn, Pritchard's book aims at enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of education through raising teachers' understanding of learning theory. However, it does not do so very effectively: even if you are a keen teacher, you will probably find only parts of much interest or use. Mohammad Ali Salmani Nodoushan  相似文献   

Peace education should not be only general knowledge but conclude with something the students can do — as when health education leads to hygienic practices. For this to happen, our peace concepts have to come closer to the level at which people live, the local level. It is argued that this points to transarmament rather than disarmament; to defence based on local conventional defence, paramilitary units and non-military defence, rather than (or in addition to) negotiations among governments. It is also pointed out that this would lead to the building of less vulnerable societies from the bottom up. Less vulnerable societies would have great capacity for survival even in times of crisis, including warfare in the country itself, being thereby less susceptible to blackmail. The key to national invulnerability is local-level invulnerability. And a society organised with less dependency on national and international centres will also be a society less dependent on offensive weapons, concentrating more on defensive modes of security. Present and dominant modes of defence not only try to combine a high level of vulnerability with offensive weapons, but also operate at a level so far away from the ordinary citizen that he/she feels there is little else to do than just to be informed and perhaps to have strong opinions.  相似文献   

Peter Heering 《Interchange》2010,41(4):323-333
Recently, there has been an increasing emphasis in discussions on science education on the potential and advantages of stories and narratives in teaching situations. From this, one might conclude that simply starting to use stories in science classrooms is a good thing, per se. Yet, as I will argue in my paper, things do not appear to be that easy. From my understanding, it is necessary to select the stories to be told in teaching situations with care – and also to reject those stories which are not to be told. With respect to such a selection, different criteria can be employed, depending on the aims of the instructional unit. In doing so, my criteria for selection will be based on an education which does not focus solely on the communication of scientific knowledge but which emphasizes relevant topics from the nature of science for structuring the teaching. With this intention, one can identify constructions of narratives that are misleading with respect to the nature of science and which may lead to an inappropriate understanding of science and scientific practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, a four-equation simultaneous equations model is developed with college student effort and achievement being jointly determined. The model is then tested using a sample of students from one comprehensive university. The empirical results provide evidence that student efforts with respect to faculty interaction, but not with respect to library usage or course effort, significantly affect achievement.You know, teachers sometimes think they are all that happen in class. But I have to take what a teacher is trying to teach me and translate it into something I learn, and that has little to do with the teacher. The learning is what I do.—A student named Susan, fromOn College Teaching, by Ohmer Milton and AssociatesAn earlier version of this paper was presented at the Lilly Conference on College Teaching at Miami University in November 1989.  相似文献   

Where do infants go? A longstanding assumption is that infants primarily crawl or walk to reach destinations viewed while stationary. However, many bouts of spontaneous locomotion do not end at new people, places, or things. Study 1 showed that half of 10- and 13-month-old crawlers’ (N = 29) bouts end at destinations—more than previously found with walkers. Study 2 confirmed that, although infants do not commonly go to destinations, 12-month-old crawlers go to proportionally more destinations than age-matched walkers (N = 16). Head-mounted eye tracking revealed that crawlers and walkers mostly take steps in place while fixating something within reach. When infants do go to a destination, they take straight, short paths to a target fixated while stationary.  相似文献   

项目活动课程以工作任务为中心,整合理论知识与实践知识来组织课程内容,用任务驱动、项目导向和做中学等方式实施课程,能有效地促进学生技术实践能力的形成。在项目活动课程开发中注重理论知识与实践知识并重,避免完全"紧扣"或抛开工作任务来设计项目,提升教师项目活动的设计、指导和评价能力。  相似文献   

毛泽东主席博览群书,一生极为推崇《红楼梦》.他从文学角度解读《红楼梦》,对我们的文学创作是有借鉴意义的.毛泽东的文学观可体现在以下几个方面:文学是现实的反映,是否真实地反映现实是衡量文学作品好坏的标准;优秀的文学作品都是发愤之作,文学创作应让读者看到希望;典型人物是特定时代的产物,刻画典型人物可以适当地夸张或忽略某些方面;评价文学作品应一分为二,从不同角度进行评价,根据现实的政治需要评价人物.  相似文献   

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