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[目的/意义]首次对北美华人图书馆员联盟的兴起、发展和演变进行系统性描述与整体性评价,对该联盟在全球图书馆事业发展和海外华人社会建构中的身份和功能予以深度揭示和准确判断。[方法/过程]对北美华人图书馆员联盟的形成过程、结构演进和战略走向进行全面梳理,重点考察东亚图书馆委员会、华人图书馆员协会、中国研究图书馆员学会等组织形成的背景、过程和影响,分析中美高校图书馆合作联盟组织的战略意义。[结果/结论]北美华人图书馆员联盟历经开端、成熟和深化等发展阶段,由早期的分散群体走向区域联合,到成员结构的高层次质变,再到创建深度融合的专业模式,最后与中国图书馆界建立跨国联盟,构建起内外协同、双向共赢的战略格局。  相似文献   

由中国高校人文社会科学文献中心、北美中国研究图书馆员学会联合主办,加拿大多伦多大学承办的第四届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛集中探讨了处于变革的学术环境下高校图书馆知识服务的新方向。论坛就新兴学科与跨学科知识服务、人文资源的数字化与数字人文、区域国别研究文献及"一带一路"文献建设与服务、全球视野下的智库文献信息建设与服务及中美学术图书馆交流与合作等五个议题展开了讨论。  相似文献   

专业化:从北美经验看中国图书馆教育的改进   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
回顾了北美图书馆员专业教育发展的几个重要阶段,并据此就中国图书馆员专业教育改进提出了三点建议。认为中国应当重视图书馆工作的专业性质,中国图书馆员教育应当提高到硕士水平,图书馆教育应当强调专业能力培训。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代末汇聚在东亚图书馆委员会(CEAL)中的华人图书馆员群体,在北美东亚图书馆事业发展史上有着重要的影响力。群体成员规模化、身份背景专业化、知识结构复合化是群体影响力形成的潜在来源;华人图书馆员所属机构影响力、内部岗位影响力、外部职务影响力是群体影响力的结构形态;他们在东亚图书馆资源建设、人才培养、国际合作等方面的主导作用是群体影响力的实践表现。对华人图书馆员群体的影响力进行识别、量化和分析,有助于对该群体在全球化进程中展现的华人形象和历史地位进行精准化的描述与评价。  相似文献   

在信息社会中,高校图书馆被严重地边缘化。免费电子资源和不计其数的信息渠道可能会在未来的某一天让纸质图书从地球上永远消失。高校图书馆员的服务媒介和服务方式正面临着巨大的危机和挑战。美国的两位图书馆专家斯蒂文.贝尔和约翰.尚克提出了一个能够拯救高校图书馆的新概念——混合型图书馆员。文章对混合型图书馆员这一概念产生的历史背景、发展现状、存在意义、培养方法进行了系统的梳理,同时也为中国高校图书馆的人才培养提出了新的设想。  相似文献   

图书馆员是图书馆工作任务的承担者,工作目标的实现者,在图书馆工作和图书馆事业发展中具有举足轻重的作用。因此加强对图书馆员本身的研究,提高他们的理论素质、业务素质和心理素质,发挥其工作的积极性和能动性,既是图书馆领导干部的任务,也是图书馆学理论工作者的课题。了解认识和研究图书馆工作人员,有许多方面的内容和途径,其中心理研究是一个重要方面,也是认识他们的工作状况、思想状况以及生活状况的重要途径。图书馆活动是一种集体活动,在这一活动过程中,图书馆员作为读者与图书文献的桥梁,他们的行为不是封闭孤立的。他们的心理活动不仅受图书馆小环境和整个社会大环境的影响,同时还是其自身的性格、气质、能力、情感、意志等  相似文献   

图书馆员与大学生读者"角色互换"的管理   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
大学生读者作为高校图书馆的主要服务对象,图书馆员应分析他们信息需求的心理状态。本文从心理学层面,提倡在图书馆读者服务工作中,应积极运行“角色互换”这一管理模式,推动图书馆员与大学生读者之间的双向互动效应,最终形成读者服务环节中的良性循环。  相似文献   

图书馆员职业道德是图书馆从业人员应当遵循的行为规范,《中国图书馆员职业道德准则(试行)》(以下简称《准则》)是图书馆员职业道德的具体化。它是为了我国图书馆行业自律和图书馆员职业道德建设,培养图书馆员良好思想素质,社会服务意识和奉献精神而制定的重要纲领性件。它的颁布体现了我国图书馆事业的进步和发展,标志着我国图书馆员职业道德建设发展到了一个新阶段。  相似文献   

关于图书馆员职业精神等问题的学术通信   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
近年来,图书馆精神、图书馆员的核心能力、图书馆员职业道德等课题,在图书馆学界已经有过较多的讨论。但在热烈的议论与具体的实践之间,总有一定的距离,真正的效用更难以评说。新年之际,吴建中先生、范并思先生的两封学术通信,把以上各个问题之间的相互关系,在逻辑上勾联起来了,初步建构了“图书馆员:职业精神与核心能力”的研究命题。编辑部认为,这一命题,对于中国图书馆学理论发展和图书馆管理实践创新,应该具有十分重要的意义。现将吴、范两位的学术通信原文发表,作为《图书馆杂志》关于这一专题研讨的开篇,我们衷心希望全国图书馆学界和各级各类图书馆工作者积极参与这场讨论,共同为当代中国图书馆事业的健康发展,贡献自己的聪明才智。  相似文献   

1 图书馆员形象界定 图书馆员形象是指馆员在为到访者与信息采访者提供服务时,在他们当中产生的印象以及由此得到的评价,是体现图书馆形象的重要窗口^[1]。图书馆员形象体现在图书馆员的行为举止、音容笑貌和仪表仪容等所有方面。随着图书馆事业的发展。人们心目中的传统图书馆员形象已发生了根本性的变化,  相似文献   

Chinese Studies Librarianship in North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although American libraries had begun collecting Chinese language materials in the 19th century, notably the United States Library of Congress in 1869, Yale in 1878, Harvard in 1879, and Berkeley in 1896, East Asian studies librarianship in North America, including China studies librarianship, was not fully developed until the 1960s. There was no formal organization that represented the interest of Chinese studies librarians because there were few of them and most of them were China scholars rather than trained librarians. More than 100 years later, the number of Chinese studies librarians in North America has increased considerably, primarily in response to the demand in the field of China studies and more recently to the needs of immigrant population and the general public who has an interest in China.This paper traces the history and growth of Chinese studies librarianship in North America, documents the development of the professional organization that represents Chinese studies librarians, and exami.  相似文献   

论文通过对国际图联大会学术活动的介绍,提出中国图书馆员参与国际图联大会学术活动的策略,意在全面提升他们的理念和路径选择能力。  相似文献   

"参考馆员"、"学科馆员"与"核心馆员"刍议   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
文章对参考馆员、学科馆员与核心馆员的概念进行了辨析,进而论述了三者的关系及其对图书馆工作的作用.  相似文献   

Remote access to library resources has liberated students and faculty from the brick and mortar library, giving rise to an intense “whither the library” debate. A necessary corollary to this discussion of the future of the library building on campus is the future deployment of the reference librarian cadre. University libraries have been increasingly experimenting with outreach and outpost arrangements that situate librarians in alternate venues, often embedding them among their natural clientele. Librarians have repositioned themselves in student unions, residence halls, and faculty departments to promote information literacy among the diaspora. This review of the literature traces the path that culminated in the outreach model and explores the variations that have evolved at different institutions.  相似文献   

试论中国古典文献学与现代文献学的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文阐述了我国古典文献学的起源与发展及一些主要代表人物的成就,论述了现代文献学的研究类型与特点,并对整个中国文献学的发展提出了一些思考。  相似文献   

There are many challenges facing new librarians in the academic environment, including collection development. This article analyzes the topic of collection development and how it relates to new professionals in the field of librarianship. The article contains a literature review of papers discussing the collection development curriculum in library and information science programs, expected skills required of collection development offices, and library training programs for new librarians. The article also provides practical advise by recent graduates and their collection development experiences. Topics of discussion include acclimation to a new environment, collection development policies and procedures, liaison work, resource selection, and time management.  相似文献   

Embedded librarian models can assume different forms and levels, depending on patron needs and a library’s choice of delivery services. An academic health sciences library decided to enhance its service delivery model by integrating a librarian into the College of Pharmacy, approximately 250?miles away from the main library. This article describes the embedded librarian’s first-year experience, challenges, and opportunities working as a library faculty in the college. The comparison of one-year recorded statistics on preembedded and postembedded activities demonstrated the effectiveness and impact of such an embedded librarian model.  相似文献   

网络环境下的图书馆参考馆员和网上虚拟参考馆员   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文以上海图书馆率先推出的“参考馆员”和组建的“网上联合知识导航站”为例,介绍了图书馆建立健全“参考馆员”、“虚拟参考馆员”的目的和作用,阐述了网络时代图书馆参考馆员的角色定位和素质要求,进一步证实了建立健全“参考馆员”、“虚拟参考馆员”、“知识导航员”制度正是顺应形势发展和时代要求所采取的新举措。  相似文献   

Although subject librarians are found in many academic libraries worldwide, not enough has been written about the profession on the African continent. A study was, therefore, conducted, with the aim of adding to the knowledge about subject librarianship as it is practised in selected southern African countries. This article reports on the findings related to one of the main objectives of the study, which was to determine the qualifications and skills of subject librarians. The survey method was used to collect data from study participants. Semi-structured questionnaires were sent to 279 subject/learning support librarians, and semi-structured telephonic interviews were conducted with selected library managers from selected institutions included in the survey. The study revealed that most respondents held degrees and/or postgraduate qualifications in library and information science, that more than half of them also held qualifications in other disciplines at various levels, and that many of them felt that they needed to acquire more information and communication technology skills.  相似文献   

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