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排球原地拦网深蹲式起跳探讨山东建材学院李鸣晓,王良民拦网是排球运动的一项重要技术,是防守反攻系统的第一道防线,又是得分的主要手段。成功的拦网取决于拦网的高度,而拦网的高度与运动员的起跳技术有直接关系。根据拦网技术特点,起跳技术有助跑起跳和原地起跳两种...  相似文献   

发球、垫球、传球、扣球、拦网被称为排球五大基本技术,这早已为我国排球界所认可和广大排球爱好者所熟知。《中国排球》1996年第4期上载文《排球“拦网”术语值得商榷》,对“拦网”这一专业术语提出质疑。在此,笔者想就“拦网”这一术语谈一点肤浅的看法,兼与上文作者及广大排球界同仁商榷。笔者认为,作为一项体育运动的专门术语,其名称必然是有一定来历的。“拦网”这一专业术语是怎样产生的,在此无此考证,但笔者认为,“拦网”这一术语还是能很好地反映这一技术动作的特征和内涵的。其理由有二:其一,拦网技术是随着排球运动的…  相似文献   

通过近一年来对上海女排运动员在训练中要求加强临场观察,做出准确拦网选择等,培养运动员判断意识、提高判断能力、发展集体拦网的配合协调能力的训练,使女排运动员的拦网的判断拦网能力有了一定的提高,比赛中拦网得分和有效拦网有了提高,拦网无效和失误方面减少,在拦网预判和整体拦网效果较好,取得了全国联赛第二名的成绩。为女排运动训练提供了有价值的训练手段。  相似文献   

在《中国排球》1996年第4期上,有杨劲苍先生的《排球“拦网”术语值得商榷》一文,是关于排球“拦网”一词含意不确切的阐述。而我们认为,“拦网”一词还是能够较完整定义“拦截对方进攻性击球”这项技术的特点和内涵的。基于此,笔者提出一些观点与杨先生商榷。拦网是一项防守技术,是排球技术中阻截对方进攻性击球的技术手段,尽管“拦网”技术也含有进攻的意义,但是,称为“拦网”是较贴切的。就如分析战争中攻城和守城两方,进攻者是主动的,而防守者是被动的,但守方在战争中对攻方的防御行为必然会使对方有不同程度损失,积极主动…  相似文献   

根据排球网上攻拦的发展趋势,以及我国拦网技术水平的现状,对拦网的判断进行研究并提出有效的训练方法,以使拦网的成功率得到提高。  相似文献   

排球运动的发展是一个不断寻求攻守平衡的过程,进攻技术的发展,迫使拦网技术得到飞速发展,如果没有很强的拦网意识、判断能力,不能掌握正确的起跳时机,就不能对付强大的进攻。所以,拦网的起跳时机是战术拦网及拦网成功的决定因素。一般来说,拦网起跳时机要根据二传球离网的距离、球飞行的弧度、速度、快攻还是强攻、对方扣球队员的特点来决定。下面就几种常见的进攻形式谈谈如何准确地选择拦网起跳时机。一、拦近网强攻与远网强攻的起跳时机1. 在拦近网强攻时,由于球离网较近,扣球动作幅度小,球过网时间较短,所以在拦网时紧跟上…  相似文献   

在当今排球比赛中拦网的重要性几乎与进攻相同。一个队只有高水平的进攻,而没有高水平的拦网,就不是一个强队,只有攻拦水平都很高的队才能称雄于世界。就我国的拦网水平来讲,从近年来世界大赛中的统计看,与世界强队相比还有一定差距。要想提高我国的拦网水平就必须改革我们现有的拦网方法,使之多样化。由于现在快速多变的战术进攻的迅速发展,比赛中单人拦网的次数肯定要明显地增多。尤其是在一传到位情况下组成的战术进攻,采用双人拦网去封阻几乎是不可能的。而在找国单人拦网次数明显多于别的国家,拦网有效率又低于人家的情况下,…  相似文献   

1青少年运动员在拦网技术环节中存在的问题 1.1移动 拦网最重要的环节是移动,拦网运动员要根据对方二传传球的方向进行移动。防守方的3号位队员要向本方的2、4号位移动,与2、4号位队员采取双人拦网封堵对方2、4号位的进攻。防守打的4、2号位的队员也要向中间靠拢,形成3号位的2人或3人拦网。在移动中运动员可采取并步、交叉步、交叉步加并步等脚步移动方式。目前青少年运动员在移动中存在的问题主要是移动不到位,有时两人距离较远,中间有较大空隙,容易被对方突破:还有时靠得太近,发生碰撞,也影响了拦网的效果。产生这种缺陷的主要原因一是判断慢,移动匆忙,二是移动的步伐不规范,这都会造成不能掌握好起跳位置的问题。  相似文献   

根据文献资料及生理学理论,对排球三号位拦网进行了较为详细的研究,结果认为防守队员对进攻队员的进攻有较充足的反应判断时,其拦网效果体现在防守队员对进攻战术变化的应变能力和防守队员之间的协防配合能力  相似文献   

张华 《四川体育科学》2011,(1):93-94,102
沙滩排球6大技术(发球、垫球、传球、扣球、拦网、防守)中,拦网是最容易学的一项技术,只要能跳,不触网就可以上去拦网了。所以初学沙滩排球的人经常会有拦网是最简单的技术的错觉。实际上拦网是一项和其他各项技术相比最复杂的技术,因为它的特点是拦网队员要在短短的瞬间从防守转为进攻,从被动转为主动,而完成这些都要在空中进行,所以难度较大,技术的要求也很高,而且拦网的好坏并不仅仅取决于身体素质和技术的好坏,很重要的一方面是在比赛中有针对性的临场运用。以下通过对第11届全运会沙滩排球比赛拦网统计的比较,对拦网这项技术在沙滩排球比赛中的应用、注意事项以及一些训练方法做一个分析和概括。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of muscle-tendon length on joint moment and power during maximal sprint starts. Nine male sprinters performed maximal sprint starts from the blocks that were adjusted either to 40 degrees or 65 degrees to the horizontal. Ground reaction forces were recorded at 833 Hz using a force platform and kinematic data were recorded at 200 Hz with a film camera. Joint moments and powers were analysed using kinematic and kinetic data. Muscle - tendon lengths of the medial gastrocnemius, soleus, vastus medialis, rectus femoris and biceps femoris were calculated from the set position to the end of the first single leg contact. The results indicated that block velocity (the horizontal velocity of centre of mass at the end of the block phase) was greater (P < 0.01) in the 40 degrees than in the 65 degrees block angle condition (3.39 +/- 0.23 vs. 3.30 +/- 0.21 m . s(-1)). Similarly, the initial lengths of the gastrocnemius and soleus of the front leg in the block at the beginning of force production until half way through the block phase were longer (P < 0.001) in the 40 degrees than in the 65 degrees block angle condition. The initial length and the length in the middle of the block phase were also longer in the 40 degrees than in the 65 degrees block angle condition both for both the gastrocnemius (P < 0.01) and soleus (P < 0.01-0.05) of the rear leg. In contrast, the initial lengths of the rectus femoris and vastus medialis of the front leg were longer (P < 0.05) in the 65 degrees than in the 40 degrees block angle condition. All differences gradually disappeared during the later block phase. The peak ankle joint moment (P < 0.01) and power (P < 0.05) during the block phase were greater in the 40 degrees than in the 65 degrees block angle condition for the rear leg. The peak ankle joint moment during the block phase was greater (P < 0.05) in the 40 degrees block angle for the front leg, whereas the peak knee joint moment of the rear leg was greater (P < 0.01) in the 65 degrees block angle condition. The results suggest that the longer initial muscle-tendon lengths of the gastrocnemius and soleus in the block phase at the beginning of force production contribute to the greater peak ankle joint moment and power and consequently the greater block velocity during the sprint start.  相似文献   

区域紧逼防守中的以多防少教学训练步骤有准备阶段、基础训练阶段、建立战术概念阶段等;教学训练方法有追堵、堵中放边,原地2夹1封堵、前场追堵夹击、前场2夹1等。  相似文献   


This study investigated lower-limb kinematics to explain the techniques used to achieve high levels of sprint start performance. A cross-sectional design was used to examine relationships between specific technique variables and horizontal external power production during the block phase. Video data were collected (200 Hz) at the training sessions of 16 sprinters who ranged in 100 m personal best times from 9.98 to 11.6 s. Each sprinter performed three 30 m sprints and reliable (all intraclass correlation coefficients, ICC(2,3) ≥ 0.89) lower-limb kinematic data were obtained through manual digitising. The front leg joints extended in a proximal-to-distal pattern for 15 sprinters, and a moderate positive relationship existed between peak front hip angular velocity and block power (r = 0.49, 90% confidence limits = 0.08–0.76). In the rear leg, there was a high positive relationship between relative push duration and block power (r = 0.53, 90% confidence limits = 0.13–0.78). The rear hip appeared to be important; rear hip angle at block exit was highly related to block power (r = 0.60, 90% confidence limits = 0.23–0.82), and there were moderate positive relationships with block power for its range of motion and peak angular velocity (both r = 0.49, 90% confidence limits = 0.08–0.76). As increased block power production was not associated with any negative aspects of technique in the subsequent stance phase, sprinters should be encouraged to maximise extension at both hips during the block phase.  相似文献   

在新一代技术革命浪潮中,区块链的兴起为各行业领域带来全新变革机遇,运用文献资料、专家访谈和案例分析法对"区块链+全民健身公共服务"进行探讨。研究认为,区块链拥有的共识机制、数据存证、可追溯性、匿名性等技术特点优势,能够针对性地解决全民健身公共服务产品信息不对称、管理运行不完善、服务资源配置不透明、公民个人数据隐私保护不够等问题。基于此,提出运动健康数据银行的探索性理念,重点阐释其创新形式、架构和功能,并从制度、技术和市场层面解读全民健身公共服务区块链应用的落地掣肘。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine lower limb joint kinetics during the block and first stance phases in athletic sprinting. Ten male sprinters (100 m PB, 10.50 ± 0.27 s) performed maximal sprint starts from blocks. External force (1000 Hz) and three-dimensional kinematics (250 Hz) were recorded in both the block (utilising instrumented starting blocks) and subsequent first stance phases. Ankle, knee and hip resultant joint moment, power and work were calculated at the rear and front leg during the block phase and during first stance using inverse dynamics. Significantly (P < 0.05) greater peak moment, power and work were evident at the knee joint in the front block and during stance compared with the rear block. Ankle joint kinetic data significantly increased during stance compared with the front and rear block. The hip joint dominated leg extensor energy generation in the block phase (rear leg, 61 ± 10%; front leg, 64 ± 8%) but significantly reduced during stance (32 ± 9%), where the ankle contributed most (42 ± 6%). The current study provides novel insight into sprint start biomechanics and the contribution of the lower limb joints towards leg extensor energy generation.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the continuous ground reaction force (GRF) features which contribute to higher levels of block phase performance. Twenty-three sprint-trained athletes completed starts from their preferred settings during which GRFs were recorded separately under each block. Continuous features of the magnitude and direction of the resultant GRF signals which explained 90% of the variation between the sprinters were identified. Each sprinter’s coefficient score for these continuous features was then input to a linear regression model to predict block phase performance (normalised external power). Four significant (p < 0.05) predictor features associated with GRF magnitude were identified; there were none associated with GRF direction. A feature associated with greater rear block GRF magnitudes from the onset of the push was the most important predictor (β = 1.185), followed by greater front block GRF magnitudes for the final three-quarters of the push (β = 0.791). Features which included a later rear block exit (β = 0.254) and greater front leg GRF magnitudes during the mid-push phase (β = 0.224) were also significant predictors. Sprint practitioners are encouraged, where possible, to consider the continuous magnitude of the GRFs produced throughout the block phase in addition to selected discrete values.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between lower limb joint kinetics, external force production and starting block performance (normalised average horizontal power, NAHP). Seventeen male sprinters (100 m PB, 10.67 ± 0.32 s) performed maximal block starts from instrumented starting blocks (1000 Hz) whilst 3D kinematics (250 Hz) were also recorded during the block phase. Ankle, knee and hip resultant joint moment and power were calculated at the rear and front leg using inverse dynamics. Average horizontal force applied to the front (r = 0.46) and rear (r = 0.44) block explained 86% of the variance in NAHP. At the joint level, many “very likely” to “almost certain” relationships (r = 0.57 to 0.83) were found between joint kinetic data and the magnitude of horizontal force applied to each block although stepwise multiple regression revealed that 55% of the variance in NAHP was accounted for by rear ankle moment, front hip moment and front knee power. The current study provides novel insight into starting block performance and the relationships between lower limb joint kinetic and external kinetic data that can help inform physical and technical training practices for this skill.  相似文献   

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