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论创造力的研究取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创造力一直是人们研究的重要课题。纵观创造力研究的历史,其研究主要经历了四种取向:创造力的人格特征研究取向,创造力的社会环境研究取向,创造力的认知加工过程研究取向,创造力的多元整合研究取向。  相似文献   

创造力研究对于社会进步和个人发展有重要意义,而这一意义的实现要以人们对创造力本身的深刻认识为前提。当前创造力研究有四种研究取向:创造力的认知心理学取向,关注无意识在创造性思维过程中的作用,同时为创造力的领域一般性和领域特殊性之争提供了综合性的理论阐释;创造力的发展心理学取向,关注创造力在不同年龄阶段的发展特点,强调早期经验、家庭、学校等因素对发展的影响;创造力的差异心理学取向,关注认知和人格因素在个体差异中的作用,并提出创造力与心理健康的关系要受到某些条件的制约,要同时考虑创造力领域、创造力的程度等;创造力的社会心理学取向,从重视个体创造力逐渐转向重视合作创造力。  相似文献   

直觉思维是一种非逻辑的、无意识的认知加工活动。Raidl和Lubart的研究表明,直觉与创造力呈正相关。因此,培养学生的直觉思维有助于提高学生的创造力。脑科学的最新研究结果表明,直觉思维主要是右脑的功能。影响直觉思维的因素很多,主要有认知结构、问题情境、类比迁移、"三想"(联想、猜想和想象)能力、动机强度、左右脑协同、所处的环境、教师的直觉力等。  相似文献   

国外教师创造力研究的新进展及其对我们的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对几种创造力概念进行界定的基础上,重点探讨了从环境和社会的角度开展创造力研究的理论。教师对创造力概念的认知是近些年来的新课题,它直接影响着教师的教学实践活动和教育的总体规划。本文探讨了教师创造力对培养学生创造力的影响,分析了教师创造力与教师课堂表现之间的关系,总结了国外教师创造力研究的应用经验,并提出了培养教师创造力的一些建议。  相似文献   

科技团体创造力中的认知风格研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
认知风格是个体创造力研究的一个重要方面,在团体创造力研究中同样具有重要作用。影响团体创造力的因素极其复杂,在评价个体认知风格的基础上评价团体认知风格对团体创造力作用的研究表明,有利于科技团体创造力的团体认知风格并不能由有利于个体创造力的个人认知风格的简单相加来决定,而只能用团体认知风格构成的创造氛围指标因素来诠释。  相似文献   

计算创造力是人工智能研究领域的前沿,有望成为促进教育变革的重要推动力。本文综述了创造力与计算创造力的定义,运用文献计量法和文献分析法对国际计算创造力领域研究进行了可视化分析和内容分析。研究发现,计算创造力研究大体历经酝酿期、形成期和发展期三个阶段,计算创造力研究呈现出理论研究与实践应用相互促进的发展逻辑;主要研究主题为系统设计与评估、基本概念与理论、创造力认知计算模型、创意构思计算方法四个关键聚类和计算思维一个与教育相关的特殊聚类;创造性思维与计算思维的结合、计算创造力系统的教育应用是研究热点。计算创造力与教育结合的未来研究方向是《计算创造力》课程研究、创造力支持系统研究和计算创造力促进教学变革研究。  相似文献   

中小学教师的课程取向及其特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
课程取向问卷调查的结果表明:中小学教师对认知过程取向的认同度最高,但也不排斥其他四种取向;男教师比女教师更倾向于学术理性取向;不同教龄的教师在认知过程、科技发展、社会重建、学术理性取向上有显著差异;不同学校类别的教师在科技发展、人文主义、社会重建、学术理性取向上有极其显著的差异;不同学历的教师在科技发展、人文主义、社会重建、学术理性取向上有非常显著的差异;教师的新课程培训状况对科技发展、认知过程、社会重建取向有影响。在此基础上,笔者对我国的课程研究与改革提出一些建议。  相似文献   

大量的实证研究表明,注意、记忆、语言以及思维等认知过程是影响创造力的重要因素。相关的脑成像研究表明,创造过程与掌管注意聚焦程度的额叶、负责工作记忆的前额叶、楔前叶等脑区的激活水平均存在不同程度的相关;但是,在语言、思维等过程的脑机制研究上还没有得到一致的结论。未来的方向应该关注于研究这些认知过程是如何共同作用于创造活动,并且应考虑到高级的研究手段对研究对象的适用性问题。最后提议将个体认知水平与其创造力的关系研究结果应用到教学实践中,以帮助创造力的发展与培养。  相似文献   

儿童手工课是一种培养儿童动手能力和创造力的重要途径,近年来受到较多关注。综述近十年国内儿童手工课的研究文献,探讨儿童手工课的教育思想、教学方法、教学策略、活动设计、课程资源建设等内容。还分析了融合机器人、人工智能等前沿科技的儿童手工课研究新趋势。  相似文献   

试析认知心理学的三种研究取向及其未来发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
认知心理学是现代西方心理学的一个重要的理论流派。它共有三种研究取向,分别是符号加工取向、联结主义取向和生态学取向。这三种研究取向都不能单独说明认知的本质。认知心理学未来的发展必然会出现实验室研究与现场的生态学研究相融合的趋势。  相似文献   

《宏观编辑学》的创新课程设计与教学方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在创新课程设计方面,应突出建构批判性思维的教学理念,以及以马克思主义哲学为指导的辩证思维能力;在内容上应与本科生课程注重操作层面的教学内容有所区别,突出宏观性和批判性;在授课方法上,应充分发挥学生的积极性和创造性,采取自主性学习的习明纳、主题演讲等教学方法,同时避免片面“以学生为中心”的倾向,贯彻“主导—主体相结合”的新型教育思想。  相似文献   

Cognition and creativity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cognitive research on creativity is both traditional and innovative. It is traditional in the sense that many of the well-recognized processes, structures, and stores from mainstream cognitive psychology have been used to understand creative thinking. It is innovative because there is a need to understand processes which are not recognized unless one is specifically interested in creativity. Some of these are inherently subjective, a fact which is often disregarded by those hoping for a traditionally scientific analysis. Still, much of the interest in the cognitive sciences concerns how new constructs come into being; and anyone interested in that is in fact thinking about creativity. That is creativity. This article reviews several traditional cognitive topics, including knowledge, memory, classification, judgment, and categorization, and describes how each can influence creative thinking. It also presents an original model of creative thinking with problem finding, ideation, and judgmental processes as primary components, and knowledge and motivation as secondary (contributing but not controlling) components. Several issues are covered, including the relegation of motivation, the distinction between declarative and procedural knowledge, and the potential for knowledge to both facilitate and inhibit creative ideation.  相似文献   

创造力研究之我见   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在开展创造或创造力研究时,需要充分研究与“创造力”密切相关的内容,即研究“具有创造性的人”“创造的本质和过程”“创造出的成果”“影响创造的障碍”“创造力培养的途径”“创造力的提高”六个方面。结合新一轮课程改革,科学教材的开发和应用要“基于科学启蒙,基于创造性解决问题能力的培养”。  相似文献   


In the current culture of regulation in higher education and, in turn, the history discipline, it is timely to problematize discipline standards in relation to student agency and creativity. This article argues that through the inclusion of a critical orientation and engaged pedagogy, historians have the opportunity to bring a more agentic dimension to the disciplinary conversation. Discipline standards privilege that arrogant historical moment in the higher education sector when certain skills development and knowledge creation becomes a hegemonic discourse. As a result, there is less emphasis on creativity, agency, and individual opportunities for the demonstration of the historical imagination at work. We need to ensure that the insights gained from teaching and learning practice and research are not lost in the rush to meet discipline standards through compliance.  相似文献   

思想政治教育与人的创造力之间的联系因为各种原因一直被人们忽视。事实上,思想政治教育对人的创造力培养具有积极作用,这种作用主要体现在激发创造动力、培育创造品格、帮助掌握科学的创造思维方法、调动创造知识学习的积极性、保证创造力发展方向和营造创造环境等上面。  相似文献   

Although there has been increasing international emphasis on creativity in education, many creativity training programmes have focused on enhancing students' creative thinking skills with few studies on how these skills can be integrated into the teaching of subject disciplines. As a member of a Community of Practice project that ran from spring 2021 to summer 2022 at my university, I worked with ten university teachers from multiple disciplines to develop and implement instructional strategies to foster students' creative thinking skills. The paper documented the development, implementation and evaluation of creative thinking skills teaching strategies for a higher education course in visual arts. Both the development of the teaching strategies and the measurement of the impact on student learning have undergone vigorous research procedures and made reference to the existing literature. The effectiveness of the activities was assessed using multiple methods including the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, a self-report inventory, and a focus group interview. The results indicated the new learning activities enhanced students' creative thinking skills. They also showed that creativity can be developed through teaching while revealing that playfulness, freedom and structure, group interactions, and problem-solving activities are beneficial for the development of creative thinking skills. Readers may better understand the different ways in which creative thinking skills instruction materials can be developed and incorporated into teaching of visual arts by making reference to the strategies suggested and the process of development in the paper.  相似文献   

创造性作为一个整体,对个体和社会都有显著的益处。在最近几十年里,许多的研究已经集中在创造性方面。本文对创造性人格、产品、压力和过程等方面的研究进行回顾,在此基础上从创造性研究的内隐理论、外显理论和趋势分析中对创造性研究的发展趋势进行展望,并对未来持续研究或中断的研究主题进行概述。  相似文献   

The authors have, for some years, studied the concept of ‘possibility thinking’ (PT), or ‘what if’ and ‘as if’ thinking in children aged 3–11, which generates novelty – and the pedagogical strategies which foster it. They have argued, on the basis of previous qualitative studies, that ‘PT’ is at the core of creativity in education. Having begun as a conceptual study for 7 years, this team has undertaken empirical studies of PT in classrooms. This paper discusses findings from the third phase of empirical work focusing on 9- to 11-year olds. The particular research question addressed here is ‘What characterises possibility thinking as manifest in the learning engagement of children aged 9–11?’. In a small-scale qualitative study, involving co-participation with teachers, the paper features episode analysis of naturalistic video data featuring children aged 9–11 in two schools. It focuses on PT evidenced by children engaged in a range of classroom activities, some established as individual activities and others as group work. The study reveals some features of PT in both sites (question-posing [Q-P], question-responding [Q-R], self-determination, intentional action, development, being imaginative, play/playfulness, immersion and innovation) to differing degrees of strength. Risk-taking was absent in both and a new feature, collaboration, evident in both. Differences were documented in how Q-P and Q-R manifest, compared with earlier studies with younger children. This study seeks to make an evidence-based contribution to the characterisation of PT as driving creativity in the classroom, with implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

Given enormous global challenges, alongside nurturing children's creativity, professional creativity has perhaps never been more vital ( [Craft, 2011a] and [Moss, 2010]). This paper considers how a small, qualitative, co-participative study in an inner city children's centre, explored practitioner perspectives and practice related to creativity understood as possibility thinking. This research builds on previous studies that have documented possibility thinking and analyses the nature of possibility thinking manifest in child-initiated immersive play triggered by practitioner-placed provocations, and pedagogical strategies which foster this.  相似文献   

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