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国家教育技术学生标准是美国国际教育技术协会与美国联邦教师培训和评鉴委员会、联邦教育部等教育组织和机构为培养适应时代发展需要的、能有效使用技术的学生而联合制定的指导性标准。它还提供了与标准类别相联系的K-12教育四个年级段的有技术素养学生的行为表现指标。以及帮助教师将技术的使用贯穿于课程教学中的个案。这些对于我国中小学信息技术教育的开展有重要的启示。  相似文献   

解决人类生存和发展面临的资源、环境、生态等重大的全球性问题有赖于地球科学的发展,地球科学的发展和研究的突破须靠地球科学家的创造性思维的发挥,而地球科学人才的培养有赖于教育的成功。  相似文献   

澳大利亚TAFE制度对中国职业院校管理和运行的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国要建设一流的完善的职业技术教育体系,必须创新国家职业技术管理体制,营造培养中高端技术人才的完善机制。需要国家有类似科技领导小组的协调机构——国家职业技术教育与培训领导小组,并下设类似国务院国有资产监督管理委员会的机构来统筹全国的职前职后的各级各类职业教育和培训工作,统一监督和管理职业教育的培训专项经费的使用。  相似文献   

中山大学地球科学系是中国最早创办的地质学教学和研究机构之一。在80多年的地质学教育历程中,地质学的专业发展经历波折,但在风雨中仍然坚持下来。改革开放30年来,地处改革开放前缘的中山大学地球科学系,坚持解放思想,在开放、务实的岭南文化浸润下,紧跟科学前沿,面向行业和社会需求,推动地质学科不断向前发展,建立起了学士、硕士和博士的完整培养体系,形成了“厚基础、宽口径、多方向”的复合型、应用型和创新型人才的分流培养模式,已成为全国综合性大学地质学高等教育的重要组成部分。依托广东雄厚的经济实力和强劲的社会需求,未来中山大学地球科学系的发展具有更光辉的前景。  相似文献   

20世纪末以来,以地球系统为代表的新的地学思维观与认知方法论和以数字地球为代表的地学新技术迅速改变了地球科学的内涵与外延,并对地学人才的知识结构与能力提出了新的要求。与此同时,地球科学作为大科学研究的舞台愈加宽阔,地质教育进入了一个新的发展阶段。成都理工大学始终坚持以科学发展观为统领,准确把握地球科学的发展与演变,不断深化教育教学改革,实现了高等地质教育又好又快的可持续发展。  相似文献   

传统地球科学正在加快向地球系统科学转变,这个趋势必将推动传统地质教育向地球系统科学教育转变。地球系统科学所具有的整体性和系统性、广度和深度、多样性和动态性决定了地球系统科学教育必须建构整体系统的知识体系,优化设计教育教学过程,突出强调创新人才培养。  相似文献   

与地方分权制的政治体制相适应,美国联邦教育部未设专门的教育督导机构,而是通过向州提供联邦主办的特别教育项目款项实施影响。美国教育督导采用业务指导型督导体制,督导职责分别由州、市或郡(县)、学区乃至学校来承担,联邦政府负责宏观调控与指导。在美国,各州都有一支由督导长领导的督学队伍,主要采取指导与服务相结合的督导方式,开展协助、培训及研究工作。美国的教育督导把督导重点放在教学指导和教育改进方面,即侧重于学校教育督导,又称为教育辅导。在学校督导中,把重点  相似文献   

据美国联邦教育部网站2012年10月9日消息.按照“国家部落教育伙伴关系计划”(STEP),美国联邦教育部10月5日宣布为部落教育机构(TEAS)增加200万美元的投入.用于改善印第安人和阿拉斯加土著学生的教育.以满足这些学生独特的教育文化需求.提高他们的学习成绩。  相似文献   

编者按:目前,地球科学教育正日益引起地球科学家和教育家的共同关注,在科学教育领域的地位越来越重要,地球科学的内容已经成为各国科学课程内容构成的重要组成部分。本研究着重于对国际和国内科学课程标准中地球科学相关课程标准展开研究,一方面对美国、澳大利亚、法国、加拿大、日本、韩国、英国和新加坡等8个国家的地球科学课程标准进行分析,从其地球科学课程设置、地球科学课程标准框架、理念、目标、内容、课程评价等多个维度进行研究;另一方面是对我国新课程改革后的课程标准中地球科学相关部分进行对比分析,通过各个国家与中国的比较,总结国际科学课程标准中存在的优点及可借鉴之处,同时发现我国科学课程开设目前存在的问题,并就我国地球科学教育内容体系的构建提出建议。  相似文献   

王思锦 《科学课》2014,(5):14-15
1983年,美国联邦教育部发布的研究报告《国家在危机中》掀起了一场科学教育改革。紧接着,1985年,美国科学促进协会(AAAS)开展了“2061计划”,研究21世纪所有美国学生在科学教育中应该知道什么、能做什么。陆续出版了两个重要文件:《面向全体美国人的科学》(1990年)和《科学素养的基准》(1993年),阐述了科学的本质、科学的重要性,提出了首席科学家、科学教师、科学教育家、科学史家、科学哲学家和关心科学教育的公民都应该参与科学教育的思想,为制定国家科学教育标准奠定了基础。1996年,美国国家研究理事会(NRC)研制的《国家科学教育标准》问世,倡导学生应该以探究的方式进行科学学习。本文试图从一次美国之行中听到、看到的三个科学课例入手,比较和分析中美科学课教学的异同。  相似文献   

Employees in technical firms, like garages, need more and more formations. Due to the very fast innovation in technology, lifelong learning is a real need for these labour forces. On the other hand, there are the needed formations very specialized and expensive. Another problem employers faced in these economical sectors in Western Europe is the lack of candidates. Also in secondary education schools, the wide interest for these formations is decreasing. One of the factors causes this problem is that schools don't have enough money for investing in new and high-tech machines. Therefore two interreg projects were submitted and approved for financing. Interreg is an initiative of the European Union meant for the permanent development of the "European Space". The third phase of interreg means enhancing the economic and social cohesion within the European Union. In this paper, we describe two successful projects, namely Autoweb and V@K, which try to help employers, employees, schools and students to keep up with the high-tech innovations with a workplace-based e-learning program.  相似文献   

Movement activities can be used to integrate with any other curriculum in childhood education. The movements can inspire the sense of rhythmic concepts for children. This study aims at investigating how children can be motivated and inspired rhythmically by body movement through Dalcroze approach. In this research, the author revealed how physical movements can motivate children's potential sense of rhythm and inspire children's interest of musical rhythmic concepts learning. The study was conducted with 1000 primary school 6th grade students from twenty primary schools in Taipei, Taiwan. These 1000 6th grade students have the same age, same music syllabus and have equally same music training at their schools. The 1000 students were divided into two equal groups, one having different activities of body movements at school, and the other without. The different activities included tapping, swinging, clapping, turning, and stamping simple rhythms. The experiments consisted two parts which were rhythm dictation and improvisational skills. All the participants were equally given the pre-test and post-test as evidences of progress of the experiment, and the researcher then compared with the differences of the two tests of the two groups before and after the experiment to see if there were any progress in their learning of musical rhythms. The study lasted 6 months and consisted of three stages: observation, comparison, and analysis. The author observed and compared the two groups of students, analyzed the results and found out that the two groups demonstrated obvious differences in their degree of progress on learning of musical rhythms.  相似文献   

Technological and vocational education has played a very important role in the development of Taiwan's economy. The purpose of this research is to examine the determinants of competitiveness with a focus on differences between public and private institutions in Taiwan's HTVE system. Determinants of internal and external factors were identified, and a competitiveness index was established. Results found that faculty teaching performance and completeness of curriculum design were the major determinants of internal factor. Financial support from government was the most influential determinant of public institutions in external factor, yet private institutions considered population growth rate was the most important one. Despite of top 3 institutions of both types, private universities seem possess relatively more competitive advantages than their public counterparts, and public colleges seem possess relatively more competitive advantages than their private competitors.  相似文献   

The inclusion of students with disabilities at the university is a relatively new occurrence in the field of special education. Although legislation in the United States has supported the acceptance of students with disabilities at the post-secondary level, it has only provided minimal support with the emphasis on the learner rather than the curriculum. Now we are looking for multiple ways for students to access learning and demonstrate mastery. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is currently seen as a means to reconceptionalize curriculum. This study examines the experience of four professors and their effort to use a Classroom Performance System (CPS) as part of reformatting their courses using UDL. The Center for Applied Special Technology, CAST (2001) states that the goal of Universal Design for Learning is to develop teaching methods that enable all students with diverse learning needs, including those with disabilities and cultural differences, to have equal access to classroom curriculum. This paradigm shift echoes the move in special education from a deficit model to a minority rights model put forward by Hahn (1989), and which is the basis of inclusive educational philosophy. Together inclusion and UDL create learning environments that strive to serve all students. This research describes the implementation of clickers as part of the CPS program in college courses in a special education teacher preparation program. The case study demonstrates how technology can provide access for all learners with positive outcomes such as increased participation and application of knowledge. It also illustrates some of the difficulties in making this pedagogical paradigm shift particularly in the use of technology, and the value of overcoming the existing barriers in place.  相似文献   

This is a writing story about trying to create just classroom assessment practices not excluding anybody and therefore an attempt to explore what an opening up to judgment, and in my view, what assessment focused on learning might mean and subsequently imply. Social justice and democracy is at stake. How to develop and improve our assessment literacy? How to develop trustworthy and good assessment systems? What are our tools and what methods can we use? Given a discussion about either summative or formative assessment and preferably both, this is primarily an attempt to think about principals before turning to instruments or starting with the beginning and beyond rather than the endpoint. I argue for keeping classroom assessment as an indefinite problem, a problem not to be solved or a term not to be understood once and for all. That will hopefully foster cultural pluralism and heterogeneity around the term: learning more, learning all, all learning. Ultimately this is about the linguistic conditions for change; but as a move from language to law and as aporetic thinking and through the pivoting but liberating effects of writing; a writing both positioning and giving direction. Through language and as a right to philosophy that is. It is about creating a heteroglossia of a fresh writing inscribed in, through and with otherness; "another logic" that is.  相似文献   

Use of concept cartoons as an assessment tool in physics education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are numerous studies in literature related to the use of cartoons in physics, chemistry and mathematics education. However the studies on the use of cartoons as an alternative assessment tool are highly limited. This study was concerned with the use of cartoons as an alternative assessment method. There were five cartoons prepared related to impulse, momentum, impulse-momentum equation, conservation of momentum and vector property of momentum. The study revealed that physics pre-service teachers failed to emphasize the fact that momentum is vector quantity. Also the fact that only 15% of the participants scored a full point for the caricature related to the conservation of momentum is an issue which should seriously be considered. This shows us that there are some problems in the application of the conservation of momentum to everyday examples.  相似文献   

NIER (National Institute of Educational Research, 2004) survey revealed that the most common attitude of Japanese high school students to mathematics is that "it is not useful in daily life but must be learnt for entrance examinations". It was also clarified that only 3.2 percent of mathematics teachers use computers in their classes. Therefore, a training system to improve teachers' professional competence through the design of lessons which will improve students' ability to solve problems in daily life was developed using ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in conjunction with mathematical thinking processes. The lAG (Instructional Activities Game) system developed by Matsuda (2004) was used to provide a platform for the execution of several game boards, which were designed to achieve different objectives for different conditions of teaching. Herein, the design of the STG (Simulate Teaching Game) game board and data sets of teaching materials and menu items for lesson plans are described, together with the means of elaborating the lAG system if new functions are required.  相似文献   

生物学史不仅体现了生命科学知识的形成过程,而且蕴涵着科学家的科学态度、科学精神,对于培养学生的生物学素养和人文素养都具有积极的教育意义.因此如何更好地挖掘生物学史的教育功能并正确运用是生物教学中应该探究的重要课题.  相似文献   

Nowadays, children do not have enough time in physical activity at schools. Educators and parents should be aware of this need that creative dance is the key provide children an appropriate way to exercise. On the other hand, children can express themselves freely and naturally through creative dance, which also improves children's health and increase their creative thinking. A person's body is the most important property to a person. They also learn to appreciate the beauty of dance and life. Allowing children to have the opportunity to learn creative dance may improve their creativity. Most children love to leap and jump. Through dance, children may have better self-expression and have better understanding.  相似文献   

成都理工大学针对新时期资源环境问题对地学人才知识结构与能力素质的新要求,提出并实践了"通专结合,三提一塑"的地学人才培养理念,通过构建通专结合的课程体系,提高了学生整合知识的能力,塑造了学生的优秀品格和人格魅力。构建"基于三大平台培养三种能力"的实践教学体系,提高学生发现和解决问题的能力。变封闭性、非国际性为开放性、国际化人才培养模式,提高学生国际交流与竞争的能力,为地学人才培养改革提供了可供参考的范例。  相似文献   

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